package project.chess;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import static project.ui.Display.loadImage;

public class King extends ChessPiece {

    private final Image whiteKing = loadImage("./resources/chess_piece_2_black_king.png");
    private final Image blackKing = loadImage("./resources/chess_piece_2_white_king.png");

    public King(Board b, boolean isWhite, int x, int y) {

    public Image getImage(){
        if (isWhite)
            return whiteKing;
        return blackKing;

    public ArrayList<Move> getMoves() {
        ArrayList<Move> moves = new ArrayList<Move>();
        if (isFirstMove){
            ChessPiece rook = null;
            // castling
            if (isWhite){
                if ((rook = b.get(0, 0)) != null && checkIfRookValid(rook))
                    moves.add(new Move(2, 0, Move.SpecialConditions.leftCastle));
                if ((rook = b.get(b.size() - 1, 0)) != null && checkIfRookValid(rook))
                    moves.add(new Move(b.size() - 2, 0, Move.SpecialConditions.rightCastle));
            } else {
                if ((rook = b.get(0, b.size()-1)) != null && checkIfRookValid(rook))
                    moves.add(new Move(2, b.size()-1, Move.SpecialConditions.leftCastle));
                if ((rook = b.get(b.size() - 1, b.size()-1)) != null && checkIfRookValid(rook))
                    moves.add(new Move(b.size() - 2, b.size()-1, Move.SpecialConditions.rightCastle));
        return moves;

    public void applySpecialMove(Move moveWithSpecial){
        Move.SpecialConditions specialCondition;
        specialCondition = moveWithSpecial.getSpecialCondition();
        if(specialCondition == Move.SpecialConditions.leftCastle)
        else if (specialCondition == Move.SpecialConditions.rightCastle)

    private void castleRight(){
        // casting has to move the rook on the right size of the king from white's perspective
        if (this.isWhite)
            b.set(b.size()-3, 0, b.get(b.size()-1, 0));
            b.set(b.size()-3, b.size()-1, b.get(b.size()-1, b.size()-1));

    private boolean checkIfRookValid(ChessPiece piece){
        return piece.isFirstMove() && piece instanceof Rook;

    private void castleLeft(){
        // casting has to move the rook on the left size of the king from white's perspective
        if (this.isWhite)
            b.set(3, 0, b.get(0, 0));
            b.set(3, b.size()-1, b.get(0, b.size()-1));

    public King clone () {
        return new King(this.b,this.isWhite,this.x,this.y);