/*! @azure/msal-node v2.5.1 2023-11-07 */ 'use strict'; 'use strict'; var msalCommon = require('@azure/msal-common'); var HttpClient = require('../network/HttpClient.cjs'); /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. */ const DEFAULT_AUTH_OPTIONS = { clientId: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, authority: msalCommon.Constants.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY, clientSecret: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, clientAssertion: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, clientCertificate: { thumbprint: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, privateKey: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, x5c: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, }, knownAuthorities: [], cloudDiscoveryMetadata: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, authorityMetadata: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, clientCapabilities: [], protocolMode: msalCommon.ProtocolMode.AAD, azureCloudOptions: { azureCloudInstance: msalCommon.AzureCloudInstance.None, tenant: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, }, skipAuthorityMetadataCache: false, }; const DEFAULT_CACHE_OPTIONS = { claimsBasedCachingEnabled: false, }; const DEFAULT_LOGGER_OPTIONS = { loggerCallback: () => { // allow users to not set logger call back }, piiLoggingEnabled: false, logLevel: msalCommon.LogLevel.Info, }; const DEFAULT_SYSTEM_OPTIONS = { loggerOptions: DEFAULT_LOGGER_OPTIONS, networkClient: new HttpClient.HttpClient(), proxyUrl: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, customAgentOptions: {}, }; const DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_OPTIONS = { application: { appName: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, appVersion: msalCommon.Constants.EMPTY_STRING, }, }; /** * Sets the default options when not explicitly configured from app developer * * @param auth - Authentication options * @param cache - Cache options * @param system - System options * @param telemetry - Telemetry options * * @returns Configuration * @internal */ function buildAppConfiguration({ auth, broker, cache, system, telemetry, }) { const systemOptions = { ...DEFAULT_SYSTEM_OPTIONS, networkClient: new HttpClient.HttpClient(system?.proxyUrl, system?.customAgentOptions), loggerOptions: system?.loggerOptions || DEFAULT_LOGGER_OPTIONS, }; return { auth: { ...DEFAULT_AUTH_OPTIONS, ...auth }, broker: { ...broker }, cache: { ...DEFAULT_CACHE_OPTIONS, ...cache }, system: { ...systemOptions, ...system }, telemetry: { ...DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_OPTIONS, ...telemetry }, }; } exports.buildAppConfiguration = buildAppConfiguration; //# sourceMappingURL=Configuration.cjs.map