/* * Open BEAGLE * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 by Christian Gagne and Marc Parizeau * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Contact: * Laboratoire de Vision et Systemes Numeriques * Departement de genie electrique et de genie informatique * Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4 * http://vision.gel.ulaval.ca * */ /*! * \file beagle/GP/src/Primitive.cpp * \brief Implementation of the type GP::Primitive. * \author Christian Gagne * \author Marc Parizeau * \author Matthew Walker * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2007/09/10 18:24:11 $ */ #include "beagle/GP.hpp" using namespace Beagle; /*! * \brief Construct a primitive. * \param inNumberArguments Number of arguments of the primitive. * \param inName Name of the primitive. */ GP::Primitive::Primitive(unsigned int inNumberArguments, Beagle::string inName) : NamedObject(inName), mNumberArguments(inNumberArguments) { } #ifdef BEAGLE_HAVE_RTTI /*! * \brief Return the nth argument requested return type (for STGP). * \param inN Index of the argument to get the type. * \param ioContext Evolutionary context. * \return Type_info (RTTI) with the argument's node type. * \throw Beagle::InternalException If the method is not overdefined is a subclass. */ const std::type_info* GP::Primitive::getArgType(unsigned int inN, GP::Context& ioContext) const { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); throw Beagle::InternalException(string("Method \"getArgType\" of class \"GP::Primitive\""). append(" is called but is not properly overdefined in primitive \"").append(getName()). append("\"")); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("const std::type_info* GP::Primitive::getArgType(unsigned int inN, GP::Context& ioContext) const"); } /*! * \brief Return the primitive return type (for STGP). * \param inDesiredType Desired return type. * \param inNumberArguments Number of arguments to get the return type from. * \param ioContext Evolutionary context. * \return Type_info (RTTI) with the primitive return type. * \throw Beagle::InternalException If the method is not overdefined is a subclass. */ const std::type_info* GP::Primitive::getReturnType(GP::Context& ioContext) const { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); throw Beagle::InternalException(string("Method \"getReturnType\" of class \"GP::Primitive\""). append(" is called but is not properly overdefined in primitive \"").append(getName()). append("\"")); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("const std::type_info* GP::Primitive::getReturnType(GP::Context& ioContext) const"); } #endif // BEAGLE_HAVE_RTTI /*! * \brief Return the children's node index. * \param inN Index of the children as arguments (index 0 is first arguments). * \param ioContext Actual evolutionary context. * \return Index of the given nth children. * \throw Beagle::AssertException If the children index is out-of-bound. */ unsigned int GP::Primitive::getChildrenNodeIndex(unsigned int inN, GP::Context& ioContext) const { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); Beagle_UpperBoundCheckAssertM(inN,mNumberArguments-1); GP::Tree& lActualTree = ioContext.getGenotype(); unsigned int lNodeIndex = ioContext.getCallStackTop() + 1; for(unsigned int i=0; i 0) return 1.0; else return 0.0; } else if(inNumberArguments == mNumberArguments) return 1.0; return 0.0; Beagle_StackTraceEndM("double GP::Primitive::getSelectionWeight(unsigned int inNumberArguments, GP::Context& ioContext) const"); } /*! * \brief Get the primitive value. * \param outValue Object in which the actual primitive value is written. * \throw Beagle::ObjectException If the method is not overdefined is a subclass. */ void GP::Primitive::getValue(Object& outValue) { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); throw Beagle::InternalException(string("Method \"getValue\" of class \"GP::Primitive\""). append(" is called but is not properly overdefined in primitive \"").append(getName()). append("\"")); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("void GP::Primitive::getValue(Object& outValue)"); } /*! * \brief Give a reference to the current primitive. * \param inNumberArguments Number of arguments asked for. * \param ioContext Reference to the evolution context. * \return Handle to the refered primitive. */ GP::Primitive::Handle GP::Primitive::giveReference(unsigned int inNumberArguments, GP::Context& ioContext) { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); return GP::Primitive::Handle(this); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("GP::Primitive::Handle GP::Primitive::giveReference(unsigned int inNumberArguments, GP::Context& ioContext)"); } /*! * \brief Return whether primitive's getValue and setValue are effective. * \return True if getValue/setValue method are effective, false if not. */ bool GP::Primitive::haveValue() const { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); return false; Beagle_StackTraceEndM("bool GP::Primitive::haveValue() const"); } /*! * \brief Initialize the primitive. * \param ioSystem Evolutionary system used. */ void GP::Primitive::initialize(GP::System& ioSystem) { } /*! * \brief Compare equality of two primitives. Name, number of args. and attribute must be the same. * \param inRightObj Primitive to compare to the actual one. * \return True if primitive are identical, false if not. */ bool GP::Primitive::isEqual(const Object& inRightObj) const { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); const GP::Primitive& lRightPrimitive = castObjectT(inRightObj); if((getName() != lRightPrimitive.getName()) || (mNumberArguments != lRightPrimitive.mNumberArguments)) return false; return true; Beagle_StackTraceEndM("bool GP::Primitive::isEqual(const Object& inRightObj) const"); } /*! * \brief Stability of selection weight. A weight is said stable if it doesn't change over time. * \param inNumberArguments Number of arguments to check stability of selection weight. * \return True if selection weight is stable, false if not. */ bool GP::Primitive::isSelectionWeightStable(unsigned int inNumberArguments) const { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); return true; Beagle_StackTraceEndM("bool GP::Primitive::isSelectionWeightStable(unsigned int inNumberArguments) const"); } /*! * \brief Read the primitive from XML subtree. * \param inIter XML iterator used to read the primitive from. * \param ioContext Evolutionary context. * \throw IOException If primitive format is not respected. */ void GP::Primitive::readWithContext(PACC::XML::ConstIterator inIter, GP::Context& ioContext) { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); if(inIter->getType() != PACC::XML::eData) throw Beagle_IOExceptionNodeM(*inIter, "tag expected!"); if(inIter->getValue() != getName().c_str()) { std::ostringstream lOSS; lOSS << "tag <" << getName() << "> expected, but "; lOSS << "got tag <" << inIter->getValue() << "> instead!"; throw Beagle_IOExceptionNodeM(*inIter, lOSS.str().c_str()); } Beagle_StackTraceEndM("void GP::Primitive::readWithContext(PACC::XML::ConstIterator inIter, GP::Context& ioContext)"); } /*! * \brief Set the value of a primitive. * \param inValue Value of the primitive. * \throw Beagle::ObjectException If the method is not overdefined is a subclass. */ void GP::Primitive::setValue(const Object& inValue) { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); throw Beagle::InternalException(string("Method \"setValue\" of class \"GP::Primitive\""). append(" is called but is not properly overdefined in primitive \"").append(getName()). append("\"")); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("void GP::Primitive::setValue(const Object& inValue)"); } /*! * \brief Validate the primitive connections in the tree when using contrained or strongly-typed GP. * \param ioContext Evolutionary context. * \return True if the tree topology is correct, false if not. * \throw Beagle::AssertException If the context is in a bad state. */ bool GP::Primitive::validate(GP::Context& ioContext) const { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); #ifdef BEAGLE_HAVE_RTTI Beagle_AssertM(ioContext.getCallStackSize() != 0); GP::Tree& lActualTree = ioContext.getGenotype(); // If the primitive is the root of the tree, check its type is correct. if(ioContext.getCallStackTop()==0) { const std::type_info* lTreeRootType = lActualTree.getRootType(ioContext); const std::type_info* lReturnType = getReturnType(ioContext); if((lTreeRootType==NULL) || ((lReturnType!=NULL) && ((*lTreeRootType)==(*lReturnType)))) { // Valid. return true; } else { // Not valid. Beagle_LogVerboseM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "primitive", "Beagle::GP::Primitive", string("Validation of \"").append(getName()).append("\" primitive failed. "). append("The primitive is at the root of the "). append(uint2ordinal(ioContext.getGenotypeIndex()+1)).append(" tree and its type (\""). append(lReturnType->name()).append("\") does not match the type required as tree root "). append("(\"").append(lTreeRootType->name()).append("\").") ); return false; } } unsigned int lParentIndex = ioContext.getCallStackElement(ioContext.getCallStackSize()-2); unsigned int lChildIndex = lParentIndex + 1; unsigned int lArgsIndexChild = 0; while(lChildIndex != ioContext.getCallStackTop()) { lChildIndex += lActualTree[lChildIndex].mSubTreeSize; Beagle_AssertM(lChildIndex < lActualTree.size()); lArgsIndexChild++; Beagle_AssertM(lArgsIndexChild < lActualTree[lParentIndex].mPrimitive->getNumberArguments()); } // Check that the return type of this node matches the type expected by this node's parent. unsigned int lActualNodeIndex = ioContext.getCallStackTop(); ioContext.popCallStack(); const std::type_info* lDesiredType = lActualTree[lParentIndex].mPrimitive->getArgType(lArgsIndexChild, ioContext); ioContext.pushCallStack(lActualNodeIndex); const std::type_info* lReturnedType = getReturnType(ioContext); if((lDesiredType==NULL) || (lReturnedType==NULL) || ((*lDesiredType)==(*lReturnedType))) { // Valid. return true; } else { // Not valid. Beagle_LogVerboseM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "primitive", "Beagle::GP::Primitive", string("Validation of \"").append(getName()).append("\" primitive failed."). append(" The primitive is at the "). append(uint2ordinal(ioContext.getCallStackTop()+1)).append(" node of the "). append(uint2ordinal(ioContext.getGenotypeIndex()+1)).append(" tree and its type (\""). append(lReturnedType->name()).append("\") does not match the desired type (\""). append(lDesiredType->name()).append("\") required by its parent (\""). append(lActualTree[lParentIndex].mPrimitive->getName()).append("\") at the "). append(uint2ordinal(lParentIndex)).append(" node of the same tree.") ); return false; } #else // BEAGLE_HAVE_RTTI return true; #endif // BEAGLE_HAVE_RTTI Beagle_StackTraceEndM("bool GP::Primitive::validate(GP::Context& ioContext) const"); } /*! * \brief Write the primitive. * \param ioStreamer XML streamer to write the primitive into. * \param inIndent Whether XML output should be indented. */ void GP::Primitive::write(PACC::XML::Streamer& ioStreamer, bool inIndent) const { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); ioStreamer.openTag(getName().c_str(), inIndent); writeContent(ioStreamer, inIndent); ioStreamer.closeTag(); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("void GP::Primitive::write(PACC::XML::Streamer& ioStreamer, bool inIndent) const"); } /*! * \brief Write the primitive content. * \param ioStreamer XML streamer to write the primitive into. * \param inIndent Whether XML output should be indented. */ void GP::Primitive::writeContent(PACC::XML::Streamer& ioStreamer, bool inIndent) const { }