export class JOSEError extends Error { static get code() { return 'ERR_JOSE_GENERIC'; } constructor(message) { var _a; super(message); this.code = 'ERR_JOSE_GENERIC'; this.name = this.constructor.name; (_a = Error.captureStackTrace) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(Error, this, this.constructor); } } export class JWTClaimValidationFailed extends JOSEError { static get code() { return 'ERR_JWT_CLAIM_VALIDATION_FAILED'; } constructor(message, claim = 'unspecified', reason = 'unspecified') { super(message); this.code = 'ERR_JWT_CLAIM_VALIDATION_FAILED'; this.claim = claim; this.reason = reason; } } export class JWTExpired extends JOSEError { static get code() { return 'ERR_JWT_EXPIRED'; } constructor(message, claim = 'unspecified', reason = 'unspecified') { super(message); this.code = 'ERR_JWT_EXPIRED'; this.claim = claim; this.reason = reason; } } export class JOSEAlgNotAllowed extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JOSE_ALG_NOT_ALLOWED'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JOSE_ALG_NOT_ALLOWED'; } } export class JOSENotSupported extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JOSE_NOT_SUPPORTED'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JOSE_NOT_SUPPORTED'; } } export class JWEDecryptionFailed extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWE_DECRYPTION_FAILED'; this.message = 'decryption operation failed'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWE_DECRYPTION_FAILED'; } } export class JWEInvalid extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWE_INVALID'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWE_INVALID'; } } export class JWSInvalid extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWS_INVALID'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWS_INVALID'; } } export class JWTInvalid extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWT_INVALID'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWT_INVALID'; } } export class JWKInvalid extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWK_INVALID'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWK_INVALID'; } } export class JWKSInvalid extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWKS_INVALID'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWKS_INVALID'; } } export class JWKSNoMatchingKey extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWKS_NO_MATCHING_KEY'; this.message = 'no applicable key found in the JSON Web Key Set'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWKS_NO_MATCHING_KEY'; } } export class JWKSMultipleMatchingKeys extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWKS_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_KEYS'; this.message = 'multiple matching keys found in the JSON Web Key Set'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWKS_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_KEYS'; } } Symbol.asyncIterator; export class JWKSTimeout extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWKS_TIMEOUT'; this.message = 'request timed out'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWKS_TIMEOUT'; } } export class JWSSignatureVerificationFailed extends JOSEError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.code = 'ERR_JWS_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED'; this.message = 'signature verification failed'; } static get code() { return 'ERR_JWS_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED'; } }