Index of all Fields and Methods
All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


AboutBox(Frame). Constructor for class .AboutBox
action(Event, Object). Method in class .ControlPanel
action(Event, Object). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
AddCharString(short, byte). Method in class .LZWStringTable
addComponent(Component, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class .ControlPanel
addNotify(). Method in class .GroupPanel
addPop(String). Method in class .ControlPanel
addValue(Double). Method in class .GenerationData
addValue(int, Double). Method in class .PopulationData
This method adds the given value to the correct vector.


backgroundColorIndex_. Variable in class .ScreenDescriptor
backgroundPaint(Graphics). Method in class .Graph
This method is actually in charge of calling each of the drawing methods.
BitFile(OutputStream). Constructor for class .BitFile
BitsNeeded(int). Static method in class .BitUtils


clearGraphData(). Method in class .Graph
This method deletes the old graph data
ClearTable(int). Method in class .LZWStringTable
clickedNoButton(). Method in class .QuitBox
clickedYesButton(). Method in class .QuitBox
ControlPanel(lilgpMonitor, Graph). Constructor for class .ControlPanel


DataGenerator(). Constructor for class .DataGenerator
drawPoint(Graphics, int, int). Method in class .Graph
This method draws a small diamond at the specified point
drawTicks(Graphics, Vector, String). Method in class .Graph
This method draws the y-axis tick marks and labelling them


FindCharString(short, byte). Method in class .LZWStringTable
Flush(). Method in class .BitFile


GenerationData(). Constructor for class .GenerationData
getImage(). Method in class .Graph
This method returns the offscreen image for creating the GIF file.
getMetricData(int). Method in class .PopulationData
This method returns the requested Vector
getNumGenerations(). Method in class .PopulationData
This method returns the number of generations of data.
getValue(int). Method in class .GenerationData
getValue(int, int). Method in class .PopulationData
This method returns the specified value.
GIFEncoder(byte[][], byte[][], byte[][]). Constructor for class .GIFEncoder
Construct a GIFEncoder.
GIFEncoder(Image). Constructor for class .GIFEncoder
Construct a GIFEncoder.
Graph(). Constructor for class .Graph
The constructor method creates storage for data for each of the curves, initializes some variables, and resizes the graph.
graphHeight. Variable in class .Graph
graphWidth. Variable in class .Graph
GroupPanel(String). Constructor for class .GroupPanel
Create a new object and assign the title string


handleEvent(Event). Method in class .AboutBox
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .QuitBox
Hash(short, byte). Static method in class .LZWStringTable
height_. Variable in class .ImageDescriptor


ImageDescriptor(short, short, char). Constructor for class .ImageDescriptor
insets(). Method in class .GroupPanel
Create new insets


leftPosition_. Variable in class .ImageDescriptor
lilgpMonitor(). Constructor for class .lilgpMonitor
The constructor method is responsible for creating each of the UI components and initializing variables.
localScreenHeight_. Variable in class .ScreenDescriptor
localScreenWidth_. Variable in class .ScreenDescriptor
LZWCompress(OutputStream, int, byte[]). Static method in class .LZWCompressor
LZWStringTable(). Constructor for class .LZWStringTable


main(String[]). Static method in class .DataGenerator
main(String[]). Static method in class .lilgpMonitor
The main method for the application.


numViewers. Static variable in class .lilgpMonitor


paint(Graphics). Method in class .Graph
This method attempts to create an off screen image and then calls the background paint method.
paint(Graphics). Method in class .GroupPanel
Paint the border around the group param g the graphics object
pixelAspectRatio_. Variable in class .ScreenDescriptor
PopulationData(). Constructor for class .PopulationData
The constructor method instantiates a Vector that contains references for 20 other vectors - one for each column of data in the statistics file.


QuitBox(Frame). Constructor for class .QuitBox


readData(String). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method actually reads the lilgp statistics file.
removePop(int). Method in class .ControlPanel
run(). Method in class .Timer


ScreenDescriptor(short, short, int). Constructor for class .ScreenDescriptor
selectedAbout(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method creates a dialog that describes the software
selectedCloseViewer(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method closes a viewer.
selectedExitAll(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method closes all viewers.
selectedLines(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method responsible for updating the linestyle in the Graph object.
selectedLinesPoints(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method responsible for updating the linestyle in the Graph object.
selectedManualUpdates(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method manually updates the graph.
selectedNewViewer(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method simply instantiates a new viewer
selectedOpen(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method is called when the user selects Open from the file menu.
selectedSaveAs(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method is called when the user selects Save As from the file menu.
separator_. Variable in class .ImageDescriptor
setBackground(Color). Method in class .GroupPanel
Set the background color
SetColorResolution(byte). Method in class .ScreenDescriptor
SetGlobalColorTableFlag(byte). Method in class .ScreenDescriptor
SetGlobalColorTableSize(byte). Method in class .ScreenDescriptor
setGraphData(Vector, Vector). Method in class .Graph
This method assigns new data to the curve vectors
SetInterlaceFlag(byte). Method in class .ImageDescriptor
setLineStyle(String). Method in class .Graph
This method is used to update the line style selected by the user.
SetLocalColorTableFlag(byte). Method in class .ImageDescriptor
SetLocalColorTableSize(byte). Method in class .ImageDescriptor
SetReserved(byte). Method in class .ImageDescriptor
SetSortFlag(byte). Method in class .ImageDescriptor
SetSortFlag(byte). Method in class .ScreenDescriptor
setTimer(int). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method sets a timer for automatic updates
show(). Method in class .QuitBox
stopTimer(). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method stops the current timer


tick(Timer). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
Everytime we recieve a tick from our timer, reload the data file
tick(Timer). Method in interface .Timed
Timer(Timed, int). Constructor for class .Timer
TitlePanel(String). Constructor for class .TitlePanel
Set up a font and print the title on a yellow background
topPosition_. Variable in class .ImageDescriptor


updateGraph(). Method in class .ControlPanel
updateGraphData(int, int, int, int). Method in class .lilgpMonitor
This method is responsible for retrieving the correct data from the statistics and passing it into the Graph object.
updateList(List, int). Method in class .ControlPanel
updateScale(String). Method in class .Graph
This method is called by external classes to update the scale selection.
updateUserScale(String, double). Method in class .Graph
This method allows external classes to update the manual scale mechanisms.


width_. Variable in class .ImageDescriptor
Write(OutputStream). Method in class .GIFEncoder
Writes the image out to a stream in the GIF file format.
Write(OutputStream). Method in class .ImageDescriptor
Write(OutputStream). Method in class .ScreenDescriptor
WriteBits(int, int). Method in class .BitFile
WriteWord(OutputStream, short). Static method in class .BitUtils