Class BreedFrame

Class BreedFrame


class BreedFrame
extends Frame
This frame contains a TitlePanel and a GridBagPanel. The GridBagPanel contains an array of type PhasePanel which actually house all of the UI components for breeding parameter input.
See Also:
TitlePanel, GridBagPanel, PhasePanel

Constructor Index

 o BreedFrame(int)
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.

Method Index

 o action(Event, Object)
Trap Button events.
 o loadParams()
This method is responsible for cycling through each of the phase panels and invoking their loadParams() method.


 o BreedFrame
  public BreedFrame(int num)
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.
num - the number of breed phases entered by the user
See Also:


 o action
  public boolean action(Event event,
                        Object arg)
Trap Button events. If the Accept button is pressed, then hide() the BreedFrame and re-enable the Go button on the BreedingPanel. If the Cancel button is pressed, then dispose() the frame and re-enable the Go button. The Go button is disabled to prevent the user from clicking on it several times and therefore instantiating several BreedFrames.
action in class Component
See Also:
BreedingPanel, enableButtons
 o loadParams
  public static void loadParams()
This method is responsible for cycling through each of the phase panels and invoking their loadParams() method.
See Also: