/* * This example is a very simple way of connecting to a telegram group * For this example you'll need Telegraf installed. This can be done with `npm install telegraf` * You need to do this before running this example: * - You need to get a telegram bot token from @botfather * - You need to get the id of the group you want to use */ if (process.argv.length < 6 || process.argv.length > 8) { console.log('Usage : node telegram.js [] []') process.exit(1) } // Load Telegraf const { Telegraf } = require('telegraf') const telegram = new Telegraf(process.argv[2]) // Load mineflayer const mineflayer = require('mineflayer') const bot = mineflayer.createBot({ host: process.argv[4], port: parseInt(process.argv[5]), username: process.argv[6] || 'telegram', password: process.argv[7] }) telegram.on('text', async (ctx) => { // check if message was reveived from chosen group if (ctx.update.message.chat.id.toString() === process.argv[3]) { // send message to mc server bot.chat(`${ctx.update.message.from.first_name} ${ctx.update.message.from.last_name}: ${ctx.update.message.text}`) } }) // Redirect in-game messages to telegram group bot.on('chat', (username, message) => { // Ignore messages from the bot itself if (username === bot.username) return telegram.telegram.sendMessage(process.argv[3], username + ': ' + message) }) // Login telegram bot telegram.launch()