-------------------[ abcdefG1 ]------------------- For input abcdefG1 we found 11 passing strings: abcd ab cd ef a b c d e f G For input abcdefG1 we found 4 failing strings: abcdefG1 efG1 G1 1 For input abcdefG1 the smallest erroring strings are: 1 -------------------[ CCDDEExy ]------------------- For input CCDDEExy we found 15 passing strings: CCDDEExy CCDD EExy CC DD EE xy C C D D E E x y No failing strings found! -------------------[ 1234567b ]------------------- For input 1234567b we found 1 passing strings: b For input 1234567b we found 14 failing strings: 1234567b 1234 567b 12 34 56 7b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For input 1234567b the smallest erroring strings are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -------------------[ 8665 ]------------------- For input 8665 we found 7 failing strings: 8665 86 65 8 6 6 5 For input 8665 the smallest erroring strings are: 8 6 6 5