profiler_v2 is WIP. seems to work but isn't fully tested

Brett 2023-10-04 01:39:43 -04:00
parent 4486edee60
commit fd3eb73008
2 changed files with 280 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -12,41 +12,117 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <blt/std/hashmap.h>
#include <blt/std/logging.h>
namespace blt
// use the historical values (average) instead of the latest values
static inline constexpr std::uint32_t PRINT_HISTORY = 0x1;
// print out the cycles
static inline constexpr std::uint32_t PRINT_CYCLES = 0x2;
// print out the wall time
static inline constexpr std::uint32_t PRINT_WALL = 0x4;
// print out the thread CPU time
static inline constexpr std::uint32_t PRINT_THREAD = 0x8;
enum class sort_by
// 32 bit currently not supported
typedef std::int64_t pf_time_t;
typedef std::uint64_t pf_cycle_t;
struct interval_t
pf_time_t start = 0;
pf_time_t end = 0;
pf_time_t total = 0;
pf_time_t count = 0;
pf_time_t wall_start = 0;
pf_time_t wall_end = 0;
pf_time_t wall_total = 0;
pf_time_t thread_start = 0;
pf_time_t thread_end = 0;
pf_time_t thread_total = 0;
pf_cycle_t cycles_start = 0;
pf_cycle_t cycles_end = 0;
pf_cycle_t cycles_total = 0;
std::uint64_t count = 0;
std::string interval_name;
struct cycle_interval_t
pf_cycle_t cycles_start = 0;
pf_cycle_t cycles_end = 0;
pf_cycle_t cycles_total = 0;
std::uint64_t count = 0;
std::string interval_name;
struct profile_t
std::vector<interval_t> intervals;
std::vector<interval_t*> intervals;
std::vector<cycle_interval_t*> cycle_intervals;
std::string name;
explicit profile_t(std::string name): name(std::move(name))
profile_t(const profile_t& p) = delete;
profile_t& operator=(const profile_t& p) = delete;
void startInterval(interval_t& interval);
interval_t* createInterval(profile_t& profiler, std::string interval_name);
void startInterval(interval_t* interval);
void endInterval(profile_t& profiler, interval_t& interval);
void endInterval(interval_t* interval);
void printProfile(const profile_t& profiler);
void printProfile(profile_t& profiler, std::uint32_t flags = PRINT_HISTORY | PRINT_CYCLES | PRINT_THREAD | PRINT_WALL,
sort_by sort = sort_by::CYCLES, blt::logging::log_level log_level = blt::logging::log_level::NONE);
void writeProfile(std::ifstream& stream, const profile_t& profiler);
void clearProfile(profile_t& profiler);
namespace _internal
void startInterval(const std::string& profile_name, const std::string& interval_name);
void endInterval(const std::string& profile_name, const std::string& interval_name);
void printProfile(const std::string& profile_name);
void writeProfile(const std::string& profile_name);
class auto_interval
interval_t* iv;
auto_interval(std::string interval_name, profile_t& profiler)
iv = blt::createInterval(profiler, std::move(interval_name));
auto_interval(const auto_interval& i) = delete;
auto_interval& operator=(const auto_interval& i) = delete;
#endif //BLT_PROFILER_V2_H

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@ -4,8 +4,204 @@
* See LICENSE file for license detail
#include <blt/profiling/profiler_v2.h>
#include <blt/std/time.h>
#include <blt/std/system.h>
#include <blt/std/format.h>
#include <functional>
namespace blt
[&use_history](const interval_t* a, const interval_t* b) -> bool { \
if (use_history){ \
auto a_diff = a->TYPE_END - a->TYPE_START; \
auto b_diff = b->TYPE_END - b->TYPE_START; \
return a_diff > b_diff; \
} else { \
return a->TYPE_TOTAL > b->TYPE_TOTAL; \
} \
#define INTERVAL_DIFFERENCE_MACRO(printHistory, interval) \
auto wall = printHistory \
? (static_cast<double>(interval->wall_total) / static_cast<double>(interval->count)) \
: static_cast<double>(interval->wall_end - interval->wall_start); \
auto thread = printHistory \
? (static_cast<double>(interval->thread_total) / static_cast<double>(interval->count)) \
: static_cast<double>(interval->thread_end - interval->thread_start); \
auto cycles = printHistory \
? (static_cast<double>(interval->cycles_total) / static_cast<double>(interval->count)) \
: static_cast<double>(interval->cycles_end - interval->cycles_start);
enum class unit
struct unit_container
unit thread;
unit wall;
interval_t* createInterval(profile_t& profiler, std::string interval_name)
auto interval = new interval_t(
blt::system::getCurrentTimeNanoseconds(), 0, 0,
blt::system::getCPUThreadTime(), 0, 0,
blt::system::rdtsc(), 0, 0,
0, std::move(interval_name));
return interval;
void startInterval(interval_t* interval)
interval->wall_start = blt::system::getCurrentTimeNanoseconds();
interval->thread_start = blt::system::getCPUThreadTime();
interval->cycles_start = blt::system::rdtsc();
void endInterval(interval_t* interval)
interval->cycles_end = blt::system::rdtsc();
interval->wall_end = blt::system::getCurrentTimeNanoseconds();
interval->thread_end = blt::system::getCPUThreadTime();
interval->cycles_total += interval->cycles_end - interval->cycles_start;
interval->wall_total += interval->wall_end - interval->wall_start;
interval->thread_total += interval->thread_end - interval->thread_start;
void clearProfile(profile_t& profiler)
for (auto* p : profiler.intervals)
delete p;
for (auto* p : profiler.cycle_intervals)
delete p;
void writeProfile(std::ifstream&, const profile_t&)
BLT_WARN("Write profile for V2 is currently a TODO");
void sort_intervals(std::vector<interval_t*>& intervals, sort_by sort, bool use_history)
std::function<bool(const interval_t* a, const interval_t* b)> sort_func;
switch (sort)
case sort_by::CYCLES:
sort_func = SORT_INTERVALS_FUNC_MACRO(use_history, cycles_start, cycles_end, cycles_total);
case sort_by::WALL:
sort_func = SORT_INTERVALS_FUNC_MACRO(use_history, wall_start, wall_end, wall_total);
case sort_by::THREAD:
sort_func = SORT_INTERVALS_FUNC_MACRO(use_history, thread_start, thread_end, thread_total);
std::sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), sort_func);
unit_container determine_max_unit(const std::vector<interval_t*>& intervals, bool use_history)
// start at lowest unit
unit_container container{unit::NS, unit::NS};
// last one will always be the longest, at least according to the sort order
// which should at least be close.
auto interval = intervals[intervals.size() - 1];
INTERVAL_DIFFERENCE_MACRO(use_history, interval);
// make sure is in range + that we don't convert Seconds back to MS
// we want to use the largest unit possible to keep the numbers small
// we might run into a case where something took 1000ns but other thing took 100s
// which would be hard to deal with either way. So TODO
if (wall > 1e5 && wall <= 1e8 && container.wall == unit::NS)
container.wall = unit::MS;
else if (wall > 1e8)
container.wall = unit::S;
if (thread > 1e5 && thread <= 1e8 && container.thread == unit::NS)
container.thread = unit::MS;
else if (thread > 1e8)
container.thread = unit::S;
return container;
inline void println(const std::vector<std::string>&& lines, logging::log_level level) {
for (const auto& line : lines)
BLT_LOG_STREAM(level) << line << "\n";
void printProfile(profile_t& profiler, std::uint32_t flags, sort_by sort, blt::logging::log_level log_level)
bool printHistory = flags & PRINT_HISTORY;
bool printCycles = flags & PRINT_CYCLES;
bool printThread = flags & PRINT_THREAD;
bool printWall = flags & PRINT_WALL;
sort_intervals(profiler.intervals, sort, printHistory);
auto units = determine_max_unit(profiler.intervals, printHistory);
std::string thread_unit_string = units.thread == unit::MS ? "ms" : units.thread == unit::NS ? "ns" : "s";
std::string wall_unit_string = units.wall == unit::MS ? "ms" : units.wall == unit::NS ? "ns" : "s";
auto thread_unit_divide = units.thread == unit::MS ? 1e6 : units.thread == unit::NS ? 1 : 1e9;
auto wall_unit_divide = units.wall == unit::MS ? 1e6 : units.wall == unit::NS ? 1 : 1e9;
string::TableFormatter formatter{};
if (printHistory)
if (printCycles)
if (printThread)
formatter.addColumn({"CPU Time (" + thread_unit_string += ")"});
if (printWall)
formatter.addColumn({"Wall Time (" + wall_unit_string += ")"});
for (size_t i = 0; i < profiler.intervals.size(); i++)
blt::string::TableRow row;
auto interval = profiler.intervals[i];
if (interval->count == 0)
INTERVAL_DIFFERENCE_MACRO(printHistory, interval);
row.rowValues.push_back(std::to_string(i + 1));
if (printHistory)
if (printCycles)
if (printThread)
row.rowValues.push_back(std::to_string(thread / static_cast<double>(thread_unit_divide)));
if (printWall)
row.rowValues.push_back(std::to_string(wall / static_cast<double>(wall_unit_divide)));
println(formatter.createTable(true, true), log_level);
for (auto* p : intervals)
delete p;
for (auto* p : cycle_intervals)
delete p;