# Xbox Live - Auth Simple Xbox Live authentication module. ### Warning This module **MUST** be used server side only to prevent [CORS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) issues and credentials leak (See issue: https://github.com/XboxReplay/xboxlive-auth/issues/8). ### Installation ```shell $ npm install @xboxreplay/xboxlive-auth ``` ### Usage example ```javascript import XboxLiveAuth from '@xboxreplay/xboxlive-auth'; XboxLiveAuth.authenticate('xbl-account@your-domain.com', '*********') .then(console.info) .catch(console.error); ``` **Sample response:** ``` { "userXUID": "2584878536129841", // May be null "userHash": "3218841136841218711", "XSTSToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiWGJveFJlcGxheS5uZXQifQ.c2UraxPmZ4STYozrjFEW8SBqU0WjnIV0h-jjnfsKtrA", "expiresOn": "2020-04-13T05:43:32.6275675Z" } ``` ### Parameters - email {string} - password {string} - options {Object?} - XSTSRelyingParty {string?} - Default: http://xboxlive.com ### How to interact with the Xbox Live API? The best way to interact with the API is to use our [XboxLive-API](https://github.com/XboxReplay/xboxlive-api) module. That said, a cURL example is available below. **Sample call:** ```shell $ curl 'https://profile.xboxlive.com/users/gt(Major%20Nelson)/profile/settings?settings=Gamerscore' \ -H 'Authorization: XBL3.0 x={userHash};{XSTSToken}' \ -H 'x-xbl-contract-version: 2' ``` **Sample response:** ```javascript { "profileUsers": [ { "id": "2584878536129841", "hostId": "2584878536129841", "settings": [ { "id": "Gamerscore", "value": "911540" } ], "isSponsoredUser": false } ] } ``` ### What's a "XSTSRelyingParty"? The "XSTSRelyingParty" is a domain configured by Microsoft and / or its partners to create a XSTS token which is intended to be used for a targeted service. For instance, if you use `http://beam.pro/` you will be able to interact with the private **Mixer.com** API. A partial list can be found here: https://title.mgt.xboxlive.com/titles/default/endpoints?type=1. ### What about 2FA (Two-factor authentication)? 2FA is not supported by this module which may cause authentication issues. Please disable it for the used account or create a dummy one with Xbox LIVE capabalities. Of course, a Gold account is not required. ### I'm unable to connect even with valid credentials and no 2FA Take a look at https://account.live.com/activity or try to sign in to https://account.xbox.com/Profile from your browser. Recent activities (from unknown location, as a production server) may be blocked.