/* * Created by Brett on 08/02/23. * Licensed under GNU General Public License V3.0 * See LICENSE file for license detail */ #ifndef BLT_TESTS_LOADER_H #define BLT_TESTS_LOADER_H #include <fstream> #include <ios> #include <vector> #include <unordered_map> #include <string> #include <blt/std/string.h> #include <blt/logging/logging.h> #include <unordered_set> namespace blt::fs { struct include_guard { char open = '<'; char close = '>'; }; std::string getFile(std::string_view path); std::vector<std::string> getLinesFromFile(std::string_view path); /** * Recursively include files * @param path initial file to load * @param include_header the beginning of the line that should be used to recognize when a line is to be treated as an include * @param guards characters used to identify the parts that specify the file path. if empty it will assume everything after the include header * @return a list of lines in all files. added together in order. */ std::vector<std::string> recursiveInclude(std::string_view path, const std::string& include_header = "#include", const std::vector<include_guard>& guards = {{'<', '>'}, {'"', '"'}}); static inline std::string loadBrainFuckFile(const std::string& path) { std::string buffer; auto lines = recursiveInclude(path, "~", {}); for (auto& line : lines) { buffer += line; buffer += '\n'; } return buffer; } } #endif //BLT_TESTS_LOADER_H