lilgpMonitor User's Manual

1.1 Introduction

lilgpMonitor is a companion utility for lil-gp that allows you to monitor the run-time progress of lil-gp experiments. It provides you with a mechanism to easily plot various genetic programming metrics such as mean standardized fitness, mean tree size, etc. After selecting a lil-gp statistics file, you may plot up to two curves on the same monitor using a variety of scaling techniques and line styles. You also have the ability to plot statistics for either the entire population or specific sub-populations. Several monitors can be used to simultaneously observe the trends of several genetic programming metrics. At the end of the experiment, the graphs can be saved in a GIF format, allowing them to be easily imported into word-processing documents.

If you are unfamiliar with genetic algorithms, genetic programming, or lil-gp, then you should begin by reading the lil-gp User's Manual.

1.1.1 Features

lilgpMonitor features include:

1.1.2 Limitations

lilgpMonitor is capable of plotting all of the statistics generated by lil-gp, including the ability to plot statistics for specific sub-populations. In that regard, there are no limitations. However, there are limitations with respect to Java. Unfortunately, Java is slow, executing at about 1/20th the speed of compiled C code [Fla96]. This is especially evident when reading large statistics files. For example, loading a file containing statistics for a 50 generation experiment with 5 sub-populations takes approximately 15 seconds on a Sparc20 with 64Mb RAM. There is hope; Sun claims that the performance of Java byte-codes converted to machine code is nearly as fast as native C or C++[Fla96].

The current version of lilgpMonitor does not perform any data manipulation such as smoothing. As a result, data sets containing localized spikes that are several orders of magnitude larger than the average trend cause curves to appear 'flat' when plotted. However, since the user has control over the maximum value for the y-axis, there is some mechanism for producing useful information in these cases. This may or may not be considered a limitation.

1.1.3 Author

This software was written by Ryan Shoemaker under the direction of Dr. William Punch. Other companion utilities for lil-gp have been developed by Ryan Shoemaker and Dave Guyette as part of a joint project.

Comments and suggestions may be sent to:

Department of Computer Science
3115 Engineering Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

1.2 Getting Started

When you unpack the distribution, you should get this directory tree:

    classes/         (byte-code files)
    docs/            (documentation files)
        images/      (image files used in documentation)
    javadocs/        (source-code documentation files)
        images/      (image files used in source-code documentation)
    src/             (source-code files)

Before using lilgpMonitor, you must have Java JDK 1.02 installed on your system. To generate the .class files, change into the lilgpMonitor/src directory and type:

javac -d ../classes *.java

To run lilgpMonitor, simply change into the lilgpMonitor/classes directory and type:

java lilgpMonitor

If you are running the utilities under Windows95/NT, you will have to modify the paths in the above commands and also add the lilgpMonitor/classes directory to your CLASSPATH in place of the dot directory ".".

This is version 1.0 of lilgpMonitor. Updates and information related to lilgpMonitor can be found on the World Wide Web at

1.3 The Main Window

The only window in lilgpMonitor is shown in Figure 1. This section will give a brief overview of the options available and the next section will give detailed explanations of each feature.

Figure 1 - The Main Window

As you can see, there are four menus available in the menubar at the top of the window. From the File menu, you may open a statistics file, save your graph as a GIF file, create a new monitor, close the current monitor, or close all monitors. From the Graph menu, you may select a line style for the curves. The Update menu has options for selecting either manual updates or automatic timed updates. Finally, the Help menu provides access to the on-line help system and also information about the author and version of lilgpMonitor that you are using.

The actual graph sits in the middle of the window, with all of its controls along the bottom. In Figure 1, there are two curves on the graph, each with its own scale. The red scale appears on the left axis, while the blue scale appears on the right axis. The various controls on the bottom of the widow allow you to select a scale, the maximum scale values, and the GP metrics and sub-populations you want to plot.

1.4 Feature Descriptions

The features listed in this section apply only to the monitor in which you make the selection. For example, changing the automatic update interval to five minutes in one monitor will have no impact on the settings in any other monitors that are currently open or any monitors that are opened at a later time.

1.4.1 The File Menu

The File menu lets you perform file operations and create/destroy monitors.

1.4.2 The Graph Menu

The Graph menu lets you select the line style you would like to apply to the curves.

Figure 2 - Lines

Figure 3 - Lines + Points

1.4.3 The Update Menu

The Update menu lets you select the timing of graph updates.

1.4.4 The Help Menu

1.4.5 Selecting a Scale

Below the graph, there are three boxes labeled 'Red Scale', 'Independent Scales', and 'Blue Scale.' These controls allow you to choose which scales to use and specify maximum scale values.

The default setting for the scale is Independent Automatic scaling. This means that lilgpMonitor will examine the data set and determine the best scales to use when plotting the curves. Figure 4 shows the result of using this combination of settings. In this case, the red curve is plotted using the scale on the left axis, while the blue curve is plotted using the scale on the right axis. These curves are plotted using independent scales. Since there are no values supplied in the y-max fields, lilgpMonitor automatically selects values that will allow the entire data set to be visible within the graph - this is automatic scaling. These settings are useful when you would like to view two GP metrics that are unrelated (i.e. standardized fitness versus tree size).

Figure 4 - Independent Autoscaling

By clicking on either the 'red' or 'blue' checkboxes, you will be selecting a dependent scaling mechanism with automatic scaling. This means that lilgpMonitor will apply the selected scale to both curves. Figure 5 shows the red scale being applied to both curves, while Figure 6 shows the blue scale being applied to both curves. These settings are useful when you would like to compare two GP metrics that are related (i.e. standardized fitness of sub-population 1 versus standardized fitness of sub-population 2). Looking back at Figure 4, you can see how it can be difficult to determine the relationship between two GP metrics when using Independent Autoscaling. It isn't until you examine Figure 5 where Dependent Autoscaling is used that you can clearly see the relationship between the two curves. Since the blue curve falls below the red curve in every generation, the red curve is not visible when Dependent Autoscaling is set on the blue curve in Figure 6.

Figure 5 - Red Dependent Autoscaling

Figure 6 - Blue Dependent Autoscaling

By changing the values in the y-max fields, you are selecting manual scaling. It is possible to have manual scaling active for one curve and automatic scaling active for the other curve by supplying a value for y-max in only one of the textfields. It is important to understand that when you select manual scaling, you are not actually specifying the scale of the curve, per se, but rather the maximum value that will be used to in determining the scale. For example, specifying a y-max value of 0.5 for the red curve will cause it to truncate the top of the tallest spikes as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 - Independent Manual Scaling

1.4.6 Selecting the GP Metrics

Below the scale selection boxes, there are two pull-down list menus that allow you to choose the GP metrics to display. The default setting is Gen Fitness - Mean for the red curve and None for the blue curve. Figure 8 outlines all of the available metrics and their abbreviations.

GP Metric
Abbreviation Used in lilgpMonitor
mean standardized fitness of generation Gen Fitness - Mean
standardized fitness of best-of-generation individual Gen Fitness - Best
standardized fitness of worst-of-generation individual Gen Fitness - Worst
mean tree size of generationGen Tree Size - Mean
mean tree depth of generationGen Tree Depth - Mean
tree size of best-of-generation individual Gen Tree Size - Best
tree depth of best-of-generation individual Gen Tree Depth - Best
tree size of worst-of-generation individual Gen Tree Size - Worst
tree depth of worst-of-generation individual Gen Tree Depth - Worst
mean standardized fitness of runFitness - Mean
standardized fitness of best-of-run individual Fitness - Best
standardized fitness of worst-of-run individual Fitness - Worst
mean tree size of runTree Size - Mean
mean tree depth of runTree Depth - Mean
tree size of best-of-run individualTree Size - Best
tree depth of best-of-run individualTree Depth - Best
tree size of worst-of-run individualTree Size - Worst
tree depth of worst-of-run individualTree Depth - Worst

Figure 8 - Available GP Metrics

1.4.7 Selecting the Sub-Populations

Below the GP metric selection components, there are two list boxes that allow you to select which sub-population you would like to monitor. The default setting is to view the overall statistics. Using these list boxes is more clumsy than it should be due to bugs in Java's AWT event model. Unfortunately, on the x86 port of Java, list selection events only occur if you double-click on the list item. Even though selecting a list item with a single-click appears to change the list selection, it does not generate a list selection event, at least not on x86 machines. Therefore, in an effort to remain consistent on every platform, you must double-click the list items to select the sup-population. The currently selected sub-population is preceded by an asterisk - the sub-population that is obviously highlighted may not be the sub-population that is actually being displayed in the graph. Be careful!