/* * Created by Brett Terpstra 6920201 on 16/10/22. * Copyright (c) 2022 Brett Terpstra. All Rights Reserved. */ #include #include namespace Raytracing { World::~World() { for (auto* p: objects) delete (p); for (const auto& p: materials) delete (p.second); //delete(bvhTree); } HitData SphereObject::checkIfHit(const Ray& ray, PRECISION_TYPE min, PRECISION_TYPE max) const { PRECISION_TYPE radiusSquared = radius * radius; // move the ray to be with respects to the sphere Vec4 RayWRTSphere = ray.getStartingPoint() - position; // now determine the discriminant for the quadratic formula for the function of line sphere intercept PRECISION_TYPE a = ray.getDirection().lengthSquared(); PRECISION_TYPE b = Raytracing::Vec4::dot(RayWRTSphere, ray.getDirection()); PRECISION_TYPE c = RayWRTSphere.lengthSquared() - radiusSquared; // > 0: the hit has two roots, meaning we hit both sides of the sphere // = 0: the ray has one root, we hit the edge of the sphere // < 0: ray isn't inside the sphere. PRECISION_TYPE discriminant = b * b - (a * c); // < 0: ray isn't inside the sphere. Don't need to bother calculating the roots. if (discriminant < 0) return {false, Vec4(), Vec4(), 0}; // now we have to find the root which exists inside our range [min,max] auto root = (-b - std::sqrt(discriminant)) / a; // if the first root isn't in our range if (root < min || root > max) { // check the second root root = (-b + std::sqrt(discriminant)) / a; if (root < min || root > max) { // if the second isn't in the range then we also must return false. return {false, Vec4(), Vec4(), 0}; } } // the hit point is where the ray is when extended to the root auto RayAtRoot = ray.along(root); // The normal of a sphere is just the point of the hit minus the center position auto normal = (RayAtRoot - position).normalize(); /*if (Raytracing::vec4::dot(ray.getDirection(), normal) > 0.0) { tlog << "ray inside sphere\n"; } else tlog << "ray outside sphere\n"; */ return {true, RayAtRoot, normal, root}; } std::pair World::checkIfHit(const Ray& ray, PRECISION_TYPE min, PRECISION_TYPE max) const { /*if (bvhTree != nullptr){ auto hResult = HitData{false, Vec4(), Vec4(), max}; Object* objPtr = nullptr; auto intersected = bvhTree->rayIntersect(ray, min, max); //dlog << "Intersections " << intersected.size() << " " << ray << "\n"; for (auto* ptr : intersected) { auto cResult = ptr->checkIfHit(ray, min, hResult.length); if (cResult.hit) { hResult = cResult; objPtr = ptr; } } // after we check the BVH, we have to check for other missing objects // since stuff like spheres currently don't have AABB and AABB isn't a requirement // for the object class (to be assigned) for (auto* obj: bvhTree->noAABBObjects) { // check up to the point of the last closest hit, // will give the closest object's hit result auto cResult = obj->checkIfHit(ray, min, hResult.length); if (cResult.hit) { hResult = cResult; objPtr = obj; } } return {hResult, objPtr}; } else {*/ // rejection algo without using a binary space partitioning data structure auto hResult = HitData{false, Vec4(), Vec4(), max}; Object* objPtr = nullptr; for (auto* obj: objects) { // check up to the point of the last closest hit, // will give the closest object's hit result auto cResult = obj->checkIfHit(ray, min, hResult.length); if (cResult.hit) { hResult = cResult; objPtr = obj; } } return {hResult, objPtr}; //} } void World::generateBVH() { //bvhTree = new BVHTree(objects); } ScatterResults DiffuseMaterial::scatter(const Ray& ray, const HitData& hitData) const { Vec4 newRay = hitData.normal + Raytracing::Raycaster::randomUnitVector().normalize(); // rays that are close to zero are liable to floating point precision errors if (newRay.x() < EPSILON && newRay.y() < EPSILON && newRay.z() < EPSILON && newRay.w() < EPSILON) newRay = hitData.normal; return {true, Ray{hitData.hitPoint, newRay}, getBaseColor()}; } ScatterResults MetalMaterial::scatter(const Ray& ray, const HitData& hitData) const { // create a ray reflection Vec4 newRay = reflect(ray.getDirection().normalize(), hitData.normal); // make sure our reflected ray is outside the sphere and doesn't point inwards bool shouldReflect = Vec4::dot(newRay, hitData.normal) > 0; return {shouldReflect, Ray{hitData.hitPoint, newRay}, getBaseColor()}; } ScatterResults BrushedMetalMaterial::scatter(const Ray& ray, const HitData& hitData) const { // create a ray reflection Vec4 newRay = reflect(ray.getDirection().normalize(), hitData.normal); // make sure our reflected ray is outside the sphere and doesn't point inwards bool shouldReflect = Vec4::dot(newRay, hitData.normal) > 0; return {shouldReflect, Ray{hitData.hitPoint, newRay + Raycaster::randomUnitVector() * fuzzyness}, getBaseColor()}; } static HitData checkIfTriangleGotHit(const Triangle& theTriangle, const Vec4& position, const Ray& ray, PRECISION_TYPE min, PRECISION_TYPE max) { // Möller–Trumbore intersection algorithm // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm Vec4 edge1, edge2, h, s, q; PRECISION_TYPE a, f, u, v; edge1 = (theTriangle.vertex2 + position) - (theTriangle.vertex1 + position); edge2 = (theTriangle.vertex3 + position) - (theTriangle.vertex1 + position); h = Vec4::cross(ray.getDirection(), edge2); a = Vec4::dot(edge1, h); if (a > -EPSILON && a < EPSILON) return {false, Vec4(), Vec4(), 0}; //parallel to triangle f = 1.0 / a; s = ray.getStartingPoint() - (theTriangle.vertex1 + position); u = f * Vec4::dot(s, h); if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0) return {false, Vec4(), Vec4(), 0}; q = Vec4::cross(s, edge1); v = f * Vec4::dot(ray.getDirection(), q); if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0) return {false, Vec4(), Vec4(), 0}; // At this stage we can compute t to find out where the intersection point is on the line. PRECISION_TYPE t = f * Vec4::dot(edge2, q); // keep t in reasonable bounds, ensuring we respect depth if (t > EPSILON && t >= min && t <= max) { // ray intersects Vec4 rayIntersectionPoint = ray.along(t); Vec4 normal; // normal = theTriangle.findClosestNormal(rayIntersectionPoint - position); if (theTriangle.hasNormals) // returning the closest normal is extra computation when n1 would likely be fine. normal = theTriangle.normal1; else { // standard points to normal algorithm but using already computed edges normal = Vec4{edge1.y() * edge2.z(), edge1.z() * edge2.x(), edge1.x() * edge2.y()} - Vec4{edge1.z() * edge2.y(), edge1.x() * edge2.z(), edge1.y() * edge2.x()}; } return {true, rayIntersectionPoint, normal, t}; } return {false, Vec4(), Vec4(), 0}; } HitData TriangleObject::checkIfHit(const Ray& ray, PRECISION_TYPE min, PRECISION_TYPE max) const { return checkIfTriangleGotHit(theTriangle, position, ray, min, max); } HitData ModelObject::checkIfHit(const Ray& ray, PRECISION_TYPE min, PRECISION_TYPE max) const { auto hResult = HitData{false, Vec4(), Vec4(), max}; for (const Triangle& t : triangles) { auto cResult = checkIfTriangleGotHit(t, position, ray, min, hResult.length); if (cResult.hit) hResult = cResult; } // if you've made it to this point this will be in the parallel step version // I've run out of time to mess with this // and I hate that he made this due in the middle of exam / assignment season // it's really hard for me to get in there and obsess over this // when i got 4 other classes cram-ing as much useless bullshit into the next week and a half for no reason other than // "hahahahha I rambled about nonsense in class for the last few weeks let's test your knowledge with a tedious assignment!!! woooooo!!!!!" // this is honestly the only good 3rd year class I've taken so far // Only if I had more time. THINK OF THE GRAPHS I COULD'VE MADE!!! // I had plans (and still do) to make graphs of every little performance bottleneck // but it's impossible when you got all this stuff due, C++ decides it hates you and wants to segfault for dumb reasons, and the program takes 20 MINUTES TO RUN! // would've been able to get the GUI stuff in and fix the BVH by visualizing the bounding boxes /*auto hResult = HitData{false, Vec4(), Vec4(), max}; auto intersected = tree->rayIntersect(ray, min, max); for (auto t : intersected){ // apparently this kind of casting is okay // which makes sense since the actual data behind it is a empty object // just this is really bad and im too annoyed to figure out a better way. TODO:. auto cResult = checkIfTriangleGotHit(((EmptyObject*)(t))->tri, position, ray, min, hResult.length); if (cResult.hit) hResult = cResult; }*/ return hResult; } }