<!--NewPage--> <html> <head> <!-- Generated by javadoc on Sat May 10 12:23:02 1997 --> <a name="_top_"></a> <title> Class lilgpMonitor </title> </head> <body> <h1> Class lilgpMonitor </h1> <pre> <a href="java.lang.Object.html#_top_">java.lang.Object</a> | +----<a href="java.awt.Component.html#_top_">java.awt.Component</a> | +----<a href="java.awt.Container.html#_top_">java.awt.Container</a> | +----<a href="java.awt.Window.html#_top_">java.awt.Window</a> | +----<a href="java.awt.Frame.html#_top_">java.awt.Frame</a> | +----lilgpMonitor </pre> <hr> <dl> <dt> public class <b>lilgpMonitor</b> <dt> extends <a href="java.awt.Frame.html#_top_">Frame</a> <dt> implements <a href="Timed.html#_top_">Timed</a> </dl> This is the main class. It creates the various UI components and is responsible for dispatching events to the appropriate classes when the user changes settings. <hr> <a name="index"></a> <h2> <img src="images/variable-index.gif" width=207 height=38 alt="Variable Index"> </h2> <dl> <dt> <img src="images/blue-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#numViewers"><b>numViewers</b></a> <dd> </dl> <h2> <img src="images/constructor-index.gif" width=275 height=38 alt="Constructor Index"> </h2> <dl> <dt> <img src="images/yellow-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#lilgpMonitor()"><b>lilgpMonitor</b></a>() <dd> The constructor method is responsible for creating each of the UI components and initializing variables. </dl> <h2> <img src="images/method-index.gif" width=207 height=38 alt="Method Index"> </h2> <dl> <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#action(java.awt.Event, java.lang.Object)"><b>action</b></a>(Event, Object) <dd> <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#handleEvent(java.awt.Event)"><b>handleEvent</b></a>(Event) <dd> <dt> <img src="images/green-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#main(java.lang.String[])"><b>main</b></a>(String[]) <dd> The main method for the application. <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#readData(java.lang.String)"><b>readData</b></a>(String) <dd> This method actually reads the lilgp statistics file. <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#selectedAbout()"><b>selectedAbout</b></a>() <dd> This method creates a dialog that describes the software <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#selectedCloseViewer()"><b>selectedCloseViewer</b></a>() <dd> This method closes a viewer. <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#selectedExitAll()"><b>selectedExitAll</b></a>() <dd> This method closes all viewers. <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#selectedLines()"><b>selectedLines</b></a>() <dd> This method responsible for updating the linestyle in the Graph object. <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#selectedLinesPoints()"><b>selectedLinesPoints</b></a>() <dd> This method responsible for updating the linestyle in the Graph object. <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#selectedManualUpdates()"><b>selectedManualUpdates</b></a>() <dd> This method manually updates the graph. <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#selectedNewViewer()"><b>selectedNewViewer</b></a>() <dd> This method simply instantiates a new viewer <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#selectedOpen()"><b>selectedOpen</b></a>() <dd> This method is called when the user selects Open from the file menu. <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#selectedSaveAs()"><b>selectedSaveAs</b></a>() <dd> This method is called when the user selects Save As from the file menu. <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#setTimer(int)"><b>setTimer</b></a>(int) <dd> This method sets a timer for automatic updates <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#stopTimer()"><b>stopTimer</b></a>() <dd> This method stops the current timer <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#tick(Timer)"><b>tick</b></a>(Timer) <dd> Everytime we recieve a tick from our timer, reload the data file <dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> <a href="#updateGraphData(int, int, int, int)"><b>updateGraphData</b></a>(int, int, int, int) <dd> This method is responsible for retrieving the correct data from the statistics and passing it into the Graph object. </dl> <a name="variables"></a> <h2> <img src="images/variables.gif" width=153 height=38 alt="Variables"> </h2> <a name="numViewers"><img src="images/blue-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <b>numViewers</b> <pre> public static int numViewers </pre> <a name="constructors"></a> <h2> <img src="images/constructors.gif" width=231 height=38 alt="Constructors"> </h2> <a name="lilgpMonitor"></a> <a name="lilgpMonitor()"><img src="images/yellow-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <b>lilgpMonitor</b> <pre> public lilgpMonitor() </pre> <dl> <dd> The constructor method is responsible for creating each of the UI components and initializing variables. </dl> <a name="methods"></a> <h2> <img src="images/methods.gif" width=151 height=38 alt="Methods"> </h2> <a name="handleEvent(java.awt.Event)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="handleEvent"><b>handleEvent</b></a> <pre> public boolean handleEvent(<a href="java.awt.Event.html#_top_">Event</a> event) </pre> <dl> <dl> <dt> <b>Overrides:</b> <dd> <a href="java.awt.Component.html#handleEvent(java.awt.Event)">handleEvent</a> in class <a href="java.awt.Component.html#_top_">Component</a> </dl> </dl> <a name="action(java.awt.Event, java.lang.Object)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="action"><b>action</b></a> <pre> public boolean action(<a href="java.awt.Event.html#_top_">Event</a> event, <a href="java.lang.Object.html#_top_">Object</a> arg) </pre> <dl> <dl> <dt> <b>Overrides:</b> <dd> <a href="java.awt.Component.html#action(java.awt.Event, java.lang.Object)">action</a> in class <a href="java.awt.Component.html#_top_">Component</a> </dl> </dl> <a name="main(java.lang.String[])"><img src="images/green-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="main"><b>main</b></a> <pre> public static void main(<a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> args[]) </pre> <dl> <dd> The main method for the application. Simply instantiates itself. </dl> <a name="selectedOpen()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="selectedOpen"><b>selectedOpen</b></a> <pre> public void selectedOpen() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method is called when the user selects Open from the file menu. It creates a file dialog and then calls the method that reads the data. <dl> <dt> <b>See Also:</b> <dd> <a href="#readData">readData</a> </dl> </dl> <a name="selectedSaveAs()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="selectedSaveAs"><b>selectedSaveAs</b></a> <pre> public void selectedSaveAs() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method is called when the user selects Save As from the file menu. It opens a file dialog and then calls the conversion routine to create the GIF file. </dl> <a name="selectedNewViewer()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="selectedNewViewer"><b>selectedNewViewer</b></a> <pre> public void selectedNewViewer() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method simply instantiates a new viewer </dl> <a name="selectedCloseViewer()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="selectedCloseViewer"><b>selectedCloseViewer</b></a> <pre> public void selectedCloseViewer() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method closes a viewer. </dl> <a name="selectedExitAll()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="selectedExitAll"><b>selectedExitAll</b></a> <pre> public void selectedExitAll() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method closes all viewers. </dl> <a name="selectedLines()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="selectedLines"><b>selectedLines</b></a> <pre> public void selectedLines() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method responsible for updating the linestyle in the Graph object. <dl> <dt> <b>See Also:</b> <dd> <a href="Graph.html#setLineStyle">setLineStyle</a> </dl> </dl> <a name="selectedLinesPoints()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="selectedLinesPoints"><b>selectedLinesPoints</b></a> <pre> public void selectedLinesPoints() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method responsible for updating the linestyle in the Graph object. <dl> <dt> <b>See Also:</b> <dd> <a href="Graph.html#setLineStyle">setLineStyle</a> </dl> </dl> <a name="selectedManualUpdates()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="selectedManualUpdates"><b>selectedManualUpdates</b></a> <pre> public void selectedManualUpdates() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method manually updates the graph. </dl> <a name="selectedAbout()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="selectedAbout"><b>selectedAbout</b></a> <pre> public void selectedAbout() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method creates a dialog that describes the software </dl> <a name="readData(java.lang.String)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="readData"><b>readData</b></a> <pre> public void readData(<a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> inputFile) throws <a href="java.io.IOException.html#_top_">IOException</a> </pre> <dl> <dd> This method actually reads the lilgp statistics file. <dl> <dt> <b>Parameters:</b> <dd> inputFile - pathname to the datafile. </dl> </dl> <a name="updateGraphData(int, int, int, int)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="updateGraphData"><b>updateGraphData</b></a> <pre> public void updateGraphData(int m_One, int m_Two, int p_one, int p_two) </pre> <dl> <dd> This method is responsible for retrieving the correct data from the statistics and passing it into the Graph object. <dl> <dt> <b>Parameters:</b> <dd> m_One - the current selection for metric one <dd> m_Two - the current selection for metric Two <dd> p_one - the current selection for subpopulation one <dd> p_two - the current selection for subpopulation two <dt> <b>See Also:</b> <dd> <a href="Graph.html#setGraphData">setGraphData</a> </dl> </dl> <a name="stopTimer()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="stopTimer"><b>stopTimer</b></a> <pre> public void stopTimer() </pre> <dl> <dd> This method stops the current timer </dl> <a name="setTimer(int)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="setTimer"><b>setTimer</b></a> <pre> public void setTimer(int minutes) </pre> <dl> <dd> This method sets a timer for automatic updates <dl> <dt> <b>Parameters:</b> <dd> minutes - the amount of time in minutes for the timer </dl> </dl> <a name="tick(Timer)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a> <a name="tick"><b>tick</b></a> <pre> public void tick(<a href="Timer.html#_top_">Timer</a> t) </pre> <dl> <dd> Everytime we recieve a tick from our timer, reload the data file <dl> <dt> <b>Parameters:</b> <dd> t - a reference to the Timer object <dt> <b>See Also:</b> <dd> <a href="Timer.html#_top_">Timer</a> </dl> </dl> </body> </html>