Class Exchange

Class Exchange


class Exchange
extends Object
This class defines the structure of a sub-pop exchange. It contains fields for the following lil-gp parameters:

It also stores the key value used when these objects are hashed.
See Also:

Variable Index

 o count
 o fromPop
 o fromSelect
 o key
 o toPop
 o toSelect

Constructor Index

 o Exchange(Exchange)
This constructor allows you to create a new exchange from an existing one
 o Exchange(String, String, String, String, String, String)
This constructor allows you to specify each field of the object


 o fromPop
  public String fromPop
 o toPop
  public String toPop
 o count
  public String count
 o fromSelect
  public String fromSelect
 o toSelect
  public String toSelect
 o key
  public String key


 o Exchange
  public Exchange(String fp,
                  String tp,
                  String c,
                  String fs,
                  String ts,
                  String k)
This constructor allows you to specify each field of the object
 o Exchange
  public Exchange(Exchange e)
This constructor allows you to create a new exchange from an existing one