90 lines
2.6 KiB
90 lines
2.6 KiB
const assert = require('assert')
const { Vec3 } = require('vec3')
const { sleep, onceWithCleanup } = require('../promise_utils')
const { once } = require('events')
module.exports = inject
function inject (bot) {
const Item = require('prismarine-item')(bot.registry)
// these features only work when you are in creative mode.
bot.creative = {
clearSlot: slotNum => setInventorySlot(slotNum, null),
const creativeSlotsUpdates = []
// WARN: This method should not be called twice on the same slot before first promise succeeds
async function setInventorySlot (slot, item) {
assert(slot >= 0 && slot <= 44)
if (Item.equal(bot.inventory.slots[slot], item, true)) return
if (creativeSlotsUpdates[slot]) {
throw new Error(`Setting slot ${slot} cancelled due to calling bot.creative.setInventorySlot(${slot}, ...) again`)
creativeSlotsUpdates[slot] = true
bot._client.write('set_creative_slot', {
item: Item.toNotch(item)
await onceWithCleanup(bot.inventory, `updateSlot:${slot}`, { checkCondition: (oldItem, newItem) => item === null ? newItem === null : newItem?.name === item.name && newItem?.count === item.count && newItem?.metadata === item.metadata })
creativeSlotsUpdates[slot] = false
async function clearInventory () {
return Promise.all(bot.inventory.slots.filter(item => item).map(item => setInventorySlot(item.slot, null)))
let normalGravity = null
const flyingSpeedPerUpdate = 0.5
// straight line, so make sure there's a clear path.
async function flyTo (destination) {
// TODO: consider sending 0x13
let vector = destination.minus(bot.entity.position)
let magnitude = vecMagnitude(vector)
while (magnitude > flyingSpeedPerUpdate) {
bot.physics.gravity = 0
bot.entity.velocity = new Vec3(0, 0, 0)
// small steps
const normalizedVector = vector.scaled(1 / magnitude)
await sleep(50)
vector = destination.minus(bot.entity.position)
magnitude = vecMagnitude(vector)
// last step
bot.entity.position = destination
await once(bot, 'move')
function startFlying () {
if (normalGravity == null) normalGravity = bot.physics.gravity
bot.physics.gravity = 0
function stopFlying () {
bot.physics.gravity = normalGravity
// this should be in the vector library
function vecMagnitude (vec) {
return Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y + vec.z * vec.z)