/* * Open BEAGLE * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 by Christian Gagne and Marc Parizeau * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Contact: * Laboratoire de Vision et Systemes Numeriques * Departement de genie electrique et de genie informatique * Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4 * http://vision.gel.ulaval.ca * */ /*! * \file beagle/Coev/src/EvaluationOp.cpp * \brief Source code of class Coev::EvaluationOp. * \author Christian Gagne * \author Marc Parizeau * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2007/05/09 01:51:01 $ */ #include "beagle/Coev.hpp" #include using namespace Beagle; /* * Initialize static evaluation operator evaluation condition. */ PACC::Threading::Condition Coev::EvaluationOp::smCondition; /* * Initialize static evaluation operator sets stack. */ Coev::EvaluationOp::EvalSetVector Coev::EvaluationOp::smEvalSets; /* * Initialize static evaluation operator trigger. */ unsigned int Coev::EvaluationOp::smTrigger = 0; /*! * \brief Construct an evaluation set. */ Coev::EvaluationOp::EvalSet::EvalSet() : mID(0) { } /*! * \brief Construct an evaluation set. * \param inIndividuals Individual bag of the evaluation set. * \param inContext Evolutionary context. * \param inID ID of the evaluation set, for convenience purpuse, not used internally. */ Coev::EvaluationOp::EvalSet::EvalSet(Individual::Bag& inIndividuals, Context::Handle inContext, unsigned int inID) : mIndividuals(inIndividuals), mContext(inContext), mID(inID) { } /*! * \brief Construct a co-evolutionary evaluation operator. * \param inTrigger Number of sets to accumulate before triggering evaluation procedure. * \param inName Name of the co-evolutionary evaluation operator. */ Coev::EvaluationOp::EvaluationOp(unsigned int inTrigger, Beagle::string inName) : Beagle::EvaluationOp(inName) { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); smCondition.lock(); if(smTrigger == 0) smTrigger = inTrigger; else if(inTrigger != smTrigger) { std::ostringstream lOSS; lOSS << "trigger value given as argument to constructor of Coev::EvaluationOp ("; lOSS << inTrigger << ") is different from the actual non-zero value of the trigger ("; lOSS << smTrigger << ")!"; smCondition.unlock(); throw Beagle_RunTimeExceptionM(lOSS.str().c_str()); } smCondition.unlock(); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("Coev::EvaluationOp::EvaluationOp(unsigned int inTrigger, string inName)"); } /*! * \brief Add evaluation set into shared structure. * \param inEvalSet Evaluation set to add. * \param inBlocking If true, the add set operation block until fitness evaluation is done. */ void Coev::EvaluationOp::addSet(EvalSet& inEvalSet, bool inBlocking) { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); smCondition.lock(); if(smTrigger == 0) { smCondition.unlock(); throw Beagle_RunTimeExceptionM("co-evolution trigger value is zero!"); } if(smEvalSets.size() >= smTrigger) { std::ostringstream lOSS; lOSS << "number of evaluation sets in co-evolution evaluation operator ("; lOSS << smEvalSets.size() << ") is equal or bigger than the trigger value ("; lOSS << smTrigger << ")!"; smCondition.unlock(); throw Beagle_RunTimeExceptionM(lOSS.str().c_str()); } // Add evaluation set smEvalSets.push_back(inEvalSet); // If all needed evaluation sets are added if(smEvalSets.size() == smTrigger) { evaluateSets(smEvalSets); smEvalSets.clear(); smCondition.broadcast(); } // Othewize, wait to get all needed evaluation sets else if(inBlocking) { smCondition.wait(); } smCondition.unlock(); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("void Coev::EvaluationOp::addSet(EvalSet& inEvalSet, bool inBlocking)"); } /*! * \brief Set fitness value of an individual. * \param inFitness New fitness value of the individual. * \param ioIndividual Individual which fitness value is set. * \param ioContext Evolutionary context. */ void Coev::EvaluationOp::assignFitness(Fitness::Handle inFitness, Individual& ioIndividual, Context& ioContext) const { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); ioIndividual.setFitness(inFitness); inFitness->setValid(); ioContext.setProcessedDeme(ioContext.getProcessedDeme()+1); ioContext.setTotalProcessedDeme(ioContext.getTotalProcessedDeme()+1); ioContext.setProcessedVivarium(ioContext.getProcessedVivarium()+1); ioContext.setTotalProcessedVivarium(ioContext.getTotalProcessedVivarium()+1); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("void Coev::EvaluationOp::assignFitness(Fitness::Handle inFitness, Individual& ioIndividual, Context& ioContext) const"); } /*! * \brief Apply the evaluation operation on a breeding pool, returning a evaluated bred individual. * \param inBreedingPool Breeding pool to use for the breeding operation. * \param inChild Node handle associated to child node in the breeder tree. * \param ioContext Evolutionary context of the breeding operation. * \return Evaluated bred individual. */ Individual::Handle Coev::EvaluationOp::breed(Individual::Bag& inBreedingPool, BreederNode::Handle inChild, Context& ioContext) { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); Beagle_NonNullPointerAssertM(inChild); Deme& lDeme = *ioContext.getDemeHandle(); if(lDeme.getStats()->isValid()) { ioContext.setProcessedDeme(0); if((ioContext.getGeneration()!=0) && (lDeme.getStats()->existItem("total-processed"))) { ioContext.setTotalProcessedDeme((unsigned int)lDeme.getStats()->getItem("total-processed")); } else ioContext.setTotalProcessedDeme(0); lDeme.getStats()->setInvalid(); if(ioContext.getDemeIndex()==0) { Stats& lVivaStats = *ioContext.getVivarium().getStats(); ioContext.setProcessedVivarium(0); if((ioContext.getGeneration()!=0) && (lVivaStats.existItem("total-processed"))) { ioContext.setTotalProcessedVivarium((unsigned int)lVivaStats.getItem("total-processed")); } else ioContext.setTotalProcessedVivarium(0); lVivaStats.setInvalid(); } } Beagle_NonNullPointerAssertM(inChild); Beagle_NonNullPointerAssertM(inChild->getBreederOp()); Individual::Handle lBredIndividual = inChild->getBreederOp()->breed(inBreedingPool, inChild->getFirstChild(), ioContext); if((lBredIndividual->getFitness()==NULL) || (lBredIndividual->getFitness()->isValid()==false)) { Beagle_LogVerboseM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "evaluation", "Beagle::Coev::EvaluationOp", "Evaluating the fitness of a new bred individual" ); Individual::Bag lNonEvalIndiv; lNonEvalIndiv.push_back(lBredIndividual); Context::Handle lContext = &ioContext; makeSets(lNonEvalIndiv, lContext); Beagle_LogVerboseM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "evaluation", "Beagle::Coev::EvaluationOp", string("The individual fitness value is: ")+ lBredIndividual->getFitness()->serialize() ); if(mDemeHOFSize->getWrappedValue() > 0) { Beagle_LogVerboseM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "evaluation", "Beagle::Coev::EvaluationOp", "Updating the deme hall-of-fame" ); lDeme.getHallOfFame().updateWithIndividual(mDemeHOFSize->getWrappedValue(), *lBredIndividual, ioContext); } if(mVivaHOFSize->getWrappedValue() > 0) { Beagle_LogVerboseM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "evaluation", "Beagle::Coev::EvaluationOp", "Updating the vivarium hall-of-fame" ); ioContext.getVivarium().getHallOfFame().updateWithIndividual(mVivaHOFSize->getWrappedValue(), *lBredIndividual, ioContext); } } return lBredIndividual; Beagle_StackTraceEndM("Individual::Handle Coev::EvaluationOp::breed(Individual::Bag& inBreedingPool, BreederNode::Handle inChild, Context& ioContext)"); } /*! * \brief Evaluating an individual in co-evolution is not that simple. Define makeSets and * evaluateSets methods instead. */ Fitness::Handle Coev::EvaluationOp::evaluate(Individual& inIndividual, Context& ioContext) { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); throw Beagle_UndefinedMethodInternalExceptionM("evaluate","Coev::EvaluationOp",getName()); Beagle_StackTraceEndM("Fitness::Handle Coev::EvaluationOp::evaluate(Individual& inIndividual, Context& ioContext)"); } /*! * \brief Apply co-evolutionary evaluation operation on the deme. * \param ioDeme Deme to evaluate fitness. * \param ioContext Evolutionary context. */ void Coev::EvaluationOp::operate(Deme& ioDeme, Context& ioContext) { Beagle_StackTraceBeginM(); Beagle_LogTraceM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "evaluation", "Beagle::Coev::EvaluationOp", string("Evaluating the individuals fitness of the ")+ uint2ordinal(ioContext.getDemeIndex()+1)+" deme in co-evolution mode" ); ioContext.setProcessedDeme(0); if((ioContext.getGeneration()!=0) && (ioDeme.getStats()->existItem("total-processed"))) { ioContext.setTotalProcessedDeme((unsigned int)ioDeme.getStats()->getItem("total-processed")); } else ioContext.setTotalProcessedDeme(0); ioDeme.getStats()->setInvalid(); if(ioContext.getDemeIndex()==0) { Stats& lVivaStats = *ioContext.getVivarium().getStats(); ioContext.setProcessedVivarium(0); if((ioContext.getGeneration()!=0) && (lVivaStats.existItem("total-processed"))) { ioContext.setTotalProcessedVivarium((unsigned int)lVivaStats.getItem("total-processed")); } else ioContext.setTotalProcessedVivarium(0); lVivaStats.setInvalid(); } Beagle_LogVerboseM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "evaluation", "Beagle::Coev::EvaluationOp", string("Calling co-evolution evaluation hook for the ")+ uint2ordinal(ioContext.getDemeIndex()+1)+" deme" ); Context::Handle lContext = &ioContext; makeSets(ioDeme, lContext); if(mDemeHOFSize->getWrappedValue() > 0) { Beagle_LogDetailedM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "evaluation", "Beagle::Coev::EvaluationOp", "Updating the deme's hall-of-fame" ); ioDeme.getHallOfFame().updateWithDeme(mDemeHOFSize->getWrappedValue(), ioDeme, ioContext); ioDeme.getHallOfFame().log(Logger::eVerbose, ioContext); } if(mVivaHOFSize->getWrappedValue() > 0) { Beagle_LogDetailedM( ioContext.getSystem().getLogger(), "evaluation", "Beagle::Coev::EvaluationOp", "Updating the vivarium's hall-of-fame" ); ioContext.getVivarium().getHallOfFame().updateWithDeme(mVivaHOFSize->getWrappedValue(), ioDeme, ioContext); ioContext.getVivarium().getHallOfFame().log(Logger::eVerbose, ioContext); } Beagle_StackTraceEndM("void Coev::EvaluationOp::operate(Deme& ioDeme, Context& ioContext)"); }