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<!-- Generated by javadoc on Sat May 10 12:20:47 1997 -->
<a name="_top_"></a>
Class ParameterDB
Class ParameterDB
<a href="java.lang.Object.html#_top_">java.lang.Object</a>
<dt> class <b>ParameterDB</b>
<dt> extends <a href="java.lang.Object.html#_top_">Object</a>
This class contains a Properties object that is used to store all
of the parameter names and their corresponding values. It contains
a secondary Property object that is initialized with the default
values of the parameters as described in Chapter 5 of the lil-gp
User's Manual.
More importantly, this class contains all of the methods responsible
for parsing the parameter values for errors before the output file
can be generated.
This class also contains a Vector object that is used to store
errors encountered while parsing the database. Once the parse is
complete, an ErrorFrame is instantiated and the error Vector is
passed in.
<dt> <b>See Also:</b>
<dd> <a href="ErrorFrame.html#_top_">ErrorFrame</a>
<a name="index"></a>
<img src="images/variable-index.gif" width=207 height=38 alt="Variable Index">
<dt> <img src="images/blue-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#endl"><b>endl</b></a>
<img src="images/constructor-index.gif" width=275 height=38 alt="Constructor Index">
<dt> <img src="images/yellow-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#ParameterDB()"><b>ParameterDB</b></a>()
<dd> The constructor method is responsible for creating a default
Property object and instantiating the main Property object.
<img src="images/method-index.gif" width=207 height=38 alt="Method Index">
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#addToDB(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)"><b>addToDB</b></a>(String, String)
<dd> This method allows external classes to request that
a parameter be added to the database.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#delFromDB(java.lang.String)"><b>delFromDB</b></a>(String)
<dd> This method allows external classes to request that
a parameter be deleted from the database.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#displayErrors()"><b>displayErrors</b></a>()
<dd> This method is responsible for creating the ErrorFrame.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#dump()"><b>dump</b></a>()
<dd> A useful debugging method that dumps the contents of the database
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#getElements()"><b>getElements</b></a>()
<dd> This method allows external classes to request an
Enumeration of the elements in the parameter database.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#getKeys()"><b>getKeys</b></a>()
<dd> This method allows external classes to request an
Enumeration of the keys in the parameter database.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#getProp(java.lang.String)"><b>getProp</b></a>(String)
<dd> This method allows external classes to request a
specific parameter in the database.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#OLDsave(java.lang.String)"><b>OLDsave</b></a>(String)
<dd> This method is responsible for generating the output file that
will be used as input for lil-gp.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#open(java.lang.String)"><b>open</b></a>(String)
<dd> This method is repsonsible for opening an existing parameter file and
reading the contents into a temporary hashtable.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#parse()"><b>parse</b></a>()
<dd> This method simply adds informative comments to the error Vector
add calls the appropriate parse methods for each panel.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#purgeOldPhases()"><b>purgeOldPhases</b></a>()
<dd> This method will purge all parameters associated with breeding
phases from the database.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#purgeOldSubPopExchanges()"><b>purgeOldSubPopExchanges</b></a>()
<dd> This method will purge all of the parameters associated with
exchanges between sub-populations.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#purgeOldSubPopParameters()"><b>purgeOldSubPopParameters</b></a>()
<dd> This method purges the parameters associated with multiple
sub-populations, but does not purge the parameters associated
with the actual sub-pop exchanges.
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#purgeUserDefinedParameters()"><b>purgeUserDefinedParameters</b></a>()
<dt> <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o ">
<a href="#save(java.lang.String)"><b>save</b></a>(String)
<a name="variables"></a>
<img src="images/variables.gif" width=153 height=38 alt="Variables">
<a name="endl"><img src="images/blue-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
public static <a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> endl
<a name="constructors"></a>
<img src="images/constructors.gif" width=231 height=38 alt="Constructors">
<a name="ParameterDB"></a>
<a name="ParameterDB()"><img src="images/yellow-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
public ParameterDB()
<dd> The constructor method is responsible for creating a default
Property object and instantiating the main Property object.
<a name="methods"></a>
<img src="images/methods.gif" width=151 height=38 alt="Methods">
<a name="getKeys()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="getKeys"><b>getKeys</b></a>
public <a href="java.util.Enumeration.html#_top_">Enumeration</a> getKeys()
<dd> This method allows external classes to request an
Enumeration of the keys in the parameter database.
<dt> <b>Returns:</b>
<dd> an Enumeration of the keys
<a name="getElements()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="getElements"><b>getElements</b></a>
public <a href="java.util.Enumeration.html#_top_">Enumeration</a> getElements()
<dd> This method allows external classes to request an
Enumeration of the elements in the parameter database.
<dt> <b>Returns:</b>
<dd> an Enumeration of the elements
<a name="getProp(java.lang.String)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="getProp"><b>getProp</b></a>
public <a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> getProp(<a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> key)
<dd> This method allows external classes to request a
specific parameter in the database.
<dt> <b>Parameters:</b>
<dd> key - String object containing the desired property key
<dt> <b>Returns:</b>
<dd> the value associated with key
<a name="addToDB(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="addToDB"><b>addToDB</b></a>
public void addToDB(<a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> name,
<a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> value)
<dd> This method allows external classes to request that
a parameter be added to the database. If the parameter
is already in the database, its old value is replaced with
the specified value.
<dt> <b>Parameters:</b>
<dd> name - String object containing the name of the parameter
<dd> value - String object containing the value of the parameter.
<a name="delFromDB(java.lang.String)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="delFromDB"><b>delFromDB</b></a>
public void delFromDB(<a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> name)
<dd> This method allows external classes to request that
a parameter be deleted from the database.
<dt> <b>Parameters:</b>
<dd> name - String object containing the name of the parameter
<a name="purgeOldPhases()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="purgeOldPhases"><b>purgeOldPhases</b></a>
public void purgeOldPhases()
<dd> This method will purge all parameters associated with breeding
phases from the database. It is called when the user clicks on
the 'purge' button on the BreedingPanel and before adding new
breed phase parameters when the user clicks the 'accept' button.
<a name="purgeOldSubPopExchanges()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="purgeOldSubPopExchanges"><b>purgeOldSubPopExchanges</b></a>
public void purgeOldSubPopExchanges()
<dd> This method will purge all of the parameters associated with
exchanges between sub-populations. It does not remove the
following parameters:
It is called when the user clicks on the 'purge' button on the
SubPopsPanel and also before new exchanges are added to the
<dt> <b>See Also:</b>
<dd> <a href="#purgeOldSubPopParameters">purgeOldSubPopParameters</a>
<a name="purgeUserDefinedParameters()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="purgeUserDefinedParameters"><b>purgeUserDefinedParameters</b></a>
public void purgeUserDefinedParameters()
<a name="purgeOldSubPopParameters()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="purgeOldSubPopParameters"><b>purgeOldSubPopParameters</b></a>
public void purgeOldSubPopParameters()
<dd> This method purges the parameters associated with multiple
sub-populations, but does not purge the parameters associated
with the actual sub-pop exchanges. It is called when the
user clicks on the 'purge' button and before new sub-pop
parameters are added to the database.
<dt> <b>See Also:</b>
<dd> <a href="#purgeOldSubPopExchanges">purgeOldSubPopExchanges</a>
<a name="OLDsave(java.lang.String)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="OLDsave"><b>OLDsave</b></a>
public void OLDsave(<a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> filename) throws <a href="">IOException</a>
<dd> This method is responsible for generating the output file that
will be used as input for lil-gp. Before generating the file,
it parses the parameters for errors. If there are no errors,
a FileOutputStream is created and the file is generated. The
parameters are grouped in the file by category and comments
are inserted to help make it readable.
<dt> <b>Parameters:</b>
<dd> filename - String object containing the name of the output file
<dt> <b>See Also:</b>
<dd> <a href="#parse">parse</a>
<a name="save(java.lang.String)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="save"><b>save</b></a>
public void save(<a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> filename) throws <a href="">IOException</a>
<a name="open(java.lang.String)"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="open"><b>open</b></a>
public void open(<a href="java.lang.String.html#_top_">String</a> filename) throws <a href="">IOException</a>
<dd> This method is repsonsible for opening an existing parameter file and
reading the contents into a temporary hashtable. If it encounters any
unexpected errors in the parameter file, it will abort the open process.
That is, it will leave the current settings on all of the panels intact
and show the user where the error occurred. If there are no sytax errors
in the file, then the parameters are run through the <tt>parse()</tt>
method. If there are no errors in the parameter settings, then the
<tt>loadParams()</tt> method is called for each panel.
<dt> <b>Parameters:</b>
<dd> filename - the name of the input file
<dt> <b>See Also:</b>
<dd> <a href="BreedFrame.html#loadParams">loadParams</a>, <a href="BreedingPanel.html#loadParams">loadParams</a>, <a href="GeneralPanel.html#loadParams">loadParams</a>, <a href="InitializationPanel.html#loadParams">loadParams</a>, <a href="OutputPanel.html#loadParams">loadParams</a>, <a href="PhasePanel.html#loadParams">loadParams</a>, <a href="SubPopFrame.html#loadParams">loadParams</a>, <a href="SubPopsPanel.html#loadParams">loadParams</a>
<a name="dump()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="dump"><b>dump</b></a>
public void dump()
<dd> A useful debugging method that dumps the contents of the database
<a name="displayErrors()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="displayErrors"><b>displayErrors</b></a>
public void displayErrors()
<dd> This method is responsible for creating the ErrorFrame.
<dt> <b>See Also:</b>
<dd> <a href="ErrorFrame.html#_top_">ErrorFrame</a>, <a href="#addComment">addComment</a>, <a href="#addWarning">addWarning</a>, <a href="#addError">addError</a>
<a name="parse()"><img src="images/red-ball.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" o "></a>
<a name="parse"><b>parse</b></a>
public boolean parse()
<dd> This method simply adds informative comments to the error Vector
add calls the appropriate parse methods for each panel. If there
were any errors or warnings encountered while parsing the parameters,
then return false.
<dt> <b>Returns:</b>
<dd> true if there were no errors or warnings, else return false
<dt> <b>See Also:</b>
<dd> <a href="#parseGeneralPanel">parseGeneralPanel</a>, <a href="#parseOutputPanel">parseOutputPanel</a>, <a href="#parseLimitsPanel">parseLimitsPanel</a>, <a href="#parseInitPanel">parseInitPanel</a>, <a href="#parseBreedingPanel">parseBreedingPanel</a>, <a href="#parseSubPopsPanel">parseSubPopsPanel</a>