# **BLT v0.2a** ![Icon](icon_large.png) ### A common utilties library of missing stl features. (and more!) # **Features** - ## Data Structures - Queue / Stack - faster than std::queue / std::stack - Binary Tree - Hashmap (TODO) - ## Utility - Simple Random Interface - No more worrying about min/max bounds! - ### String Functions - starts_with - ends_with - contains - toLowerCase - toUpperCase - split - trim - Logging - Trace / Debug / Info / Warn / Error / Fatal - Log to file - Log to console with color! - Easy to disable for release - define BLT_DISABLE_LOGGING before including the logging.h file. - Time - Current time in nanoseconds (without all the c++ gobbledygook) - Formatted time string with year/month/date + current time - ## Profiling - Basic profiler - WIP