import { INetworkModule } from "../network/INetworkModule"; import { ICrypto } from "../crypto/ICrypto"; import { ILoggerCallback, LogLevel } from "../logger/Logger"; import { Authority } from "../authority/Authority"; import { AzureCloudInstance } from "../authority/AuthorityOptions"; import { CacheManager } from "../cache/CacheManager"; import { ServerTelemetryManager } from "../telemetry/server/ServerTelemetryManager"; import { ICachePlugin } from "../cache/interface/ICachePlugin"; import { ISerializableTokenCache } from "../cache/interface/ISerializableTokenCache"; import { ClientCredentials } from "../account/ClientCredentials"; /** * Use the configuration object to configure MSAL Modules and initialize the base interfaces for MSAL. * * This object allows you to configure important elements of MSAL functionality: * - authOptions - Authentication for application * - cryptoInterface - Implementation of crypto functions * - libraryInfo - Library metadata * - telemetry - Telemetry options and data * - loggerOptions - Logging for application * - networkInterface - Network implementation * - storageInterface - Storage implementation * - systemOptions - Additional library options * - clientCredentials - Credentials options for confidential clients * @internal */ export type ClientConfiguration = { authOptions: AuthOptions; systemOptions?: SystemOptions; loggerOptions?: LoggerOptions; cacheOptions?: CacheOptions; storageInterface?: CacheManager; networkInterface?: INetworkModule; cryptoInterface?: ICrypto; clientCredentials?: ClientCredentials; libraryInfo?: LibraryInfo; telemetry?: TelemetryOptions; serverTelemetryManager?: ServerTelemetryManager | null; persistencePlugin?: ICachePlugin | null; serializableCache?: ISerializableTokenCache | null; }; export type CommonClientConfiguration = { authOptions: Required; systemOptions: Required; loggerOptions: Required; cacheOptions: Required; storageInterface: CacheManager; networkInterface: INetworkModule; cryptoInterface: Required; libraryInfo: LibraryInfo; telemetry: Required; serverTelemetryManager: ServerTelemetryManager | null; clientCredentials: ClientCredentials; persistencePlugin: ICachePlugin | null; serializableCache: ISerializableTokenCache | null; }; /** * Use this to configure the auth options in the ClientConfiguration object * * - clientId - Client ID of your app registered with our Application registration portal : in Microsoft Identity Platform * - authority - You can configure a specific authority, defaults to " " or "" * - knownAuthorities - An array of URIs that are known to be valid. Used in B2C scenarios. * - cloudDiscoveryMetadata - A string containing the cloud discovery response. Used in AAD scenarios. * - clientCapabilities - Array of capabilities which will be added to the claims.access_token.xms_cc request property on every network request. * - protocolMode - Enum that represents the protocol that msal follows. Used for configuring proper endpoints. * - skipAuthorityMetadataCache - A flag to choose whether to use or not use the local metadata cache during authority initialization. Defaults to false. * @internal */ export type AuthOptions = { clientId: string; authority: Authority; clientCapabilities?: Array; azureCloudOptions?: AzureCloudOptions; skipAuthorityMetadataCache?: boolean; }; /** * Use this to configure token renewal info in the Configuration object * * - tokenRenewalOffsetSeconds - Sets the window of offset needed to renew the token before expiry */ export type SystemOptions = { tokenRenewalOffsetSeconds?: number; preventCorsPreflight?: boolean; }; /** * Use this to configure the logging that MSAL does, by configuring logger options in the Configuration object * * - loggerCallback - Callback for logger * - piiLoggingEnabled - Sets whether pii logging is enabled * - logLevel - Sets the level at which logging happens * - correlationId - Sets the correlationId printed by the logger */ export type LoggerOptions = { loggerCallback?: ILoggerCallback; piiLoggingEnabled?: boolean; logLevel?: LogLevel; correlationId?: string; }; /** * Use this to configure credential cache preferences in the ClientConfiguration object * * - claimsBasedCachingEnabled - Sets whether tokens should be cached based on the claims hash. Default is false. */ export type CacheOptions = { claimsBasedCachingEnabled?: boolean; }; /** * Library-specific options */ export type LibraryInfo = { sku: string; version: string; cpu: string; os: string; }; /** * AzureCloudInstance specific options * * - azureCloudInstance - string enum providing short notation for soverign and public cloud authorities * - tenant - provision to provide the tenant info */ export type AzureCloudOptions = { azureCloudInstance: AzureCloudInstance; tenant?: string; }; export type TelemetryOptions = { application: ApplicationTelemetry; }; /** * Telemetry information sent on request * - appName: Unique string name of an application * - appVersion: Version of the application using MSAL */ export type ApplicationTelemetry = { appName: string; appVersion: string; }; export declare const DEFAULT_SYSTEM_OPTIONS: Required; /** * Function that sets the default options when not explicitly configured from app developer * * @param Configuration * * @returns Configuration */ export declare function buildClientConfiguration({ authOptions: userAuthOptions, systemOptions: userSystemOptions, loggerOptions: userLoggerOption, cacheOptions: userCacheOptions, storageInterface: storageImplementation, networkInterface: networkImplementation, cryptoInterface: cryptoImplementation, clientCredentials: clientCredentials, libraryInfo: libraryInfo, telemetry: telemetry, serverTelemetryManager: serverTelemetryManager, persistencePlugin: persistencePlugin, serializableCache: serializableCache, }: ClientConfiguration): CommonClientConfiguration; /** * Returns true if config has protocolMode set to ProtocolMode.OIDC, false otherwise * @param ClientConfiguration */ export declare function isOidcProtocolMode(config: ClientConfiguration): boolean; //#