/* * * Copyright (C) 2025 Brett Terpstra * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include namespace blt::argparse { namespace detail { // Unit Tests for class argument_string_t // Test Case 1: Ensure the constructor handles flags correctly void test_argument_string_t_flag_basic(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("-f", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(arg.is_flag() && "Expected argument to be identified as a flag."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value() == "f" && "Flag value should match the input string."); } // Test Case 2: Ensure the constructor handles long flags correctly void test_argument_string_t_long_flag(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("--file", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(arg.is_flag() && "Expected argument to be identified as a flag."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value() == "file" && "Long flag value should match the input string."); } // Test Case 3: Ensure positional arguments are correctly identified void test_argument_string_t_positional_argument(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("filename.txt", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(!arg.is_flag() && "Expected argument to be identified as positional."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value() == "filename.txt" && "Positional argument value should match the input string."); } // Test Case 5: Handle an empty string void test_argument_string_t_empty_input(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(!arg.is_flag() && "Expected an empty input to be treated as positional, not a flag."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value().empty() && "Empty input should have an empty value."); } // Test Case 6: Handle edge case of a single hyphen (`-`) which might be ambiguous void test_argument_string_t_single_hyphen(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("-", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(arg.is_flag() && "Expected single hyphen (`-`) to be treated as a flag."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value().empty() && "Single hyphen flag should have empty value."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.get_flag() == "-" && "Single hyphen flag should match the input string."); } // Test Case 8: Handle arguments with prefix only (like "--") void test_argument_string_t_double_hyphen(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("--", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(arg.is_flag() && "Double hyphen ('--') should be treated as a flag."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value().empty() && "Double hyphen flag should have empty value."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.get_flag() == "--" && "Double hyphen value should match the input string."); } // Test Case 9: Validate edge case of an argument with spaces void test_argument_string_t_with_spaces(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg(" ", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(!arg.is_flag() && "Arguments with spaces should not be treated as flags."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value() == " " && "Arguments with spaces should match the input string."); } // Test Case 10: Validate arguments with numeric characters void test_argument_string_t_numeric_flag(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("-123", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(arg.is_flag() && "Numeric flags should still be treated as flags."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value() == "123" && "Numeric flag value should match the input string."); } // Test Case 11: Ensure the constructor handles '+' flag correctly void test_argument_string_t_plus_flag_basic(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("+f", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(arg.is_flag() && "Expected argument to be identified as a flag."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value() == "f" && "Plus flag value should match the input string."); } // Test Case 13: Handle edge case of a single plus (`+`) which might be ambiguous void test_argument_string_t_single_plus(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("+", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(arg.is_flag() && "Expected single plus (`+`) to be treated as a flag."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value().empty() && "Single plus flag should have empty value."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.get_flag() == "+" && "Single plus flag should match the input string."); } // Test Case 14: Handle arguments with prefix only (like '++') void test_argument_string_t_double_plus(const hashset_t& prefixes) { const argument_string_t arg("++", prefixes); BLT_ASSERT(arg.is_flag() && "Double plus ('++') should be treated as a flag."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.value().empty() && "Double plus flag should have empty value."); BLT_ASSERT(arg.get_flag() == "++" && "Double plus value should match the input string."); } void run_all_tests_argument_string_t() { const hashset_t prefixes = {'-', '+'}; test_argument_string_t_flag_basic(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_long_flag(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_positional_argument(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_empty_input(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_single_hyphen(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_double_hyphen(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_with_spaces(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_numeric_flag(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_plus_flag_basic(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_single_plus(prefixes); test_argument_string_t_double_plus(prefixes); } void test() { run_all_tests_argument_string_t(); } [[nodiscard]] std::string subparse_error::error_string() const { std::string message = "Subparser Error: "; message += m_found_string; message += " is not a valid command. Allowed commands are: {"; for (const auto [i, allowed_string] : enumerate(m_allowed_strings)) { if (allowed_string.size() > 1) message += '['; for (const auto [j, alias] : enumerate(allowed_string)) { message += alias; if (j < alias.size() - 2) message += ", "; else if (j < alias.size()) message += ", or "; } if (allowed_string.size() > 1) message += ']'; if (i != m_allowed_strings.size() - 1) message += ' '; } message += "}"; return message; } } argument_subparser_t& argument_parser_t::add_subparser(const std::string_view dest) { m_subparsers.emplace_back(dest, argument_subparser_t{*this}); return m_subparsers.back().second; } argument_storage_t argument_parser_t::parse(argument_consumer_t& consumer) { hashset_t found_flags; hashset_t found_positional; argument_storage_t parsed_args; // first, we consume flags which may be part of this parser while (consumer.can_consume() && consumer.peek().is_flag()) { const auto key = consumer.consume(); const auto flag = m_flag_arguments.find(key.get_argument()); if (flag == m_flag_arguments.end()) { std::cerr << "Error: Unknown flag: " << key.get_argument() << std::endl; exit(1); } found_flags.insert(key.get_argument()); parse_flag(parsed_args, consumer, key.get_argument()); } try { for (auto& [key, subparser] : m_subparsers) { auto [parsed_subparser, storage] = subparser.parse(consumer); storage.m_data.insert({key, detail::arg_data_t{parsed_subparser.get_argument()}}); parsed_args.add(storage); } } catch (const detail::missing_argument_error& e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; print_usage(); exit(1); } catch (const detail::subparse_error& e) { std::cerr << e.error_string() << std::endl; exit(1); } while (consumer.can_consume()) { const auto key = consumer.consume(); if (key.is_flag()) { const auto flag = m_flag_arguments.find(key.get_argument()); if (flag == m_flag_arguments.end()) { std::cerr << "Error: Unknown flag: " << key.get_argument() << std::endl; exit(1); } found_flags.insert(key.get_argument()); parse_flag(parsed_args, consumer, key.get_argument()); } else { const auto pos = m_positional_arguments.find(key.get_argument()); if (pos == m_positional_arguments.end()) { std::cerr << "Error: Unknown positional argument: " << key.get_argument() << std::endl; exit(1); } found_positional.insert(key.get_argument()); parse_positional(parsed_args, consumer, key.get_argument()); } } handle_missing_and_default_args(m_flag_arguments, found_flags, parsed_args, "flag"); handle_missing_and_default_args(m_positional_arguments, found_positional, parsed_args, "positional"); return parsed_args; } void argument_parser_t::print_help() { } void argument_parser_t::print_usage() { } void argument_parser_t::print_version() { } void argument_parser_t::parse_flag(argument_storage_t& parsed_args, argument_consumer_t& consumer, const std::string_view arg) { auto& flag = m_flag_arguments[arg]; auto dest = flag->m_dest.value_or(arg); std::visit(lambda_visitor{ [&parsed_args, &consumer, &dest, &flag, arg](const nargs_t arg_enum) { switch (arg_enum) { case nargs_t::IF_POSSIBLE: if (consumer.can_consume() && !consumer.peek().is_flag()) flag->m_dest_func(dest, parsed_args, consumer.consume().get_argument()); else { if (flag->m_const_value) parsed_args.m_data.insert({dest, *flag->m_const_value}); } break; [[fallthrough]] case nargs_t::ALL_AT_LEAST_ONE: if (!consumer.can_consume()) std::cerr << "Error expected at least one argument to be consumed by '" << arg << '\'' << std::endl; case nargs_t::ALL: std::vector args; while (consumer.can_consume() && !consumer.peek().is_flag()) args.emplace_back(consumer.consume().get_argument()); flag->m_dest_vec_func(dest, parsed_args, args); break; } }, [&parsed_args, &consumer, &dest, &flag, arg, this](const i32 argc) { std::vector args; for (i32 i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if (!consumer.can_consume()) { std::cerr << "Error expected " << argc << " arguments to be consumed by '" << arg << "' but found " << i << std::endl; std::exit(1); } if (consumer.peek().is_flag()) { std::cerr << "Error expected " << argc << " arguments to be consumed by '" << arg << "' but found a flag '" << consumer.peek().get_argument() << "' instead!" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } args.push_back(consumer.consume().get_argument()); } if (args.size() != argc) { std::cerr << "This error condition should not be possible. " "Args consumed didn't equal the arguments requested and previous checks didn't fail. " "Please report as an issue on the GitHub" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } if (argc == 0) { } else if (argc == 1) { switch (flag->m_action) { case action_t::STORE: break; case action_t::APPEND: case action_t::EXTEND: { break; } case action_t::APPEND_CONST: // if (parsed_args.contains(dest)) // { // std::visit(detail::arg_meta_type_helper_t::make_lists_only_visitor(handle_insert), parsed_args.m_data[dest]); // } case action_t::STORE_CONST: std::cerr << "Store const flag called with an argument. This condition doesn't make sense." << std::endl; print_usage(); std::exit(1); case action_t::STORE_TRUE: std::cerr << "Store true flag called with an argument. This condition doesn't make sense." << std::endl; print_usage(); std::exit(1); case action_t::STORE_FALSE: std::cerr << "Store false flag called with an argument. This condition doesn't make sense." << std::endl; print_usage(); std::exit(1); case action_t::COUNT: parsed_args.m_data.insert({dest, args.size()}); break; case action_t::HELP: print_help(); std::exit(1); case action_t::VERSION: print_version(); break; } flag->m_dest_func(dest, parsed_args, args.front()); } else flag->m_dest_vec_func(dest, parsed_args, args); } }, flag->m_nargs); } void argument_parser_t::parse_positional(argument_storage_t& parsed_args, argument_consumer_t& consumer, const std::string_view arg) { } void argument_parser_t::handle_missing_and_default_args(hashmap_t& arguments, const hashset_t& found, argument_storage_t& parsed_args, const std::string_view type) { for (const auto& [key, value] : arguments) { if (!found.contains(key)) { if (value->m_required) { std::cerr << "Error: " << type << " argument '" << key << "' was not found but is required by the program" << std::endl; exit(1); } auto dest = value->m_dest.value_or(key); if (value->m_default_value && !parsed_args.contains(dest)) parsed_args.m_data.insert({dest, *value->m_default_value}); } } } std::pair argument_subparser_t::parse(argument_consumer_t& consumer) { if (!consumer.can_consume()) throw detail::missing_argument_error("Subparser requires an argument."); const auto key = consumer.consume(); if (key.is_flag()) throw detail::subparse_error(key.get_argument(), get_allowed_strings()); const auto it = m_parsers.find(key.get_name()); argument_parser_t* parser; if (it == m_parsers.end()) { const auto it2 = m_aliases.find(key.get_name()); if (it2 == m_aliases.end()) throw detail::subparse_error(key.get_argument(), get_allowed_strings()); parser = it2->second; } else parser = &it->second; parser->m_name = m_parent->m_name; return {key, parser->parse(consumer)}; } std::vector> argument_subparser_t::get_allowed_strings() const { std::vector> vec; for (const auto& [key, value] : m_parsers) { std::vector aliases; aliases.push_back(key); for (const auto& [alias, parser] : m_aliases) { if (parser == &value) aliases.push_back(alias); } vec.emplace_back(std::move(aliases)); } return vec; } }