/* * Created by Brett Terpstra 6920201 on 16/10/22. * Copyright (c) 2022 Brett Terpstra. All Rights Reserved. */ #include #include namespace Raytracing { Ray Camera::projectRay(PRECISION_TYPE x, PRECISION_TYPE y) { // transform the x and y to points from image coords to be inside the camera's viewport. double transformedX = (x / (image.getWidth() - 1)); auto transformedY = (y / (image.getHeight() - 1)); // then generate a ray which extends out from the camera position in the direction with respects to its position on the image return {position, imageOrigin + transformedX * horizontalAxis + transformedY * verticalAxis - position}; } void Camera::lookAt(const Vec4& pos, const Vec4& lookAtPos, const Vec4& up) { // standard camera lookAt function auto w = (pos - lookAtPos).normalize(); auto u = (Vec4::cross(up, w)).normalize(); auto v = Vec4::cross(w, u); position = pos; horizontalAxis = viewportWidth * u; verticalAxis = viewportHeight * v; imageOrigin = position - horizontalAxis/2 - verticalAxis/2 - w; } void Camera::setRotation(const PRECISION_TYPE yaw, const PRECISION_TYPE pitch, const PRECISION_TYPE roll) { // TODO: } void Raycaster::run() { for (int i = 0; i < image.getWidth(); i++){ for (int j = 0; j < image.getHeight(); j++){ Raytracing::Vec4 color; // TODO: profile for speed; for (int s = 0; s < raysPerPixel; s++){ // simulate anti aliasing by generating rays with very slight random directions color = color + raycast(camera.projectRay(i + rnd.getDouble(), j + rnd.getDouble()), 0); } PRECISION_TYPE sf = 1.0 / raysPerPixel; // apply pixel color with gamma correction image.setPixelColor(i, j, {std::sqrt(sf * color.r()), std::sqrt(sf * color.g()), std::sqrt(sf * color.b())}); } } } Vec4 Raycaster::raycast(const Ray& ray, int depth) { if (depth > maxBounceDepth) return {0,0,0}; auto hit = world.checkIfHit(ray, 0.001, infinity); if (hit.first.hit) { auto object = hit.second; auto scatterResults = object->getMaterial()->scatter(ray, hit.first); // if the material scatters the ray, ie casts a new one, if (scatterResults.scattered) // attenuate the recursive raycast by the material's color return scatterResults.attenuationColor * raycast(scatterResults.newRay, depth + 1); //tlog << "Not scattered? " << object->getMaterial() << "\n"; return {0,0,0}; } // skybox color return {0.5, 0.7, 1.0}; } }