/* Make a function that is exported, this will be the "inject function", which is called when loading the plugin into mineflayer. You can load this plugin into mineflayer in three ways: 1. ``` bot.createBot({ plugins: [require('./plugin')] }) ``` 2. ``` bot.createBot({ plugins: { afk: require('./plugin') } }) ``` 3. ``` const bot = bot.createBot() bot.loadPlugin(require('./plugin')) ``` */ module.exports = bot => { /* Inside the scope of this function, you should do anything you need to with the bot object, like add properties to it, like `bot.afk`, this function will be called when this plugin is called during the login process */ let rotater let rotated = false bot.afk = {} bot.afk.start = () => { if (rotater) return rotater = setInterval(rotate, 3000) } bot.afk.stop = () => { if (!rotater) return clearInterval(rotater) } function rotate () { bot.look(rotated ? 0 : Math.PI, 0) rotated = !rotated } }