# pongff="/tmp/pongff"; [ ! -p "$pongff" ] && mkfifo "$pongff"; # rm -f /tmp/p; python3 bfponggen.py >/tmp/p.bf && python2.7 ~/bfc.py /tmp/p.bf && <"$pongff" ../pipevm.py | /tmp/p >"$pongff" import struct class BfGen(): def __init__(self, generators): self.labels = {} for i in range(len(generators)): self.labels[generators[i][0]] = i print(generators[i][1]) print() self.curPos = len(generators) - 9 # FIXME def moveToPos(self, goalPos): d = self.curPos - goalPos self.curPos -= d if d >= 0: return "<" * d return ">" * -d def output(self, s): result = "" label = "" for c in s: if c in '[]<>{}+-.,': if label: label = label.strip() v = self.moveToPos(self.labels[label]) result += v label = "" result += c else: label += c if label: label = label.strip() v = self.moveToPos(self.labels[label]) result += v print(result) generators = [ ('00', ">"), # 0 ('01', "+>"), # 1 ('05', "+++++>"), # 5 ('paddle_size', ">+++++[<++++++>-]"), # 30 ('paddle_right_x', ">++++++++[<++++++++>-]"), # 64 ('paddle_right_y', ">>+>+>+[+>++[-<+++>]<<]>-[-<+<+>>]"), # 103 ('paddle_left_y', ""), # 103 ('ball_x0', ""), # 0 ('ball_x1', ">+>+>+++[+>+[-<++++>]<<]>>"), # 158 ('ball_y0', ">"), # 0 ('ball_y1', ">+++++++++[<+++++++++++++>-]"), # 117 ('ff', ">+>+>+>+[++>[-<++++>]<<]>[-<+>]"), # 255 ('device', "++++[>++++<-]>[<++++++++>-]<+>"), # 129 ('f0', ">+>+>+>+[++>+[-<+++>]<<]>[-<+>]"), # 240 ('ball_direction_x', ""), # 0 (left) ('ball_direction_y', ">"), # 0 (top) ('mem0', ""), # 0 ('mem1', ""), # 0 ('mem2', ""), # 0 ('mem3', ""), # 0 ('mem4', ""), # 0 ('mem5', ""), # 0 ('mem6', ""), # 0 ('mem7', ""), # 0 ] bfgen = BfGen(generators) bfgen.output("ff.device.") # black screen # struct.pack(">BHHHHBBB", command, x, y, w, h, r, g, b) # paddle_right_x starts with [320 (width) - 256 (overflow)], but will later have 10 subtracted from it bfgen.output("") # we don't need to save "320" anymore, decrease by 10 so it can be used as paddle_right_x bfgen.output("paddle_right_x----------") # draw left paddle bfgen.output("") # draw right paddle bfgen.output("05.01.paddle_right_x.00.paddle_right_y.00.05.00.paddle_size.f0.f0.f0.") bfgen.output("05") bfgen.output("[") # main loop [ # delete ball bfgen.output("05.ball_x0.ball_x1.ball_y0.ball_y1.") # moves ball_x, handling over/underflow bfgen.output("ball_direction_x[-mem0+mem1+ball_direction_x]mem1[-ball_direction_x+mem1]+ball_x1-----[-mem0+ball_x1]mem0+++[mem1-]>") bfgen.output("[ball_y0+ball_x0[-ball_y0-ball_x0]ball_y0[-ball_x0+ball_y0]ball_x1+ball_x0[mem0+++++ball_x1-]>") bfgen.output("[mem0-----ball_x1-ball_y0]mem1-mem2]") bfgen.output("mem0---[-ball_x1+mem0]") bfgen.output("ball_direction_y[-mem0+ball_y1+ball_direction_y]mem0[-ball_direction_y+mem0]ball_y1-----") # reverse direction of ball_y if ball_y1 == 2 bfgen.output("ball_y1[-mem0+mem2+ball_y1]mem1+") bfgen.output("mem2--[mem1-mem2[-]]") bfgen.output("mem1[-ball_direction_y++++++++++mem1]") bfgen.output("mem0[-ball_y1+mem0]") # reverse direction of ball_y if ball_y1 == 237 bfgen.output("ball_y1[-mem0+mem2+ball_y1]mem1+") bfgen.output("mem2+++++++++++++++++++[mem1-mem2[-]]") bfgen.output("mem1[-ball_direction_y----------mem1]") bfgen.output("mem0[-ball_y1+mem0]") # check ball boundaries # mem0 = ball_x0-ball_x1, using ball_y0 as a buffer print("start boundaries check") bfgen.output("ball_x0[-ball_y0+mem1+ball_x0]ball_y0[-ball_x0+ball_y0]") bfgen.output("ball_x1[-ball_y0+mem5+ball_x1]ball_y0[-ball_x1+ball_y0]") bfgen.output("mem1+mem5[-mem6+mem7+mem5]mem6[-mem3+mem6]") print("check left boundary") # if mem0 == 13, reached left boundary bfgen.output("mem4+mem3-------------[mem4-]>") # algorithm (done in debugger, not converted here) to # bounce the ball if it hits the paddle or to reset # ball_x and ball_y to the center otherwise print(""" [ - copy ball_y to mem3 and paddle_left_y to mem4 <<<<<<<<<<[-<+>>>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]<[->+<] <<<[->>>+>>>>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<]>>>[-<<<+>>>] >>>>>>>>>> if mem3 ge mem4 [->-[>]<<]< (mem3 ends up = mem4 minus men3) [ then if mem3 ge 31 >>>>+++++[<++++++>-]<+ <[->-[>]<<]< [then just clean up ->]< [else set mem0=1 ><<+>-]> ] >>[-]<<<[-]+< if mem0 eq 1 (ball hit left paddle) [ then change direction of the ball <<++++++++++>>- >-]> [< else reset ball_y >>[-]>>[-]<<<< <<<<<<[-]<<[-] +>+++[++>++[-<++++++>]<<]> 117 [->+>+<<] <++++++++++[->++++<]>+>[-<+>] 158 request a random char (ff 03 01 01 ff 01) >>.>++.>>[-]+..<<<.>--. >>->[-]>+>[-]>+>[-]>+>> read random char (mem6) and set mem1 and mem2 to (mem6 % 4) (in binary) ,[ - <<<< [-[<[-<->]<[->+<]+>>-->]>>[-]]<[<]>[-]<<++ >>+>> ]<<-<<-<<->> set the ball (x and y) directions based on mem1 and mem2 [-<<<++++++++++>>>]<[-<<<++++++++++>>>] > ] >>> ] <<[-]<<[-]< """) bfgen.curPos = bfgen.labels["mem0"] # now repeat the check for mem0 = 47 (+256=303) (reached right boundary) bfgen.output("mem7[-mem0+mem7]") bfgen.output("mem1+mem0-----------------------------------------------[mem1-]>") bfgen.output("[ball_direction_x----------mem1-mem2]mem0[-]") bfgen.output("mem1[-]mem2[-]mem3[-]") print("end boundaries check") # draw new ball bfgen.output("05.ball_x0.ball_x1.ball_y0.ball_y1.") print("move right paddle (computer)") # move paddle_right_x bfgen.output("mem0+ball_direction_x[") # if ball_direction_x != 0 bfgen.output("05.01.paddle_right_x.00.paddle_right_y.00.05.00.paddle_size.00.00.00.") # use ball_y0 as buffer to copy ball_y1 to mem2 and paddle_right_y to mem3 bfgen.output("ball_y1[-ball_y0+mem2+ball_y1]ball_y0[-ball_y1+ball_y0]") bfgen.output("paddle_right_y[-ball_y0+mem3+paddle_right_y]ball_y0[-paddle_right_y+ball_y0]") # compare mem2 and mem3 bfgen.output("mem5+mem3+++++++++++++++mem2[-mem3-[mem4]mem2]mem5") bfgen.curPos = bfgen.labels["mem4"] bfgen.output("[-") # mem2 >= mem3 bfgen.output("paddle_right_x-----mem3") # must be 1 position before paddle_right_y bfgen.curPos = bfgen.labels["mem4"] bfgen.output("]mem5") # mem2 < mem3 bfgen.output("[-") bfgen.output("paddle_right_y+++++mem5") bfgen.output("]mem3[-]mem2[-]") bfgen.output("05.01.paddle_right_x.00.paddle_right_y.00.05.00.paddle_size.f0.f0.f0.") bfgen.output("mem0-ball_direction_x[mem1+ball_direction_x-]") bfgen.output("]mem1[ball_direction_x+mem1-]mem0[-]") print("move left paddle (user input)") bfgen.output("ff.device+.-01.") # ff 02 01 (ff device command) bfgen.output("mem0,") # read char bfgen.output("mem0[,mem2+mem3+mem4+++[mem5[-mem4++++++mem5]mem3]") # if mem0 != 0, read another char and generate 115 ('s') bfgen.curPos = bfgen.labels["mem1"] bfgen.output("mem2[-mem0-mem2]mem1+mem0") bfgen.output("[----[>-]mem1[mem3+++++mem5+mem1-mem2]mem1[-]]") bfgen.output("mem2[mem5+++++>+<mem2->]mem0[-]]") bfgen.output("ff.device.") bfgen.output("mem5[[-]]") # delete left paddle bfgen.output("mem3[-paddle_left_y-mem2+mem3]") # paddle_left_y += mem3, set mem2 bfgen.output("mem4[-paddle_left_y+mem2+mem4]") # paddle_left_y -= mem4, set mem2 bfgen.output("mem2[[-]]") # redraw left paddle # draw right paddle bfgen.output("05.01.paddle_right_x.00.paddle_right_y.00.05.00.paddle_size.f0.f0.f0.") # return to initial position of the loop bfgen.output("05") bfgen.output("]")