2025-03-01 21:56:57 -05:00
* <Short Description>
* Copyright (C) 2025 Brett Terpstra
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2025-03-04 16:17:16 -05:00
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
2025-03-05 01:55:14 -05:00
#include <blt/logging/ansi.h>
2025-03-01 21:56:57 -05:00
#include <blt/logging/logging.h>
2025-03-04 16:17:16 -05:00
#include <blt/std/assert.h>
2025-03-03 01:52:20 -05:00
#include <blt/std/utility.h>
2025-03-06 01:09:44 -05:00
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
2025-03-06 15:15:25 -05:00
#include <fstream>
2025-03-01 21:56:57 -05:00
2025-03-04 11:35:23 -05:00
struct some_silly_type_t
2025-03-05 01:55:14 -05:00
2025-03-04 11:35:23 -05:00
2025-03-04 16:17:16 -05:00
auto expected_str = std::string(R"(This is a println!
This is a println with args '42'
This is a println with multiple args '42' '32.342311859130859375' 'Hello World!'
This is a 'Well so am I except cooler :3' fmt string with positionals 'I am a string!'
This is a println with a sign +4120
This is a println with a sign -4120
This is a println with a space 4120
This is a println with a space -4120
This is a println with a minus 4120
This is a println with a minus -4120
This is a println with a with 4120
This is a println with a with leading zeros 0000004120
This is a println with a precision 42.2323423490
This is a println with hex 109a
This is a println with hex with leading 0x109a
This is a println with binary 0b00110010000110100101011000000000
This is a println with binary with space 0b10110010 00011010 01010110 00000000
This is a println with binary with space 10100010 00000000 00000000 00000000
This is a println with octal 015015
This is a println with hexfloat 0x1.926e978d4fdf4p+8
This is a println with exponent 4.4320902431999996e+07
This is a println with exponent 9.5324342340423400e+15
This is a println with general 953243.49
This is a println with general 9.532433240234033e+17
This is a println with a char B
This is a println with type some_silly_type_t
This is a println with boolean true
This is a println with boolean as int 0
This is a println with boolean as hex 0x1
This is a println with boolean as octal 1
This is a println with alignment left 64 end value
This is a println with alignment right 46 end value
2025-03-04 22:02:51 -05:00
This is a println with alignment left (fill) 46******** end value
2025-03-04 16:17:16 -05:00
This is a println with alignment right (fill) ********46 end value
2025-03-04 22:02:51 -05:00
This is a println with alignment right (fill with reserved character) ^^^^^^^^46 end value
This is a println with fill no alignment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%46 end value
This is a println with arg reference 46.02
This is a println with arg reference &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2025-03-04 16:17:16 -05:00
std::pair<bool, std::string> compare_strings(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2)
2025-03-05 01:55:14 -05:00
const auto size = std::min(s1.size(), s2.size());
size_t index = 0;
for (; index < size; ++index)
if (s1[index] != s2[index])
std::stringstream ss;
const auto i1 = std::max(static_cast<blt::i64>(index) - 32, 0l);
const auto l1 = std::min(static_cast<blt::i64>(size) - i1, 65l);
ss << "Strings differ at index " << index << "!\n";
ss << "'" << s1.substr(i1, l1) << "' vs '" << s2.substr(i1, l1) << "'" << std::endl;
return {false, ss.str()};
if (s1.size() != s2.size())
return {false, "Strings size do not match '" + std::to_string(s1.size()) + "' vs '" + std::to_string(s2.size()) + "'"};
return {true, ""};
2025-03-04 16:17:16 -05:00
2025-03-06 15:15:25 -05:00
struct seqbuf final : std::streambuf
seqbuf(std::streambuf* destBuf, std::size_t& charCount) : m_dest(destBuf), m_count(charCount)
int_type overflow(int_type ch) override
if (traits_type::eq_int_type(ch, traits_type::eof()))
return traits_type::eof();
blt::logging::println("We are printing a character {:c}", ch);
return m_dest->sputc(static_cast<char>(ch));
std::streamsize xsputn(const char* s, std::streamsize count) override
blt::logging::println("We are printing a series of characters {} {}", count, std::string_view{s, static_cast<size_t>(count)});
m_count += static_cast<std::size_t>(count);
return m_dest->sputn(s, count);
int_type underflow() override
return m_dest->sgetc();
int sync() override
return m_dest->pubsync();
std::streambuf* m_dest;
std::size_t& m_count;
2025-03-01 21:56:57 -05:00
int main()
2025-03-05 01:55:14 -05:00
std::stringstream ss;
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println!");
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with args '{}'", 42);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with multiple args '{}' '{:.100}' '{}'", 42, 32.34231233f, "Hello World!");
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a '{1}' fmt string with positionals '{0}'", "I am a string!", "Well so am I except cooler :3");
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a sign {:+}", 4120);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a sign {:+}", -4120);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a space {: }", 4120);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a space {: }", -4120);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a minus {:-}", 4120);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a minus {:-}", -4120);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a with {:10}", 4120);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a with leading zeros {:010}", 4120);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a precision {:.10f}", 42.232342349);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with hex {:.10x}", 4250);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with hex with leading {:#.10x}", 4250);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with binary {:#b}", 6969420);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with binary with space {: #b}", 6969421);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with binary with space {: b}", 69);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with octal {:#o}", 6669);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with hexfloat {:a}", 402.4320);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with exponent {:e}", 44320902.4320);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with exponent {:e}", 9532434234042340.0);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with general {:g}", 953243.49);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with general {:g}", 953243324023403240.49);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with a char {:c}", 66);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with type {:t}", some_silly_type_t{});
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with boolean {}", true);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with boolean as int {:d}", false);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with boolean as hex {:#x}", true);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with boolean as octal {:o}", true);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with alignment left {:<10} end value", 64);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with alignment right {:>10} end value", 46);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with alignment left (fill) {:*<10} end value", 46);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with alignment right (fill) {:*>10} end value", 46);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with alignment right (fill with reserved character) {:\\^>10} end value", 46);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with fill no alignment {:%20} end value", 46);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with arg reference {0:{1}.{2}f}", 46.0232, 20, 2);
blt::logging::println(ss, "This is a println with arg reference {0:&{1}}", "", 20);
auto [passed, error_msg] = compare_strings(expected_str, ss.str());
BLT_ASSERT_MSG(passed && "Logger logged string doesn't match precomputed expected string!", error_msg.c_str());
namespace ansi = blt::logging::ansi;
namespace color = ansi::color;
for (blt::u8 r = 0; r < 6; r++)
for (blt::u8 g = 0; g < 6; g++)
for (blt::u8 b = 0; b < 6; b++)
blt::logging::println("{}This is a println with a color {:#3x} {:#3x} {:#3x}{}",
build(fg(color::color256{r, g, b}), bg(color::color256{
static_cast<unsigned char>(5 - r),
static_cast<unsigned char>(5 - g),
static_cast<unsigned char>(5 - b)
})), r, g, b, build(color::color_mode::RESET_ALL));
blt::logging::println("{}This is a color now with background{}",
2025-03-06 15:15:25 -05:00
build(color::color_mode::BOLD, fg(color::color8::RED), color::color_mode::DIM, bg(color::color_rgb(0, 100, 255))),
2025-03-05 01:55:14 -05:00
2025-03-04 16:17:16 -05:00
2025-03-06 01:09:44 -05:00
2025-03-06 15:15:25 -05:00
std::ofstream os("test.txt");
size_t charCount = 0;
seqbuf hi{os.rdbuf(), charCount};
os << "This is a println with a stream" << std::endl;
os << "This is a mixed print " << 25 << " with multiple types " << 34.23340 << std::endl;
os << "What about just a new line character?\n";
blt::logging::println("Logged {} characters", charCount);
/*std::cout << "\033[2J";
2025-03-06 01:09:44 -05:00
constexpr int totalRows = 24;
2025-03-06 15:15:25 -05:00
// std::cout << "\033[1;" << (totalRows - 1) << "r";
std::cout << use_mode(ansi::mode::color80x25_text);
2025-03-06 01:09:44 -05:00
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
2025-03-06 15:15:25 -05:00
2025-03-06 01:09:44 -05:00
std::cout << "\033[1;1H";
std::cout << "printed line " << i << std::endl;
std::cout << "\033[" << totalRows << ";1H";
std::cout << "[----status----]" << std::flush;
2025-03-06 15:15:25 -05:00
std::cout << "\033[r";*/
2025-03-06 01:09:44 -05:00
2025-03-05 01:55:14 -05:00
// blt::logging::println("This is println {}\twith a std::endl in the middle of it");
2025-03-03 01:52:20 -05:00