Class GridBagPanel

Class GridBagPanel


class GridBagPanel
extends Panel
This class is simply a Panel that is managed by the GridBagLayout manager.

Constructor Index

 o GridBagPanel()
Instantiate a new Panel and set its layout manager to be GridBagLayout.

Method Index

 o addComponent(Component, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
A generic method that allows you to add a Component to the GridBagPanel and specify all of the GridBagConstraints at the same time.


 o GridBagPanel
  public GridBagPanel()
Instantiate a new Panel and set its layout manager to be GridBagLayout.


 o addComponent
  public void addComponent(Component component,
                           int gx,
                           int gy,
                           int gw,
                           int gh,
                           int wx,
                           int wy,
                           int fill,
                           int anchor)
A generic method that allows you to add a Component to the GridBagPanel and specify all of the GridBagConstraints at the same time. Each component has a default Inset setting of (3, 1, 3, 1).
component - the component being added to the Panel
gx - the gridx constraint
gy - the gridy constraint
gw - the grid width constraint
gh - the grid height constraint
wx - the weightx constraint
wy - the weighty constraint
fill - the fill constraint
anchor - the anchor constraint