Brett 2024-04-02 01:58:34 -04:00
parent 32e8d3718e
commit 053e022355
95 changed files with 13006 additions and 19665 deletions

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
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@ -302,31 +302,31 @@
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&quot;CMake Application.Assignment_1.executor&quot;: &quot;Run&quot;,
&quot;CMake Application.Assignment_1_RUNNER.executor&quot;: &quot;Run&quot;,
&quot;CMake Application.FinalProject.executor&quot;: &quot;Run&quot;,
&quot;CMake Application.FinalProject_Runner.executor&quot;: &quot;Run&quot;,
&quot;RunOnceActivity.OpenProjectViewOnStart&quot;: &quot;true&quot;,
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"keyToString": {
"CMake Application.Assignment_1.executor": "Run",
"CMake Application.Assignment_1_RUNNER.executor": "Run",
"CMake Application.FinalProject.executor": "Run",
"CMake Application.FinalProject_Runner.executor": "Debug",
"RunOnceActivity.OpenProjectViewOnStart": "true",
"RunOnceActivity.ShowReadmeOnStart": "true",
"RunOnceActivity.cidr.known.project.marker": "true",
"RunOnceActivity.readMode.enableVisualFormatting": "true",
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@ -341,6 +341,11 @@
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View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.2)
project(FinalProject C CXX)
option(ENABLE_ADDRSAN "Enable the address sanitizer" OFF)
option(ENABLE_UBSAN "Enable the ub sanitizer" OFF)

View File

@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
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"component" : "Unspecified",
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
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"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
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"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
"backtrace" : 35,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
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"backtrace" : 40,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt",
"paths" :
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"backtrace" : 41,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt",
"paths" :
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"paths" :
"build" : "lib/blt",
"source" : "lib/blt"

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ Enabling platform specific compile options for BLT
-- GCC Link: -rdynamic
-- GCC libs: stdc++fs
Including Parallel Hashmap directory
BLT 0.15.10 Successfully included!
BLT 0.15.11 Successfully included!
Installing to lib with headers at include
Checking for sanatizers
-- Enabled addrsan
-- Enabled UBsan
-- Configuring done (0.0s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-debug

View File

@ -316,17 +316,17 @@ build FinalProject: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_Debug CMakeFiles/FinalPr
build cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner: phony || FinalProject cmake_object_order_depends_target_BLT
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_Debug /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/aggregation.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_Debug /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/aggregation.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
DEFINES = -DBUILD_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-debug\"" -DPART_B -DPOSIX_MT -DRANDOMSEEDTIME -DSOURCE_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project\"" -DUSEVFORK
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o.d
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/aggregation.cpp.o.d
FLAGS = -g -std=gnu++17 -fdiagnostics-color=always -mieee-fp -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wno-comment -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fdiagnostics-color=always
INCLUDES = -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/lilgp/kernel" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/Runner" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-debug/lib/blt/config" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/libraries/parallel-hashmap"
OBJECT_DIR = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir
OBJECT_FILE_DIR = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_Debug /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main_new.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_Debug /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
DEFINES = -DBUILD_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-debug\"" -DPART_B -DPOSIX_MT -DRANDOMSEEDTIME -DSOURCE_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project\"" -DUSEVFORK
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o.d
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o.d
FLAGS = -g -std=gnu++17 -fdiagnostics-color=always -mieee-fp -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wno-comment -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fdiagnostics-color=always
INCLUDES = -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/lilgp/kernel" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/Runner" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-debug/lib/blt/config" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/libraries/parallel-hashmap"
OBJECT_DIR = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER
# Link the executable FinalProject_Runner
build FinalProject_Runner: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_Runner_Debug CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o | lib/blt/libBLT.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ || FinalProject lib/blt/libBLT.a
build FinalProject_Runner: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_Runner_Debug CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/aggregation.cpp.o CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o | lib/blt/libBLT.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ || FinalProject lib/blt/libBLT.a
FLAGS = -g
LINK_FLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wno-comment -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -rdynamic
LINK_LIBRARIES = lib/blt/libBLT.a -lm -lpthread /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -lstdc++fs

View File

file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/blt" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include/blt/unicode_emoji.h")
file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/blt/window" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include/blt/window/window.h")
file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/blt" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-debug/config/blt/config.h")

View File

@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
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"paths" :
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
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"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
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"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
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"backtrace" : 32,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
"backtrace" : 33,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
"backtrace" : 34,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
"backtrace" : 35,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
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"backtrace" : 36,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
"backtrace" : 37,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
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"backtrace" : 38,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
"backtrace" : 39,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt/std",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
"backtrace" : 40,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
"backtrace" : 41,
"component" : "Unspecified",
"destination" : "include/blt",
"paths" :
"type" : "file"
"paths" :
"build" : "lib/blt",
"source" : "lib/blt"

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ Enabling platform specific compile options for BLT
-- GCC Link: -rdynamic
-- GCC libs: stdc++fs
Including Parallel Hashmap directory
BLT 0.15.10 Successfully included!
BLT 0.15.11 Successfully included!
Installing to lib with headers at include
Checking for sanatizers
-- Configuring done (0.0s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-release

View File

@ -316,17 +316,17 @@ build FinalProject: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_Release CMakeFiles/Final
build cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner: phony || FinalProject cmake_object_order_depends_target_BLT
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_Release /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/aggregation.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_Release /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/aggregation.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
DEFINES = -DBUILD_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-release\"" -DPART_B -DPOSIX_MT -DRANDOMSEEDTIME -DSOURCE_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project\"" -DUSEVFORK
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o.d
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/aggregation.cpp.o.d
FLAGS = -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=gnu++17 -fdiagnostics-color=always -mieee-fp -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-color=always
INCLUDES = -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/lilgp/kernel" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/Runner" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-release/lib/blt/config" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/libraries/parallel-hashmap"
OBJECT_DIR = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir
OBJECT_FILE_DIR = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_Release /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main_new.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_Release /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
DEFINES = -DBUILD_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-release\"" -DPART_B -DPOSIX_MT -DRANDOMSEEDTIME -DSOURCE_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project\"" -DUSEVFORK
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o.d
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o.d
FLAGS = -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=gnu++17 -fdiagnostics-color=always -mieee-fp -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-color=always
INCLUDES = -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/lilgp/kernel" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/Runner" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-release/lib/blt/config" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/libraries/parallel-hashmap"
OBJECT_DIR = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER
# Link the executable FinalProject_Runner
build FinalProject_Runner: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_Runner_Release CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o | lib/blt/libBLT.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ || FinalProject lib/blt/libBLT.a
build FinalProject_Runner: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_Runner_Release CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/aggregation.cpp.o CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o | lib/blt/libBLT.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ || FinalProject lib/blt/libBLT.a
LINK_FLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wno-comment -rdynamic
LINK_LIBRARIES = lib/blt/libBLT.a -lm -lpthread /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -lstdc++fs

View File

file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/blt" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include/blt/unicode_emoji.h")
file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/blt/window" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include/blt/window/window.h")
file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/blt" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-release/config/blt/config.h")

View File

@ -1,701 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ Enabling platform specific compile options for BLT
-- GCC Link: -rdynamic
-- GCC libs: stdc++fs
Including Parallel Hashmap directory
BLT 0.15.10 Successfully included!
BLT 0.15.11 Successfully included!
Installing to lib with headers at include
Checking for sanatizers
-- Enabled addrsan
-- Enabled UBsan
-- Configuring done (0.0s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo-addrsan

View File

@ -316,17 +316,17 @@ build FinalProject: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_RelWithDebInfo CMakeFile
build cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner: phony || FinalProject cmake_object_order_depends_target_BLT
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_RelWithDebInfo /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
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build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_RelWithDebInfo /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
DEFINES = -DBUILD_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo-addrsan\"" -DPART_B -DPOSIX_MT -DRANDOMSEEDTIME -DSOURCE_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project\"" -DUSEVFORK
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INCLUDES = -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/lilgp/kernel" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/Runner" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo-addrsan/lib/blt/config" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/libraries/parallel-hashmap"
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# Link the executable FinalProject_Runner
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View File

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View File

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@ -50,3 +50,53 @@
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1914 1977 1712036853723756424 FinalProject_Runner 31aa7971508b3336
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1768 1830 1712036962729296994 FinalProject_Runner 31aa7971508b3336
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2645 2710 1712037077390903394 FinalProject_Runner 31aa7971508b3336

View File

@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ Enabling platform specific compile options for BLT
-- GCC Link: -rdynamic
-- GCC libs: stdc++fs
Including Parallel Hashmap directory
BLT 0.15.10 Successfully included!
BLT 0.15.11 Successfully included!
Installing to lib with headers at include
Checking for sanatizers
-- Configuring done (0.0s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
Start testing: Apr 01 00:02 EDT
Start testing: Apr 02 01:51 EDT
End testing: Apr 01 00:02 EDT
End testing: Apr 02 01:51 EDT

View File

@ -316,17 +316,17 @@ build FinalProject: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_RelWithDebInfo CMakeFile
build cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner: phony || FinalProject cmake_object_order_depends_target_BLT
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_RelWithDebInfo /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/aggregation.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_RelWithDebInfo /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/aggregation.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
DEFINES = -DBUILD_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo\"" -DPART_B -DPOSIX_MT -DRANDOMSEEDTIME -DSOURCE_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project\"" -DUSEVFORK
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o.d
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/aggregation.cpp.o.d
FLAGS = -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -std=gnu++17 -fdiagnostics-color=always -mieee-fp -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-color=always
INCLUDES = -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/lilgp/kernel" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/Runner" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo/lib/blt/config" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/libraries/parallel-hashmap"
OBJECT_DIR = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir
OBJECT_FILE_DIR = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_RelWithDebInfo /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main_new.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER__FinalProject_Runner_unscanned_RelWithDebInfo /home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS$ 4P82/Final$ Project/FP-C-Project/src/runner/main.cpp || cmake_object_order_depends_target_FinalProject_Runner
DEFINES = -DBUILD_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo\"" -DPART_B -DPOSIX_MT -DRANDOMSEEDTIME -DSOURCE_DIR="\"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project\"" -DUSEVFORK
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o.d
DEP_FILE = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o.d
FLAGS = -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -std=gnu++17 -fdiagnostics-color=always -mieee-fp -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-color=always
INCLUDES = -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/lilgp/kernel" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/Runner" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo/lib/blt/config" -I"/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/libraries/parallel-hashmap"
OBJECT_DIR = CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ build CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o: CXX_COMPILER
# Link the executable FinalProject_Runner
build FinalProject_Runner: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_Runner_RelWithDebInfo CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main_new.cpp.o | lib/blt/libBLT.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ || FinalProject lib/blt/libBLT.a
build FinalProject_Runner: CXX_EXECUTABLE_LINKER__FinalProject_Runner_RelWithDebInfo CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/aggregation.cpp.o CMakeFiles/FinalProject_Runner.dir/src/runner/main.cpp.o | lib/blt/libBLT.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ || FinalProject lib/blt/libBLT.a
LINK_FLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wno-comment -rdynamic
LINK_LIBRARIES = lib/blt/libBLT.a -lm -lpthread /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -lstdc++fs

View File

file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/blt" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include/blt/unicode_emoji.h")
file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/blt/window" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/lib/blt/include/blt/window/window.h")
file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/blt" TYPE FILE FILES "/home/brett/Documents/Brock/CS 4P82/Final Project/FP-C-Project/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo/config/blt/config.h")

View File

@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 51
nodes: 25
depth: 8
hits: 939
generation: 7
nodes: 5
depth: 2
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 939
raw fitness: 939.0000
standardized fitness: 939.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* (- (/ convex
(+ eccentricity minor)) -0.80863)
(* (exp -0.75264)
(- (/ -0.33730 minor)
(+ (/ perimeter perimeter)
(log (- -0.48312 convex))))))))
(/ (+ extent -0.59213) -0.75926)
y = log(exp((((convex / (eccentricity + minor)) - -0.80863) * (exp(-0.75264) * ((-0.33730 / minor) - ((perimeter / perimeter) + log((-0.48312 - convex))))))))
y = ((extent + -0.59213) / -0.75926)

View File

@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
Hits: 2604, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 92.669039
CC: 1022
CO: 94
OO: 1582
OC: 112
Fitness: 0.998936
Hits: 939
Hits: 1838, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 65.409253
CC: 370
CO: 760
OO: 1468
OC: 212
Fitness: 0.998258
Hits: 573
y = log(exp((((convex / (eccentricity + minor)) - -0.80863) * (exp(-0.75264) * ((-0.33730 / minor) - ((perimeter / perimeter) + log((-0.48312 - convex))))))))
y = ((extent + -0.59213) / -0.75926)
(log (exp (* (- (/ convex
(+ eccentricity minor)) -0.80863)
(* (exp -0.75264)
(- (/ -0.33730 minor)
(+ (/ perimeter perimeter)
(log (- -0.48312 convex))))))))
(/ (+ extent -0.59213) -0.75926)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,53 +1,11 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9571 0.9987 0.0000 18.117 3.463 10 4 24 4 0.9571 0.9987 0.0000 18.117 3.463 10 4 24 4
1 0 0.9900 0.9987 0.0000 15.776 3.488 10 4 69 7 0.9736 0.9987 0.0000 16.946 3.476 10 4 24 4
2 0 0.9946 0.9988 0.0000 15.022 3.536 64 8 12 4 0.9806 0.9988 0.0000 16.305 3.496 64 8 24 4
3 0 0.9918 0.9988 0.0000 14.032 3.484 64 8 32 5 0.9834 0.9988 0.0000 15.737 3.493 64 8 24 4
4 0 0.9932 0.9988 0.0000 13.396 3.488 64 8 10 3 0.9853 0.9988 0.0000 15.269 3.492 64 8 24 4
5 0 0.9954 0.9988 0.0000 12.904 3.419 64 8 28 8 0.9870 0.9988 0.0000 14.874 3.480 64 8 24 4
6 0 0.9936 0.9988 0.0000 12.331 3.350 64 8 56 8 0.9880 0.9988 0.0000 14.511 3.461 64 8 24 4
7 0 0.9942 0.9988 0.0000 11.619 3.260 64 8 60 8 0.9888 0.9988 0.0000 14.150 3.436 64 8 24 4
8 0 0.9952 0.9988 0.0000 11.195 3.234 64 8 18 6 0.9895 0.9988 0.0000 13.821 3.414 64 8 24 4
9 0 0.9962 0.9989 0.0000 10.695 3.165 13 7 42 9 0.9902 0.9989 0.0000 13.509 3.389 13 7 24 4
10 0 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 10.304 3.087 13 7 16 5 0.9907 0.9989 0.0000 13.217 3.361 13 7 24 4
11 0 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 9.820 3.021 13 7 76 9 0.9911 0.9989 0.0000 12.934 3.333 13 7 24 4
12 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 9.660 3.017 13 7 49 9 0.9915 0.9989 0.0000 12.682 3.309 13 7 24 4
13 0 0.9948 0.9989 0.0000 9.301 2.976 13 7 16 5 0.9917 0.9989 0.0000 12.441 3.285 13 7 24 4
14 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 8.925 2.911 13 7 12 5 0.9921 0.9989 0.0000 12.206 3.260 13 7 24 4
15 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 8.518 2.795 13 7 24 7 0.9924 0.9989 0.0000 11.976 3.231 13 7 24 4
16 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 8.381 2.774 13 7 88 11 0.9927 0.9989 0.0000 11.764 3.204 13 7 24 4
17 0 0.9964 0.9989 0.0000 7.966 2.691 13 7 9 4 0.9929 0.9989 0.0000 11.553 3.175 13 7 24 4
18 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 7.397 2.533 13 7 74 7 0.9931 0.9989 0.0000 11.335 3.142 13 7 24 4
19 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 6.908 2.404 13 7 28 7 0.9933 0.9989 0.0000 11.113 3.105 13 7 24 4
20 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 6.619 2.337 26 8 76 14 0.9935 0.9989 0.0000 10.899 3.068 26 8 24 4
21 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 6.427 2.281 26 8 11 5 0.9937 0.9989 0.0000 10.696 3.032 26 8 24 4
22 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 6.314 2.267 26 8 24 7 0.9939 0.9989 0.0000 10.506 2.999 26 8 24 4
23 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 6.221 2.250 26 8 41 8 0.9940 0.9989 0.0000 10.327 2.968 26 8 24 4
24 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 6.223 2.238 26 8 22 6 0.9941 0.9989 0.0000 10.163 2.939 26 8 24 4
25 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 6.109 2.220 26 8 15 4 0.9943 0.9989 0.0000 10.007 2.911 26 8 24 4
26 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.923 2.192 26 8 13 6 0.9944 0.9989 0.0000 9.856 2.884 26 8 24 4
27 0 0.9962 0.9989 0.0000 5.846 2.172 26 8 8 3 0.9944 0.9989 0.0000 9.712 2.859 26 8 24 4
28 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.692 2.158 26 8 12 6 0.9945 0.9989 0.0000 9.574 2.835 26 8 24 4
29 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.608 2.106 26 8 10 4 0.9946 0.9989 0.0000 9.442 2.811 26 8 24 4
30 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.533 2.092 26 8 11 6 0.9947 0.9989 0.0000 9.316 2.787 26 8 24 4
31 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.284 2.024 26 8 6 3 0.9948 0.9989 0.0000 9.190 2.764 26 8 24 4
32 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9977 5.228 2.026 26 8 7 2 0.9949 0.9989 0.0000 9.070 2.741 26 8 24 4
33 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.898 1.925 26 8 7 3 0.9950 0.9989 0.0000 8.947 2.717 26 8 24 4
34 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.865 1.927 26 8 28 8 0.9951 0.9989 0.0000 8.830 2.695 26 8 24 4
35 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.751 1.880 26 8 8 3 0.9951 0.9989 0.0000 8.717 2.672 26 8 24 4
36 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9968 4.650 1.827 26 8 6 3 0.9952 0.9989 0.0000 8.607 2.649 26 8 24 4
37 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 4.462 1.733 26 8 9 4 0.9953 0.9989 0.0000 8.498 2.625 26 8 24 4
38 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.482 1.746 26 8 18 5 0.9953 0.9989 0.0000 8.395 2.602 26 8 24 4
39 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 4.519 1.760 26 8 14 6 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 8.298 2.581 26 8 24 4
40 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.538 1.788 26 8 8 4 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 8.206 2.562 26 8 24 4
41 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.480 1.764 29 9 6 3 0.9955 0.9989 0.0000 8.118 2.543 29 9 24 4
42 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.442 1.734 29 9 22 5 0.9955 0.9989 0.0000 8.032 2.524 29 9 24 4
43 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 4.452 1.729 29 9 23 8 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 7.951 2.506 29 9 24 4
44 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.522 1.757 29 9 29 9 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 7.875 2.490 29 9 24 4
45 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 4.637 1.796 29 9 17 5 0.9957 0.9989 0.0000 7.804 2.474 29 9 24 4
46 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 4.538 1.756 29 9 9 4 0.9957 0.9989 0.0000 7.735 2.459 29 9 24 4
47 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.400 1.704 29 9 14 6 0.9957 0.9989 0.0000 7.665 2.443 29 9 24 4
48 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.363 1.702 29 9 8 3 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.598 2.428 29 9 24 4
49 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 4.239 1.654 29 9 16 6 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.531 2.413 29 9 24 4
50 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9955 4.240 1.653 29 9 22 5 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.466 2.398 29 9 24 4
51 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.327 1.675 25 8 14 6 0.9959 0.9989 0.0000 7.406 2.384 25 8 24 4
0 0 0.9541 0.9980 0.0000 18.584 3.300 16 5 76 6 0.9541 0.9980 0.0000 18.584 3.300 16 5 76 6
1 0 0.9940 0.9980 0.0000 15.820 3.288 16 5 31 5 0.9740 0.9980 0.0000 17.202 3.294 16 5 76 6
2 0 0.9940 0.9982 0.0000 17.056 3.656 4 2 33 5 0.9807 0.9982 0.0000 17.153 3.415 4 2 76 6
3 0 0.9980 0.9982 0.9942 16.024 3.716 4 2 53 8 0.9850 0.9982 0.0000 16.871 3.490 4 2 76 6
4 0 0.9980 0.9982 0.9942 15.832 3.672 4 2 34 6 0.9876 0.9982 0.0000 16.663 3.526 4 2 76 6
5 0 0.9940 0.9982 0.0000 14.176 3.416 4 2 50 9 0.9887 0.9982 0.0000 16.249 3.508 4 2 76 6
6 0 0.9860 0.9982 0.0000 13.824 3.604 4 2 55 7 0.9883 0.9982 0.0000 15.902 3.522 4 2 76 6
7 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9942 14.500 3.944 5 2 75 11 0.9895 0.9983 0.0000 15.727 3.575 5 2 76 6
8 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9974 14.368 4.088 5 2 77 10 0.9904 0.9983 0.0000 15.576 3.632 5 2 76 6
9 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9978 12.744 3.848 5 2 8 4 0.9912 0.9983 0.0000 15.293 3.653 5 2 76 6

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 746.
no random number seed specfied; using 1984.
creating initial population(s):
7289 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
313 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -47,159 +47,8 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 8.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 9.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 10.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 11.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 12.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 13.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 14.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 15.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 16.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 17.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 18.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 19.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 20.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 21.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 22.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 23.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 24.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 25.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 26.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 27.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 28.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 29.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 30.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 31.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 32.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 33.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 34.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 35.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 36.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 37.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 38.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 39.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 40.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 41.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 42.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 43.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 44.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 45.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 46.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 47.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 48.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 49.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 50.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 51.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
------- memory -------
allocated: 62050741
freed: 62002741
not freed: 48000
max allocated: 2496430
malloc'ed blocks: 924765
realloc'ed blocks: 8
free'ed blocks: 924759
------- time -------
overall: 5s wall
evaluation: 4s wall
breeding: 0s wall
------- generation spaces -------
space 0 size: 200
space 1 size: 100
------- ephemeral random constants -------
used: 23705
freed: 23705
allocated: 6000
blocks: 11

View File

@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
generation: 0
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
y = (major / ((exp((perimeter + (major / eccentricity))) - (((minor * convex) - (extent + convex)) / (exp(minor) / log(extent)))) * (extent - area)))
y = (exp(((area - major) - (area + perimeter))) / (log(exp(perimeter)) * ((-0.74710 - minor) - (perimeter + extent))))

View File

@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
Hits: 2443, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 86.939502
CC: 796
CO: 345
OO: 1647
OC: 22
Fitness: 0.998804
Hits: 835
Hits: 1789, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 63.665480
CC: 123
CO: 1021
OO: 1666
OC: 0
Fitness: 0.998255
Hits: 572
y = (major / ((exp((perimeter + (major / eccentricity))) - (((minor * convex) - (extent + convex)) / (exp(minor) / log(extent)))) * (extent - area)))
y = (exp(((area - major) - (area + perimeter))) / (log(exp(perimeter)) * ((-0.74710 - minor) - (perimeter + extent))))
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))

View File

@ -1,468 +1,210 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 0
generation: 0
nodes: 9
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 828
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 828
raw fitness: 828.0000
standardized fitness: 828.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (/ (/ perimeter -0.60146)
(/ area convex))))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 1
generation: 0
nodes: 9
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 828
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 828
raw fitness: 828.0000
standardized fitness: 828.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (/ (/ perimeter -0.60146)
(/ area convex))))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 2
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
generation: 0
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 3
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
generation: 0
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 4
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
generation: 0
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 5
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
generation: 0
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 6
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
generation: 0
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 7
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
generation: 0
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 8
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
generation: 0
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 9
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
generation: 0
nodes: 20
depth: 4
hits: 572
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 572
raw fitness: 572.0000
standardized fitness: 572.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 10
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 11
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 12
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 13
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 14
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 15
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 16
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 17
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 18
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 19
generation: 2
nodes: 26
depth: 6
hits: 835
-- #1 --
hits: 835
raw fitness: 835.0000
standardized fitness: 835.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ major
(* (- (exp (+ perimeter
(/ major eccentricity)))
(/ (- (* minor convex)
(+ extent convex))
(/ (exp minor)
(log extent))))
(- extent area)))
(/ (exp (- (- area major)
(+ area perimeter)))
(* (log (exp perimeter))
(- (- -0.74710 minor)
(+ perimeter extent))))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,21 +1,11 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9600 0.9988 0.0000 18.582 3.486 9 4 22 5 0.9600 0.9988 0.0000 18.582 3.486 9 4 22 5
1 0 0.9908 0.9988 0.0000 16.936 3.584 9 4 53 6 0.9754 0.9988 0.0000 17.759 3.535 9 4 22 5
2 0 0.9912 0.9988 0.0000 16.089 3.616 26 6 19 4 0.9807 0.9988 0.0000 17.203 3.562 26 6 22 5
3 0 0.9924 0.9988 0.0000 15.369 3.612 26 6 65 6 0.9836 0.9988 0.0000 16.744 3.574 26 6 22 5
4 0 0.9931 0.9988 0.0000 14.234 3.564 26 6 57 7 0.9855 0.9988 0.0000 16.242 3.572 26 6 22 5
5 0 0.9938 0.9988 0.0000 13.526 3.529 26 6 39 9 0.9869 0.9988 0.0000 15.789 3.565 26 6 22 5
6 0 0.9934 0.9988 0.0000 12.866 3.503 26 6 40 7 0.9878 0.9988 0.0000 15.372 3.556 26 6 22 5
7 0 0.9956 0.9988 0.0000 12.000 3.408 26 6 61 9 0.9888 0.9988 0.0000 14.950 3.538 26 6 22 5
8 0 0.9950 0.9988 0.0000 11.214 3.290 26 6 22 6 0.9895 0.9988 0.0000 14.535 3.510 26 6 22 5
9 0 0.9962 0.9988 0.0000 10.835 3.287 26 6 14 4 0.9901 0.9988 0.0000 14.165 3.488 26 6 22 5
10 0 0.9958 0.9988 0.0000 10.151 3.143 26 6 27 8 0.9906 0.9988 0.0000 13.800 3.456 26 6 22 5
11 0 0.9942 0.9988 0.0000 9.796 3.093 26 6 76 8 0.9909 0.9988 0.0000 13.467 3.426 26 6 22 5
12 0 0.9968 0.9988 0.0000 9.327 3.026 26 6 46 6 0.9914 0.9988 0.0000 13.148 3.395 26 6 22 5
13 0 0.9968 0.9988 0.0000 8.887 2.981 26 6 29 7 0.9918 0.9988 0.0000 12.844 3.366 26 6 22 5
14 0 0.9970 0.9988 0.0000 9.016 2.974 26 6 40 15 0.9921 0.9988 0.0000 12.589 3.340 26 6 22 5
15 0 0.9962 0.9988 0.0000 8.347 2.791 26 6 5 2 0.9924 0.9988 0.0000 12.323 3.305 26 6 22 5
16 0 0.9972 0.9988 0.0000 8.207 2.783 26 6 35 9 0.9927 0.9988 0.0000 12.081 3.275 26 6 22 5
17 0 0.9964 0.9988 0.0000 7.962 2.722 26 6 23 9 0.9929 0.9988 0.0000 11.852 3.244 26 6 22 5
18 0 0.9962 0.9988 0.0000 7.602 2.640 26 6 9 4 0.9930 0.9988 0.0000 11.629 3.212 26 6 22 5
19 0 0.9972 0.9988 0.0000 7.175 2.541 26 6 6 2 0.9932 0.9988 0.0000 11.406 3.179 26 6 22 5
0 0 0.9581 0.9983 0.0000 17.072 3.200 20 4 37 5 0.9581 0.9983 0.0000 17.072 3.200 20 4 37 5
1 0 0.9940 0.9983 0.0000 14.452 3.228 20 4 62 8 0.9760 0.9983 0.0000 15.762 3.214 20 4 37 5
2 0 0.9860 0.9983 0.0000 13.412 3.180 20 4 21 5 0.9793 0.9983 0.0000 14.979 3.203 20 4 37 5
3 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9979 13.744 3.192 20 4 35 6 0.9840 0.9983 0.0000 14.670 3.200 20 4 37 5
4 0 0.9940 0.9983 0.0000 12.400 3.072 20 4 79 9 0.9860 0.9983 0.0000 14.216 3.174 20 4 37 5
5 0 0.9940 0.9983 0.0000 11.408 3.040 20 4 81 10 0.9873 0.9983 0.0000 13.748 3.152 20 4 37 5
6 0 0.9900 0.9983 0.0000 11.536 3.212 20 4 9 4 0.9877 0.9983 0.0000 13.432 3.161 20 4 37 5
7 0 0.9940 0.9983 0.0000 11.780 3.380 20 4 14 5 0.9885 0.9983 0.0000 13.226 3.188 20 4 37 5
8 0 0.9900 0.9983 0.0000 9.584 2.948 20 4 39 10 0.9887 0.9983 0.0000 12.821 3.161 20 4 37 5
9 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9972 8.304 2.748 20 4 12 4 0.9896 0.9983 0.0000 12.369 3.120 20 4 37 5

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 56.
no random number seed specfied; using 95.
creating initial population(s):
7361 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
331 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -47,39 +47,8 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 8.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 9.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 10.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 11.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 12.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 13.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 14.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 15.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 16.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 17.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 18.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 19.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 20.

View File

@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 0
nodes: 42
depth: 5
hits: 793
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 793
raw fitness: 793.0000
standardized fitness: 793.0000
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (/ (- (log -0.65696)
(log eccentricity))
(+ (log major)
(exp major)))
(/ (/ (log area)
(* -0.47770 major))
(+ (exp major)
(+ extent perimeter))))
(+ (/ (exp (/ minor extent))
(+ (* 0.92538 major)
(exp major)))
(exp (exp (log -0.99120)))))
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
y = ((((log(-0.65696) - log(eccentricity)) / (log(major) + exp(major))) / ((log(area) / (-0.47770 * major)) / (exp(major) + (extent + perimeter)))) - ((exp((minor / extent)) / ((0.92538 * major) + exp(major))) + exp(exp(log(-0.99120)))))
y = ((((((extent + major) / (extent / extent)) * log(log(major))) + log((-0.94285 / (extent + convex)))) / ((((minor + extent) * log(minor)) + log((area / minor))) / ((eccentricity * log(minor)) + exp((extent + -0.03985))))) - log(minor))

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
Hits: 2218, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 78.932384
CC: 1114
CO: 30
OO: 1104
OC: 562
Fitness: 0.998741
Hits: 793
Hits: 2076, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 73.879004
CC: 931
CO: 205
OO: 1145
OC: 529
Fitness: 0.998716
Hits: 778
y = ((((log(-0.65696) - log(eccentricity)) / (log(major) + exp(major))) / ((log(area) / (-0.47770 * major)) / (exp(major) + (extent + perimeter)))) - ((exp((minor / extent)) / ((0.92538 * major) + exp(major))) + exp(exp(log(-0.99120)))))
y = ((((((extent + major) / (extent / extent)) * log(log(major))) + log((-0.94285 / (extent + convex)))) / ((((minor + extent) * log(minor)) + log((area / minor))) / ((eccentricity * log(minor)) + exp((extent + -0.03985))))) - log(minor))
(- (/ (/ (- (log -0.65696)
(log eccentricity))
(+ (log major)
(exp major)))
(/ (/ (log area)
(* -0.47770 major))
(+ (exp major)
(+ extent perimeter))))
(+ (/ (exp (/ minor extent))
(+ (* 0.92538 major)
(exp major)))
(exp (exp (log -0.99120)))))
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))

View File

@ -1,140 +1,518 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 0
generation: 0
nodes: 42
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 793
hits: 669
-- #1 --
hits: 793
raw fitness: 793.0000
standardized fitness: 793.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 669
raw fitness: 669.0000
standardized fitness: 669.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9985
(- (/ (/ (- (log -0.65696)
(log eccentricity))
(+ (log major)
(exp major)))
(/ (/ (log area)
(* -0.47770 major))
(+ (exp major)
(+ extent perimeter))))
(+ (/ (exp (/ minor extent))
(+ (* 0.92538 major)
(exp major)))
(exp (exp (log -0.99120)))))
(log (/ (- (/ (- perimeter area)
(- area area))
(+ (log major)
(+ 0.39296 0.03396)))
(log (/ (/ convex major)
(/ -0.42737 extent)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 1
generation: 0
nodes: 42
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 793
hits: 669
-- #1 --
hits: 793
raw fitness: 793.0000
standardized fitness: 793.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 669
raw fitness: 669.0000
standardized fitness: 669.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9985
(- (/ (/ (- (log -0.65696)
(log eccentricity))
(+ (log major)
(exp major)))
(/ (/ (log area)
(* -0.47770 major))
(+ (exp major)
(+ extent perimeter))))
(+ (/ (exp (/ minor extent))
(+ (* 0.92538 major)
(exp major)))
(exp (exp (log -0.99120)))))
(log (/ (- (/ (- perimeter area)
(- area area))
(+ (log major)
(+ 0.39296 0.03396)))
(log (/ (/ convex major)
(/ -0.42737 extent)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 2
generation: 0
nodes: 42
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 793
hits: 669
-- #1 --
hits: 793
raw fitness: 793.0000
standardized fitness: 793.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 669
raw fitness: 669.0000
standardized fitness: 669.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9985
(- (/ (/ (- (log -0.65696)
(log eccentricity))
(+ (log major)
(exp major)))
(/ (/ (log area)
(* -0.47770 major))
(+ (exp major)
(+ extent perimeter))))
(+ (/ (exp (/ minor extent))
(+ (* 0.92538 major)
(exp major)))
(exp (exp (log -0.99120)))))
(log (/ (- (/ (- perimeter area)
(- area area))
(+ (log major)
(+ 0.39296 0.03396)))
(log (/ (/ convex major)
(/ -0.42737 extent)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 3
generation: 0
nodes: 42
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 793
hits: 669
-- #1 --
hits: 793
raw fitness: 793.0000
standardized fitness: 793.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 669
raw fitness: 669.0000
standardized fitness: 669.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9985
(- (/ (/ (- (log -0.65696)
(log eccentricity))
(+ (log major)
(exp major)))
(/ (/ (log area)
(* -0.47770 major))
(+ (exp major)
(+ extent perimeter))))
(+ (/ (exp (/ minor extent))
(+ (* 0.92538 major)
(exp major)))
(exp (exp (log -0.99120)))))
(log (/ (- (/ (- perimeter area)
(- area area))
(+ (log major)
(+ 0.39296 0.03396)))
(log (/ (/ convex major)
(/ -0.42737 extent)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 4
generation: 0
nodes: 42
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 793
hits: 669
-- #1 --
hits: 793
raw fitness: 793.0000
standardized fitness: 793.0000
hits: 669
raw fitness: 669.0000
standardized fitness: 669.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9985
(log (/ (- (/ (- perimeter area)
(- area area))
(+ (log major)
(+ 0.39296 0.03396)))
(log (/ (/ convex major)
(/ -0.42737 extent)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 5
generation: 0
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 669
-- #1 --
hits: 669
raw fitness: 669.0000
standardized fitness: 669.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9985
(log (/ (- (/ (- perimeter area)
(- area area))
(+ (log major)
(+ 0.39296 0.03396)))
(log (/ (/ convex major)
(/ -0.42737 extent)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 6
generation: 0
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 669
-- #1 --
hits: 669
raw fitness: 669.0000
standardized fitness: 669.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9985
(log (/ (- (/ (- perimeter area)
(- area area))
(+ (log major)
(+ 0.39296 0.03396)))
(log (/ (/ convex major)
(/ -0.42737 extent)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 7
generation: 7
nodes: 45
depth: 6
hits: 705
-- #1 --
hits: 705
raw fitness: 705.0000
standardized fitness: 705.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9986
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ (* convex area)
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 8
generation: 7
nodes: 45
depth: 6
hits: 705
-- #1 --
hits: 705
raw fitness: 705.0000
standardized fitness: 705.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9986
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ (* convex area)
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 9
generation: 7
nodes: 45
depth: 6
hits: 705
-- #1 --
hits: 705
raw fitness: 705.0000
standardized fitness: 705.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9986
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ (* convex area)
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 10
generation: 7
nodes: 45
depth: 6
hits: 705
-- #1 --
hits: 705
raw fitness: 705.0000
standardized fitness: 705.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9986
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ (* convex area)
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 11
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (/ (- (log -0.65696)
(log eccentricity))
(+ (log major)
(exp major)))
(/ (/ (log area)
(* -0.47770 major))
(+ (exp major)
(+ extent perimeter))))
(+ (/ (exp (/ minor extent))
(+ (* 0.92538 major)
(exp major)))
(exp (exp (log -0.99120)))))
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 12
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 13
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 14
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 15
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 16
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 17
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 18
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 19
generation: 11
nodes: 43
depth: 6
hits: 778
-- #1 --
hits: 778
raw fitness: 778.0000
standardized fitness: 778.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(- (/ (+ (* (/ (+ extent major)
(/ extent extent))
(log (log major)))
(log (/ -0.94285
(+ extent convex))))
(/ (+ (* (+ minor extent)
(log minor))
(log (/ area minor)))
(+ (* eccentricity
(log minor))
(exp (+ extent -0.03985)))))
(log minor))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9564 0.9987 0.0000 18.025 3.449 42 5 17 5 0.9564 0.9987 0.0000 18.025 3.449 42 5 17 5
1 0 0.9899 0.9987 0.0000 16.429 3.558 42 5 36 6 0.9731 0.9987 0.0000 17.227 3.503 42 5 17 5
2 0 0.9915 0.9987 0.0000 15.534 3.596 42 5 19 5 0.9793 0.9987 0.0000 16.663 3.534 42 5 17 5
3 0 0.9921 0.9987 0.0000 14.550 3.586 42 5 49 8 0.9825 0.9987 0.0000 16.135 3.547 42 5 17 5
4 0 0.9920 0.9987 0.0000 13.477 3.487 42 5 71 8 0.9844 0.9987 0.0000 15.603 3.535 42 5 17 5
0 0 0.9541 0.9985 0.0000 17.824 3.152 24 5 49 6 0.9541 0.9985 0.0000 17.824 3.152 24 5 49 6
1 0 0.9900 0.9985 0.0000 15.496 3.148 24 5 59 10 0.9720 0.9985 0.0000 16.660 3.150 24 5 49 6
2 0 0.9980 0.9985 0.9980 15.792 3.336 24 5 18 6 0.9807 0.9985 0.0000 16.371 3.212 24 5 49 6
3 0 0.9980 0.9985 0.9978 17.336 3.560 24 5 47 6 0.9850 0.9985 0.0000 16.612 3.299 24 5 49 6
4 0 0.9860 0.9985 0.0000 16.284 3.668 24 5 16 6 0.9852 0.9985 0.0000 16.546 3.373 24 5 49 6
5 0 0.9900 0.9985 0.0000 14.760 3.616 24 5 44 6 0.9860 0.9985 0.0000 16.249 3.413 24 5 49 6
6 0 0.9980 0.9985 0.9980 15.412 3.840 24 5 5 2 0.9877 0.9985 0.0000 16.129 3.474 24 5 49 6
7 0 0.9980 0.9986 0.9980 16.388 4.192 45 6 7 2 0.9890 0.9986 0.0000 16.162 3.564 45 6 49 6
8 0 0.9940 0.9986 0.0000 16.372 4.256 45 6 47 13 0.9896 0.9986 0.0000 16.185 3.641 45 6 49 6
9 0 0.9980 0.9986 0.9975 16.404 4.108 45 6 18 6 0.9904 0.9986 0.0000 16.207 3.688 45 6 49 6
10 0 0.9900 0.9986 0.0000 16.132 4.072 45 6 36 7 0.9904 0.9986 0.0000 16.200 3.723 45 6 49 6
11 0 0.9900 0.9987 0.0000 16.036 3.944 43 6 36 7 0.9903 0.9987 0.0000 16.186 3.741 43 6 49 6
12 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9979 16.724 3.976 43 6 9 4 0.9909 0.9987 0.0000 16.228 3.759 43 6 49 6
13 0 0.9940 0.9987 0.0000 17.024 4.012 43 6 46 8 0.9912 0.9987 0.0000 16.285 3.777 43 6 49 6
14 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9971 14.416 3.744 43 6 21 6 0.9916 0.9987 0.0000 16.160 3.775 43 6 49 6
15 0 0.9900 0.9987 0.0000 16.656 4.316 43 6 66 10 0.9915 0.9987 0.0000 16.191 3.809 43 6 49 6
16 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9977 15.288 4.232 43 6 6 3 0.9919 0.9987 0.0000 16.138 3.834 43 6 49 6
17 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9977 15.060 4.040 43 6 9 4 0.9922 0.9987 0.0000 16.078 3.845 43 6 49 6
18 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9978 13.916 3.608 43 6 72 14 0.9925 0.9987 0.0000 15.964 3.833 43 6 49 6
19 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9978 14.584 3.616 43 6 72 14 0.9928 0.9987 0.0000 15.895 3.822 43 6 49 6

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 1388.
no random number seed specfied; using 63.
creating initial population(s):
7323 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
342 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -38,3 +38,47 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 5.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 6.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 7.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 8.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 9.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 10.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 11.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 12.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 13.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 14.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 15.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 16.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 17.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 18.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 19.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)

View File

@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
y = log(exp((-0.06264 * area)))
y = (log(log((log(eccentricity) * exp(eccentricity)))) * log((((major + eccentricity) * (perimeter + major)) - ((major / eccentricity) / (perimeter / convex)))))

View File

@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
Hits: 2109, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 75.053381
CC: 1073
CO: 47
OO: 1036
OC: 654
Fitness: 0.998768
Hits: 811
Hits: 1315, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 46.797153
CC: 1112
CO: 6
OO: 203
OC: 1489
Fitness: 0.998258
Hits: 573
y = log(exp((-0.06264 * area)))
y = (log(log((log(eccentricity) * exp(eccentricity)))) * log((((major + eccentricity) * (perimeter + major)) - ((major / eccentricity) / (perimeter / convex)))))
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))

View File

@ -1,255 +1,220 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 0
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 1
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 2
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 3
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 4
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 5
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 6
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 7
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 8
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 9
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
nodes: 24
depth: 5
hits: 573
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 573
raw fitness: 573.0000
standardized fitness: 573.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 10
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 11
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 12
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 13
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 14
generation: 0
nodes: 5
depth: 3
hits: 811
-- #1 --
hits: 811
raw fitness: 811.0000
standardized fitness: 811.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(log (exp (* -0.06264 area)))
(* (log (log (* (log eccentricity)
(exp eccentricity))))
(log (- (* (+ major eccentricity)
(+ perimeter major))
(/ (/ major eccentricity)
(/ perimeter convex)))))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9554 0.9988 0.0000 18.399 3.466 5 3 49 5 0.9554 0.9988 0.0000 18.399 3.466 5 3 49 5
1 0 0.9918 0.9988 0.0000 16.778 3.530 5 3 73 8 0.9736 0.9988 0.0000 17.588 3.498 5 3 49 5
2 0 0.9933 0.9988 0.0000 15.592 3.518 5 3 24 5 0.9802 0.9988 0.0000 16.923 3.504 5 3 49 5
3 0 0.9934 0.9988 0.0000 14.541 3.473 5 3 31 5 0.9835 0.9988 0.0000 16.328 3.496 5 3 49 5
4 0 0.9930 0.9988 0.0000 13.913 3.476 5 3 101 8 0.9854 0.9988 0.0000 15.845 3.492 5 3 49 5
5 0 0.9942 0.9988 0.0000 12.992 3.394 5 3 49 6 0.9869 0.9988 0.0000 15.369 3.476 5 3 49 5
6 0 0.9936 0.9988 0.0000 12.544 3.390 5 3 13 4 0.9878 0.9988 0.0000 14.966 3.464 5 3 49 5
7 0 0.9948 0.9988 0.0000 11.950 3.380 5 3 29 7 0.9887 0.9988 0.0000 14.589 3.453 5 3 49 5
8 0 0.9954 0.9988 0.0000 11.122 3.230 5 3 105 12 0.9895 0.9988 0.0000 14.203 3.428 5 3 49 5
9 0 0.9946 0.9988 0.0000 10.692 3.130 5 3 23 8 0.9900 0.9988 0.0000 13.852 3.399 5 3 49 5
10 0 0.9956 0.9988 0.0000 10.207 3.060 5 3 20 4 0.9905 0.9988 0.0000 13.521 3.368 5 3 49 5
11 0 0.9954 0.9988 0.0000 9.758 2.988 5 3 23 9 0.9909 0.9988 0.0000 13.207 3.336 5 3 49 5
12 0 0.9956 0.9988 0.0000 9.539 2.949 5 3 28 7 0.9913 0.9988 0.0000 12.925 3.306 5 3 49 5
13 0 0.9951 0.9988 0.0000 9.272 2.900 5 3 33 8 0.9915 0.9988 0.0000 12.664 3.277 5 3 49 5
14 0 0.9964 0.9988 0.0000 8.868 2.827 5 3 49 7 0.9919 0.9988 0.0000 12.411 3.247 5 3 49 5
0 0 0.9541 0.9983 0.0000 15.944 3.136 24 5 57 6 0.9541 0.9983 0.0000 15.944 3.136 24 5 57 6
1 0 0.9940 0.9983 0.0000 11.912 3.024 24 5 11 4 0.9741 0.9983 0.0000 13.928 3.080 24 5 57 6
2 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9977 11.800 3.068 24 5 4 2 0.9821 0.9983 0.0000 13.219 3.076 24 5 57 6
3 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9977 11.508 2.956 24 5 28 6 0.9861 0.9983 0.0000 12.791 3.046 24 5 57 6
4 0 0.9940 0.9983 0.0000 10.432 3.076 24 5 18 7 0.9876 0.9983 0.0000 12.319 3.052 24 5 57 6
5 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9980 10.772 3.200 24 5 2 1 0.9894 0.9983 0.0000 12.061 3.077 24 5 57 6
6 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9980 10.808 3.180 24 5 3 1 0.9906 0.9983 0.0000 11.882 3.091 24 5 57 6
7 0 0.9901 0.9983 0.0000 11.224 3.116 24 5 51 8 0.9905 0.9983 0.0000 11.800 3.095 24 5 57 6
8 0 0.9940 0.9983 0.0000 10.760 3.084 24 5 109 12 0.9909 0.9983 0.0000 11.684 3.093 24 5 57 6
9 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9980 9.084 2.760 24 5 2 1 0.9916 0.9983 0.0000 11.424 3.060 24 5 57 6

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 1329.
no random number seed specfied; using 991.
creating initial population(s):
7426 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
323 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -47,24 +47,8 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 8.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 9.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 10.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 11.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 12.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 13.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 14.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 15.

View File

@ -1,23 +1,26 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 2
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 771
generation: 4
nodes: 38
depth: 8
hits: 532
-- #1 --
hits: 771
raw fitness: 771.0000
standardized fitness: 771.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 532
raw fitness: 532.0000
standardized fitness: 532.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(log (/ (exp (- (- eccentricity perimeter)
(* major eccentricity)))
(/ (* (exp extent)
(exp minor))
(+ (- perimeter area)
(- minor convex)))))
(* (- (exp (/ (/ extent eccentricity)
(exp convex)))
(+ (- (/ 0.10974 extent)
(/ area 0.97881))
(log (/ perimeter minor))))
(log (- (/ (* (- extent
(log (exp extent))) convex)
(* eccentricity perimeter))
(log (/ minor major)))))
y = log((exp(((eccentricity - perimeter) - (major * eccentricity))) / ((exp(extent) * exp(minor)) / ((perimeter - area) + (minor - convex)))))
y = ((exp(((extent / eccentricity) / exp(convex))) - (((0.10974 / extent) - (area / 0.97881)) + log((perimeter / minor)))) * log(((((extent - log(exp(extent))) * convex) / (eccentricity * perimeter)) - log((minor / major)))))

View File

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
Hits: 2332, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 82.989324
CC: 663
CO: 468
OO: 1669
OC: 10
Fitness: 0.998705
Hits: 771
Hits: 1662, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 59.145907
CC: 12
CO: 1146
OO: 1650
OC: 2
Fitness: 0.998124
Hits: 532
y = log((exp(((eccentricity - perimeter) - (major * eccentricity))) / ((exp(extent) * exp(minor)) / ((perimeter - area) + (minor - convex)))))
y = ((exp(((extent / eccentricity) / exp(convex))) - (((0.10974 / extent) - (area / 0.97881)) + log((perimeter / minor)))) * log(((((extent - log(exp(extent))) * convex) / (eccentricity * perimeter)) - log((minor / major)))))
(log (/ (exp (- (- eccentricity perimeter)
(* major eccentricity)))
(/ (* (exp extent)
(exp minor))
(+ (- perimeter area)
(- minor convex)))))
(* (- (exp (/ (/ extent eccentricity)
(exp convex)))
(+ (- (/ 0.10974 extent)
(/ area 0.97881))
(log (/ perimeter minor))))
(log (- (/ (* (- extent
(log (exp extent))) convex)
(* eccentricity perimeter))
(log (/ minor major)))))

View File

@ -1,128 +1,93 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 0
generation: 0
nodes: 95
depth: 6
hits: 592
nodes: 8
depth: 3
hits: 528
-- #1 --
hits: 592
raw fitness: 592.0000
standardized fitness: 592.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
hits: 528
raw fitness: 528.0000
standardized fitness: 528.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(- (+ (/ (+ (/ (exp minor)
(exp minor))
(* (log perimeter)
(+ major perimeter)))
(/ (log (* -0.48601 area))
(exp (+ extent perimeter))))
(- (log (/ (* extent area)
(* major minor)))
(* (- (/ area minor)
(/ extent perimeter))
(+ (+ convex major)
(* 0.66598 eccentricity)))))
(* (- (* (* (* eccentricity area)
(exp perimeter))
(- (+ minor major)
(* perimeter extent)))
(exp (log (exp extent))))
(* (* (/ (+ perimeter eccentricity)
(exp perimeter))
(- (exp eccentricity)
(* area minor)))
(+ (- (exp perimeter)
(/ major extent))
(+ (/ eccentricity area)
(log area))))))
(- major convex)
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 1
generation: 1
nodes: 16
depth: 4
hits: 614
generation: 0
nodes: 8
depth: 3
hits: 528
-- #1 --
hits: 614
raw fitness: 614.0000
standardized fitness: 614.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9984
hits: 528
raw fitness: 528.0000
standardized fitness: 528.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(* (- (- convex minor)
(+ extent
(+ area major)))
(+ (* eccentricity extent)
(log minor)))
(- major convex)
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 2
generation: 2
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 771
generation: 0
nodes: 8
depth: 3
hits: 528
-- #1 --
hits: 771
raw fitness: 771.0000
standardized fitness: 771.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 528
raw fitness: 528.0000
standardized fitness: 528.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(log (/ (exp (- (- eccentricity perimeter)
(* major eccentricity)))
(/ (* (exp extent)
(exp minor))
(+ (- perimeter area)
(- minor convex)))))
(- major convex)
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 3
generation: 2
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 771
generation: 0
nodes: 8
depth: 3
hits: 528
-- #1 --
hits: 771
raw fitness: 771.0000
standardized fitness: 771.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 528
raw fitness: 528.0000
standardized fitness: 528.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(log (/ (exp (- (- eccentricity perimeter)
(* major eccentricity)))
(/ (* (exp extent)
(exp minor))
(+ (- perimeter area)
(- minor convex)))))
(- major convex)
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 4
generation: 2
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 771
generation: 4
nodes: 38
depth: 8
hits: 532
-- #1 --
hits: 771
raw fitness: 771.0000
standardized fitness: 771.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 532
raw fitness: 532.0000
standardized fitness: 532.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(log (/ (exp (- (- eccentricity perimeter)
(* major eccentricity)))
(/ (* (exp extent)
(exp minor))
(+ (- perimeter area)
(- minor convex)))))
(* (- (exp (/ (/ extent eccentricity)
(exp convex)))
(+ (- (/ 0.10974 extent)
(/ area 0.97881))
(log (/ perimeter minor))))
(log (- (/ (* (- extent
(log (exp extent))) convex)
(* eccentricity perimeter))
(log (/ minor major)))))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9517 0.9983 0.0000 18.070 3.437 95 6 47 6 0.9517 0.9983 0.0000 18.070 3.437 95 6 47 6
1 0 0.9898 0.9984 0.0000 16.017 3.446 16 4 21 5 0.9708 0.9984 0.0000 17.043 3.442 16 4 47 6
2 0 0.9926 0.9987 0.0000 15.092 3.481 23 5 36 7 0.9780 0.9987 0.0000 16.393 3.455 23 5 47 6
3 0 0.9934 0.9987 0.0000 14.117 3.517 23 5 43 9 0.9819 0.9987 0.0000 15.824 3.470 23 5 47 6
4 0 0.9934 0.9987 0.0000 13.432 3.502 23 5 59 8 0.9842 0.9987 0.0000 15.346 3.477 23 5 47 6
0 0 0.9780 0.9981 0.0000 16.408 3.132 8 3 19 4 0.9780 0.9981 0.0000 16.408 3.132 8 3 19 4
1 0 0.9900 0.9981 0.0000 15.056 3.192 8 3 24 5 0.9840 0.9981 0.0000 15.732 3.162 8 3 19 4
2 0 0.9939 0.9981 0.0000 16.380 3.556 8 3 13 4 0.9873 0.9981 0.0000 15.948 3.293 8 3 19 4
3 0 0.9979 0.9981 0.9959 15.400 3.544 8 3 34 6 0.9899 0.9981 0.0000 15.811 3.356 8 3 19 4
4 0 0.9900 0.9981 0.0000 14.212 3.504 38 8 71 7 0.9899 0.9981 0.0000 15.491 3.386 38 8 19 4

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 4581.
no random number seed specfied; using 164.
creating initial population(s):
7369 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
326 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
=== generation 4.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 5.

View File

@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
generation: 0
nodes: 2
depth: 1
hits: 513
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
hits: 513
raw fitness: 513.0000
standardized fitness: 513.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
(* (/ (exp (+ major minor))
(- (* eccentricity major)
(* 0.97781 minor)))
(+ (exp (- eccentricity convex))
(* (* 0.49033 minor)
(log eccentricity))))
y = (exp(((extent / extent) - perimeter)) / (exp((log(minor) + (area / major))) - ((area * eccentricity) * exp((perimeter - major)))))
y = ((exp((major + minor)) / ((eccentricity * major) - (0.97781 * minor))) * (exp((eccentricity - convex)) + ((0.49033 * minor) * log(eccentricity))))

View File

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
Hits: 2557, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 90.996441
CC: 934
CO: 193
OO: 1623
OC: 60
Fitness: 0.998876
Hits: 889
Hits: 1667, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 59.323843
CC: 0
CO: 1143
OO: 1667
OC: 0
Fitness: 0.998054
Hits: 513
y = (exp(((extent / extent) - perimeter)) / (exp((log(minor) + (area / major))) - ((area * eccentricity) * exp((perimeter - major)))))
y = ((exp((major + minor)) / ((eccentricity * major) - (0.97781 * minor))) * (exp((eccentricity - convex)) + ((0.49033 * minor) * log(eccentricity))))
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
(* (/ (exp (+ major minor))
(- (* eccentricity major)
(* 0.97781 minor)))
(+ (exp (- eccentricity convex))
(* (* 0.49033 minor)
(log eccentricity))))

View File

@ -1,562 +1,110 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 0
generation: 0
nodes: 32
depth: 6
hits: 852
nodes: 2
depth: 1
hits: 513
-- #1 --
hits: 852
raw fitness: 852.0000
standardized fitness: 852.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 513
raw fitness: 513.0000
standardized fitness: 513.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(log (/ (exp (- (+ (log extent)
(log perimeter))
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (log perimeter))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
(* (/ (exp (+ major minor))
(- (* eccentricity major)
(* 0.97781 minor)))
(+ (exp (- eccentricity convex))
(* (* 0.49033 minor)
(log eccentricity))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 1
generation: 1
nodes: 33
depth: 6
hits: 860
generation: 0
nodes: 2
depth: 1
hits: 513
-- #1 --
hits: 860
raw fitness: 860.0000
standardized fitness: 860.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 513
raw fitness: 513.0000
standardized fitness: 513.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(log (/ (exp (- (+ (log extent)
(log perimeter))
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (- -0.00678 area))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
(* (/ (exp (+ major minor))
(- (* eccentricity major)
(* 0.97781 minor)))
(+ (exp (- eccentricity convex))
(* (* 0.49033 minor)
(log eccentricity))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 2
generation: 1
nodes: 33
depth: 6
hits: 860
generation: 0
nodes: 2
depth: 1
hits: 513
-- #1 --
hits: 860
raw fitness: 860.0000
standardized fitness: 860.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 513
raw fitness: 513.0000
standardized fitness: 513.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(log (/ (exp (- (+ (log extent)
(log perimeter))
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (- -0.00678 area))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
(* (/ (exp (+ major minor))
(- (* eccentricity major)
(* 0.97781 minor)))
(+ (exp (- eccentricity convex))
(* (* 0.49033 minor)
(log eccentricity))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 3
generation: 1
nodes: 33
depth: 6
hits: 860
generation: 0
nodes: 2
depth: 1
hits: 513
-- #1 --
hits: 860
raw fitness: 860.0000
standardized fitness: 860.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 513
raw fitness: 513.0000
standardized fitness: 513.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(log (/ (exp (- (+ (log extent)
(log perimeter))
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (- -0.00678 area))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
(* (/ (exp (+ major minor))
(- (* eccentricity major)
(* 0.97781 minor)))
(+ (exp (- eccentricity convex))
(* (* 0.49033 minor)
(log eccentricity))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 4
generation: 1
nodes: 33
depth: 6
hits: 860
generation: 0
nodes: 2
depth: 1
hits: 513
-- #1 --
hits: 860
raw fitness: 860.0000
standardized fitness: 860.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
hits: 513
raw fitness: 513.0000
standardized fitness: 513.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(log (/ (exp (- (+ (log extent)
(log perimeter))
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (- -0.00678 area))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 5
generation: 1
nodes: 33
depth: 6
hits: 860
-- #1 --
hits: 860
raw fitness: 860.0000
standardized fitness: 860.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(log (/ (exp (- (+ (log extent)
(log perimeter))
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (- -0.00678 area))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 6
generation: 1
nodes: 33
depth: 6
hits: 860
-- #1 --
hits: 860
raw fitness: 860.0000
standardized fitness: 860.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(log (/ (exp (- (+ (log extent)
(log perimeter))
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (- -0.00678 area))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 7
generation: 7
nodes: 31
depth: 6
hits: 873
-- #1 --
hits: 873
raw fitness: 873.0000
standardized fitness: 873.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(log (/ (exp (- (/ extent extent)
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (- -0.00678 area))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 8
generation: 7
nodes: 31
depth: 6
hits: 873
-- #1 --
hits: 873
raw fitness: 873.0000
standardized fitness: 873.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(log (/ (exp (- (/ extent extent)
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (- -0.00678 area))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 9
generation: 7
nodes: 31
depth: 6
hits: 873
-- #1 --
hits: 873
raw fitness: 873.0000
standardized fitness: 873.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(log (/ (exp (- (/ extent extent)
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (log (- -0.00678 area))
(exp (- perimeter major))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 10
generation: 10
nodes: 31
depth: 5
hits: 878
-- #1 --
hits: 878
raw fitness: 878.0000
standardized fitness: 878.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent)
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* (- major eccentricity) eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 11
generation: 10
nodes: 31
depth: 5
hits: 878
-- #1 --
hits: 878
raw fitness: 878.0000
standardized fitness: 878.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent)
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* (- major eccentricity) eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 12
generation: 10
nodes: 31
depth: 5
hits: 878
-- #1 --
hits: 878
raw fitness: 878.0000
standardized fitness: 878.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent)
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* (- major eccentricity) eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 13
generation: 10
nodes: 31
depth: 5
hits: 878
-- #1 --
hits: 878
raw fitness: 878.0000
standardized fitness: 878.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent)
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* (- major eccentricity) eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 14
generation: 10
nodes: 31
depth: 5
hits: 878
-- #1 --
hits: 878
raw fitness: 878.0000
standardized fitness: 878.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent)
(+ (- perimeter major)
(- major -0.70785))))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* (- major eccentricity) eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 15
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 16
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 17
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 18
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 19
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 20
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 21
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 22
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 23
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 24
generation: 15
nodes: 23
depth: 5
hits: 889
-- #1 --
hits: 889
raw fitness: 889.0000
standardized fitness: 889.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
(/ (exp (- (/ extent extent) perimeter))
(- (exp (+ (log minor)
(/ area major)))
(* (* area eccentricity)
(exp (- perimeter major)))))
(* (/ (exp (+ major minor))
(- (* eccentricity major)
(* 0.97781 minor)))
(+ (exp (- eccentricity convex))
(* (* 0.49033 minor)
(log eccentricity))))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,26 +1,6 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9589 0.9988 0.0000 18.321 3.470 32 6 54 5 0.9589 0.9988 0.0000 18.321 3.470 32 6 54 5
1 0 0.9912 0.9988 0.0000 16.564 3.509 33 6 39 8 0.9750 0.9988 0.0000 17.443 3.490 33 6 54 5
2 0 0.9898 0.9988 0.0000 16.010 3.573 33 6 34 7 0.9799 0.9988 0.0000 16.965 3.518 33 6 54 5
3 0 0.9950 0.9988 0.0000 15.312 3.601 33 6 70 9 0.9837 0.9988 0.0000 16.552 3.538 33 6 54 5
4 0 0.9918 0.9988 0.0000 14.120 3.541 33 6 13 6 0.9853 0.9988 0.0000 16.065 3.539 33 6 54 5
5 0 0.9954 0.9988 0.0000 13.218 3.464 33 6 45 9 0.9870 0.9988 0.0000 15.591 3.526 33 6 54 5
6 0 0.9932 0.9988 0.0000 12.426 3.392 33 6 16 6 0.9879 0.9988 0.0000 15.139 3.507 33 6 54 5
7 0 0.9953 0.9989 0.0000 12.120 3.381 31 6 66 12 0.9888 0.9989 0.0000 14.761 3.491 31 6 54 5
8 0 0.9944 0.9989 0.0000 11.314 3.266 31 6 50 11 0.9894 0.9989 0.0000 14.378 3.466 31 6 54 5
9 0 0.9950 0.9989 0.0000 10.387 3.108 31 6 7 3 0.9900 0.9989 0.0000 13.979 3.430 31 6 54 5
10 0 0.9960 0.9989 0.0000 10.210 3.124 31 5 33 6 0.9905 0.9989 0.0000 13.636 3.403 31 5 54 5
11 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 9.465 3.037 31 5 29 8 0.9911 0.9989 0.0000 13.289 3.372 31 5 54 5
12 0 0.9962 0.9989 0.0000 9.253 3.010 31 5 18 5 0.9915 0.9989 0.0000 12.978 3.344 31 5 54 5
13 0 0.9961 0.9989 0.0000 8.800 2.921 31 5 38 9 0.9918 0.9989 0.0000 12.680 3.314 31 5 54 5
14 0 0.9962 0.9989 0.0000 8.432 2.892 31 5 39 8 0.9921 0.9989 0.0000 12.397 3.286 31 5 54 5
15 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 7.913 2.774 23 5 18 8 0.9924 0.9989 0.0000 12.116 3.254 23 5 54 5
16 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 7.748 2.743 23 5 12 4 0.9927 0.9989 0.0000 11.859 3.224 23 5 54 5
17 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 7.522 2.691 23 5 30 8 0.9929 0.9989 0.0000 11.619 3.194 23 5 54 5
18 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 7.118 2.591 23 5 17 5 0.9931 0.9989 0.0000 11.382 3.162 23 5 54 5
19 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 6.593 2.455 23 5 9 4 0.9933 0.9989 0.0000 11.142 3.127 23 5 54 5
20 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 6.276 2.370 23 5 21 8 0.9935 0.9989 0.0000 10.910 3.091 23 5 54 5
21 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 6.108 2.328 23 5 43 14 0.9937 0.9989 0.0000 10.692 3.056 23 5 54 5
22 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 5.831 2.213 23 5 37 11 0.9938 0.9989 0.0000 10.481 3.020 23 5 54 5
23 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 5.735 2.178 23 5 25 8 0.9939 0.9989 0.0000 10.283 2.985 23 5 54 5
24 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 5.479 2.091 23 5 32 8 0.9941 0.9989 0.0000 10.091 2.949 23 5 54 5
0 0 0.9700 0.9981 0.0000 17.672 3.176 2 1 74 6 0.9700 0.9981 0.0000 17.672 3.176 2 1 74 6
1 0 0.9820 0.9981 0.0000 13.756 3.036 2 1 11 5 0.9760 0.9981 0.0000 15.714 3.106 2 1 74 6
2 0 0.9940 0.9981 0.0000 12.844 3.116 2 1 15 5 0.9820 0.9981 0.0000 14.757 3.109 2 1 74 6
3 0 0.9940 0.9981 0.0000 12.656 3.200 2 1 35 6 0.9850 0.9981 0.0000 14.232 3.132 2 1 74 6
4 0 0.9980 0.9981 0.9980 12.584 3.364 2 1 34 8 0.9876 0.9981 0.0000 13.902 3.178 2 1 74 6

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 420.
no random number seed specfied; using 128.
creating initial population(s):
7346 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
304 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -37,64 +37,3 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
=== generation 4.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 5.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 6.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 7.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 8.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 9.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 10.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 11.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 12.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 13.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 14.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 15.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 16.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 17.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 18.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 19.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 20.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 21.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 22.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 23.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 24.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 25.

View File

@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 28
nodes: 24
depth: 6
hits: 914
generation: 11
nodes: 10
depth: 4
hits: 597
-- #1 --
hits: 914
raw fitness: 914.0000
standardized fitness: 914.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
hits: 597
raw fitness: 597.0000
standardized fitness: 597.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9983
(log (+ (- 0.68756
(* (- (+ perimeter major) -0.97397)
(log (log -0.36102))))
(+ (log 0.79829)
(log (- (* perimeter minor)
(+ -0.29340 minor))))))
(- 0.90309
(- (+ (- eccentricity eccentricity)
(exp extent)) eccentricity))
y = log(((0.68756 - (((perimeter + major) - -0.97397) * log(log(-0.36102)))) + (log(0.79829) + log(((perimeter * minor) - (-0.29340 + minor))))))
y = (0.90309 - (((eccentricity - eccentricity) + exp(extent)) - eccentricity))

View File

@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
Hits: 2595, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 92.348754
CC: 1058
CO: 68
OO: 1537
OC: 147
Fitness: 0.998907
Hits: 914
Hits: 1882, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 66.975089
CC: 340
CO: 779
OO: 1542
OC: 149
Fitness: 0.998328
Hits: 597
y = log(((0.68756 - (((perimeter + major) - -0.97397) * log(log(-0.36102)))) + (log(0.79829) + log(((perimeter * minor) - (-0.29340 + minor))))))
y = (0.90309 - (((eccentricity - eccentricity) + exp(extent)) - eccentricity))
(log (+ (- 0.68756
(* (- (+ perimeter major) -0.97397)
(log (log -0.36102))))
(+ (log 0.79829)
(log (- (* perimeter minor)
(+ -0.29340 minor))))))
(- 0.90309
(- (+ (- eccentricity eccentricity)
(exp extent)) eccentricity))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,53 +1,16 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9598 0.9987 0.0000 17.996 3.429 77 6 82 6 0.9598 0.9987 0.0000 17.996 3.429 77 6 82 6
1 0 0.9922 0.9987 0.0000 16.101 3.460 71 7 24 5 0.9760 0.9987 0.0000 17.048 3.445 71 7 82 6
2 0 0.9928 0.9987 0.0000 15.235 3.494 71 7 34 6 0.9816 0.9987 0.0000 16.444 3.461 71 7 82 6
3 0 0.9929 0.9987 0.0000 14.567 3.524 71 7 71 9 0.9844 0.9987 0.0000 15.975 3.477 71 7 82 6
4 0 0.9941 0.9987 0.0000 13.579 3.452 71 7 36 7 0.9864 0.9987 0.0000 15.495 3.472 71 7 82 6
5 0 0.9947 0.9988 0.0000 12.854 3.399 30 6 26 8 0.9878 0.9988 0.0000 15.055 3.460 30 6 82 6
6 0 0.9944 0.9989 0.0000 12.527 3.413 35 6 12 6 0.9887 0.9989 0.0000 14.694 3.453 35 6 82 6
7 0 0.9946 0.9989 0.0000 11.925 3.341 35 6 25 5 0.9895 0.9989 0.0000 14.348 3.439 35 6 82 6
8 0 0.9960 0.9989 0.0000 11.098 3.247 35 6 28 7 0.9902 0.9989 0.0000 13.987 3.418 35 6 82 6
9 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 10.532 3.174 35 6 42 7 0.9908 0.9989 0.0000 13.641 3.393 35 6 82 6
10 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 9.922 3.046 35 6 23 6 0.9914 0.9989 0.0000 13.303 3.362 35 6 82 6
11 0 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 9.556 3.012 35 6 32 7 0.9917 0.9989 0.0000 12.991 3.333 35 6 82 6
12 0 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 9.257 2.984 35 6 41 9 0.9920 0.9989 0.0000 12.704 3.306 35 6 82 6
13 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 8.907 2.931 35 6 21 6 0.9924 0.9989 0.0000 12.433 3.279 35 6 82 6
14 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 8.547 2.862 35 6 17 6 0.9927 0.9989 0.0000 12.174 3.251 35 6 82 6
15 0 0.9960 0.9989 0.0000 7.980 2.771 35 6 26 7 0.9929 0.9989 0.0000 11.911 3.221 35 6 82 6
16 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 7.484 2.643 35 6 24 7 0.9931 0.9989 0.0000 11.651 3.187 35 6 82 6
17 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 7.045 2.526 35 6 11 4 0.9934 0.9989 0.0000 11.395 3.150 35 6 82 6
18 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 6.885 2.490 35 6 40 10 0.9935 0.9989 0.0000 11.158 3.116 35 6 82 6
19 0 0.9962 0.9989 0.0000 6.656 2.431 35 6 21 7 0.9937 0.9989 0.0000 10.933 3.082 35 6 82 6
20 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 6.393 2.358 35 6 37 6 0.9938 0.9989 0.0000 10.717 3.047 35 6 82 6
21 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 6.243 2.332 35 6 15 6 0.9940 0.9989 0.0000 10.513 3.015 35 6 82 6
22 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 6.130 2.311 35 6 10 5 0.9941 0.9989 0.0000 10.323 2.984 35 6 82 6
23 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 5.957 2.253 35 6 18 6 0.9943 0.9989 0.0000 10.141 2.954 35 6 82 6
24 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 5.850 2.224 35 6 23 7 0.9944 0.9989 0.0000 9.969 2.924 35 6 82 6
25 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 5.750 2.185 35 6 19 6 0.9945 0.9989 0.0000 9.807 2.896 35 6 82 6
26 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 5.522 2.114 35 6 12 7 0.9946 0.9989 0.0000 9.648 2.867 35 6 82 6
27 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9972 5.424 2.114 35 6 7 2 0.9947 0.9989 0.0000 9.497 2.840 35 6 82 6
28 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 5.301 2.072 24 6 9 4 0.9948 0.9989 0.0000 9.353 2.814 24 6 82 6
29 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.195 2.027 24 6 9 4 0.9949 0.9989 0.0000 9.214 2.787 24 6 82 6
30 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 5.097 1.984 24 6 12 6 0.9950 0.9989 0.0000 9.081 2.761 24 6 82 6
31 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 5.038 1.984 24 6 15 5 0.9951 0.9989 0.0000 8.955 2.737 24 6 82 6
32 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.909 1.909 24 6 19 8 0.9952 0.9989 0.0000 8.832 2.712 24 6 82 6
33 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.910 1.922 24 6 7 3 0.9952 0.9989 0.0000 8.717 2.689 24 6 82 6
34 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9977 4.873 1.896 24 6 4 2 0.9953 0.9989 0.0000 8.607 2.666 24 6 82 6
35 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.773 1.865 24 6 7 3 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 8.501 2.644 24 6 82 6
36 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.876 1.913 24 6 7 4 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 8.403 2.624 24 6 82 6
37 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.889 1.927 24 6 7 3 0.9955 0.9989 0.0000 8.310 2.606 24 6 82 6
38 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.741 1.870 24 6 6 2 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 8.219 2.587 24 6 82 6
39 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9967 4.540 1.785 24 6 13 4 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 8.127 2.567 24 6 82 6
40 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.510 1.782 24 6 14 7 0.9957 0.9989 0.0000 8.038 2.548 24 6 82 6
41 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.455 1.763 24 6 7 4 0.9957 0.9989 0.0000 7.953 2.529 24 6 82 6
42 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.406 1.734 24 6 9 4 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.871 2.511 24 6 82 6
43 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9974 4.395 1.729 24 6 12 5 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.792 2.493 24 6 82 6
44 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.506 1.772 24 6 9 4 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.719 2.477 24 6 82 6
45 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.473 1.763 24 6 8 4 0.9959 0.9989 0.0000 7.648 2.461 24 6 82 6
46 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.461 1.760 24 6 9 4 0.9959 0.9989 0.0000 7.580 2.446 24 6 82 6
47 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.359 1.702 24 6 10 4 0.9960 0.9989 0.0000 7.513 2.431 24 6 82 6
48 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.358 1.696 24 6 11 6 0.9960 0.9989 0.0000 7.449 2.416 24 6 82 6
49 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.406 1.720 24 6 16 6 0.9960 0.9989 0.0000 7.388 2.402 24 6 82 6
50 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 4.472 1.746 24 6 13 5 0.9961 0.9989 0.0000 7.331 2.389 24 6 82 6
51 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.451 1.749 24 6 9 4 0.9961 0.9989 0.0000 7.275 2.377 24 6 82 6
0 0 0.9501 0.9980 0.0000 16.628 3.244 6 3 50 6 0.9501 0.9980 0.0000 16.628 3.244 6 3 50 6
1 0 0.9900 0.9983 0.0000 14.944 3.356 37 8 64 6 0.9701 0.9983 0.0000 15.786 3.300 37 8 50 6
2 0 0.9861 0.9983 0.0000 14.440 3.380 37 8 9 3 0.9754 0.9983 0.0000 15.337 3.327 37 8 50 6
3 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9980 13.036 3.308 37 8 12 3 0.9811 0.9983 0.0000 14.762 3.322 37 8 50 6
4 0 0.9940 0.9983 0.0000 12.520 3.240 37 8 37 6 0.9837 0.9983 0.0000 14.314 3.306 37 8 50 6
5 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9978 11.980 3.368 37 8 10 5 0.9861 0.9983 0.0000 13.925 3.316 37 8 50 6
6 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9980 10.416 3.140 37 8 5 2 0.9878 0.9983 0.0000 13.423 3.291 37 8 50 6
7 0 0.9901 0.9983 0.0000 10.168 3.128 37 8 11 4 0.9881 0.9983 0.0000 13.017 3.271 37 8 50 6
8 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9980 9.956 3.220 37 8 3 1 0.9892 0.9983 0.0000 12.676 3.265 37 8 50 6
9 0 0.9940 0.9983 0.0000 10.084 3.368 37 8 16 6 0.9896 0.9983 0.0000 12.417 3.275 37 8 50 6
10 0 0.9861 0.9983 0.0000 10.224 3.284 37 8 45 7 0.9893 0.9983 0.0000 12.218 3.276 37 8 50 6
11 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9979 9.800 3.328 10 4 10 4 0.9900 0.9983 0.0000 12.016 3.280 10 4 50 6
12 0 0.9900 0.9983 0.0000 9.720 3.292 10 4 33 13 0.9900 0.9983 0.0000 11.840 3.281 10 4 50 6
13 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9969 9.540 3.192 10 4 3 1 0.9906 0.9983 0.0000 11.675 3.275 10 4 50 6
14 0 0.9980 0.9983 0.9971 8.324 2.980 10 4 9 3 0.9911 0.9983 0.0000 11.452 3.255 10 4 50 6

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 646.
no random number seed specfied; using 777.
creating initial population(s):
7416 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
314 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 8.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 9.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -67,139 +67,3 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
=== generation 14.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 15.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 16.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 17.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 18.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 19.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 20.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 21.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 22.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 23.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 24.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 25.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 26.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 27.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (1s wall)
=== generation 28.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 29.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 30.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 31.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 32.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 33.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 34.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 35.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 36.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 37.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 38.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 39.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 40.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 41.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 42.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 43.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 44.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 45.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 46.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 47.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 48.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 49.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 50.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 51.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
------- memory -------
allocated: 61579272
freed: 61531272
not freed: 48000
max allocated: 2507918
malloc'ed blocks: 925810
realloc'ed blocks: 8
free'ed blocks: 925804
------- time -------
overall: 5s wall
evaluation: 4s wall
breeding: 1s wall
------- generation spaces -------
space 0 size: 200
space 1 size: 100
------- ephemeral random constants -------
used: 23643
freed: 23643
allocated: 6000
blocks: 11

View File

@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 42
nodes: 16
depth: 7
hits: 905
generation: 14
nodes: 23
depth: 6
hits: 851
-- #1 --
hits: 905
raw fitness: 905.0000
standardized fitness: 905.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
hits: 851
raw fitness: 851.0000
standardized fitness: 851.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9988
(/ (exp minor)
(/ -0.32253
(/ eccentricity
(exp (- perimeter
(* (log -0.29408)
(+ extent major)))))))
(* (* (- extent
(+ extent convex))
(log (* extent perimeter)))
(/ (+ minor eccentricity)
(exp (+ (+ (+ major minor) extent) perimeter))))
y = (exp(minor) / (-0.32253 / (eccentricity / exp((perimeter - (log(-0.29408) * (extent + major)))))))
y = (((extent - (extent + convex)) * log((extent * perimeter))) * ((minor + eccentricity) / exp((((major + minor) + extent) + perimeter))))

View File

@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
Hits: 2555, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 90.925267
CC: 918
CO: 216
OO: 1637
OC: 39
Fitness: 0.998896
Hits: 905
Hits: 2329, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 82.882562
CC: 1124
CO: 28
OO: 1205
OC: 453
Fitness: 0.998826
Hits: 851
y = (exp(minor) / (-0.32253 / (eccentricity / exp((perimeter - (log(-0.29408) * (extent + major)))))))
y = (((extent - (extent + convex)) * log((extent * perimeter))) * ((minor + eccentricity) / exp((((major + minor) + extent) + perimeter))))
(/ (exp minor)
(/ -0.32253
(/ eccentricity
(exp (- perimeter
(* (log -0.29408)
(+ extent major)))))))
(* (* (- extent
(+ extent convex))
(log (* extent perimeter)))
(/ (+ minor eccentricity)
(exp (+ (+ (+ major minor) extent) perimeter))))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,53 +1,52 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9595 0.9988 0.0000 17.901 3.431 39 5 33 5 0.9595 0.9988 0.0000 17.901 3.431 39 5 33 5
1 0 0.9920 0.9988 0.0000 15.761 3.435 39 5 88 6 0.9757 0.9988 0.0000 16.831 3.433 39 5 33 5
2 0 0.9924 0.9988 0.0000 14.622 3.456 39 5 21 4 0.9813 0.9988 0.0000 16.095 3.441 39 5 33 5
3 0 0.9924 0.9989 0.0000 13.858 3.441 33 5 12 6 0.9841 0.9989 0.0000 15.535 3.441 33 5 33 5
4 0 0.9932 0.9989 0.0000 13.362 3.475 33 5 63 9 0.9859 0.9989 0.0000 15.101 3.448 33 5 33 5
5 0 0.9946 0.9989 0.0000 12.954 3.490 33 5 48 8 0.9873 0.9989 0.0000 14.743 3.455 33 5 33 5
6 0 0.9942 0.9989 0.0000 12.091 3.381 33 5 26 7 0.9883 0.9989 0.0000 14.364 3.444 33 5 33 5
7 0 0.9946 0.9989 0.0000 11.885 3.375 33 5 14 4 0.9891 0.9989 0.0000 14.054 3.435 33 5 33 5
8 0 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 11.147 3.280 33 5 35 11 0.9898 0.9989 0.0000 13.731 3.418 33 5 33 5
9 0 0.9948 0.9989 0.0000 10.719 3.259 33 5 86 11 0.9903 0.9989 0.0000 13.430 3.402 33 5 33 5
10 0 0.9940 0.9989 0.0000 9.959 3.132 33 5 20 8 0.9907 0.9989 0.0000 13.114 3.378 33 5 33 5
11 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 9.183 2.990 33 5 33 8 0.9912 0.9989 0.0000 12.787 3.345 33 5 33 5
12 0 0.9950 0.9989 0.0000 8.795 2.914 33 5 53 8 0.9915 0.9989 0.0000 12.480 3.312 33 5 33 5
13 0 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 8.341 2.822 33 5 9 4 0.9918 0.9989 0.0000 12.184 3.277 33 5 33 5
14 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 8.057 2.772 33 5 76 10 0.9921 0.9989 0.0000 11.909 3.244 33 5 33 5
15 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 7.732 2.699 33 5 7 3 0.9924 0.9989 0.0000 11.648 3.210 33 5 33 5
16 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 7.414 2.614 33 5 48 7 0.9927 0.9989 0.0000 11.399 3.175 33 5 33 5
17 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 7.243 2.545 33 5 31 6 0.9929 0.9989 0.0000 11.168 3.140 33 5 33 5
18 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 6.896 2.466 22 8 34 9 0.9931 0.9989 0.0000 10.943 3.104 22 8 33 5
19 0 0.9964 0.9989 0.0000 6.470 2.362 22 8 32 8 0.9933 0.9989 0.0000 10.720 3.067 22 8 33 5
20 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 6.110 2.272 22 8 31 9 0.9935 0.9989 0.0000 10.500 3.029 22 8 33 5
21 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 5.953 2.244 22 8 19 7 0.9936 0.9989 0.0000 10.293 2.994 22 8 33 5
22 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 5.919 2.215 22 8 29 11 0.9938 0.9989 0.0000 10.103 2.960 22 8 33 5
23 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.614 2.137 22 8 47 13 0.9940 0.9989 0.0000 9.916 2.925 22 8 33 5
24 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.435 2.091 22 8 31 6 0.9941 0.9989 0.0000 9.737 2.892 22 8 33 5
25 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 5.452 2.068 22 8 24 8 0.9943 0.9989 0.0000 9.572 2.860 22 8 33 5
26 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9942 5.335 2.038 22 8 25 6 0.9944 0.9989 0.0000 9.415 2.830 22 8 33 5
27 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 5.091 1.955 22 8 13 4 0.9945 0.9989 0.0000 9.261 2.799 22 8 33 5
28 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.084 1.954 22 8 7 3 0.9946 0.9989 0.0000 9.117 2.769 22 8 33 5
29 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 5.132 1.971 22 8 10 4 0.9947 0.9989 0.0000 8.984 2.743 22 8 33 5
30 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 5.076 1.936 22 8 10 6 0.9948 0.9989 0.0000 8.858 2.717 22 8 33 5
31 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 4.987 1.905 22 8 11 4 0.9949 0.9989 0.0000 8.737 2.691 22 8 33 5
32 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.867 1.851 22 8 25 6 0.9949 0.9989 0.0000 8.620 2.666 22 8 33 5
33 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.786 1.820 22 8 68 11 0.9950 0.9989 0.0000 8.507 2.641 22 8 33 5
34 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.795 1.840 22 8 10 5 0.9951 0.9989 0.0000 8.401 2.618 22 8 33 5
35 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.702 1.797 22 8 14 6 0.9952 0.9989 0.0000 8.298 2.595 22 8 33 5
36 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.724 1.785 22 8 15 5 0.9952 0.9989 0.0000 8.201 2.574 22 8 33 5
37 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9971 4.702 1.782 22 8 10 3 0.9953 0.9989 0.0000 8.109 2.553 22 8 33 5
38 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.703 1.806 22 8 8 3 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 8.022 2.534 22 8 33 5
39 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9958 4.809 1.858 22 8 6 2 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 7.942 2.517 22 8 33 5
40 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.677 1.806 22 8 18 9 0.9955 0.9989 0.0000 7.862 2.499 22 8 33 5
41 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.477 1.721 22 8 7 3 0.9955 0.9989 0.0000 7.781 2.481 22 8 33 5
42 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.378 1.691 16 7 22 6 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 7.702 2.462 16 7 33 5
43 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 4.480 1.730 16 7 17 7 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 7.629 2.446 16 7 33 5
44 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.482 1.742 16 7 10 4 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 7.559 2.430 16 7 33 5
45 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.486 1.756 16 7 9 4 0.9957 0.9989 0.0000 7.492 2.415 16 7 33 5
46 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.400 1.730 16 7 9 5 0.9957 0.9989 0.0000 7.427 2.401 16 7 33 5
47 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9975 4.439 1.726 16 7 14 8 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.364 2.387 16 7 33 5
48 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.328 1.689 16 7 9 5 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.302 2.373 16 7 33 5
49 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 4.357 1.706 16 7 12 5 0.9959 0.9989 0.0000 7.243 2.359 16 7 33 5
50 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9972 4.306 1.677 16 7 16 5 0.9959 0.9989 0.0000 7.186 2.346 16 7 33 5
51 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.396 1.713 16 7 19 6 0.9959 0.9989 0.0000 7.132 2.334 16 7 33 5
0 0 0.9700 0.9986 0.0000 18.820 3.352 22 4 13 3 0.9700 0.9986 0.0000 18.820 3.352 22 4 13 3
1 0 0.9740 0.9986 0.0000 18.384 3.604 22 4 15 5 0.9720 0.9986 0.0000 18.602 3.478 22 4 13 3
2 0 0.9860 0.9986 0.0000 17.400 3.624 22 4 28 8 0.9767 0.9986 0.0000 18.201 3.527 22 4 13 3
3 0 0.9980 0.9986 0.9978 15.656 3.688 22 4 7 3 0.9820 0.9986 0.0000 17.565 3.567 22 4 13 3
4 0 0.9980 0.9986 0.9978 16.256 3.968 22 4 30 6 0.9852 0.9986 0.0000 17.303 3.647 22 4 13 3
5 0 0.9980 0.9986 0.9975 16.700 4.272 22 4 74 9 0.9873 0.9986 0.0000 17.203 3.751 22 4 13 3
6 0 0.9940 0.9986 0.0000 15.296 4.004 22 4 54 6 0.9883 0.9986 0.0000 16.930 3.787 22 4 13 3
7 0 0.9980 0.9986 0.9966 13.664 3.860 22 4 58 9 0.9895 0.9986 0.0000 16.522 3.796 22 4 13 3
8 0 0.9860 0.9986 0.0000 13.284 3.728 22 4 31 8 0.9891 0.9986 0.0000 16.162 3.789 22 4 13 3
9 0 0.9980 0.9986 0.9975 12.040 3.428 22 4 19 5 0.9900 0.9986 0.0000 15.750 3.753 22 4 13 3
10 0 0.9980 0.9986 0.9979 11.024 3.180 22 4 10 3 0.9907 0.9986 0.0000 15.320 3.701 22 4 13 3
11 0 0.9900 0.9986 0.0000 9.744 2.988 22 4 36 10 0.9906 0.9986 0.0000 14.856 3.641 22 4 13 3
12 0 0.9940 0.9986 0.0000 10.224 3.100 22 4 34 10 0.9909 0.9986 0.0000 14.499 3.600 22 4 13 3
13 0 0.9940 0.9986 0.0000 10.776 3.256 22 4 35 10 0.9911 0.9986 0.0000 14.233 3.575 22 4 13 3
14 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9977 10.728 3.252 23 6 4 2 0.9916 0.9988 0.0000 14.000 3.554 23 6 13 3
15 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9941 10.408 3.156 23 6 13 4 0.9920 0.9988 0.0000 13.775 3.529 23 6 13 3
16 0 0.9940 0.9988 0.0000 9.596 2.904 23 6 25 8 0.9921 0.9988 0.0000 13.529 3.492 23 6 13 3
17 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9976 8.296 2.648 23 6 5 3 0.9924 0.9988 0.0000 13.239 3.445 23 6 13 3
18 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9978 8.756 2.696 23 6 7 3 0.9927 0.9988 0.0000 13.003 3.406 23 6 13 3
19 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9941 8.720 2.768 23 6 11 4 0.9930 0.9988 0.0000 12.789 3.374 23 6 13 3
20 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9975 7.372 2.444 23 6 30 7 0.9932 0.9988 0.0000 12.531 3.330 23 6 13 3
21 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9975 6.780 2.332 23 6 31 7 0.9934 0.9988 0.0000 12.269 3.284 23 6 13 3
22 0 0.9900 0.9988 0.0000 6.484 2.260 23 6 19 6 0.9933 0.9988 0.0000 12.018 3.240 23 6 13 3
23 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9941 6.024 2.264 23 6 22 8 0.9935 0.9988 0.0000 11.768 3.199 23 6 13 3
24 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9979 5.676 2.088 23 6 5 2 0.9936 0.9988 0.0000 11.524 3.155 23 6 13 3
25 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9978 5.212 2.072 23 6 5 2 0.9938 0.9988 0.0000 11.282 3.113 23 6 13 3
26 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9978 5.504 2.124 23 6 9 3 0.9940 0.9988 0.0000 11.068 3.076 23 6 13 3
27 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9978 4.756 1.816 23 6 5 2 0.9941 0.9988 0.0000 10.842 3.031 23 6 13 3
28 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9979 5.132 1.964 23 6 3 1 0.9942 0.9988 0.0000 10.645 2.994 23 6 13 3
29 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9979 4.960 1.860 23 6 3 1 0.9944 0.9988 0.0000 10.456 2.957 23 6 13 3
30 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 5.272 1.992 23 6 1 0 0.9945 0.9988 0.0000 10.289 2.926 23 6 13 3
31 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 5.296 2.032 23 6 12 5 0.9946 0.9988 0.0000 10.133 2.898 23 6 13 3
32 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 5.832 2.208 23 6 1 0 0.9947 0.9988 0.0000 10.002 2.877 23 6 13 3
33 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 5.816 2.224 23 6 1 0 0.9948 0.9988 0.0000 9.879 2.858 23 6 13 3
34 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9978 5.952 2.296 23 6 12 5 0.9949 0.9988 0.0000 9.767 2.841 23 6 13 3
35 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 5.964 2.236 23 6 9 4 0.9950 0.9988 0.0000 9.661 2.825 23 6 13 3
36 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 6.208 2.252 23 6 5 2 0.9950 0.9988 0.0000 9.568 2.809 23 6 13 3
37 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 6.032 2.144 23 6 8 3 0.9951 0.9988 0.0000 9.475 2.792 23 6 13 3
38 0 0.9976 0.9988 0.9167 5.776 2.040 23 6 26 6 0.9952 0.9988 0.0000 9.380 2.772 23 6 13 3
39 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9974 5.004 1.828 23 6 26 6 0.9953 0.9988 0.0000 9.271 2.749 23 6 13 3
40 0 0.9940 0.9988 0.0000 5.100 1.816 23 6 22 5 0.9952 0.9988 0.0000 9.169 2.726 23 6 13 3
41 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 5.084 1.864 23 6 3 1 0.9953 0.9988 0.0000 9.072 2.706 23 6 13 3
42 0 0.9940 0.9988 0.0000 5.108 1.928 23 6 10 5 0.9953 0.9988 0.0000 8.979 2.687 23 6 13 3
43 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 5.184 1.976 23 6 1 0 0.9953 0.9988 0.0000 8.893 2.671 23 6 13 3
44 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 5.492 2.076 23 6 3 1 0.9954 0.9988 0.0000 8.818 2.658 23 6 13 3
45 0 0.9940 0.9988 0.0000 5.380 2.060 23 6 23 6 0.9953 0.9988 0.0000 8.743 2.645 23 6 13 3
46 0 0.9936 0.9988 0.0000 4.984 1.880 23 6 10 4 0.9953 0.9988 0.0000 8.663 2.629 23 6 13 3
47 0 0.9979 0.9988 0.9978 5.512 2.072 23 6 9 4 0.9954 0.9988 0.0000 8.597 2.617 23 6 13 3
48 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 4.972 1.856 23 6 5 2 0.9954 0.9988 0.0000 8.523 2.602 23 6 13 3
49 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9979 5.408 2.056 23 6 10 3 0.9955 0.9988 0.0000 8.461 2.591 23 6 13 3
50 0 0.9980 0.9988 0.9978 5.420 2.040 23 6 3 1 0.9955 0.9988 0.0000 8.401 2.580 23 6 13 3

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 4871.
no random number seed specfied; using 2034.
creating initial population(s):
7405 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
342 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 8.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 9.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 16.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 17.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 28.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 29.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 42.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 43.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -174,24 +174,21 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 50.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 51.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
------- memory -------
allocated: 60915748
freed: 60867748
allocated: 3410991
freed: 3362991
not freed: 48000
max allocated: 2489159
malloc'ed blocks: 925057
realloc'ed blocks: 8
free'ed blocks: 925051
max allocated: 222198
malloc'ed blocks: 46958
realloc'ed blocks: 7
free'ed blocks: 46952
------- time -------
overall: 5s wall
evaluation: 5s wall
overall: 0s wall
evaluation: 0s wall
breeding: 0s wall
------- generation spaces -------
@ -199,7 +196,7 @@ SYSTEM STATISTICS
space 1 size: 100
------- ephemeral random constants -------
used: 23745
freed: 23745
allocated: 6000
blocks: 11
used: 1151
freed: 1151
allocated: 1000
blocks: 1

View File

@ -1,28 +1,18 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
nodes: 15
depth: 5
hits: 525
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 525
raw fitness: 525.0000
standardized fitness: 525.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
(- (+ area perimeter) eccentricity)
y = ((exp((log(log(major)) / ((0.74997 * minor) - (perimeter / 0.22278)))) - log((((convex - area) - (area * extent)) * exp((minor - -0.78322))))) / log(((((minor + major) - exp(perimeter)) + ((major / -0.92937) * (perimeter + -0.54531))) * exp(exp((perimeter / minor))))))
y = ((area + perimeter) - eccentricity)

View File

@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
Hits: 2329, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 82.882562
CC: 740
CO: 400
OO: 1589
OC: 81
Fitness: 0.998745
Hits: 796
Hits: 1105, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 39.323843
CC: 1105
CO: 0
OO: 0
OC: 1705
Fitness: 0.998099
Hits: 525
y = ((exp((log(log(major)) / ((0.74997 * minor) - (perimeter / 0.22278)))) - log((((convex - area) - (area * extent)) * exp((minor - -0.78322))))) / log(((((minor + major) - exp(perimeter)) + ((major / -0.92937) * (perimeter + -0.54531))) * exp(exp((perimeter / minor))))))
y = ((area + perimeter) - eccentricity)
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
(- (+ area perimeter) eccentricity)

View File

@ -1,270 +1,85 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 0
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
nodes: 15
depth: 5
hits: 525
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 525
raw fitness: 525.0000
standardized fitness: 525.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
(- (+ area perimeter) eccentricity)
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 1
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
nodes: 15
depth: 5
hits: 525
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 525
raw fitness: 525.0000
standardized fitness: 525.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
(- (+ area perimeter) eccentricity)
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 2
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
nodes: 15
depth: 5
hits: 525
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 525
raw fitness: 525.0000
standardized fitness: 525.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
(- (+ area perimeter) eccentricity)
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 3
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
nodes: 15
depth: 5
hits: 525
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 525
raw fitness: 525.0000
standardized fitness: 525.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
(- (+ area perimeter) eccentricity)
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 4
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
nodes: 15
depth: 5
hits: 525
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
hits: 525
raw fitness: 525.0000
standardized fitness: 525.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9981
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 5
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 6
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 7
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 8
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
current generation: 9
generation: 0
nodes: 48
depth: 6
hits: 796
-- #1 --
hits: 796
raw fitness: 796.0000
standardized fitness: 796.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(/ (- (exp (/ (log (log major))
(- (* 0.74997 minor)
(/ perimeter 0.22278))))
(log (* (- (- convex area)
(* area extent))
(exp (- minor -0.78322)))))
(log (* (+ (- (+ minor major)
(exp perimeter))
(* (/ major -0.92937)
(+ perimeter -0.54531)))
(exp (exp (/ perimeter minor))))))
(- (+ area perimeter) eccentricity)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9554 0.9987 0.0000 18.735 3.478 48 6 30 6 0.9554 0.9987 0.0000 18.735 3.478 48 6 30 6
1 0 0.9890 0.9987 0.0000 16.924 3.569 48 6 103 8 0.9722 0.9987 0.0000 17.830 3.523 48 6 30 6
2 0 0.9886 0.9987 0.0000 16.111 3.662 48 6 107 11 0.9777 0.9987 0.0000 17.257 3.569 48 6 30 6
3 0 0.9912 0.9987 0.0000 14.940 3.626 48 6 84 7 0.9810 0.9987 0.0000 16.678 3.584 48 6 30 6
4 0 0.9934 0.9987 0.0000 13.822 3.575 48 6 62 10 0.9835 0.9987 0.0000 16.107 3.582 48 6 30 6
5 0 0.9936 0.9987 0.0000 12.852 3.453 48 6 50 6 0.9852 0.9987 0.0000 15.564 3.561 48 6 30 6
6 0 0.9948 0.9987 0.0000 11.800 3.349 48 6 41 10 0.9866 0.9987 0.0000 15.026 3.530 48 6 30 6
7 0 0.9946 0.9987 0.0000 11.320 3.289 48 6 62 8 0.9876 0.9987 0.0000 14.563 3.500 48 6 30 6
8 0 0.9946 0.9987 0.0000 10.748 3.216 48 6 20 5 0.9883 0.9987 0.0000 14.139 3.469 48 6 30 6
9 0 0.9967 0.9987 0.0000 10.396 3.146 48 6 26 10 0.9892 0.9987 0.0000 13.765 3.436 48 6 30 6
0 0 0.9781 0.9981 0.0000 14.860 3.084 15 5 76 6 0.9781 0.9981 0.0000 14.860 3.084 15 5 76 6
1 0 0.9980 0.9981 0.9979 12.840 3.060 15 5 4 2 0.9881 0.9981 0.0000 13.850 3.072 15 5 76 6
2 0 0.9901 0.9981 0.0000 14.180 3.428 15 5 15 4 0.9887 0.9981 0.0000 13.960 3.191 15 5 76 6
3 0 0.9861 0.9981 0.0000 13.708 3.548 15 5 37 5 0.9881 0.9981 0.0000 13.897 3.280 15 5 76 6
4 0 0.9980 0.9981 0.9959 12.492 3.484 15 5 5 3 0.9901 0.9981 0.0000 13.616 3.321 15 5 76 6

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 808.
no random number seed specfied; using 124.
creating initial population(s):
7311 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
323 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -37,19 +37,3 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
=== generation 4.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 5.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 6.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 7.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 8.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 9.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 10.

View File

@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
=== BEST-OF-RUN ===
generation: 7
nodes: 10
depth: 4
hits: 901
generation: 6
nodes: 7
depth: 3
hits: 784
-- #1 --
hits: 901
raw fitness: 901.0000
standardized fitness: 901.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9989
hits: 784
raw fitness: 784.0000
standardized fitness: 784.0000
adjusted fitness: 0.9987
(/ minor
(+ (log (* 0.00542 major))
(- major major)))
(- (+ (/ perimeter -0.03569) convex) perimeter)
y = (minor / (log((0.00542 * major)) + (major - major)))
y = (((perimeter / -0.03569) + convex) - perimeter)

View File

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
Hits: 2459, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 87.508897
CC: 1086
CO: 27
OO: 1373
OC: 324
Fitness: 0.998891
Hits: 901
Hits: 2266, Total Size: 2810, Percent Hit: 80.640569
CC: 791
CO: 364
OO: 1475
OC: 180
Fitness: 0.998726
Hits: 784
y = (minor / (log((0.00542 * major)) + (major - major)))
y = (((perimeter / -0.03569) + convex) - perimeter)
(/ minor
(+ (log (* 0.00542 major))
(- major major)))
(- (+ (/ perimeter -0.03569) convex) perimeter)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,53 +1,26 @@
GEN# SUB# μFGEN FsBestGEN FsWorstGEN μTreeSzGEN μTreeDpGEN bTreeSzGEN bTreeDpGEN wTreeSzGEN wTreeDpGEN μFRUN FsBestRUN FsWorstRUN μTreeSzRUN μTreeDpRUN bTreeSzRUN bTreeDpRUN wTreeSzRUN wTreeDpRUN
0 0 0.9583 0.9986 0.0000 18.220 3.466 44 6 32 5 0.9583 0.9986 0.0000 18.220 3.466 44 6 32 5
1 0 0.9912 0.9987 0.0000 16.192 3.527 13 6 62 6 0.9747 0.9987 0.0000 17.206 3.497 13 6 32 5
2 0 0.9930 0.9988 0.0000 15.505 3.548 7 4 64 8 0.9808 0.9988 0.0000 16.639 3.514 7 4 32 5
3 0 0.9936 0.9988 0.0000 15.157 3.623 7 4 40 7 0.9840 0.9988 0.0000 16.268 3.541 7 4 32 5
4 0 0.9954 0.9988 0.0000 14.556 3.633 7 4 50 9 0.9863 0.9988 0.0000 15.926 3.559 7 4 32 5
5 0 0.9934 0.9988 0.0000 13.821 3.595 7 4 49 6 0.9875 0.9988 0.0000 15.575 3.565 7 4 32 5
6 0 0.9954 0.9988 0.0000 13.245 3.581 7 4 35 8 0.9886 0.9988 0.0000 15.242 3.568 7 4 32 5
7 0 0.9950 0.9989 0.0000 12.664 3.534 10 4 52 11 0.9894 0.9989 0.0000 14.920 3.563 10 4 32 5
8 0 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 11.905 3.403 10 4 24 8 0.9901 0.9989 0.0000 14.585 3.546 10 4 32 5
9 0 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 11.839 3.436 10 4 47 10 0.9906 0.9989 0.0000 14.310 3.535 10 4 32 5
10 0 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 11.122 3.350 10 4 30 8 0.9911 0.9989 0.0000 14.021 3.518 10 4 32 5
11 0 0.9962 0.9989 0.0000 10.241 3.181 10 4 7 4 0.9915 0.9989 0.0000 13.706 3.490 10 4 32 5
12 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 9.800 3.160 10 4 25 7 0.9919 0.9989 0.0000 13.405 3.464 10 4 32 5
13 0 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 9.328 3.094 10 4 32 7 0.9922 0.9989 0.0000 13.114 3.438 10 4 32 5
14 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 9.098 3.032 10 4 32 11 0.9925 0.9989 0.0000 12.846 3.411 10 4 32 5
15 0 0.9964 0.9989 0.0000 8.638 2.936 10 4 20 8 0.9928 0.9989 0.0000 12.583 3.381 10 4 32 5
16 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 8.282 2.834 10 4 19 8 0.9930 0.9989 0.0000 12.330 3.349 10 4 32 5
17 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 8.091 2.806 10 4 56 9 0.9933 0.9989 0.0000 12.095 3.319 10 4 32 5
18 0 0.9960 0.9989 0.0000 7.593 2.667 10 4 8 3 0.9934 0.9989 0.0000 11.858 3.284 10 4 32 5
19 0 0.9962 0.9989 0.0000 7.273 2.588 10 4 26 9 0.9935 0.9989 0.0000 11.629 3.250 10 4 32 5
20 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 6.979 2.505 10 4 11 4 0.9937 0.9989 0.0000 11.407 3.214 10 4 32 5
21 0 0.9962 0.9989 0.0000 6.866 2.488 10 4 11 4 0.9938 0.9989 0.0000 11.201 3.181 10 4 32 5
22 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 6.581 2.430 10 4 9 3 0.9940 0.9989 0.0000 11.000 3.149 10 4 32 5
23 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 6.286 2.354 10 4 29 9 0.9941 0.9989 0.0000 10.803 3.115 10 4 32 5
24 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 6.053 2.272 10 4 25 6 0.9942 0.9989 0.0000 10.613 3.082 10 4 32 5
25 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 5.818 2.204 10 4 14 5 0.9943 0.9989 0.0000 10.429 3.048 10 4 32 5
26 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 5.627 2.153 10 4 19 6 0.9944 0.9989 0.0000 10.251 3.015 10 4 32 5
27 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.518 2.112 10 4 39 14 0.9945 0.9989 0.0000 10.082 2.983 10 4 32 5
28 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 5.352 2.057 10 4 13 5 0.9946 0.9989 0.0000 9.919 2.951 10 4 32 5
29 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 5.226 2.024 10 4 15 7 0.9947 0.9989 0.0000 9.763 2.920 10 4 32 5
30 0 0.9972 0.9989 0.0000 5.104 1.973 10 4 12 5 0.9948 0.9989 0.0000 9.612 2.889 10 4 32 5
31 0 0.9966 0.9989 0.0000 5.015 1.955 10 4 11 4 0.9949 0.9989 0.0000 9.469 2.860 10 4 32 5
32 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 5.000 1.936 10 4 24 8 0.9950 0.9989 0.0000 9.333 2.832 10 4 32 5
33 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.966 1.928 10 4 35 10 0.9950 0.9989 0.0000 9.205 2.805 10 4 32 5
34 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.767 1.847 10 4 11 4 0.9951 0.9989 0.0000 9.078 2.778 10 4 32 5
35 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.815 1.863 10 4 14 4 0.9952 0.9989 0.0000 8.960 2.753 10 4 32 5
36 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.772 1.863 10 4 12 6 0.9953 0.9989 0.0000 8.846 2.729 10 4 32 5
37 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 4.673 1.830 10 4 18 5 0.9953 0.9989 0.0000 8.737 2.705 10 4 32 5
38 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.762 1.858 10 4 12 5 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 8.635 2.683 10 4 32 5
39 0 0.9968 0.9989 0.0000 4.762 1.860 10 4 10 4 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 8.538 2.663 10 4 32 5
40 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.672 1.827 10 4 21 6 0.9954 0.9989 0.0000 8.444 2.642 10 4 32 5
41 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.612 1.807 10 4 16 7 0.9955 0.9989 0.0000 8.352 2.622 10 4 32 5
42 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.579 1.792 10 4 8 4 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 8.265 2.603 10 4 32 5
43 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.592 1.789 10 4 10 5 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 8.181 2.585 10 4 32 5
44 0 0.9970 0.9989 0.0000 4.536 1.769 10 4 14 6 0.9956 0.9989 0.0000 8.100 2.566 10 4 32 5
45 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.514 1.758 10 4 21 4 0.9957 0.9989 0.0000 8.022 2.549 10 4 32 5
46 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.561 1.767 10 4 8 3 0.9957 0.9989 0.0000 7.948 2.532 10 4 32 5
47 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.522 1.760 10 4 9 4 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.877 2.516 10 4 32 5
48 0 0.9976 0.9989 0.0000 4.363 1.702 10 4 5 2 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.805 2.499 10 4 32 5
49 0 0.9978 0.9989 0.0000 4.405 1.737 10 4 7 3 0.9958 0.9989 0.0000 7.737 2.484 10 4 32 5
50 0 0.9980 0.9989 0.9975 4.448 1.738 10 4 4 2 0.9959 0.9989 0.0000 7.673 2.470 10 4 32 5
51 0 0.9974 0.9989 0.0000 4.419 1.734 10 4 13 6 0.9959 0.9989 0.0000 7.610 2.455 10 4 32 5
0 0 0.9461 0.9983 0.0000 18.960 3.340 84 6 51 6 0.9461 0.9983 0.0000 18.960 3.340 84 6 51 6
1 0 0.9979 0.9983 0.9973 16.300 3.348 84 6 83 6 0.9720 0.9983 0.0000 17.630 3.344 84 6 51 6
2 0 0.9979 0.9983 0.9975 14.248 3.196 84 6 84 7 0.9806 0.9983 0.0000 16.503 3.295 84 6 51 6
3 0 0.9979 0.9983 0.9976 14.524 3.216 84 6 61 6 0.9850 0.9983 0.0000 16.008 3.275 84 6 51 6
4 0 0.9940 0.9987 0.0000 13.844 3.220 7 3 24 7 0.9868 0.9987 0.0000 15.575 3.264 7 3 51 6
5 0 0.9860 0.9987 0.0000 13.560 3.244 7 3 37 11 0.9866 0.9987 0.0000 15.239 3.261 7 3 51 6
6 0 0.9940 0.9987 0.0000 11.144 3.000 7 3 39 8 0.9877 0.9987 0.0000 14.654 3.223 7 3 51 6
7 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9978 9.648 2.884 7 3 82 7 0.9890 0.9987 0.0000 14.028 3.181 7 3 51 6
8 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9976 8.820 2.672 7 3 80 7 0.9900 0.9987 0.0000 13.450 3.124 7 3 51 6
9 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 8.068 2.608 7 3 1 0 0.9908 0.9987 0.0000 12.912 3.073 7 3 51 6
10 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9979 6.864 2.356 7 3 3 1 0.9914 0.9987 0.0000 12.362 3.008 7 3 51 6
11 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9979 6.920 2.424 7 3 11 5 0.9920 0.9987 0.0000 11.908 2.959 7 3 51 6
12 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9979 6.124 2.088 7 3 8 3 0.9924 0.9987 0.0000 11.463 2.892 7 3 51 6
13 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 5.388 1.980 7 3 3 1 0.9928 0.9987 0.0000 11.029 2.827 7 3 51 6
14 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9979 5.932 2.216 7 3 3 1 0.9932 0.9987 0.0000 10.690 2.786 7 3 51 6
15 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 6.344 2.384 7 3 27 10 0.9935 0.9987 0.0000 10.418 2.761 7 3 51 6
16 0 0.9980 0.9987 0.9979 5.444 2.104 7 3 5 2 0.9937 0.9987 0.0000 10.125 2.722 7 3 51 6
17 0 0.9940 0.9987 0.0000 4.816 1.944 7 3 20 7 0.9937 0.9987 0.0000 9.830 2.679 7 3 51 6
18 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 4.720 1.860 7 3 1 0 0.9940 0.9987 0.0000 9.561 2.636 7 3 51 6
19 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 4.708 1.892 7 3 1 0 0.9942 0.9987 0.0000 9.319 2.599 7 3 51 6
20 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 5.108 2.040 7 3 4 2 0.9943 0.9987 0.0000 9.118 2.572 7 3 51 6
21 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 4.844 1.940 7 3 2 1 0.9945 0.9987 0.0000 8.924 2.543 7 3 51 6
22 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 4.280 1.688 7 3 1 0 0.9946 0.9987 0.0000 8.722 2.506 7 3 51 6
23 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 4.256 1.676 7 3 11 4 0.9948 0.9987 0.0000 8.536 2.472 7 3 51 6
24 0 0.9979 0.9987 0.9979 4.176 1.716 7 3 5 2 0.9949 0.9987 0.0000 8.362 2.441 7 3 51 6

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ building function set(s):
set 0: * / + - exp log area perimeter major minor eccentricity convex extent R
tree 0 uses function set 0.
function set complete.
no random number seed specfied; using 432.
no random number seed specfied; using 2487.
creating initial population(s):
7337 trees were generated to fill the population of 5000 (5000 trees).
324 trees were generated to fill the population of 250 (250 trees).
initial population(s) complete.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 2.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 3.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 7.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 8.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 16.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 17.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
@ -97,109 +97,3 @@ no checkpointing will be done.
=== generation 24.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 25.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 26.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 27.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 28.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 29.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 30.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 31.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 32.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 33.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 34.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 35.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 36.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 37.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 38.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 39.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 40.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 41.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 42.
evaluation complete. (1s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 43.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 44.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 45.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 46.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 47.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 48.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 49.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 50.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
breeding complete. (0s wall)
=== generation 51.
evaluation complete. (0s wall)
------- memory -------
allocated: 63106451
freed: 63058451
not freed: 48000
max allocated: 2521222
malloc'ed blocks: 925429
realloc'ed blocks: 8
free'ed blocks: 925423
------- time -------
overall: 5s wall
evaluation: 4s wall
breeding: 0s wall
------- generation spaces -------
space 0 size: 200
space 1 size: 100
------- ephemeral random constants -------
used: 23704
freed: 23704
allocated: 6000
blocks: 11

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "blt/std/hashmap.h"
#include "blt/std/memory.h"
@ -74,10 +75,18 @@ struct stt_record
static stt_record from_string_array(int generation, size_t& idx, blt::span<std::string> values);
struct stt_file
std::vector<stt_record> records;
blt::size_t generations = 0;
static stt_file from_file(std::string_view file);
* Structure used to store information loaded from the .fn file
struct fn_record
struct fn_file
// real value = 'cammeo' predicted value = 'cammeo'
blt::size_t cc = 0;
@ -88,52 +97,27 @@ struct fn_record
// real value = 'osmancik' predicted value = 'cammeo'
blt::size_t oc = 0;
double fitness = 0;
// hits from the training data, kinda useless
// hits from testing data
blt::size_t hits = 0;
// total data values
blt::size_t total = 0;
static fn_file from_file(std::string_view file);
struct runs_stt_data
struct run_stats
// per generation (map stores from gen -> list of rows (records))
blt::hashmap_t<int, std::vector<stt_record>> averages;
// per RUN generation size
std::vector<int> runs_generation_size;
// count of the number of generations that use the same number of generations (used for calculating mode) exists [0, largest_generation]
blt::scoped_buffer<int> generations_size_count;
// largest number of generations from all runs
int largest_generation = 0;
// total number of generations across all runs (r1...rn)
int total_generations = 0;
// total / runs
int generations_average = 0;
// # of run lengths value is `data.generations_size_count[data.mode_generation]`
int generations_mode = 0;
// the generation that is the mode
int mode_generation = 0;
stt_file stt;
fn_file fn;
static run_stats from_file(std::string_view sst_file, std::string_view fn_file);
struct runs_fn_data
struct search_stats
std::vector<fn_record> runs;
// index of the best recorded run
blt::size_t best = 0;
// total number of hits from all runs
blt::size_t total_hits = 0;
// total number of rice testing data
blt::size_t total_tests = 0;
// hits / tests for all runs
blt::size_t average_hits = 0;
blt::size_t average_tests = 0;
// percent of valid tests
double average_valid = 0;
double total_fitness = 0;
double average_fitness = 0;
std::vector<run_stats> runs;
void process_stt_file(runs_stt_data& data, int& max_gen, std::string_view file);
runs_stt_data get_per_generation_averages(const std::string& outfile, int runs);
// in case you are wondering why all these functions are using template parameters, it is so that I can pass BLT_?*_STREAM into them
// allowing for output to stdout
template<typename T>
@ -162,61 +146,6 @@ inline void write_record(T& writer, const stt_record& r)
writer << r.worse_tree_depth_run << '\n';
template<typename T, typename FUNC, typename... Args>
inline void write_data_values(T& writer, const std::string& function, const bool end, FUNC func, Args... args)
const char BASE = 'a';
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
char c = static_cast<char>(BASE + i);
writer << function;
func(writer, c, args...);
if (i != 19 || !end)
writer << '\t';
// spacing tab
if (i == 19 && !end)
writer << '\t';
// writes functions operating on runs per generation
template<typename T>
inline void write_func_gens(T& writer, const char c, const int current_gen, runs_stt_data& data, const blt::size_t gen_offset, const blt::size_t offset)
auto runs = data.averages[current_gen].size();
for (size_t j = 0; j < runs; j++)
writer << c << ((gen_offset) + (offset + j));
if (j != runs - 1)
writer << ", ";
writer << ')';
// operates on the aggregated data created by the above function giving totals for the entire population
template<typename T>
inline void write_func_pop(T& writer, const char c, const int gen_size, const blt::size_t offset)
for (int j = 0; j < gen_size; j++)
// get the position of our aggregated data, which the offset contains
writer << c << (offset - gen_size - 1 + j);
if (j != gen_size - 1)
writer << ", ";
writer << ')';
void write_averaged_output(const std::string& writefile, const runs_stt_data& data, const std::vector<stt_record>& generation_averages);
void write_full_output(const std::string& writefile, const runs_stt_data& data, const std::vector<std::vector<stt_record>>& ordered_records);
void process_stt(const std::string& outfile, const std::string& writefile, const std::string& writefile_run, int runs);
void process_fn(const std::string& outfile, const std::string& writefile, int runs);
void process_files(const std::string& outfile, const std::string writefile, int runs);
void process_files(const std::string& outfile, const std::string& writefile, int runs);

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ enum class packet_id : blt::u8
CHILD_FIT, // Client -> Server Fitness of Child
PRUNE, // Server -> Client NONE, Child should terminate
// avg fitness, best fitness, avg tree size
// unused
AVG_FIT, // Client -> Server Average Fitness, gen #
BEST_FIT, // Client -> Server Best fitness, gen #
AVG_TREE, // Client -> Server Avg Tree Size, gen #
@ -50,9 +51,14 @@ struct packet_t
double fitness;
struct {
blt::i32 numOfGens;
blt::i32 generation;
blt::i32 numOfGens;
blt::i32 generation;
blt::u64 clock_time;

View File

@ -59,55 +59,124 @@ stt_record& stt_record::operator+=(const stt_record& r)
worse_fitness += r.worse_fitness;
mean_tree_size += r.mean_tree_size;
mean_tree_depth += r.mean_tree_depth;
best_tree_size += r.best_tree_size;
best_tree_depth += r.best_tree_depth;
worse_tree_size += r.worse_tree_size;
worse_tree_depth += r.worse_tree_depth;
mean_fitness_run += r.mean_fitness_run;
best_fitness_run += r.best_fitness_run;
worse_fitness_run += r.worse_fitness_run;
mean_tree_size_run += r.mean_tree_size_run;
mean_tree_depth_run += r.mean_tree_depth_run;
best_tree_size_run += r.best_tree_size_run;
best_tree_depth_run += r.best_tree_depth_run;
worse_tree_size_run += r.worse_tree_size_run;
worse_tree_depth_run += r.worse_tree_depth_run;
return *this;
stt_record& stt_record::operator/=(int i)
auto v = static_cast<double>(i);
mean_fitness /= v;
best_fitness /= v;
worse_fitness /= v;
mean_tree_size /= v;
mean_tree_depth /= v;
best_tree_size /= i;
best_tree_depth /= i;
worse_tree_size /= i;
worse_tree_depth /= i;
mean_fitness_run /= v;
best_fitness_run /= v;
worse_fitness_run /= v;
mean_tree_size_run /= v;
mean_tree_depth_run /= v;
best_tree_size_run /= i;
best_tree_depth_run /= i;
worse_tree_size_run /= i;
worse_tree_depth_run /= i;
return *this;
stt_file stt_file::from_file(std::string_view file)
auto lines = blt::fs::getLinesFromFile(file);
stt_file out;
// start from second line, first line is header
for (std::string_view line : blt::itr_offset(lines, 1))
auto values = blt::string::split(line, '\t');
if (values.size() <= 1)
else if (values.size() < 21)
BLT_WARN("Size of vector (%ld) is less than expected (21). Skipping line!", values.size());
blt::size_t idx = 0;
blt::size_t generation = std::stoi(values[idx++]);
out.generations = std::max(out.generations, generation + 1);
out.records.push_back(stt_record::from_string_array(static_cast<int>(generation), idx, values));
return out;
fn_file fn_file::from_file(std::string_view file)
fn_file record;
auto lines = blt::fs::getLinesFromFile(file);
std::string temp = "Hits: ";
auto hits_begin_loc = lines[0].find(temp) + temp.size();
auto hits_end_loc = lines[0].find(',', hits_begin_loc);
temp = "Total Size: ";
auto total_begin_loc = lines[0].find(temp, hits_end_loc) + temp.size();
auto total_end_loc = lines[0].find(',', total_begin_loc);
fill_value(record.hits, lines[0].substr(hits_begin_loc, hits_end_loc - hits_begin_loc));
fill_value(, lines[0].substr(total_begin_loc, total_end_loc - total_begin_loc));
// extract value from the lines
for (auto& line : lines)
auto s = blt::string::split(line, ':');
if (s.size() < 2)
line = blt::string::trim(s[1]);
blt::size_t idx = 1;
fill_value(, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(record.oo, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(record.oc, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(, lines[idx++]);
return record;
run_stats run_stats::from_file(std::string_view sst_file, std::string_view fn_file)
run_stats stats;
stats.stt = stt_file::from_file(sst_file);
stats.fn = fn_file::from_file(fn_file);
return stats;
void process_stt_file(runs_stt_data& data, int& max_gen, std::string_view file)
auto lines = blt::fs::getLinesFromFile(file);
@ -130,227 +199,19 @@ void process_stt_file(runs_stt_data& data, int& max_gen, std::string_view file)
runs_stt_data get_per_generation_averages(const std::string& outfile, int runs)
runs_stt_data data;
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
int max_gen = 0;
auto file = "./run_" + ((std::to_string(i) += "/") += outfile) += ".stt";
process_stt_file(data, max_gen, file);
data.largest_generation = std::max(data.largest_generation, max_gen);
data.total_generations += max_gen;
// zero out the buffer
// I am using my scoped buffer because it is meant to be a std::array<T, S> but at runtime.
// it provides iterators and automatic resource management :3
//data.generations_size_count = blt::scoped_buffer<int>(static_cast<blt::size_t>(data.largest_generation) + 1);
data.generations_size_count.resize(data.largest_generation + 1);
std::memset(, 0, data.generations_size_count.size() * sizeof(int));
// count the number of generations per length
for (auto v : data.runs_generation_size)
// find the larger length that contains the most runs
for (auto v : blt::enumerate(data.generations_size_count))
if (v.second > data.generations_size_count[data.mode_generation])
data.mode_generation = static_cast<int>(v.first);
data.generations_mode = data.generations_size_count[data.mode_generation];
data.generations_average = data.total_generations / runs;
return data;
void write_averaged_output(const std::string& writefile, const runs_stt_data& data, const std::vector<stt_record>& generation_averages)
std::ofstream writer(writefile);
writer << "Runs Generation Count Mean: " << data.generations_average << '\n';
writer << "Runs Generation Count Mode: " << data.mode_generation << " occurred (" << data.generations_mode << ") time(s)\n";
writer << "GEN#\tSUB#\tμFGEN\tFsBestGEN\tFsWorstGEN\tμTreeSzGEN\tμTreeDpGEN\tbTreeSzGEN\tbTreeDpGEN\twTreeSzGEN\twTreeDpGEN\tμFRUN\t"
for (const auto& r : generation_averages)
write_record(writer, r);
void write_full_output(const std::string& writefile, const runs_stt_data& data, const std::vector<std::vector<stt_record>>& ordered_records)
// 1 (our ints start at zero, calc starts at 1) + 2 (two offset rows, (name row, blank row)) + written_gen_count + 1 (include gen 0)
blt::size_t offset = 3 + data.largest_generation + 1;
std::ofstream writer(writefile);
// number of times we are going to create aggregated rows which need headers
const int header_count = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < header_count; i++)
writer << "GEN#\tSUB#\tμFGEN\tFsBestGEN\tFsWorstGEN\tμTreeSzGEN\tμTreeDpGEN\tbTreeSzGEN\tbTreeDpGEN\twTreeSzGEN\twTreeDpGEN\tμFRUN\t"
if (i == header_count - 1)
writer << '\n';
writer << "\t\t";
const std::string AVG_FN = "=AVERAGE(";
const std::string STDEV_FN = "=STDEV.P(";
// not every run will end at the same generation, this accounts for that by keeping a running total
blt::size_t gen_offset = 0;
// per generation, we need to write the aggregated data values using our funny functions
for (int gen = 0; gen < data.largest_generation + 1; gen++)
// I spent way too long trying to figure out how to make c++ do the function template deduction, might be only possible in c++20 without hacks
// this is the best solution without wasting the rest of the day.
write_data_values(writer, AVG_FN, false, write_func_gens<std::ofstream>, gen, data, gen_offset, offset);
write_data_values(writer, STDEV_FN, gen != 0, write_func_gens<std::ofstream>, gen, data, gen_offset, offset);
if (gen == 0)
write_data_values(writer, STDEV_FN, true, write_func_pop<std::ofstream>, data.largest_generation + 1, offset);
writer << '\n';
gen_offset +=;
writer << '\n';
// after we create the rows which will calculate the required data for us, we can write all the runs information into the file. Ordered by gen
for (const auto& run : ordered_records)
for (const auto& v : run)
write_record(writer, v);
void process_stt(const std::string& outfile, const std::string& writefile, const std::string& writefile_run, int runs)
BLT_INFO("Processing .sst file");
BLT_DEBUG("Loading generation data");
auto data = get_per_generation_averages(outfile, runs);
BLT_DEBUG("Ordering records and creating averages");
// the maps are not stored in an ordered format, we will aggregate the data into usable sets
std::vector<std::vector<stt_record>> ordered_records;
std::vector<stt_record> generation_averages;
for (const auto& a : data.averages)
stt_record base{};
std::memset(&base, 0, sizeof(stt_record));
base.gen = a.first;
for (const auto& r : a.second)
base += r;
base /= runs;
// which are then sorted
std::sort(generation_averages.begin(), generation_averages.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
return a.gen < b.gen;
std::sort(ordered_records.begin(), ordered_records.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
BLT_ASSERT(!(a.empty() || b.empty()));
return a[0].gen < b[0].gen;
// and written to the aggregated files
BLT_DEBUG("Writing to average output");
write_averaged_output(writefile, data, generation_averages);
BLT_DEBUG("Writing full stt_record output");
write_full_output(writefile_run, data, ordered_records);
BLT_INFO("Average Number of Generations: %d", data.generations_average);
BLT_INFO("Processing .stt file complete!");
void process_fn(const std::string& outfile, const std::string& writefile, int runs)
BLT_INFO("Processing .fn file");
runs_fn_data data;
blt::size_t best_hits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
auto file = "./run_" + ((std::to_string(i) += "/") += outfile) += ".fn";
auto lines = blt::fs::getLinesFromFile(file);
// extract value from the lines
for (auto& line : lines)
auto s = blt::string::split(line, ':');
if (s.size() < 2)
line = blt::string::trim(s[1]);
blt::size_t idx = 1;
fn_record record;
fill_value(, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(record.oo, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(record.oc, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(record.hits, lines[idx++]);
if (record.hits > best_hits)
best_hits = + record.oo; = data.runs.size();
std::ofstream writer(writefile);
writer << "Run(RV)/(PV)\tCC\tCO\tOO\tOC\n";
blt::size_t cc = 0, co = 0, oo =0, oc = 0;
for (auto e : blt::enumerate(data.runs))
const auto& v = e.second;
data.total_hits += v.oo +;
data.total_tests += v.oo + + + v.oc;
cc +=;
co +=;
oo += v.oo;
oc += v.oc;
writer << e.first << '\t' << << '\t' << << '\t' << v.oo << '\t' << v.oc << '\n';
data.average_hits = data.total_hits / runs;
data.average_tests = data.total_tests / runs;
data.average_valid = static_cast<double>(data.average_hits) / static_cast<double>(data.average_tests);
writer << "\nBest Result:\n";
auto best = data.runs[];
writer << "\tCC\tCO\tOO\tOC\n";
writer << '\t' << << '\t' << << '\t' << best.oo << '\t' << best.oc << '\n';
writer << "Fitness:\t" <<;
writer << "\nTotal results:\n";
writer << "\tCC\tCO\tOO\tOC\n";
writer << '\t' << cc << '\t' << co << '\t' << oo << '\t' << oc << '\n';
writer << "\nAveraged results:\n";
writer << "\tCC\tCO\tOO\tOC\n";
writer << '\t' << cc / runs << '\t' << co / runs << '\t' << oo / runs << '\t' << oc / runs << '\n';
writer << "\n\n";
writer << "Average Hits Per Run:\t" << data.average_hits << '\n';
writer << "Average Tests Per Run:\t" << data.average_tests << '\n';
writer << "Average % Correct Per Run:\t" << data.average_valid << '\n';
writer << "Total Hits(All runs combined):\t" << data.total_hits << '\n';
writer << "Total Tests(All runs combined):\t" << data.total_tests << '\n';
BLT_INFO("Processing .fn file complete!");
void process_files(const std::string& outfile, const std::string writefile, int runs)
void process_files(const std::string& outfile, const std::string& writefile, int runs)
const auto writefile_avg = writefile + ".tsv";
const auto writefile_run = writefile + "_runs.tsv";
const auto writefile_fn = writefile + "_fn.tsv";
process_stt(outfile, writefile_avg, writefile_run, runs);
process_fn(outfile, writefile_fn, runs);
search_stats stats;
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
std::string path = ("./run_" + (std::to_string(i) += "/")) += outfile;
stats.runs.push_back(run_stats::from_file(path + ".stt", path + ".fn"));
BLT_TRACE("Hello there!");

View File

@ -41,93 +41,94 @@
class child_t
int socket = 0;
bool socket_closed = false;
double fitness = 0;
std::vector<packet_t> unprocess_packets;
int socket = 0;
bool socket_closed = false;
double fitness = 0;
std::vector<packet_t> unprocess_packets;
child_t() = default;
void open(int sock)
socket = sock;
void aggregatePackets()
ssize_t write(unsigned char* buffer, blt::size_t count)
pollfd fds_write{socket, POLLOUT, 0};
if (poll(&fds_write, 1, 1) < 0)
BLT_WARN("Error polling write %d", errno);
if (fds_write.revents & POLLHUP)
socket_closed = true;
if (fds_write.revents & POLLERR || fds_write.revents & POLLHUP || fds_write.revents & POLLNVAL)
child_t() = default;
void open(int sock)
socket = sock;
void aggregatePackets()
ssize_t write(unsigned char* buffer, blt::size_t count)
pollfd fds_write{socket, POLLOUT, 0};
if (poll(&fds_write, 1, 1) < 0)
BLT_WARN("Error polling write %d", errno);
if (fds_write.revents & POLLHUP)
socket_closed = true;
if (fds_write.revents & POLLERR || fds_write.revents & POLLHUP || fds_write.revents & POLLNVAL)
return 0;
if (fds_write.revents & POLLOUT)
return ::write(socket, buffer, count);
return 0;
if (fds_write.revents & POLLOUT)
return ::write(socket, buffer, count);
return 0;
ssize_t read(unsigned char* buffer, blt::size_t count)
pollfd fds_read{socket, POLLIN, 0};
if (poll(&fds_read, 1, 1) < 0)
BLT_WARN("Error polling read %d", errno);
if (fds_read.revents & POLLHUP)
socket_closed = true;
if (fds_read.revents & POLLERR || fds_read.revents & POLLHUP || fds_read.revents & POLLNVAL)
ssize_t read(unsigned char* buffer, blt::size_t count)
pollfd fds_read{socket, POLLIN, 0};
if (poll(&fds_read, 1, 1) < 0)
BLT_WARN("Error polling read %d", errno);
if (fds_read.revents & POLLHUP)
socket_closed = true;
if (fds_read.revents & POLLERR || fds_read.revents & POLLHUP || fds_read.revents & POLLNVAL)
return 0;
if (fds_read.revents & POLLIN)
return ::read(socket, buffer, count);
return 0;
if (fds_read.revents & POLLIN)
return ::read(socket, buffer, count);
return 0;
void handlePacket(packet_t packet)
[[nodiscard]] inline bool isSocketClosed() const
return socket_closed;
[[nodiscard]] inline const std::vector<packet_t>& pendingPackets() const
return unprocess_packets;
inline void clearPackets(packet_id id)
auto it = unprocess_packets.begin();
do {
it = std::find_if(unprocess_packets.begin(), unprocess_packets.end(), [id](const auto& v) { return == id; });
if (it == unprocess_packets.end())
std::iter_swap(it, unprocess_packets.end() - 1);
} while (true);
void setFitness(double f)
fitness = f;
[[nodiscard]] inline double getFitness() const
return fitness;
void handlePacket(packet_t packet)
[[nodiscard]] inline bool isSocketClosed() const
return socket_closed;
[[nodiscard]] inline const std::vector<packet_t>& pendingPackets() const
return unprocess_packets;
inline void clearPackets(packet_id id)
auto it = unprocess_packets.begin();
it = std::find_if(unprocess_packets.begin(), unprocess_packets.end(), [id](const auto& v) { return == id; });
if (it == unprocess_packets.end())
std::iter_swap(it, unprocess_packets.end() - 1);
} while (true);
void setFitness(double f)
fitness = f;
[[nodiscard]] inline double getFitness() const
return fitness;
// children PIDs
@ -146,27 +147,27 @@ int child_fp(blt::arg_parse::arg_results& args, int run_id, const std::string& s
auto rice_file = "../" + args.get<std::string>("rice");
auto dir = "./run_" + std::to_string(run_id);
BLT_DEBUG("Running GP program '%s' on run %d", program.c_str(), run_id);
mkdir(dir.c_str(), S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IEXEC | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
if (chdir(dir.c_str()))
return 1;
auto command = program + " -f " + file + " -p rice_file='" + rice_file + "' -p socket_location='" + socket_location + "' -p process_id=" +
BLT_TRACE("Running command %s", command.c_str());
FILE* process = popen(command.c_str(), "r");
char buffer[4096];
while (fgets(buffer, 4096, process) != nullptr)
return 0;
@ -178,18 +179,18 @@ void create_child_sockets()
int socket_fd = accept(host_socket, nullptr, nullptr);
BLT_ASSERT(socket_fd != -1 && "Failed to create data socket!");
// wait until client sends pid data.
std::memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
ret = read(socket_fd, data, sizeof(data));
} while (ret != sizeof(data));
pid_t pid;
blt::mem::fromBytes(data, pid);
//pid -= 1;
if (!children.contains(pid))
BLT_WARN("This PID '%d' does not exist as a child!", pid);
@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ void remove_pending_finished_child_process()
BLT_TRACE("Closing process %d finished!", pid);
@ -227,9 +228,9 @@ void create_parent_socket()
std::memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name));
name.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
std::strncpy(name.sun_path, SOCKET_LOCATION.c_str(), sizeof(name.sun_path) - 1);
int ret;
BLT_INFO("Creating socket for %s", SOCKET_LOCATION.c_str());
host_socket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
BLT_ASSERT(host_socket != -1 && "Failed to create socket!");
@ -267,7 +268,7 @@ void tick_state(blt::arg_parse::arg_results& args)
packet_t packet{};
unsigned char buffer[sizeof(packet_t)];
packet.state = current_state;
auto it = children.begin();
while (it != children.end())
@ -275,7 +276,8 @@ outer_while:
auto& child = *it;
ssize_t ret;
// read all packets
do {
if (ret = child.second->read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)), ret <= 0)
if (child.second->isSocketClosed())
@ -296,16 +298,18 @@ outer_while:
switch (current_state)
case state_t::RUN_GENERATIONS: {
case state_t::RUN_GENERATIONS:
current_state = state_t::CHILD_EVALUATION;
case state_t::CHILD_EVALUATION: {
case state_t::CHILD_EVALUATION:
for (auto& child : children)
for (const auto& packet : child.second->pendingPackets())
@ -333,7 +337,8 @@ outer_while:
case state_t::PRUNE: {
case state_t::PRUNE:
if (children.size() == 1)
// run to completion, we no longer need to sync with the server.
@ -383,7 +388,7 @@ void init_sockets(blt::arg_parse::arg_results& args)
@ -391,25 +396,29 @@ void init_sockets(blt::arg_parse::arg_results& args)
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
blt::arg_parse parser;
parser.addArgument(blt::arg_builder("-n", "--num_pops").setDefault("10").setHelp("Number of populations to start").build());
parser.addArgument(blt::arg_builder("-g", "--num_gen").setDefault("5").setHelp("Number of generations between pruning").build());
parser.addArgument(blt::arg_builder("-p", "--prune_ratio").setDefault("0.2").setHelp("Number of generations to run before pruning").build());
parser.addArgument(blt::arg_builder("--program").setDefault("./FinalProject").setHelp("GP Program to execute per run").build());
parser.addArgument(blt::arg_builder("--out_file").setDefault("regress").setHelp("Name of the stats file (without extension) to use in building the final data").build());
parser.addArgument(blt::arg_builder("--write_file").setDefault("aggregated").setHelp("Name of the file to write the aggregated data to (without extension)").build());
.setHelp("Name of the stats file (without extension) to use in building the final data")
blt::arg_builder("--write_file").setDefault("aggregated").setHelp("Name of the file to write the aggregated data to (without extension)")
parser.addArgument(blt::arg_builder("--file").setDefault("../input.file").setHelp("File to run the GP on").build());
parser.addArgument(blt::arg_builder("--rice").setDefault("../Rice_Cammeo_Osmancik.arff").setHelp("Rice file to run the GP on").build());
auto args = parser.parse_args(argc, argv);
BLT_INFO("%b", args.contains("--num_pops"));
BLT_INFO("Parsing user arguments:");
for (auto& v :
BLT_INFO("\t%s = %s", v.first.c_str(), blt::to_string(v.second).c_str());
std::string random_id;
std::random_device dev;
std::mt19937_64 engine(dev());
@ -423,12 +432,12 @@ int main(int argc, const char** argv)
random_id += static_cast<char>(charGenUpper(engine));
auto runs = args.get<std::int32_t>("num_pops");
BLT_DEBUG("Running with %d runs", runs);
SOCKET_LOCATION = "/tmp/gp_program_" + random_id + ".socket";
for (auto i = 0; i < runs; i++)
@ -448,7 +457,5 @@ int main(int argc, const char** argv)
process_files(args.get<std::string>("--out_file"), args.get<std::string>("--write_file"), args.get<int>("--num_pops"));

View File

@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ struct stt_record
* Structure used to store information loaded from the .fn file
struct fn_record
struct fn_file
// real value = 'cammeo' predicted value = 'cammeo'
blt::size_t cc = 0;
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ struct runs_stt_data
struct runs_fn_data
std::vector<fn_record> runs;
std::vector<fn_file> runs;
// index of the best recorded run
blt::size_t best = 0;
// total number of hits from all runs
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ inline void write_full_output(const std::string& writefile, const runs_stt_data&
void process_stt(const std::string& outfile, const std::string& writefile, const std::string& writefile_run, int runs)
BLT_INFO("Processing .sst file");
BLT_INFO("Processing .stt file");
BLT_DEBUG("Loading generation data");
auto data = get_per_generation_averages(outfile, runs);
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ void process_fn(const std::string& outfile, const std::string& writefile, int ru
blt::size_t idx = 1;
fn_record record;
fn_file record;
fill_value(, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(, lines[idx++]);
fill_value(record.oo, lines[idx++]);