const { performance } = require('perf_hooks') const Heap = require('./heap.js') class PathNode { constructor () { = null this.g = 0 this.h = 0 this.f = 0 this.parent = null } set (data, g, h, parent = null) { = data this.g = g this.h = h this.f = g + h this.parent = parent return this } } function reconstructPath (node) { const path = [] while (node.parent) { path.push( node = node.parent } return path.reverse() } class AStar { constructor (start, movements, goal, timeout, tickTimeout = 40, searchRadius = -1) { this.startTime = this.movements = movements this.goal = goal this.timeout = timeout this.tickTimeout = tickTimeout this.closedDataSet = new Set() this.openHeap = new Heap() this.openDataMap = new Map() const startNode = new PathNode().set(start, 0, goal.heuristic(start)) this.openHeap.push(startNode) this.openDataMap.set(, startNode) this.bestNode = startNode this.maxCost = searchRadius < 0 ? -1 : startNode.h + searchRadius this.visitedChunks = new Set() } makeResult (status, node) { return { status, cost: node.g, time: - this.startTime, visitedNodes: this.closedDataSet.size, generatedNodes: this.closedDataSet.size + this.openHeap.size(), path: reconstructPath(node), context: this } } compute () { const computeStartTime = while (!this.openHeap.isEmpty()) { if ( - computeStartTime > this.tickTimeout) { // compute time per tick return this.makeResult('partial', this.bestNode) } if ( - this.startTime > this.timeout) { // total compute time return this.makeResult('timeout', this.bestNode) } const node = this.openHeap.pop() if (this.goal.isEnd( { return this.makeResult('success', node) } // not done yet this.openDataMap.delete( this.closedDataSet.add( this.visitedChunks.add(`${ >> 4},${ >> 4}`) const neighbors = this.movements.getNeighbors( for (const neighborData of neighbors) { if (this.closedDataSet.has(neighborData.hash)) { continue // skip closed neighbors } const gFromThisNode = node.g + neighborData.cost let neighborNode = this.openDataMap.get(neighborData.hash) let update = false const heuristic = this.goal.heuristic(neighborData) if (this.maxCost > 0 && gFromThisNode + heuristic > this.maxCost) continue if (neighborNode === undefined) { // add neighbor to the open set neighborNode = new PathNode() // properties will be set later this.openDataMap.set(neighborData.hash, neighborNode) } else { if (neighborNode.g < gFromThisNode) { // skip this one because another route is faster continue } update = true } // found a new or better route. // update this neighbor with this node as its new parent neighborNode.set(neighborData, gFromThisNode, heuristic, node) if (neighborNode.h < this.bestNode.h) this.bestNode = neighborNode if (update) { this.openHeap.update(neighborNode) } else { this.openHeap.push(neighborNode) } } } // all the neighbors of every accessible node have been exhausted return this.makeResult('noPath', this.bestNode) } } module.exports = AStar