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* Portable Agile C++ Classes (PACC)
* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Marc Parizeau
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Contact:
* Laboratoire de Vision et Systemes Numeriques
* Departement de genie electrique et de genie informatique
* Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4
* \file PACC/Util/Tokenizer.hpp
* \brief Class definition for the input stream tokenizer.
* \author Marc Parizeau, Laboratoire de vision et systèmes numériques, Université Laval
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2007/09/10 18:24:10 $
#ifndef PACC_Tokenizer_hpp_
#define PACC_Tokenizer_hpp_
#include <istream>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
namespace PACC {
using namespace std;
/*! \brief Input stream tokenizer
\author Marc Parizeau, Laboratoire de vision et syst&egrave;mes num&eacute;riques, Universit&eacute; Laval
\ingroup Util
\ingroup XML
This class is for tokenizing an input stream. Tokens are either strings of characters seperated by white space, or special single-characters. By default, there are no special single-character tokens, and white space characters are spaces, tabs, cariage returns, and line-feeds. But these can be changed using method Tokenizer::setDelimiters. For instance, if "a" and "d" are single character tokens, then string "abcd" will be tokenized in "a"+"bc" + "d".
By default, the tokenizer uses an internal read buffer to accelerate the parse of the stream (up to 4x). The buffer size can be specified in the object constructor (default=1024) or set by method Tokenizer::setBufferSize. A buffer size of 0 actually disactivate the use of the internal buffer.
class Tokenizer {
//! Construct a default tokenizer with no input stream.
Tokenizer(unsigned int inBufSize=1024);
//! Construct a tokenizer with input stream \c inStream.
Tokenizer(istream& inStream, unsigned int inBufSize=1024);
//! Delete tokenizer.
//! Parse next token of default input stream.
string getNextToken(void);
//! Parse next token of default input stream.
bool getNextToken(string& outToken);
//! Return the next character from the default input stream.
int peekNextChar(void);
//! Put back token \c inToken.
void putbackToken(const string& inToken);
//! Return the current line number.
unsigned int getLineNumber(void) {return mLine;}
//! Return the name of the current input stream.
const string& getStreamName(void) const {return mName;}
//! Return the current single character delimiters.
string getSingleCharTokens(void) const;
//! Return the current white space delimiters.
string getWhiteSpace(void) const;
//! Set the size of the internal read buffer to size \c inSize.
void setBufferSize(unsigned int inSize);
//! Set the white space delimiters to the characters of \c inWhiteSpace, and the single character delimiters to those of \c inToken.
void setDelimiters(const string& inWhiteSpace, const string& inTokens);
//! Set the current line number to \c inLine.
void setLineNumber(unsigned int inLine) {mLine = inLine;}
//! Set the input stream to \c inStream.
void setStream(istream& inStream);
//! Set the name of the current input stream to \c inName.
void setStreamName(const string& inName) {mName = inName;}
enum delimiters {eWhiteSpace=1, eSingleChar};
unsigned int mLine; //!< Current line number.
string mName; //!< Name of default input stream.
istream* mStream; //!< Default input stream.
char mDelimiters[256]; //!< Single character tokens.
char* mBuffer; //!< Input read buffer.
unsigned int mBufSize; //!< Size of the input read buffer.
char* mBufPtr; //!< Pointer to next character in the read buffer.
unsigned int mBufCount; //!< Number of characters left in the read buffer.
stack<string> mTokens; //!< Stack of putback tokens.
//! Fill the input read buffer
inline unsigned int fillBuffer(void) {
mBufCount = mStream->readsome(mBufPtr=mBuffer, mBufSize);
if(mBufCount == 0) {
// in case of console input, wait for the next character
mStream->read(mBuffer, 1);
mBufCount = mStream->gcount();
return mBufCount;
Tokenizer(const Tokenizer&); // disable copy-constructor
Tokenizer& operator=(const Tokenizer&); // disable asignment operator
} // end of PACC namespace
#endif // PACC_Tokenizer_hpp_