const { Vec3 } = require('vec3') module.exports = inject const CARDINAL_DIRECTIONS = ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east'] function inject (bot) { bot.isSleeping = false const beds = new Set(['white_bed', 'orange_bed', 'magenta_bed', 'light_blue_bed', 'yellow_bed', 'lime_bed', 'pink_bed', 'gray_bed', 'light_gray_bed', 'cyan_bed', 'purple_bed', 'blue_bed', 'brown_bed', 'green_bed', 'red_bed', 'black_bed', 'bed']) function isABed (block) { return beds.has( } function parseBedMetadata (bedBlock) { const metadata = { part: false, // true: head, false: foot occupied: 0, facing: 0, // 0: south, 1: west, 2: north, 3 east headOffset: new Vec3(0, 0, 1) } if (bot.supportFeature('blockStateId')) { const state = bedBlock.stateId - bot.registry.blocksByStateId[bedBlock.stateId].minStateId const bitMetadata = state.toString(2).padStart(4, '0') // FACING (first 2 bits), PART (3rd bit), OCCUPIED (4th bit) metadata.part = bitMetadata[3] === '0' metadata.occupied = bitMetadata[2] === '0' switch (bitMetadata.slice(0, 2)) { case '00': metadata.facing = 2 metadata.headOffset.set(0, 0, -1) break case '10': metadata.facing = 1 metadata.headOffset.set(-1, 0, 0) break case '11': metadata.facing = 3 metadata.headOffset.set(1, 0, 0) } } else if (bot.supportFeature('blockMetadata')) { const bitMetadata = bedBlock.metadata.toString(2).padStart(4, '0') // PART (1st bit), OCCUPIED (2nd bit), FACING (last 2 bits) metadata.part = bitMetadata[0] === '1' metadata.occupied = bitMetadata[1] === '1' switch (bitMetadata.slice(2, 4)) { case '01': metadata.facing = 1 metadata.headOffset.set(-1, 0, 0) break case '10': metadata.facing = 2 metadata.headOffset.set(0, 0, -1) break case '11': metadata.facing = 3 metadata.headOffset.set(1, 0, 0) } } return metadata } async function wake () { if (!bot.isSleeping) { throw new Error('already awake') } else { bot._client.write('entity_action', { entityId:, actionId: 2, jumpBoost: 0 }) } } async function sleep (bedBlock) { const thunderstorm = bot.isRaining && (bot.thunderState > 0) if (!thunderstorm && !(bot.time.timeOfDay >= 12541 && bot.time.timeOfDay <= 23458)) { throw new Error("it's not night and it's not a thunderstorm") } else if (bot.isSleeping) { throw new Error('already sleeping') } else if (!isABed(bedBlock)) { throw new Error('wrong block : not a bed block') } else { const botPos = bot.entity.position.floored() const metadata = parseBedMetadata(bedBlock) let headPoint = bedBlock.position if (metadata.occupied) { throw new Error('the bed is occupied') } if (!metadata.part) { // Is foot const upperBlock = bot.blockAt( if (isABed(upperBlock)) { headPoint = upperBlock.position } else { const lowerBlock = bot.blockAt( if (isABed(lowerBlock)) { // If there are 2 foot parts, minecraft only lets you sleep if you click on the lower one headPoint = bedBlock.position bedBlock = lowerBlock } else { throw new Error("there's only half bed") } } } if (!bot.canDigBlock(bedBlock)) { throw new Error('cant click the bed') } const clickRange = [2, -3, -3, 2] // [south, west, north, east] const monsterRange = [7, -8, -8, 7] const oppositeCardinal = (metadata.facing + 2) % CARDINAL_DIRECTIONS.length if (clickRange[oppositeCardinal] < 0) { clickRange[oppositeCardinal]-- } else { clickRange[oppositeCardinal]++ } const nwClickCorner = headPoint.offset(clickRange[1], -2, clickRange[2]) // North-West lower corner const seClickCorner = headPoint.offset(clickRange[3], 2, clickRange[0]) // South-East upper corner if (botPos.x > seClickCorner.x || botPos.x < nwClickCorner.x || botPos.y > seClickCorner.y || botPos.y < nwClickCorner.y || botPos.z > seClickCorner.z || botPos.z < nwClickCorner.z) { throw new Error('the bed is too far') } if ( !== 'creative' || bot.supportFeature('creativeSleepNearMobs')) { // If in creative mode the bot should be able to sleep even if there are monster nearby (starting in 1.13) const nwMonsterCorner = headPoint.offset(monsterRange[1], -6, monsterRange[2]) // North-West lower corner const seMonsterCorner = headPoint.offset(monsterRange[3], 4, monsterRange[0]) // South-East upper corner for (const key of Object.keys(bot.entities)) { const entity = bot.entities[key] if (entity.kind === 'Hostile mobs') { const entityPos = entity.position.floored() if (entityPos.x <= seMonsterCorner.x && entityPos.x >= nwMonsterCorner.x && entityPos.y <= seMonsterCorner.y && entityPos.y >= nwMonsterCorner.y && entityPos.z <= seMonsterCorner.z && entityPos.z >= nwMonsterCorner.z) { throw new Error('there are monsters nearby') } } } } bot.activateBlock(bedBlock) await waitUntilSleep() } } async function waitUntilSleep () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeoutForSleep = setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error('bot is not sleeping')) }, 3000) bot.once('sleep', () => { clearTimeout(timeoutForSleep) resolve() }) }) } bot._client.on('game_state_change', (packet) => { if (packet.reason === 0) { // occurs when you can't spawn in your bed and your spawn point gets reset bot.emit('spawnReset') } }) bot.on('entitySleep', (entity) => { if (entity === bot.entity) { bot.isSleeping = true bot.emit('sleep') } }) bot.on('entityWake', (entity) => { if (entity === bot.entity) { bot.isSleeping = false bot.emit('wake') } }) bot.parseBedMetadata = parseBedMetadata bot.wake = wake bot.sleep = sleep bot.isABed = isABed }