583 lines
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583 lines
19 KiB
* Portable Agile C++ Classes (PACC)
* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Marc Parizeau
* http://manitou.gel.ulaval.ca/~parizeau/PACC
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Contact:
* Laboratoire de Vision et Systemes Numeriques
* Departement de genie electrique et de genie informatique
* Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4
* http://vision.gel.ulaval.ca
* \file PACC/XML/Node.cpp
* \brief Class methods for the %XML parse tree node.
* \author Marc Parizeau, Laboratoire de vision et systèmes numériques, Université Laval
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2007/09/10 18:24:10 $
#include "XML/Node.hpp"
#include "XML/Iterator.hpp"
#include "XML/Streamer.hpp"
#include "Util/Assert.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
using namespace PACC;
map<string,char> XML::Node::smMap;
XML::Node::Node(void) : mType(eRoot) {
mParent = mFirstChild = mLastChild = mPrevSibling = mNextSibling = NULL;
XML::Node::Node(const string& inValue, XML::NodeType inType) : mType(inType) {
(*this)[""] = inValue;
mParent = mFirstChild = mLastChild = mPrevSibling = mNextSibling = NULL;
XML::Node::Node(const string& inValue, const XML::AttributeList& inAttrList) : AttributeList(inAttrList), mType(eData) {
(*this)[""] = inValue;
mParent = mFirstChild = mLastChild = mPrevSibling = mNextSibling = NULL;
XML::Node::Node(const XML::Node& inNode) : AttributeList() {
mParent = mFirstChild = mLastChild = mPrevSibling = mNextSibling = NULL;
This method recursively deletes all of its children.
XML::Node::~Node(void) {
// delete all child nodes
// detach from parent and siblings
// cleanup node pointers
mParent = mFirstChild = mLastChild = mPrevSibling = mNextSibling = NULL;
\return A reference to this node
\attention The copied tree must not be a sub-tree of this node. Otherwise, the internal tree structure will become corrupted.
XML::Node& XML::Node::operator=(const Node& inRoot)
// do not self assign!
if(&inRoot == this) return *this;
// delete all child nodes
XML::Iterator lChild = getFirstChild();
while(lChild) delete &(*(lChild++));
// fix child pointers
mFirstChild = mLastChild = NULL;
// assign type and attributes
mType = inRoot.mType;
// copy all children of inRoot
for(XML::ConstIterator lNode = inRoot.getFirstChild(); lNode; ++lNode) {
// allocate and copy node
Node* lChildNode = new Node(*lNode);
// is this the first child?
if(mFirstChild == NULL) mFirstChild = mLastChild = lChildNode;
else {
//adjust sibling pointers
mLastChild->mNextSibling = lChildNode;
lChildNode->mPrevSibling = mLastChild;
mLastChild = lChildNode;
// adjust parent pointer
lChildNode->mParent = this;
return *this;
\return A reference to the converted string.
The default quotes are "&", "<", ">", "'", and """. Argument \c ioMap can be used to specify any conversion table.
string& XML::Node::convertFromQuotes(string& ioString, map<string,char>& ioMap)
if(ioMap.empty()) {
// initialize quote list
ioMap["amp"] = '&';
ioMap["lt"] = '<';
ioMap["gt"] = '>';
ioMap["apos"] = '\'';
ioMap["quot"] = '"';
string::size_type lStart, lEnd = 0;
while((lStart = ioString.find('&', lEnd)) < ioString.size() &&
(lEnd = ioString.find(';', lStart)) < ioString.size())
string lToken = ioString.substr(lStart+1, lEnd-lStart-1);
if(ioMap.find(lToken) != ioMap.end()) {
ioString[lStart] = ioMap[lToken];
ioString.erase(lStart+1, lEnd-lStart);
lEnd = lStart+1;
return ioString;
/*!\return A pointer to this node.
This method removes this node from its parent tree. The list of sibling nodes is repaired accordingly.
XML::Node* XML::Node::detachFromSiblingsAndParent(void) {
// adjust sibling list
if(mPrevSibling) mPrevSibling->mNextSibling = mNextSibling;
if(mNextSibling) mNextSibling->mPrevSibling = mPrevSibling;
if(mParent) {
// adjust parent first and last child pointers
if(mParent->mFirstChild == this) mParent->mFirstChild = mNextSibling;
if(mParent->mLastChild == this) mParent->mLastChild = mPrevSibling;
mPrevSibling = mNextSibling = mParent = NULL;
return this;
void XML::Node::eraseChildren(void)
// delete all child nodes
XML::Iterator lChild = getFirstChild();
while(lChild) delete &(*(lChild++));
/*!\return The number of child nodes.
unsigned int XML::Node::getChildCount(void) const {
unsigned int lCount = 0;
for(ConstIterator lChild = getFirstChild(); lChild; ++lChild) ++lCount;
return lCount;
/*!\return A pointer to the inserted child node.
XML::Node* XML::Node::insertAsLastChild(XML::Node* inChild) {
PACC_AssertM(inChild, "Cannot add null pointer node");
PACC_AssertM(!inChild->mParent && !inChild->mPrevSibling && !inChild->mNextSibling, "Node must be detached before it can be added!");
// is this new child the first?
if(mFirstChild == NULL) mFirstChild = inChild;
else {
// insert after last
inChild->mPrevSibling = mLastChild;
mLastChild->mNextSibling = inChild;
// adjust parent pointers
inChild->mParent = this;
mLastChild = inChild;
return inChild;
/*!\return A pointer to the inserted sibling node.
XML::Node* XML::Node::insertAsPreviousSibling(XML::Node* inSibling) {
PACC_AssertM(inSibling, "Cannot insert null pointer node");
PACC_AssertM(!inSibling->mParent && !inSibling->mPrevSibling && !inSibling->mNextSibling, "Node must be detached before it can be inserted!");
// is this new sibling the first?
if(mPrevSibling == NULL) {
inSibling->mNextSibling = this;
mPrevSibling = inSibling;
// adjust first child of parent
if(mParent) mParent->mFirstChild = inSibling;
} else {
// this node is neither the first or the last
mPrevSibling->mNextSibling = inSibling;
inSibling->mPrevSibling = mPrevSibling;
inSibling->mNextSibling = this;
mPrevSibling = inSibling;
// adjust parent pointer
inSibling->mParent = mParent;
return inSibling;
/*!\return A node pointer to the parsed element.
Any tag name defined in \c inNoParseTags will be treated as if its content is a string token (content will not be parsed).
XML::Node* XML::Node::parse(PACC::Tokenizer& inTokenizer, const set<string>& inNoParseTags)
Node* lNode = NULL;
// look for start tag
string lToken;
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", "<");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(lToken)) return 0;
// remove any leading white space
size_type lPos = lToken.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n");
if(lPos == string::npos) {
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(lToken)) return 0;
} else if(lPos > 0) lToken.erase(0, lPos);
if(lToken[0] == '<') {
// check for end tag
if(inTokenizer.peekNextChar() == '/') {
// found end tag;
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", "/");
return 0;
// found start tag
lNode = new Node;
lNode->parseStartTag(inTokenizer, lToken);
if(lToken[0] == '/') {
// found end tag; next token must be '>'
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", ">");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(lToken)) lNode->throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
if(lToken[0] != '>') lNode->throwError(inTokenizer, "invalid start tag");
} else if(lNode->getType() == eData) {
// either read or parse tag content
if(inNoParseTags.find((*lNode)[""]) != inNoParseTags.end()) {
} else {
Node* lChild;
// parse all child
while((lChild=parse(inTokenizer, inNoParseTags)) != NULL) lNode->insertAsLastChild(lChild);
// test for valid end tag
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", " \t\n\r>");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(lToken)) lNode->throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
if(lToken != (*lNode)[""]) lNode->throwError(inTokenizer, "invalid end tag");
// next token must be '>'
inTokenizer.setDelimiters(" \t\n\r", ">");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(lToken)) lNode->throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
if(lToken[0] != '>') lNode->throwError(inTokenizer, "invalid end tag");
// else node is not markup
} else {
// found a simple string node
lNode = new Node;
lNode->mType = eString;
// remove any ending white space
lPos = lToken.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n");
PACC_AssertM(lPos != string::npos, "Internal error!");
if(lPos < lToken.size()-1) lToken.resize(lPos+1);
// convert basic quotes
(*lNode)[""] = convertFromQuotes(lToken);
return lNode;
Ending token is returned through argument \c outToken.
void XML::Node::parseAttributeList(PACC::Tokenizer& inTokenizer, string& outToken)
inTokenizer.setDelimiters(" \t\n\r", "=/?>");
// next token should be an attribute name
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
// parse all attributes
while(outToken[0] != '>' && outToken[0] != '/' && outToken[0] != '?')
if(outToken[0] == '=') throwError(inTokenizer, "missing attribute name");
// ok, found an attribute name!
string lName = outToken;
// next token should be '='
inTokenizer.setDelimiters(" \t\n\r", "=");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken) || outToken[0] != '=')
throwError(inTokenizer, "invalid attribute");
inTokenizer.setDelimiters(" \t\n\r", "'\"");
// next token must be '"' or "'"
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
string lValue;
switch(outToken[0]) {
case '\'':
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", "'");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
if(outToken[0] != '\'') {
lValue = outToken;
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
case '"':
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", "\"");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
if(outToken[0] != '"') {
lValue = outToken;
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
throwError(inTokenizer, "invalid attribute value");
// insert attribute
(*this)[lName] = convertFromQuotes(lValue);
inTokenizer.setDelimiters(" \t\n\r", "=/?>");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
This method assumes that token "<" has already been read. It returns the ending token through argument \c outToken.
void XML::Node::parseStartTag(PACC::Tokenizer& inTokenizer, string& outToken)
// parse tag name
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", " \t\n\r/>");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
if(outToken.find_first_of(" \t\n\r/>") != string::npos) throwError(inTokenizer, "invalid start tag");
string& lValue = (*this)[""];
switch(outToken[0]) {
case '!':
if(outToken.size() >= 3 && outToken[1] == '-' && outToken[2] == '-') {
// process comment
mType = eComment;
outToken.erase(0, 3);
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", ">");
do {
int lSize = outToken.size();
if(lSize > 2 && outToken[lSize-2] == '-' && outToken[lSize-1] == '-') {
lValue += outToken.erase(lSize-2, 2);
} else lValue += outToken;
} while(inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken));
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
} else if(outToken.size() >= 8 && memcmp(outToken.data()+1, "[CDATA[", 7) == 0) {
// process cdata section
mType = eCDATA;
outToken.erase(0, 8);
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", ">");
do {
int lSize = outToken.size();
if(lSize >= 2 && outToken[lSize-2] == ']' && outToken[lSize-1] == ']') {
lValue += outToken.erase(lSize-2, 2);
} else lValue += outToken;
} while(inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken));
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
} else {
// process special element (doctype, attribute, etc.)
mType = eSpecial;
lValue = outToken.erase(0, 1);
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", ">");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
if(outToken[0] != '>') {
lValue += outToken;
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
case '?':
if(outToken == "?xml") {
// process xml declaration
mType = eDecl;
lValue = outToken.erase(0, 1);
parseAttributeList(inTokenizer, outToken);
if(outToken[0] != '?') throwError(inTokenizer, "invalid xml declaration");
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
if(outToken[0] != '>') throwError(inTokenizer, "invalid xml declaration");
} else {
// process special processing instruction
mType = ePI;
lValue = outToken.substr(1, outToken.size()-1);
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", "?>");
while(inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) {
if(outToken[0] == '?') {
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(outToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
if(outToken[0] == '>') break;
else lValue += '?';
lValue += outToken;
if(outToken.empty()) throwError(inTokenizer, "unexpected eof");
// process data markup
mType = eData;
lValue = outToken;
parseAttributeList(inTokenizer, outToken);
void XML::Node::readContentAsString(PACC::Tokenizer& inTokenizer)
// create child node
Node* lChild = new Node;
// parse until end tag
inTokenizer.setDelimiters("", "<>");
string lToken;
int lCount = 1;
const string& lTag = (*this)[""];
string& lString = (*lChild)[""];
while(lCount > 0) {
// check every start tag
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(lToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, string("unexpected eof"));
if(lToken[0] == '<') {
if(!inTokenizer.getNextToken(lToken)) throwError(inTokenizer, string("unexpected eof"));
if(lToken[0] == '/' && memcmp(lToken.data()+1, lTag.data(), lTag.size()) == 0) --lCount;
else if(lToken[lToken.size()-1] != '/' && memcmp(lToken.data(), lTag.data(), lTag.size()) == 0) ++lCount;
if(lCount > 0) {
lString += "<";
lString += lToken;
} else lString += lToken;
// remove any leading white space
size_type lPos = lString.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n");
if(lPos == string::npos) {
// string is all white space
} else {
// erase leading white space
lString.erase(0, lPos);
// remove any ending white space
lPos = lString.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n");
PACC_AssertM(lPos != string::npos, "Internal error!");
// erase trailing white space
if(lPos < lString.size()-1) lString.resize(lPos+1);
Argument \c inIndent is used to control indentation. By default (\c inIndent=true), the sub-tree rooted by this node will be serialized with indentation. If \c inIndent=false, then the node will be serialized without any form of indentation (including line feeds).
void XML::Node::serialize(XML::Streamer& outStream, bool inIndent) const
case eCDATA:
case eComment:
case eData:
// check for tag with single string content
ConstIterator lChild = getFirstChild();
if(lChild && lChild->mType == eString && !lChild->getNextSibling()) {
// disable indentation
outStream.openTag(getValue(), false);
} else {
outStream.openTag(getValue(), inIndent);
// serialize attribute list
for(map<string,string>::const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) {
if(i->first != "") outStream.insertAttribute(i->first, i->second);
// serialize child nodes
while(lChild) (lChild++)->serialize(outStream, inIndent);
case eNoParse:
outStream.insertStringContent(getValue(), false);
case ePI:
string lValue = string("<?") + getValue() + string("?>");
outStream.insertStringContent(lValue, false);
case eSpecial:
string lValue = string("<!") + getValue() + string(">");
outStream.insertStringContent(lValue, false);
case eString:
outStream.insertStringContent(getValue(), true);
case eDecl:
string lValue = "<?xml version=\"";
if(isDefined("version")) lValue += getAttribute("version");
else lValue += "1.0";
lValue += "\"";
if(isDefined("encoding")) lValue += " encoding=\"" + getAttribute("encoding") + "\"";
lValue += "?>";
outStream.insertStringContent(lValue, false);
PACC_AssertM(false, "Unknown node type!");
void XML::Node::throwError(PACC::Tokenizer& inTokenizer, const string& inMessage) const
ostringstream lStream;
lStream << "\nXML parse error";
if(inTokenizer.getStreamName() != "")
lStream << " in file \"" << inTokenizer.getStreamName() << "\",";
lStream << " at line ";
lStream << inTokenizer.getLineNumber();
switch(mType) {
case eCDATA: lStream << "\nfor CDATA \""; break;
case eComment: lStream << "\nfor comment \""; break;
case eData: lStream << "\nfor markup \""; break;
case ePI: lStream << "\nfor processing instruction \""; break;
case eRoot: lStream << "\nfor root element \""; break;
case eSpecial: lStream << "\nfor special element \""; break;
case eString: lStream << "\nfor literal string \""; break;
case eDecl: lStream << "\nfor declaration \""; break;
default: lStream << "\nfor unknown element \""; break;
if(getValue().size() < 40) lStream << getValue() << "\": " << inMessage;
else lStream << getValue().substr(0,40) << "...\": " << inMessage;
throw runtime_error(lStream.str());
ostream& PACC::operator<<(ostream &outStream, const XML::Node& inNode)
XML::Streamer lStream(outStream);
return outStream;
istream& PACC::operator>>(istream &inStream, XML::Node& outNode)
Tokenizer lTokenizer(inStream);
XML::Node* lNode = XML::Node::parse(lTokenizer, set<string>());
outNode = *lNode;
delete lNode;
return inStream;