/*! @azure/msal-common v14.4.0 2023-11-07 */ 'use strict'; /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. */ const Constants = { LIBRARY_NAME: "MSAL.JS", SKU: "msal.js.common", // Prefix for all library cache entries CACHE_PREFIX: "msal", // default authority DEFAULT_AUTHORITY: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/", DEFAULT_AUTHORITY_HOST: "login.microsoftonline.com", DEFAULT_COMMON_TENANT: "common", // ADFS String ADFS: "adfs", DSTS: "dstsv2", // Default AAD Instance Discovery Endpoint AAD_INSTANCE_DISCOVERY_ENDPT: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/discovery/instance?api-version=1.1&authorization_endpoint=", // CIAM URL CIAM_AUTH_URL: ".ciamlogin.com", AAD_TENANT_DOMAIN_SUFFIX: ".onmicrosoft.com", // Resource delimiter - used for certain cache entries RESOURCE_DELIM: "|", // Placeholder for non-existent account ids/objects NO_ACCOUNT: "NO_ACCOUNT", // Claims CLAIMS: "claims", // Consumer UTID CONSUMER_UTID: "9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad", // Default scopes OPENID_SCOPE: "openid", PROFILE_SCOPE: "profile", OFFLINE_ACCESS_SCOPE: "offline_access", EMAIL_SCOPE: "email", // Default response type for authorization code flow CODE_RESPONSE_TYPE: "code", CODE_GRANT_TYPE: "authorization_code", RT_GRANT_TYPE: "refresh_token", FRAGMENT_RESPONSE_MODE: "fragment", S256_CODE_CHALLENGE_METHOD: "S256", URL_FORM_CONTENT_TYPE: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8", AUTHORIZATION_PENDING: "authorization_pending", NOT_DEFINED: "not_defined", EMPTY_STRING: "", NOT_APPLICABLE: "N/A", FORWARD_SLASH: "/", IMDS_ENDPOINT: "", IMDS_VERSION: "2020-06-01", IMDS_TIMEOUT: 2000, AZURE_REGION_AUTO_DISCOVER_FLAG: "TryAutoDetect", REGIONAL_AUTH_PUBLIC_CLOUD_SUFFIX: "login.microsoft.com", KNOWN_PUBLIC_CLOUDS: [ "login.microsoftonline.com", "login.windows.net", "login.microsoft.com", "sts.windows.net", ], TOKEN_RESPONSE_TYPE: "token", ID_TOKEN_RESPONSE_TYPE: "id_token", SHR_NONCE_VALIDITY: 240, INVALID_INSTANCE: "invalid_instance", }; const HttpStatus = { SUCCESS_RANGE_START: 200, SUCCESS_RANGE_END: 299, REDIRECT: 302, CLIENT_ERROR_RANGE_START: 400, CLIENT_ERROR_RANGE_END: 499, SERVER_ERROR_RANGE_START: 500, SERVER_ERROR_RANGE_END: 599, }; const OIDC_DEFAULT_SCOPES = [ Constants.OPENID_SCOPE, Constants.PROFILE_SCOPE, Constants.OFFLINE_ACCESS_SCOPE, ]; const OIDC_SCOPES = [...OIDC_DEFAULT_SCOPES, Constants.EMAIL_SCOPE]; /** * Request header names */ const HeaderNames = { CONTENT_TYPE: "Content-Type", RETRY_AFTER: "Retry-After", CCS_HEADER: "X-AnchorMailbox", WWWAuthenticate: "WWW-Authenticate", AuthenticationInfo: "Authentication-Info", X_MS_REQUEST_ID: "x-ms-request-id", X_MS_HTTP_VERSION: "x-ms-httpver", }; /** * Persistent cache keys MSAL which stay while user is logged in. */ const PersistentCacheKeys = { ID_TOKEN: "idtoken", CLIENT_INFO: "client.info", ADAL_ID_TOKEN: "adal.idtoken", ERROR: "error", ERROR_DESC: "error.description", ACTIVE_ACCOUNT: "active-account", ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_FILTERS: "active-account-filters", // new cache entry for active_account for a more robust version for browser }; /** * String constants related to AAD Authority */ const AADAuthorityConstants = { COMMON: "common", ORGANIZATIONS: "organizations", CONSUMERS: "consumers", }; /** * Keys in the hashParams sent by AAD Server */ const AADServerParamKeys = { CLIENT_ID: "client_id", REDIRECT_URI: "redirect_uri", RESPONSE_TYPE: "response_type", RESPONSE_MODE: "response_mode", GRANT_TYPE: "grant_type", CLAIMS: "claims", SCOPE: "scope", ERROR: "error", ERROR_DESCRIPTION: "error_description", ACCESS_TOKEN: "access_token", ID_TOKEN: "id_token", REFRESH_TOKEN: "refresh_token", EXPIRES_IN: "expires_in", STATE: "state", NONCE: "nonce", PROMPT: "prompt", SESSION_STATE: "session_state", CLIENT_INFO: "client_info", CODE: "code", CODE_CHALLENGE: "code_challenge", CODE_CHALLENGE_METHOD: "code_challenge_method", CODE_VERIFIER: "code_verifier", CLIENT_REQUEST_ID: "client-request-id", X_CLIENT_SKU: "x-client-SKU", X_CLIENT_VER: "x-client-VER", X_CLIENT_OS: "x-client-OS", X_CLIENT_CPU: "x-client-CPU", X_CLIENT_CURR_TELEM: "x-client-current-telemetry", X_CLIENT_LAST_TELEM: "x-client-last-telemetry", X_MS_LIB_CAPABILITY: "x-ms-lib-capability", X_APP_NAME: "x-app-name", X_APP_VER: "x-app-ver", POST_LOGOUT_URI: "post_logout_redirect_uri", ID_TOKEN_HINT: "id_token_hint", DEVICE_CODE: "device_code", CLIENT_SECRET: "client_secret", CLIENT_ASSERTION: "client_assertion", CLIENT_ASSERTION_TYPE: "client_assertion_type", TOKEN_TYPE: "token_type", REQ_CNF: "req_cnf", OBO_ASSERTION: "assertion", REQUESTED_TOKEN_USE: "requested_token_use", ON_BEHALF_OF: "on_behalf_of", FOCI: "foci", CCS_HEADER: "X-AnchorMailbox", RETURN_SPA_CODE: "return_spa_code", NATIVE_BROKER: "nativebroker", LOGOUT_HINT: "logout_hint", }; /** * Claims request keys */ const ClaimsRequestKeys = { ACCESS_TOKEN: "access_token", XMS_CC: "xms_cc", }; /** * we considered making this "enum" in the request instead of string, however it looks like the allowed list of * prompt values kept changing over past couple of years. There are some undocumented prompt values for some * internal partners too, hence the choice of generic "string" type instead of the "enum" */ const PromptValue = { LOGIN: "login", SELECT_ACCOUNT: "select_account", CONSENT: "consent", NONE: "none", CREATE: "create", NO_SESSION: "no_session", }; /** * SSO Types - generated to populate hints */ const SSOTypes = { ACCOUNT: "account", SID: "sid", LOGIN_HINT: "login_hint", ID_TOKEN: "id_token", DOMAIN_HINT: "domain_hint", ORGANIZATIONS: "organizations", CONSUMERS: "consumers", ACCOUNT_ID: "accountIdentifier", HOMEACCOUNT_ID: "homeAccountIdentifier", }; /** * allowed values for codeVerifier */ const CodeChallengeMethodValues = { PLAIN: "plain", S256: "S256", }; /** * allowed values for server response type */ const ServerResponseType = { QUERY: "query", FRAGMENT: "fragment", }; /** * allowed values for response_mode */ const ResponseMode = { ...ServerResponseType, FORM_POST: "form_post", }; /** * allowed grant_type */ const GrantType = { IMPLICIT_GRANT: "implicit", AUTHORIZATION_CODE_GRANT: "authorization_code", CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_GRANT: "client_credentials", RESOURCE_OWNER_PASSWORD_GRANT: "password", REFRESH_TOKEN_GRANT: "refresh_token", DEVICE_CODE_GRANT: "device_code", JWT_BEARER: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer", }; /** * Account types in Cache */ const CacheAccountType = { MSSTS_ACCOUNT_TYPE: "MSSTS", ADFS_ACCOUNT_TYPE: "ADFS", MSAV1_ACCOUNT_TYPE: "MSA", GENERIC_ACCOUNT_TYPE: "Generic", // NTLM, Kerberos, FBA, Basic etc }; /** * Separators used in cache */ const Separators = { CACHE_KEY_SEPARATOR: "-", CLIENT_INFO_SEPARATOR: ".", }; /** * Credential Type stored in the cache */ const CredentialType = { ID_TOKEN: "IdToken", ACCESS_TOKEN: "AccessToken", ACCESS_TOKEN_WITH_AUTH_SCHEME: "AccessToken_With_AuthScheme", REFRESH_TOKEN: "RefreshToken", }; /** * Combine all cache types */ const CacheType = { ADFS: 1001, MSA: 1002, MSSTS: 1003, GENERIC: 1004, ACCESS_TOKEN: 2001, REFRESH_TOKEN: 2002, ID_TOKEN: 2003, APP_METADATA: 3001, UNDEFINED: 9999, }; /** * More Cache related constants */ const APP_METADATA = "appmetadata"; const CLIENT_INFO = "client_info"; const THE_FAMILY_ID = "1"; const AUTHORITY_METADATA_CONSTANTS = { CACHE_KEY: "authority-metadata", REFRESH_TIME_SECONDS: 3600 * 24, // 24 Hours }; const AuthorityMetadataSource = { CONFIG: "config", CACHE: "cache", NETWORK: "network", HARDCODED_VALUES: "hardcoded_values", }; const SERVER_TELEM_CONSTANTS = { SCHEMA_VERSION: 5, MAX_CUR_HEADER_BYTES: 80, MAX_LAST_HEADER_BYTES: 330, MAX_CACHED_ERRORS: 50, CACHE_KEY: "server-telemetry", CATEGORY_SEPARATOR: "|", VALUE_SEPARATOR: ",", OVERFLOW_TRUE: "1", OVERFLOW_FALSE: "0", UNKNOWN_ERROR: "unknown_error", }; /** * Type of the authentication request */ const AuthenticationScheme = { BEARER: "Bearer", POP: "pop", SSH: "ssh-cert", }; /** * Constants related to throttling */ const ThrottlingConstants = { // Default time to throttle RequestThumbprint in seconds DEFAULT_THROTTLE_TIME_SECONDS: 60, // Default maximum time to throttle in seconds, overrides what the server sends back DEFAULT_MAX_THROTTLE_TIME_SECONDS: 3600, // Prefix for storing throttling entries THROTTLING_PREFIX: "throttling", // Value assigned to the x-ms-lib-capability header to indicate to the server the library supports throttling X_MS_LIB_CAPABILITY_VALUE: "retry-after, h429", }; const Errors = { INVALID_GRANT_ERROR: "invalid_grant", CLIENT_MISMATCH_ERROR: "client_mismatch", }; /** * Password grant parameters */ const PasswordGrantConstants = { username: "username", password: "password", }; /** * Response codes */ const ResponseCodes = { httpSuccess: 200, httpBadRequest: 400, }; /** * Region Discovery Sources */ const RegionDiscoverySources = { FAILED_AUTO_DETECTION: "1", INTERNAL_CACHE: "2", ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE: "3", IMDS: "4", }; /** * Region Discovery Outcomes */ const RegionDiscoveryOutcomes = { CONFIGURED_MATCHES_DETECTED: "1", CONFIGURED_NO_AUTO_DETECTION: "2", CONFIGURED_NOT_DETECTED: "3", AUTO_DETECTION_REQUESTED_SUCCESSFUL: "4", AUTO_DETECTION_REQUESTED_FAILED: "5", }; /** * Specifies the reason for fetching the access token from the identity provider */ const CacheOutcome = { // When a token is found in the cache or the cache is not supposed to be hit when making the request NOT_APPLICABLE: "0", // When the token request goes to the identity provider because force_refresh was set to true. Also occurs if claims were requested FORCE_REFRESH_OR_CLAIMS: "1", // When the token request goes to the identity provider because no cached access token exists NO_CACHED_ACCESS_TOKEN: "2", // When the token request goes to the identity provider because cached access token expired CACHED_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED: "3", // When the token request goes to the identity provider because refresh_in was used and the existing token needs to be refreshed PROACTIVELY_REFRESHED: "4", }; const JsonWebTokenTypes = { Jwt: "JWT", Jwk: "JWK", Pop: "pop", }; const ONE_DAY_IN_MS = 86400000; export { AADAuthorityConstants, AADServerParamKeys, APP_METADATA, AUTHORITY_METADATA_CONSTANTS, AuthenticationScheme, AuthorityMetadataSource, CLIENT_INFO, CacheAccountType, CacheOutcome, CacheType, ClaimsRequestKeys, CodeChallengeMethodValues, Constants, CredentialType, Errors, GrantType, HeaderNames, HttpStatus, JsonWebTokenTypes, OIDC_DEFAULT_SCOPES, OIDC_SCOPES, ONE_DAY_IN_MS, PasswordGrantConstants, PersistentCacheKeys, PromptValue, RegionDiscoveryOutcomes, RegionDiscoverySources, ResponseCodes, ResponseMode, SERVER_TELEM_CONSTANTS, SSOTypes, Separators, ServerResponseType, THE_FAMILY_ID, ThrottlingConstants }; //# sourceMappingURL=Constants.mjs.map