/** * Extensibility interface, which allows the app developer to return a token, based on the passed-in parameters, instead of fetching tokens from * the Identity Provider (AAD). * Developers need to construct and return an AppTokenProviderResult object back to MSAL. MSAL will cache the token response * in the same way it would do if the result were comming from AAD. * This extensibility point is only defined for the client_credential flow, i.e. acquireTokenByClientCredential and * meant for Azure SDK to enhance Managed Identity support. */ export interface IAppTokenProvider { (appTokenProviderParameters: AppTokenProviderParameters): Promise; } /** * Input object for the IAppTokenProvider extensiblity. MSAL will create this object, which can be used * to help create an AppTokenProviderResult. * * - correlationId - the correlation Id associated with the request * - tenantId - the tenant Id for which the token must be provided * - scopes - the scopes for which the token must be provided * - claims - any extra claims that the token must satisfy */ export type AppTokenProviderParameters = { readonly correlationId?: string; readonly tenantId: string; readonly scopes: Array; readonly claims?: string; }; /** * Output object for IAppTokenProvider extensiblity. * * - accessToken - the actual access token, typically in JWT format, that satisfies the request data AppTokenProviderParameters * - expiresInSeconds - how long the tokens has before expiry, in seconds. Similar to the "expires_in" field in an AAD token response. * - refreshInSeconds - how long the token has before it should be proactively refreshed. Similar to the "refresh_in" field in an AAD token response. */ export type AppTokenProviderResult = { accessToken: string; expiresInSeconds: number; refreshInSeconds?: number; }; //# sourceMappingURL=AppTokenProvider.d.ts.map