Compare commits


No commits in common. "22f8fedce2655fca9258a8c4cd54b49c11ba710d" and "28227d61058e063b5d60c3baece77e2c9940c19a" have entirely different histories.

12 changed files with 127 additions and 307 deletions

View File

@ -58,13 +58,4 @@ if (USE_EXTRAS)
set_target_properties(FinalProject PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-pthread")
target_link_libraries(FinalProject PRIVATE glfw)
#target_compile_options(BLT_TESTS PRIVATE /W4)
target_link_options(FinalProject PRIVATE /DEBUG)
target_compile_options(FinalProject PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace fp {
vbo_type type = ARRAY_BUFFER;
vbo_mem_type mem_type = STATIC;
VBO(vbo_type type, void* data, int size, vbo_mem_type mem_type = STATIC): size(size), type(type), mem_type(mem_type) {
VBO(vbo_type type, void* data, int size, vbo_mem_type mem_type = STATIC): type(type), size(size), mem_type(mem_type) {
glGenBuffers(1, &vboID);
glBufferData(type, size, data, mem_type);
@ -182,36 +182,49 @@ namespace fp {
glUniform4f(getUniformLocation(name), x, y, z, w);
* a basic computer shader class, contains the functions and resources required to use compute shaders!
class compute_shader : public shader_base {
GLuint shaderID = 0;
explicit compute_shader(const std::string& shader_source, bool loadAsString = true);
inline void execute(int x, int y, int z) const {
glDispatchCompute(x, y, z);
class shader : public shader_base {
class shader {
GLuint vertexShaderID = 0;
GLuint fragmentShaderID = 0;
struct IntDefaultedToMinusOne {
GLint i = -1;
// we can have shaders of many types in OpenGL
unsigned int programID = 0;
// but we will only make use of these two for now
unsigned int vertexShaderID = 0;
unsigned int fragmentShaderID = 0;
// while these will remain unused. (Webgl2 apparently doesn't support them despite being based on GL4.3? that's a TODO!)
GLuint geometryShaderID = 0;
unsigned int geometryShaderID = 0;
// this would be very useful however it is highly unlikely webgl will support it
// im leaving some of this stuff in here because I might expand the native application to use some of it.
// im trying to keep the web and native versions the same though
GLuint tessellationShaderID = 0;
unsigned int tessellationShaderID = 0;
std::unordered_map<std::string, IntDefaultedToMinusOne> uniformVars;
static unsigned int createShader(const std::string& source, int type);
inline GLint getUniformLocation(const std::string &name) {
if (uniformVars[name].i != -1)
return uniformVars[name].i;
// caching the result is a lot faster since it won't change after the shader is created.
// TODO: look into this:
int loc = glGetUniformLocation(programID, name.c_str());
uniformVars[name].i = loc;
return loc;
static inline std::string removeEmptyFirstLines(const std::string& string){
auto lines = blt::string::split(string, "\n");
std::string new_source_string;
for (const auto& line : lines) {
if (!line.empty() && !blt::string::contains(line, "\"")) {
new_source_string += line;
new_source_string += "\n";
return new_source_string;
* Creates a shader
@ -230,16 +243,56 @@ namespace fp {
// used to set location of shared UBOs like the perspective and view matrix
void setUniformBlockLocation(const std::string &name, int location) const;
// set various data-types.
inline void setBool(const std::string &name, bool value) {
glUniform1i(getUniformLocation(name), (int) value);
inline void setInt(const std::string &name, int value) {
glUniform1i(getUniformLocation(name), value);
inline void setFloat(const std::string &name, float value) {
glUniform1f(getUniformLocation(name), value);
inline void setMatrix(const std::string &name, blt::mat4x4 &matrix) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(getUniformLocation(name), 1, GL_FALSE, matrix.ptr());
inline void setVec3(const std::string &name, const blt::vec3 &vec) {
glUniform3f(getUniformLocation(name), vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z());
inline void setVec4(const std::string &name, const blt::vec4 &vec) {
// TODO: edit BLT to include a w component
glUniform4f(getUniformLocation(name), vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z(), vec[3]);
inline void setVec2(const std::string &name, float x, float y) {
glUniform2f(getUniformLocation(name), x, y);
inline void setVec3(const std::string &name, float x, float y, float z) {
glUniform3f(getUniformLocation(name), x, y, z);
inline void setVec4(const std::string &name, float x, float y, float z, float w) {
glUniform4f(getUniformLocation(name), x, y, z, w);
inline void use() const {
static void updateProjectionMatrix(const blt::mat4x4& projectionMatrix);
static void updateOrthographicMatrix(const blt::mat4x4& orthoMatrix);
static void updateViewMatrix(const blt::mat4x4& viewMatrix);
// returns the perspective view matrix which is calculated per frame. (This is for optimization)
static const blt::mat4x4& getPVM();

View File

@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ namespace fp::texture {
int width, int height, GLint bind_type = GL_TEXTURE_2D,
GLint color_mode = GL_RGBA
textureBindType(bind_type), textureColorMode(color_mode), m_width(width),
m_height(height) {
m_width(width), m_height(height), textureBindType(bind_type),
textureColorMode(color_mode) {
glGenTextures(1, &textureID);

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
* Created by Brett on 22/04/23.
* Licensed under GNU General Public License V3.0
* See LICENSE file for license detail
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <functional>
#include <queue>
namespace blt {
class runnable {
virtual void run() = 0;
virtual ~runnable() = default;
* If your runnable functions are small consider using another data structure,
* as thread_pool will be slow if many small tasks are needed to be ran.
* thread_pool is designed for running large long run tasks
class thread_pool {
volatile bool halted;
std::queue<std::function<void()>*> runQueue {};
std::vector<std::thread*> threads {};
std::mutex queueMutex {};
explicit thread_pool(int maxThreads);
* Attempts to start the thread_pool.
void start();
void run(std::function<void()>* func);
void run(runnable* func);
void stop();

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#include <render/gl.h>
#include <phmap.h>
#include "blt/profiling/profiler.h"
#include "util/threadpool.h"
#include <render/frustum.h>
namespace fp {
@ -152,14 +151,7 @@ namespace fp {
class world {
// not using the parallel functions of the map, we will do manual concurrency control
// "The parallel hash maps are preferred when you have a few hash maps that will store a very large number of values.
// The non-parallel hash maps are preferred if you have a large number of hash maps, each storing a relatively small number of values."
phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map<chunk_pos, chunk*, _static::chunk_pos_hash, _static::chunk_pos_equality> chunk_storage;
std::mutex chunkInsertMutex;
std::thread* chunkGenerationThread;
const unsigned int THREAD_COUNT = 16;
volatile bool running = true;
phmap::flat_hash_map<chunk_pos, chunk*, _static::chunk_pos_hash, _static::chunk_pos_equality> chunk_storage;
void generateChunkMesh(chunk* chunk);
@ -174,16 +166,9 @@ namespace fp {
neighbours[Z_NEG] = getChunk(chunk_pos{pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1});
inline bool spawnChunk(chunk* chunk) {
// make sure not to insert null chunks
inline void insertChunk(chunk* chunk) {
if (chunk == nullptr)
return false;
// we must lock for the entire insertion including neighbour updates.
// otherwise chunk updates might not be properly handled
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(chunkInsertMutex);
// or overwrite existing chunks (*memory leak*)
if (chunk_storage.find(chunk->getPos()) != chunk_storage.end())
return false;
chunk_storage.insert({chunk->getPos(), chunk});
chunk_neighbours chunkNeighbours{};
@ -193,18 +178,6 @@ namespace fp {
if (p)
return true;
inline static chunk_pos offsetCameraByChunk(int i, int j, int k) {
const auto& pos = fp::camera::getPosition();
int x = (int) pos.x();
int y = (int) pos.y();
int z = (int) pos.z();
auto camera_chunk_pos = fp::_static::world_to_chunk({x, y, z});
return chunk_pos{camera_chunk_pos.x + i, // chunk x
camera_chunk_pos.y + j, // chunk y
camera_chunk_pos.z + k}; // chunk z
inline chunk* getChunk(const chunk_pos& pos) {
@ -219,7 +192,7 @@ namespace fp {
world() = default;
void update();

View File

@ -52,20 +52,14 @@ int main() {
BLT_TRACE("Creating renderer");
renderer = new fp::renderer();
BLT_TRACE("Init graphics");
BLT_TRACE("Creating textures");
// textures must come first as blocks will require the IDs
BLT_TRACE("Registered textures!");
BLT_TRACE("Creating chunk shader!");
chunk_shader = renderer->createShader(fp::shader(shader_chunk_vert, shader_chunk_frag));
world = new fp::world();
BLT_TRACE("World created!");

View File

@ -65,18 +65,6 @@ namespace fp::_static {
namespace fp {
static inline std::string removeEmptyFirstLines(const std::string& string){
auto lines = blt::string::split(string, "\n");
std::string new_source_string;
for (const auto& line : lines) {
if (!line.empty() && !blt::string::contains(line, "\"")) {
new_source_string += line;
new_source_string += "\n";
return new_source_string;
VAO::VAO() {
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vaoID);
@ -108,6 +96,7 @@ namespace fp {
VBOs.insert({-1, vbo});
unsigned int shader::createShader(const std::string& source, int type) {
const char* shader_code = source.c_str();
// creates a Shader
@ -143,7 +132,7 @@ namespace fp {
shader::shader(const std::string& vertex, const std::string& fragment, const std::string& geometry, bool load_as_string) {
// load shader sources
// load shader sources
bool load_geometry = !geometry.empty();
std::string vertex_source = vertex;
std::string fragment_source = fragment;
@ -164,7 +153,7 @@ namespace fp {
vertexShaderID = createShader(vertex_source, GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
fragmentShaderID = createShader(fragment_source, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
if (load_geometry)
geometryShaderID = createShader(geometry_source, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER);
BLT_ERROR("Unable to load geometry shader because webgl doesn't support it!");
// bind them to a program
programID = glCreateProgram();
@ -181,10 +170,10 @@ namespace fp {
if (!success) {
int log_length = 0;
glGetProgramiv(programID, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length);
// scoped buffers will delete their memory when they go out of scope.
blt::scoped_buffer<GLchar> infoLog{static_cast<unsigned long>(log_length + 1)};
glGetProgramInfoLog(programID, log_length + 1, nullptr, infoLog.buffer);
BLT_ERROR("--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---");
BLT_ERROR("Unable to link program of ID: %d", programID);
@ -197,18 +186,19 @@ namespace fp {
setUniformBlockLocation("StandardMatrices", 0);
void shader::bindAttribute(int attribute, const std::string &name) const {
glBindAttribLocation(programID, attribute, name.c_str());
void shader::setUniformBlockLocation(const std::string &name, int location) const {
glUniformBlockBinding(programID, glGetUniformBlockIndex(programID, name.c_str()), location);

View File

@ -8,11 +8,8 @@
namespace fp {
shader* renderer::createShader(shader&& shader) {
BLT_TRACE("Creating shader");
auto s = new class shader(std::move(shader));
BLT_TRACE("Shader created");
return s;

View File

@ -122,12 +122,10 @@ namespace fp::graphics {
void init(renderer& renderer) {
BLT_TRACE("Init font");
if (FT_Init_FreeType(&ft)) {
BLT_FATAL("Unable to init freetype library!");
BLT_TRACE("Init face");
if (FT_New_Face(ft, "assets/fonts/JetBrains Mono.ttf", 0, &monospaced_face)) {
BLT_ERROR("Unable to load default monospaced (JetBrains Mono) font!");
@ -136,7 +134,6 @@ namespace fp::graphics {
// disable alignment restrictions. This might cause issues with WebGL! FIXME: if it does
// gl requires an alignment of 4. Since we are going to only use a single character of any width/height the alignment must be changed.
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
BLT_TRACE("Alignment set, generating characters");
@ -148,20 +145,15 @@ namespace fp::graphics {
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
BLT_TRACE("Character generation complete!");
BLT_TRACE("Creating font shaders and GL objects");
// create the GL objects required to render texts
text_shader = renderer.createShader(shader(shader_text_vert, shader_text_frag));
BLT_TRACE("text shader created!");
plane_shader = renderer.createShader(shader(shader_plane_vert, shader_plane_frag));
BLT_TRACE("plane shader created!");
quad_vao = new VAO();
plane_vao = new VAO();
BLT_TRACE("VAOs created!");
float vertices[6 * 4] = {
// vertices uvs
@ -175,12 +167,11 @@ namespace fp::graphics {
0, 1.0, 0.0f, 1.0f,
BLT_TRACE("Binding VBOs");
quad_vao->bindVBO(new VBO(ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, sizeof(float) * 6 * 4), 0, 4);
// since we will be updating the plane VBO regularly, we should tell the driver of this fact
plane_vao->bindVBO(new VBO(ARRAY_BUFFER, nullptr, 0, DYNAMIC), 0, 3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float) * 3);
plane_vao->bindElementVBO(new VBO(ELEMENT_BUFFER, nullptr, 0, DYNAMIC));
BLT_TRACE("Init complete!");
void cleanup() {
@ -193,7 +184,7 @@ namespace fp::graphics {
void render() {
// generate planes
while (!plane_render_queue.empty()) {
@ -219,7 +210,7 @@ namespace fp::graphics {

View File

@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ void fp::window::init(int width, int height) {
updateWindowViewport(width, height);
BLT_TRACE("Updated window view port!");
void fp::window::update() {

View File

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
* Created by Brett on 22/04/23.
* Licensed under GNU General Public License V3.0
* See LICENSE file for license detail
#include <util/threadpool.h>
blt::thread_pool::thread_pool(int maxThreads): MAX_THREADS(maxThreads) {
halted = false;
blt::thread_pool::~thread_pool() {
void blt::thread_pool::start() {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) {
new std::thread(
[this]() -> void {
while (!halted){
// acquire a resource from the runnable queue
while (runQueue.empty())
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
auto* run = runQueue.front();
// attempt to run the function
if (run)
void blt::thread_pool::stop() {
if (halted)
halted = true;
for (std::thread* thread : threads)
for (std::thread* thread : threads)
delete thread;
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
while (!runQueue.empty()){
delete runQueue.front();
void blt::thread_pool::run(std::function<void()>* func) {
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
void blt::thread_pool::run(blt::runnable* func) {
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
runQueue.push(new std::function<void()>([&]() -> void {

View File

@ -120,22 +120,24 @@ void fp::world::generateChunkMesh(chunk* chunk) {
std::queue<fp::chunk_pos> chunks_to_generate{};
void fp::world::update() {
// auto target_delta = 1000000000 / std::stoi(fp::settings::get("FPS"));
// while (fp::window::getCurrentDelta() < target_delta) {
// if (chunks_to_generate.empty())
// break;
// const auto& front = chunks_to_generate.front();
// spawnChunk(generateChunk(front));
// chunks_to_generate.pop();
// }
auto target_delta = 1000000000 / std::stoi(fp::settings::get("FPS"));
while (fp::window::getCurrentDelta() < target_delta) {
if (chunks_to_generate.empty())
const auto& front = chunks_to_generate.front();
void fp::world::render(fp::shader& shader) {
if (fp::window::isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_F) && fp::window::keyState())
fp::camera::isFrozen() ? fp::camera::unfreeze() : fp::camera::freeze();
@ -149,11 +151,18 @@ void fp::world::render(fp::shader& shader) {
for (int j = -view_distance; j <= view_distance; j++) {
for (int k = -view_distance; k <= view_distance; k++) {
// get the chunks around the player's camera
chunk_pos adjusted_chunk_pos = offsetCameraByChunk(i, j, k);
// don't try to render null chunks! A separate thread should handle the generation.
const auto& pos = fp::camera::getPosition();
int x = (int) pos.x();
int y = (int) pos.y();
int z = (int) pos.z();
auto camera_chunk_pos = fp::_static::world_to_chunk({x, y, z});
chunk_pos adjusted_chunk_pos {camera_chunk_pos.x + i, // chunk x
camera_chunk_pos.y + j, // chunk y
camera_chunk_pos.z + k}; // chunk z
// queue a chunk for generation if it doesn't exist. A separate thread should handle the generation.
auto* chunk = this->getChunk(adjusted_chunk_pos);
if (!chunk) {
// chunks_to_generate.push(adjusted_chunk_pos);
@ -166,13 +175,12 @@ void fp::world::render(fp::shader& shader) {
const auto p_min = blt::vec3{(float) i * CHUNK_SIZE, (float) j * CHUNK_SIZE,
(float) k * CHUNK_SIZE};
const auto p_min = blt::vec3{(float)i * CHUNK_SIZE, (float)j * CHUNK_SIZE, (float)k * CHUNK_SIZE};
const auto p_max = p_min + blt::vec3{CHUNK_SIZE, CHUNK_SIZE, CHUNK_SIZE};
const auto& m = camera::getPVM();
//if (frustum::isInsideFrustum(m, p_min))
if (frustum::isInsideFrustum(m, p_min))
@ -201,9 +209,7 @@ fp::chunk* fp::world::generateChunk(const fp::chunk_pos& pos) {
float noise_total = 1;
for (int j = 1; j <= 8; j++)
noise_total += stb_perlin_noise3(
block_x / 256.0f, block_z / 256.0f, (float) j * 5.213953f, 0, 0, 0
) * (float) (j);
noise_total += stb_perlin_noise3(block_x / 256.0f, block_z / 256.0f, (float)j * 5.213953f, 0, 0, 0) * (float)(j);
noise_total /= 8;
@ -212,9 +218,7 @@ fp::chunk* fp::world::generateChunk(const fp::chunk_pos& pos) {
for (int j = 0; j < CHUNK_SIZE; j++) {
auto block_y = float(pos.y * CHUNK_SIZE + j);
float noise2 = stb_perlin_fbm_noise3(
block_x / 32.0f, block_y / 32.0f, block_z / 32.0f, 2.0, 0.5, 5
) + 0.75f;
float noise2 = stb_perlin_fbm_noise3(block_x / 32.0f, block_y / 32.0f, block_z / 32.0f, 2.0, 0.5, 5) + 0.75f;
if (block_y < world_height && noise2 > 0)
storage->set({i, j, k}, noise2 > 1 ? fp::registry::GRASS : fp::registry::STONE);
@ -235,54 +239,6 @@ fp::world::~world() {
BLT_WRITE_PROFILE(profile, "Chunk Mesh");
for (auto& chunk : chunk_storage)
delete (chunk.second);
running = false;
// for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++)
// chunkGenerationThread[i].join();
delete chunkGenerationThread;
fp::world::world() {
chunkGenerationThread = new std::thread(
[this]() -> void {
while (running) {
auto view_distance = std::stoi(fp::settings::get("VIEW_DISTANCE")) / 2;
// get the chunks around the player's camera
for (int i = -view_distance; i <= view_distance; i++) {
for (int j = -view_distance; j <= view_distance; j++) {
for (int k = -view_distance; k <= view_distance; k++) {
chunk_pos adjusted_chunk_pos = offsetCameraByChunk(i, j, k);
auto* chunk = this->getChunk(adjusted_chunk_pos);
// only generate non-existent chunks
if (chunk)
auto* generated_chunk = generateChunk(adjusted_chunk_pos);
// for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++){
// chunkGenerationThread[i] = std::thread{[this]() -> void {
// while (running) {
// std::unique_lock<std::mutex> clock(chunkQueueMutex);
// if (chunks_to_generate.empty()) {
// clock.unlock();
// continue;
// }
// auto chunk_pos = chunks_to_generate.front();
// chunks_to_generate.pop();
// clock.unlock();
// auto* generated_chunk = generateChunk(chunk_pos);
// spawnChunk(generated_chunk);
// BLT_TRACE("Generated Chunk! %d, %d, %d", chunk_pos.x, chunk_pos.y,
// chunk_pos.z);
// }
// }};
// }
void fp::chunk::render(fp::shader& shader) {