
256 lines
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2023-12-24 20:08:39 -05:00
const assert = require('assert')
const { once } = require('events')
module.exports = inject
function inject (bot, { version }) {
const { entitiesByName } = bot.registry
const Item = require('prismarine-item')(bot.registry)
let selectTrade
if (bot.supportFeature('useMCTrSel')) {
bot._client.registerChannel('MC|TrSel', 'i32')
selectTrade = (choice) => {
bot._client.writeChannel('MC|TrSel', choice)
} else {
selectTrade = (choice) => {
bot._client.write('select_trade', { slot: choice })
const tradeListSchema = [
{ type: 'i32', name: 'windowId' },
name: 'trades',
type: [
countType: 'i8',
type: [
{ type: 'slot', name: 'inputItem1' },
{ type: 'slot', name: 'outputItem' },
{ type: 'bool', name: 'hasItem2' },
name: 'inputItem2',
type: [
compareTo: 'hasItem2',
fields: {
true: 'slot',
false: 'void'
{ type: 'bool', name: 'tradeDisabled' },
{ type: 'i32', name: 'nbTradeUses' },
{ type: 'i32', name: 'maximumNbTradeUses' }
let tradeListPacket
if (bot.supportFeature('useMCTrList')) {
tradeListPacket = 'MC|TrList'
bot._client.registerChannel('MC|TrList', tradeListSchema)
} else if (bot.supportFeature('usetraderlist')) {
tradeListPacket = 'minecraft:trader_list'
bot._client.registerChannel('minecraft:trader_list', tradeListSchema)
} else {
tradeListPacket = 'trade_list'
async function openVillager (villagerEntity) {
const villagerType = entitiesByName.villager ? entitiesByName.villager.id : entitiesByName.Villager.id
assert.strictEqual(villagerEntity.entityType, villagerType)
let ready = false
const villagerPromise = bot.openEntity(villagerEntity)
bot._client.on(tradeListPacket, gotTrades)
const villager = await villagerPromise
if (villager.type !== 'minecraft:villager' && villager.type !== 'minecraft:merchant') {
throw new Error('This is not a villager')
villager.trades = null
villager.selectedTrade = null
villager.once('close', () => {
bot._client.removeListener(tradeListPacket, gotTrades)
villager.trade = async (index, count) => {
await bot.trade(villager, index, count)
if (!ready) await once(villager, 'ready')
return villager
async function gotTrades (packet) {
const villager = await villagerPromise
if (packet.windowId !== villager.id) return
villager.trades = packet.trades.map(trade => {
trade.inputs = [trade.inputItem1 = Item.fromNotch(trade.inputItem1 || { blockId: -1 })]
if (trade.inputItem2?.itemCount != null) {
trade.inputs.push(trade.inputItem2 = Item.fromNotch(trade.inputItem2 || { blockId: -1 }))
trade.hasItem2 = !!(trade.inputItem2 && trade.inputItem2.type && trade.inputItem2.count)
trade.outputs = [trade.outputItem = Item.fromNotch(trade.outputItem || { blockId: -1 })]
if (trade.demand !== undefined && trade.specialPrice !== undefined) { // the price is affected by demand and reputation
const demandDiff = Math.max(0, Math.floor(trade.inputItem1.count * trade.demand * trade.priceMultiplier))
trade.realPrice = Math.min(Math.max((trade.inputItem1.count + trade.specialPrice + demandDiff), 1), trade.inputItem1.stackSize)
} else {
trade.realPrice = trade.inputItem1.count
return trade
if (!ready) {
ready = true
async function trade (villager, index, count) {
const choice = parseInt(index, 10) // allow string argument
assert.notStrictEqual(villager.trades, null)
assert.notStrictEqual(villager.trades[choice], null)
const Trade = villager.trades[choice]
villager.selectedTrade = Trade
count = count || Trade.maximumNbTradeUses - Trade.nbTradeUses
assert.ok(Trade.maximumNbTradeUses - Trade.nbTradeUses > 0, 'trade blocked')
assert.ok(Trade.maximumNbTradeUses - Trade.nbTradeUses >= count)
const itemCount1 = villager.count(Trade.inputItem1.type, Trade.inputItem1.metadata)
const hasEnoughItem1 = itemCount1 >= Trade.realPrice * count
let hasEnoughItem2 = true
let itemCount2 = 0
if (Trade.hasItem2) {
itemCount2 = villager.count(Trade.inputItem2.type, Trade.inputItem2.metadata)
hasEnoughItem2 = itemCount2 >= Trade.inputItem2.count * count
if (!hasEnoughItem1 || !hasEnoughItem2) {
throw new Error('Not enough items to trade')
if (bot.supportFeature('selectingTradeMovesItems')) { // 1.14+ the server moves items around by itself after selecting a trade
const proms = []
proms.push(once(villager, 'updateSlot:0'))
if (Trade.hasItem2) proms.push(once(villager, 'updateSlot:1'))
if (bot.supportFeature('setSlotAsTransaction')) {
proms.push(once(villager, 'updateSlot:2'))
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let countOfItemOneLeftToTake = itemCount1 > 64 ? 64 : itemCount1
let countOfItemTwoLeftToTake = 0
if (Trade.hasItem2) {
countOfItemTwoLeftToTake = itemCount2 > 64 ? 64 : itemCount2
const listener = (slot, oldItem, newItem) => {
if (!(slot >= villager.inventoryStart && slot <= villager.inventoryEnd)) return
if (newItem === null) {
if (oldItem.type === Trade.inputItem1.type) countOfItemOneLeftToTake -= oldItem.count
else if (Trade.hasItem2 && oldItem.type === Trade.inputItem2.type) countOfItemTwoLeftToTake -= oldItem.count
if (countOfItemOneLeftToTake === 0 && countOfItemTwoLeftToTake === 0) {
villager.off('updateSlot', listener)
villager.on('updateSlot', listener)
await Promise.all(proms)
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
await putRequirements(villager, Trade, count)
// ToDo: See if this does anything kappa
if (Trade.maximumNbTradeUses - Trade.nbTradeUses === 0) {
Trade.tradeDisabled = true
if (!bot.supportFeature('setSlotAsTransaction')) {
villager.updateSlot(2, Object.assign({}, Trade.outputItem))
const [slot1, slot2] = villager.slots
if (slot1) {
assert.strictEqual(slot1.type, Trade.inputItem1.type)
const updatedCount1 = slot1.count - Trade.realPrice
const updatedSlot1 = updatedCount1 <= 0
? null
: { ...slot1, count: updatedCount1 }
villager.updateSlot(0, updatedSlot1)
if (slot2) {
assert.strictEqual(slot2.type, Trade.inputItem2.type)
const updatedCount2 = slot2.count - Trade.inputItem2.count
const updatedSlot2 = updatedCount2 <= 0
? null
: { ...slot2, count: updatedCount2 }
villager.updateSlot(1, updatedSlot2)
await bot.putAway(2)
for (const i of [0, 1]) {
if (villager.slots[i]) {
await bot.putAway(i) // 1.14+ whole stacks of items will automatically be placed , so there might be some left over
async function putRequirements (window, Trade, count) {
const [slot1, slot2] = window.slots
const { stackSize: stackSize1, type: type1, metadata: metadata1 } = Trade.inputItem1
const tradeCount1 = Trade.realPrice
const neededCount1 = Math.min(stackSize1, tradeCount1 * count)
const input1 = !slot1
? neededCount1
: (slot1.count < tradeCount1 ? neededCount1 - slot1.count : 0)
await deposit(window, type1, metadata1, input1, 0)
if (Trade.hasItem2) {
const { count: tradeCount2, stackSize: stackSize2, type: type2, metadata: metadata2 } = Trade.inputItem2
const needCount2 = Math.min(stackSize2, tradeCount2 * count)
const input2 = !slot2
? needCount2
: (slot2.count < tradeCount2 ? needCount2 - slot2.count : 0)
await deposit(window, type2, metadata2, input2, 1)
async function deposit (window, itemType, metadata, count, slot) {
const options = {
sourceStart: window.inventoryStart,
sourceEnd: window.inventoryEnd,
destStart: slot,
destEnd: slot + 1
await bot.transfer(options)
bot.openVillager = openVillager
bot.trade = trade