
128 lines
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* Created by Brett on 23/01/23.
* Licensed under GNU General Public License V3.0
* See LICENSE file for license detail
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
namespace blt::logging {
enum LOG_LEVEL {
TRACE = 0, DEBUG = 1, INFO = 2, WARN = 3, ERROR = 4, FATAL = 5, NONE = 6
bool m_useColor = true;
bool m_logToConsole = true;
bool m_logToFile = true;
// include file + line data?
bool m_logWithData = true;
// print the whole path or just the file name?
bool m_logFullPath = false;
const char* m_directory = "./";
explicit constexpr LOG_PROPERTIES(bool useColor, bool logToConsole, bool logToFile, const char* directory):
m_useColor(useColor), m_logToConsole(logToConsole), m_logToFile(logToFile), m_directory(directory) {}
explicit constexpr LOG_PROPERTIES() = default;
struct logger {
LOG_LEVEL level;
void log_internal(const std::string& str) const;
// evil hack, todo: better way
void log(const std::string& str) const {
void log(const std::string& str) const {
void flush() const;
static void flush_all();
static logger std_out{NONE};
static logger tlog{TRACE};
static logger dlog{DEBUG};
static logger ilog{INFO};
static logger wlog{WARN};
static logger elog{ERROR};
static logger flog{FATAL};
static logger trace{TRACE};
static logger debug{DEBUG};
static logger info{INFO};
static logger warn{WARN};
static logger error{ERROR};
static logger fatal{FATAL};
static inline logger& getLoggerFromLevel(LOG_LEVEL level) {
static logger loggerLevelDecode[7]{tlog, dlog, ilog, wlog, elog, flog, std_out};
return loggerLevelDecode[level];
static inline logger& operator<<(logger& out, const std::string& str) {
return out;
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
static inline logger& operator<<(logger& out, T t) {
return out;
void init(LOG_PROPERTIES properties);
void log_internal(const std::string& format, LOG_LEVEL level, const char* file, int currentLine, int auto_line, ...);
// template voodoo magic (SFINAE, "Substitution Failure Is Not An Error")
// std::enable_if has a member called type if the condition is true.
// What I am doing is saying that if the condition is true then the template has a non type
// template parameter of type type* (which is void* since the default type for enable_if is void) and it's value is nullptr.
// if the condition is false, the substitution fails, and the entire template is silently (no compiler error) discarded from the overload set.
* Logs an is_arithmetic type to the console.
* @tparam T type to log
* @param t the value to log
* @param level logger level to log at
* @param auto_line put a new line at the end if none exists if true
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
inline void log_internal(T t, LOG_LEVEL level, const char* file, int currentLine, int auto_line){
log_internal(std::to_string(t), level, file, currentLine, auto_line);
* Will flush all buffers! This might cause issues with threads!
void flush();
#define BLT_TRACE(format, ...)
#define BLT_DEBUG(format, ...)
#define BLT_INFO(format, ...)
#define BLT_WARN(format, ...)
#define BLT_ERROR(format, ...)
#define BLT_FATAL(format, ...)
#define BLT_TRACE(format, ...) log_internal(format, blt::logging::TRACE, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define BLT_DEBUG(format, ...) log_internal(format, blt::logging::DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define BLT_INFO(format, ...) log_internal(format, blt::logging::INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define BLT_WARN(format, ...) log_internal(format, blt::logging::WARN, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define BLT_ERROR(format, ...) log_internal(format, blt::logging::ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define BLT_FATAL(format, ...) log_internal(format, blt::logging::FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#endif //BLT_LOGGING_H