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2024-04-01 00:01:49 -04:00
* Portable Agile C++ Classes (PACC)
* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Marc Parizeau
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Contact:
* Laboratoire de Vision et Systemes Numeriques
* Departement de genie electrique et de genie informatique
* Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4
* \file PACC/Math/Vector.hpp
* \brief Definition of class Vector.
* \author Christian Gagne
* \author Marc Parizeau
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2007/09/10 18:24:08 $
#ifndef PACC_Vector_hpp
#define PACC_Vector_hpp
#include "Util/Assert.hpp"
#include "Math/Matrix.hpp"
#include "XML/Document.hpp"
#include "XML/Streamer.hpp"
#include <cmath>
namespace PACC {
using namespace std;
\brief Single column matrix.
\author Marc Parizeau and Christian Gagn&eacute;, Laboratoire de vision et syst&egrave;mes num&eacute;riques, Universit&eacute; Laval
\ingroup Math
\ingroup MLP
This class encapsulates a vector as a single column matrix.
\attention Vector indices start at 0.
class Vector : public Matrix {
//! Construct an empty vector with name \c inName.
Vector(const string& inName="") : Matrix(0, 1, inName) {}
//! Constructs a vector of size \c inSize, initialized with 0, and withname \c inName.
explicit Vector(unsigned int inSize, const string& inName="") : Matrix(inSize, 1, inName) {}
//! Constructs a vector of size \c inSize, initialized with value \c inValue, and with name \c inName.
explicit Vector(unsigned int inSize, double inValue, const string& inName="") : Matrix(inSize, 1, inValue, inName) {}
//! Convert matrix to vector.
Vector(const Matrix& inMatrix) : Matrix(inMatrix) {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "Vector() cannot convert matrix to vector!");
//! Return reference to element \c inRow.
inline double& operator[](unsigned int inRow) {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "operator[]() invalid vector!");
PACC_AssertM(inRow < mRows, "invalid vector index!");
return vector<double>::operator[](inRow);
//! Return const reference to element \c inRow.
inline const double& operator[](unsigned int inRow) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "operator[]() invalid vector!");
PACC_AssertM(inRow < mRows, "invalid vector index!");
return vector<double>::operator[](inRow);
//! Add scalar \c inScalar to this vector, and return new vector.
inline Vector operator+(double inScalar) const {
Matrix lMatrix;
return add(lMatrix, inScalar);
//! Add scalar \c inScalar to this vector, and assign result to this vector.
inline Vector& operator+=(double inScalar) {
return (Vector&) add((Matrix&)*this, inScalar);
//! Add vector \c inVector to this vector, and return new vector.
inline Vector operator+(const Vector& inVector) const {
Matrix lMatrix;
return add(lMatrix, inVector);
//! Add vector \c inVector to this vector, and assign result to this vector.
inline Vector& operator+=(const Vector& inVector) {
return (Vector&) add((Matrix&)*this, inVector);
//! Add matrix \c inMatrix to this vector, and return new vector.
inline Vector operator+(const Matrix& inMatrix) const {
Matrix lMatrix;
return add(lMatrix, inMatrix);
//! Add matrix \c inMatrix to this vector, and assign result to this vector.
inline Vector& operator+=(const Matrix& inMatrix) {
return (Vector&) add((Matrix&)*this, inMatrix);
//! Subtract scalar \c inScalar from this vector, and return new vector.
inline Vector operator-(double inScalar) const {
Matrix lMatrix;
return subtract(lMatrix, inScalar);
//! Subtract scalar \c inScalar from this vector, and assign result to this vector.
inline Vector& operator-=(double inScalar) {
return (Vector&) subtract((Matrix&)*this,inScalar);
//! Subtract vector \c inVector from this vector, and return new vector.
inline Vector operator-(const Vector& inVector) const {
Matrix lMatrix;
return subtract(lMatrix, inVector);
//! Subtract vector \c inVector from this vector, and assign result to this vector.
inline Vector& operator-=(const Vector& inVector) {
return (Vector&) subtract((Matrix&)*this, inVector);
//! Subtract matrix \c inMatrix from this vector, and return new vector.
inline Vector operator-(const Matrix& inMatrix) const {
Matrix lMatrix;
return subtract(lMatrix, inMatrix);
//! Subtract matrix \c inMatrix from this vector, and assign result to this vector.
inline Vector& operator-=(const Matrix& inMatrix) {
return (Vector&) subtract((Matrix&)*this, inMatrix);
//! Multiply scalar \c inScalar to this vector, and return new vector.
inline Vector operator*(double inScalar) const {
Matrix lMatrix;
return multiply(lMatrix, inScalar);
//! Multiply scalar \c inScalar to this vector, and assign result to this vector.
inline Vector& operator*=(double inScalar) {
return (Vector&) multiply((Matrix&)*this, inScalar);
//! Multiply matrix \c inMatrix to this vector, and return new matrix.
inline Matrix operator*(const Matrix& inMatrix) const {
Matrix lMatrix;
return multiply(lMatrix, inMatrix);
//! Compute inner product of this vector with vector \c inVector.
inline double operator*(const Vector& inVector) const {
PACC_AssertM(mRows == inVector.mRows, "operator*() vector mismatch for inner product!");
double lResult = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mRows; ++i) lResult += (*this)[i] * inVector[i];
return lResult;
//! Compute L1 norm for this vector.
inline double computeL1Norm(void) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "computeL1Norm() invalid vector!");
double lResult = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mRows; ++i) lResult += fabs((*this)[i]);
return lResult;
//! Compute L2 norm for this vector.
inline double computeL2Norm(void) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "computeL2Norm() invalid vector!");
double lResult = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mRows; ++i) lResult += (*this)[i]*(*this)[i];
return sqrt(lResult);
//! Compute square of L2 norm for this vector.
inline double computeL2Norm2(void) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "computeL2Norm2() invalid vector!");
double lResult = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mRows; ++i) lResult += (*this)[i]*(*this)[i];
return lResult;
//! Compute Linf norm for this vector.
inline double computeLinfNorm(void) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "computeLinfNorm() invalid vector!");
double lResult = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mRows; ++i) if(lResult < fabs((*this)[i])) lResult = (*this)[i];
return lResult;
//! Return index of max element.
inline int getArgMax(void) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "getArgMax() invalid number of columns!");
return distance(begin(), max_element(begin(), end()));
//! Return max element.
inline double getMax(void) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "getMax() invalid number of columns!");
return *max_element(begin(), end());
//! Return index of min element.
inline int getArgMin(void) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "getArgMin() invalid number of columns!");
return distance(begin(), min_element(begin(), end()));
//! Return min element.
inline double getMin(void) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "getMin() invalid number of columns!");
return *min_element(begin(), end());
//! Return size of this vector.
inline unsigned int size(void) const {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "size() invalid vector!");
return mRows;
//! Resize this vector to \c inSize dimensions.
inline void resize(unsigned int inSize) {
PACC_AssertM(mCols == 1, "resize() invalid vector!");
//! Read from parse tree node \c inNode.
string read(const XML::Iterator& inNode);
//! Write this vector into streamer \c outStream using tag name \c inTag.
void write(XML::Streamer& outStream, const string& inTag="Vector") const;
//! Insert vector \c inVector into output stream \c outStream.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& outStream, const Vector& inVector);
//! Extract vector \c outVector from %XML document \c inDocument.
XML::Document& operator>>(XML::Document& inDocument, Vector& outVector);
#endif // PACC_Vector_hpp