const mineflayer = require('mineflayer') const minecraftHawkEye = require('minecrafthawkeye') const bot = mineflayer.createBot({ host: process.argv[2], port: parseInt(process.argv[3]), username: process.argv[4] ? process.argv[4] : 'Archer', password: process.argv[5] }) bot.loadPlugin(minecraftHawkEye) bot.on('spawn', function () {`/give ${bot.username} bow{Enchantments:[{id:unbreaking,lvl:100}]} 1`)`/give ${bot.username} crossbow{Enchantments:[{id:quick_charge,lvl:3},{id:unbreaking,lvl:100}]} 1`)`/give ${bot.username} minecraft:arrow 300`)'/time set day')'/kill @e[type=minecraft:arrow]')'Ready!') // Get target for block position, use whatever you need const target = bot.hawkEye.getPlayer() if (!target) { return false } // const validWeapons = ['bow', 'crossbow', 'snowball', 'ender_pearl', 'egg', 'splash_potion'] const weapon = 'crossbow' // Auto attack every 1,2 secs with bow // With crossbow attack when crossbow is charget (enchant 3 = 0.5s) // ['snowball', 'ender_pearl', 'egg', 'splash_potion'] auto attack every 0,1 sec, no recomended use autoAttack for these items, instead use "bot.hawkEye.oneShot(target, weapon)" bot.hawkEye.autoAttack(target, weapon) // If you force stop attack use: // hawkEye.stop(); // Use one shot time with calc: // bot.hawkEye.oneShot(target, weapon); // If you want to shot in XYZ position: /* const blockPosition = { position: { x: 244.5, y: 75.5, z: -220 }, isValid: true // Fake to is "alive" } // bot.hawkEye.oneShot(blockPosition, weapon); // bot.hawkEye.autoAttack(blockPosition); */ }) bot.on('die', () => { bot.hawkEye.stop() })