i think all the old logging is replaced

Brett 2025-03-10 00:29:20 -04:00
parent deacad5358
commit 78a4ad9f39
11 changed files with 245 additions and 243 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
set(BLT_VERSION 5.2.6)
set(BLT_VERSION 5.2.7)

View File

@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ namespace blt::nbt {
auto& tag = t[i];
T t;
if (tag->getType() != t.getType()) {
BLT_WARN("Expected tag of type %d but got tag of type %d", (char)t.getType(), (char)tag->getType());
BLT_WARN("Expected tag of type {:d} but got tag of type {:d}", (char)t.getType(), (char)tag->getType());
throw std::runtime_error("Requested Tag does not match stored type!");
return dynamic_cast<T*>(tag);
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ namespace blt::nbt {
auto& tag = t[name];
T t;
if (tag->getType() != t.getType()) {
BLT_WARN("Expected tag of type %d but got tag of type %d", (char)t.getType(), (char)tag->getType());
BLT_WARN("Expected tag of type {:d} but got tag of type {:d}", (char)t.getType(), (char)tag->getType());
throw std::runtime_error("Requested Tag does not match stored type!");
return dynamic_cast<T*>(tag);
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ namespace blt::nbt {
auto& tag = root->get()[name];
T t;
if (tag->getType() != t.getType()) {
BLT_WARN("Expected tag of type %d but got tag of type %d", (char)t.getType(), (char)tag->getType());
BLT_WARN("Expected tag of type {:d} but got tag of type {:d}", (char)t.getType(), (char)tag->getType());
throw std::runtime_error("Requested Tag does not match stored type!");
return dynamic_cast<T*>(tag);

View File

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ namespace blt
inline void allocate_block()
//BLT_INFO("Allocating a new block of size %d", BLOCK_SIZE);
//BLT_INFO("Allocating a new block of size {:d}", BLOCK_SIZE);
auto* blk = new block_storage();
blk->data = static_cast<pointer>(malloc(sizeof(T) * BLOCK_SIZE));
@ -572,13 +572,13 @@ namespace blt
if constexpr (WARN_ON_FAIL)
if (((size_t) buffer & (HUGE_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) != 0)
BLT_ERROR("Pointer is not aligned! %p", buffer);
BLT_ERROR("Pointer is not aligned! {:#x}", buffer);
auto* ptr = static_cast<void*>(buffer);
auto ptr_size = reinterpret_cast<blt::size_t>(ptr);
buffer = static_cast<T*>(std::align(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, ptr, bytes));
if constexpr (WARN_ON_FAIL)
BLT_ERROR("Offset by %ld pages, resulting: %p", (reinterpret_cast<blt::size_t>(buffer) - ptr_size) / 4096, buffer);
BLT_ERROR("Offset by {} pages, resulting: {:#x}", (reinterpret_cast<blt::size_t>(buffer) - ptr_size) / 4096, buffer);
return buffer;
@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ namespace blt
// if (deletes.contains(p))
// {
// BLT_FATAL("pointer %p has already been freed", p);
// BLT_FATAL("pointer {:#x} has already been freed", p);
// throw std::bad_alloc();
// }else
// deletes.insert(static_cast<void*>(p));
@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ namespace blt
if (blk->metadata.allocated_objects == 0)
//BLT_INFO("Deallocating block from %p in (1) %p current head %p, based: %p", p, blk, head, base);
//BLT_INFO("Deallocating block from {:#x} in (1) {:#x} current head {:#x}, based: {:#x}", p, blk, head, base);
if (blk == base)
base = base->metadata.next;
@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ namespace blt
else if (blk->metadata.prev != nullptr) // finally if it wasn't the head we need to bridge the gap in the list
blk->metadata.prev->metadata.next = blk->metadata.next;
//BLT_INFO("Deallocating block from %p in (2) %p current head %p, based: %p", p, blk, head, base);
//BLT_INFO("Deallocating block from {:#x} in (2) {:#x} current head {:#x}, based: {:#x}", p, blk, head, base);

View File

@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ std::string blt::fs::getFile(std::string_view path)
file_contents = file_stream.str();
} catch (std::ifstream::failure& e)
BLT_WARN("Unable to read file '%s'!\n", std::string(path).c_str());
BLT_WARN("Exception: %s", e.what());
BLT_WARN("Unable to read file '{}'!\n", std::string(path).c_str());
BLT_WARN("Exception: {}", e.what());
BLT_THROW(std::runtime_error("Failed to read file!\n"));
return file_contents;

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace blt::nbt {
char t;
reader.read(&t, 1);
if (t != (char)nbt_tag::COMPOUND) {
BLT_WARN("Found %d", t);
BLT_WARN("Found {:d}", t);
throw std::runtime_error("Incorrectly formatted NBT data! Root tag must be a compound tag!");
root = new tag_compound;

View File

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ namespace blt
std::cout << getProgramName() << ": error: flag '" << flag << "' expected " << properties.a_nargs.args
<< " argument(s) but found '" << tokenizer.get() << "' instead!\n";
//BLT_WARN("Expected %d arguments, found flag instead!", properties.a_nargs.args);
//BLT_WARN("Expected {:d} arguments, found flag instead!", properties.a_nargs.args);
return false;
// get the value and advance

View File

@ -30,226 +30,227 @@
namespace blt::parse
class char_tokenizer
std::string_view string;
std::size_t current_pos = 0;
explicit char_tokenizer(std::string_view view): string(view)
inline char advance()
return string[current_pos++];
inline bool has_next(size_t offset = 0)
return current_pos + offset < string.size();
inline std::string_view read_fully()
return blt::string::trim(string.substr(current_pos));
template<typename T = float>
T get(std::string_view str)
T x;
// TODO: GCC version. C++17 supports from_chars but GCC8.5 doesn't have floating point.
#if __cplusplus >= BLT_CPP20
class char_tokenizer
std::string_view string;
std::size_t current_pos = 0;
explicit char_tokenizer(std::string_view view): string(view)
inline char advance()
return string[current_pos++];
inline bool has_next(size_t offset = 0)
return current_pos + offset < string.size();
inline std::string_view read_fully()
return blt::string::trim(string.substr(current_pos));
template <typename T = float>
T get(std::string_view str)
T x;
// TODO: GCC version. C++17 supports from_chars but GCC8.5 doesn't have floating point.
#if __cplusplus >= BLT_CPP20
const auto [ptr, ec] = std::from_chars(str.data(), str.data() + str.size(), x);
auto ec = std::errc();
if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<T>)
x = static_cast<T>(std::stod(std::string(str)));
} else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>)
x = static_cast<T>(std::stoll(std::string(str)));
} else
"You are using a c++ version which does not support the required std::from_chars, manual conversion has failed to find a type!");
// probably not needed.
if (ec != std::errc())
// int i;
// const auto [ptr2, ec2] = std::from_chars(str.data(), str.data() + str.size(), i);
// if (ec2 == std::errc())
// {
// x = static_cast<float>(i);
// } else
// {
BLT_WARN("Unable to parse string '%s' into number!", std::string(str).c_str());
x = 0;
// }
return x;
void obj_loader::parse_vertex_line(char_tokenizer& tokenizer)
char type = tokenizer.advance();
if (type == 'p')
BLT_WARN("Unexpected type '%c' (not supported)", type);
auto elements = string::split(tokenizer.read_fully(), " ");
BLT_ASSERT(elements.size() >= 2 && "Current line doesn't have enough arguments to process!");
float x = get(elements[0]), y = get(elements[1]);
BLT_DEBUG("Loaded value of ({}, {})", x, y);
if (elements.size() < 3)
if (type == 't')
uvs.push_back(uv_t{x, y});
BLT_ERROR("Unable to parse line '{}' type '{:c}' not recognized for arg count", tokenizer.read_fully(), type);
} else
float z = get(elements[2]);
BLT_DEBUG(" with z: {}", z);
if (!handle_vertex_and_normals(x, y, z, type))
BLT_ERROR("Unable to parse line '{}' type '{:c}' not recognized", tokenizer.read_fully(), type);
bool obj_loader::handle_vertex_and_normals(float x, float y, float z, char type)
if (std::isspace(type))
vertices.push_back(vertex_t{x, y, z});
} else if (type == 'n')
normals.push_back(normal_t{x, y, z});
} else
return false;
return true;
obj_model_t quick_load(std::string_view file)
return obj_loader().parseFile(file);
obj_model_t obj_loader::parseFile(std::string_view file)
auto lines = blt::fs::getLinesFromFile(std::string(file));
for (const auto& [index, line] : blt::enumerate(lines))
current_line = index;
char_tokenizer token(line);
if (!token.has_next() || token.read_fully().empty())
switch (token.advance())
case '#':
case 'f':
case 'v':
case 'o':
BLT_TRACE("Setting object '%s'", std::string(current_object.object_name).c_str());
case 'm':
while (token.has_next() && token.advance() != ' ')
BLT_WARN("Material '%s' needs to be loaded!", std::string(token.read_fully()).c_str());
case 'u':
if (!current_object.indices.empty())
current_object = {};
while (token.has_next() && token.advance() != ' ')
current_object.material = token.read_fully();
//BLT_WARN("Using material '%s'", std::string(token.read_fully()).c_str());
case 's':
//BLT_WARN("Using shading: %s", std::string(token.read_fully()).c_str());
return {std::move(vertex_data), std::move(data), std::move(materials)};
void obj_loader::parse_face(char_tokenizer& tokenizer)
auto faces = blt::string::split(std::string(tokenizer.read_fully()), ' ');
if (faces.size() == 3)
triangle_t triangle{};
handle_face_vertex(faces, triangle.v);
} else if (faces.size() == 4)
quad_t quad{};
handle_face_vertex(faces, quad.v);
triangle_t t1{};
triangle_t t2{};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
t1.v[i] = quad.v[i];
t2.v[0] = quad.v[0];
t2.v[1] = quad.v[2];
t2.v[2] = quad.v[3];
} else
BLT_WARN("Unsupported face vertex count of %d on line %d!", faces.size(), current_line);
void obj_loader::handle_face_vertex(const std::vector<std::string>& face_list, int32_t* arr)
for (const auto& [e_index, value] : blt::enumerate(face_list))
auto indices = blt::string::split(value, '/');
BLT_ASSERT(indices.size() == 3 && "Must have vertex, uv, and normal indices!!");
auto vi = get<std::int32_t>(indices[0]) - 1;
auto ui = get<std::int32_t>(indices[1]) - 1;
auto ni = get<std::int32_t>(indices[2]) - 1;
BLT_DEBUG("Found vertex: %d, UV: %d, and normal: %d", vi, ui, ni);
face_t face{vi, ui, ni};
auto loc = vertex_map.find(face);
if (loc == vertex_map.end())
auto index = static_cast<std::int32_t>(vertex_data.size());
vertex_data.push_back({vertices[vi], uvs[ui], normals[ni]});
BLT_DEBUG("Vertex: (%f, %f, %f), UV: (%f, %f), Normal: (%f, %f, %f)", vertices[vi].x(), vertices[vi].y(), vertices[vi].z(),
uvs[ui].x(), uvs[ui].y(), normals[ni].x(), normals[ni].y(), normals[ni].z());
vertex_map.insert({face, index});
arr[e_index] = index;
} else
BLT_TRACE("Using cached data; %d; map size: %d", loc->second, vertex_data.size());
//const auto& d = vertex_data[loc->second];
BLT_TRACE("Vertex: (%f, %f, %f), UV: (%f, %f), Normal: (%f, %f, %f)", d.vertex.x(), d.vertex.y(), d.vertex.z(),
d.uv.x(), d.uv.y(), d.normal.x(), d.normal.y(), d.normal.z());
arr[e_index] = loc->second;
auto ec = std::errc();
if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<T>)
x = static_cast<T>(std::stod(std::string(str)));
} else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>)
x = static_cast<T>(std::stoll(std::string(str)));
} else
"You are using a c++ version which does not support the required std::from_chars, manual conversion has failed to find a type!");
// probably not needed.
if (ec != std::errc())
// int i;
// const auto [ptr2, ec2] = std::from_chars(str.data(), str.data() + str.size(), i);
// if (ec2 == std::errc())
// {
// x = static_cast<float>(i);
// } else
// {
BLT_WARN("Unable to parse string '{}' into number!", std::string(str).c_str());
x = 0;
// }
return x;
void obj_loader::parse_vertex_line(char_tokenizer& tokenizer)
char type = tokenizer.advance();
if (type == 'p')
BLT_WARN("Unexpected type '{:c}' (not supported)", type);
auto elements = string::split(tokenizer.read_fully(), " ");
BLT_ASSERT(elements.size() >= 2 && "Current line doesn't have enough arguments to process!");
float x = get(elements[0]), y = get(elements[1]);
BLT_DEBUG("Loaded value of ({}, {})", x, y);
if (elements.size() < 3)
if (type == 't')
uvs.push_back(uv_t{x, y});
BLT_ERROR("Unable to parse line '{}' type '{:c}' not recognized for arg count", tokenizer.read_fully(), type);
} else
float z = get(elements[2]);
BLT_DEBUG(" with z: {}", z);
if (!handle_vertex_and_normals(x, y, z, type))
BLT_ERROR("Unable to parse line '{}' type '{:c}' not recognized", tokenizer.read_fully(), type);
bool obj_loader::handle_vertex_and_normals(float x, float y, float z, char type)
if (std::isspace(type))
vertices.push_back(vertex_t{x, y, z});
} else if (type == 'n')
normals.push_back(normal_t{x, y, z});
} else
return false;
return true;
obj_model_t quick_load(std::string_view file)
return obj_loader().parseFile(file);
obj_model_t obj_loader::parseFile(std::string_view file)
auto lines = blt::fs::getLinesFromFile(std::string(file));
for (const auto& [index, line] : blt::enumerate(lines))
current_line = index;
char_tokenizer token(line);
if (!token.has_next() || token.read_fully().empty())
switch (token.advance())
case '#':
case 'f':
case 'v':
case 'o':
BLT_TRACE("Setting object '{}'", std::string(current_object.object_name).c_str());
case 'm':
while (token.has_next() && token.advance() != ' ')
BLT_WARN("Material '{}' needs to be loaded!", std::string(token.read_fully()).c_str());
case 'u':
if (!current_object.indices.empty())
current_object = {};
while (token.has_next() && token.advance() != ' ')
current_object.material = token.read_fully();
//BLT_WARN("Using material '{}'", std::string(token.read_fully()).c_str());
case 's':
//BLT_WARN("Using shading: {}", std::string(token.read_fully()).c_str());
return {std::move(vertex_data), std::move(data), std::move(materials)};
void obj_loader::parse_face(char_tokenizer& tokenizer)
auto faces = blt::string::split(std::string(tokenizer.read_fully()), ' ');
if (faces.size() == 3)
triangle_t triangle{};
handle_face_vertex(faces, triangle.v);
} else if (faces.size() == 4)
quad_t quad{};
handle_face_vertex(faces, quad.v);
triangle_t t1{};
triangle_t t2{};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
t1.v[i] = quad.v[i];
t2.v[0] = quad.v[0];
t2.v[1] = quad.v[2];
t2.v[2] = quad.v[3];
} else
BLT_WARN("Unsupported face vertex count of {:d} on line {:d}!", faces.size(), current_line);
void obj_loader::handle_face_vertex(const std::vector<std::string>& face_list, int32_t* arr)
for (const auto& [e_index, value] : blt::enumerate(face_list))
auto indices = blt::string::split(value, '/');
BLT_ASSERT(indices.size() == 3 && "Must have vertex, uv, and normal indices!!");
auto vi = get<std::int32_t>(indices[0]) - 1;
auto ui = get<std::int32_t>(indices[1]) - 1;
auto ni = get<std::int32_t>(indices[2]) - 1;
BLT_DEBUG("Found vertex: {:d}, UV: {:d}, and normal: {:d}", vi, ui, ni);
face_t face{vi, ui, ni};
auto loc = vertex_map.find(face);
if (loc == vertex_map.end())
auto index = static_cast<std::int32_t>(vertex_data.size());
vertex_data.push_back({vertices[vi], uvs[ui], normals[ni]});
BLT_DEBUG("Vertex: ({.4f}, {.4f}, {.4f}), UV: ({.4f}, {.4f}), Normal: ({.4f}, {.4f}, {:.4f})", vertices[vi].x(), vertices[vi].y(),
vertices[vi].z(), uvs[ui].x(), uvs[ui].y(), normals[ni].x(), normals[ni].y(), normals[ni].z());
vertex_map.insert({face, index});
arr[e_index] = index;
} else
BLT_TRACE("Using cached data; {:d}; map size: {:d}", loc->second, vertex_data.size());
//const auto& d = vertex_data[loc->second];
BLT_TRACE("Vertex: ({.4f}, {.4f}, {.4f}), UV: ({.4f}, {.4f}), Normal: ({.4f}, {.4f}, {:.4f})", d.vertex.x(), d.vertex.y(),
d.vertex.z(), d.uv.x(), d.uv.y(), d.normal.x(), d.normal.y(), d.normal.z());
arr[e_index] = loc->second;

View File

@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ namespace blt
values.push_back(b1 ^ b2);
BLT_WARN("Unexpected token '%s'", std::string(next.token).c_str());
BLT_WARN("Unexpected token '{}'", std::string(next.token).c_str());
return blt::unexpected(template_parser_failure_t::BOOL_TYPE_NOT_FOUND);

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace blt
BLT_ERROR("An exception '%s' has occurred in file '%s:%d'", what, path, line);
BLT_ERROR("An exception '{}' has occurred in file '{}:{:d}'", what, path, line);
BLT_ERROR("Stack Trace:");
printStacktrace(messages, size, path, line);
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ namespace blt
BLT_ERROR("The assertion '%s' has failed in file '%s:%d'", expression, path, line);
BLT_ERROR("The assertion '{}' has failed in file '{}:{:d}'", expression, path, line);
if (msg != nullptr)
BLT_ERROR("Stack Trace:");
@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ namespace blt
BLT_FATAL("----{BLT ABORT}----");
BLT_FATAL("\tWhat: %s", what);
BLT_FATAL("\tCalled from %s:%d", path, line);
BLT_FATAL("\tWhat: {}", what);
BLT_FATAL("\tCalled from {}:{:d}", path, line);
printStacktrace(messages, size, path, line);

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ namespace blt
if (GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(),
&starttime, &exittime, &kerneltime, &usertime) == 0)
BLT_WARN("Unable to get process resource usage, error: %d", GetLastError());
BLT_WARN("Unable to get process resource usage, error: {:d}", GetLastError());
return {};
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace blt
if (getrusage(who, (struct rusage*) &usage) != 0)
BLT_ERROR("Failed to get rusage %d", errno);
BLT_ERROR("Failed to get rusage {:d}", errno);
return {};

View File

@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ int main()
BLT_WARN("This is a warning!");
BLT_ERROR("This is an error!");
BLT_FATAL("This is a fatal error!");
BLT_TRACE("This is a pointer {:f}", &charCount);
/*std::cout << "\033[2J";
constexpr int totalRows = 24;