const { Vec3 } = require('vec3') const assert = require('assert') const math = require('../math') const conv = require('../conversions') const { performance } = require('perf_hooks') const { createDoneTask, createTask } = require('../promise_utils') const { Physics, PlayerState } = require('prismarine-physics') module.exports = inject const PI = Math.PI const PI_2 = Math.PI * 2 const PHYSICS_INTERVAL_MS = 50 const PHYSICS_TIMESTEP = PHYSICS_INTERVAL_MS / 1000 // 0.05 function inject (bot, { physicsEnabled, maxCatchupTicks }) { const PHYSICS_CATCHUP_TICKS = maxCatchupTicks ?? 4 const world = { getBlock: (pos) => { return bot.blockAt(pos, false) } } const physics = Physics(bot.registry, world) const positionUpdateSentEveryTick = bot.supportFeature('positionUpdateSentEveryTick') bot.jumpQueued = false bot.jumpTicks = 0 // autojump cooldown const controlState = { forward: false, back: false, left: false, right: false, jump: false, sprint: false, sneak: false } let lastSentYaw = null let lastSentPitch = null let doPhysicsTimer = null let lastPhysicsFrameTime = null let shouldUsePhysics = false bot.physicsEnabled = physicsEnabled ?? true let deadTicks = 21 const lastSent = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, yaw: 0, pitch: 0, onGround: false, time: 0 } // This function should be executed each tick (every 0.05 seconds) // How it works: // WARNING: THIS IS NOT ACCURATE ON WINDOWS (15.6 Timer Resolution) // use WSL or switch to Linux // see: let timeAccumulator = 0 let catchupTicks = 0 function doPhysics () { const now = const deltaSeconds = (now - lastPhysicsFrameTime) / 1000 lastPhysicsFrameTime = now timeAccumulator += deltaSeconds catchupTicks = 0 while (timeAccumulator >= PHYSICS_TIMESTEP) { tickPhysics(now) timeAccumulator -= PHYSICS_TIMESTEP catchupTicks++ if (catchupTicks >= PHYSICS_CATCHUP_TICKS) break } } function tickPhysics (now) { if (bot.blockAt(bot.entity.position) == null) return // check if chunk is unloaded if (bot.physicsEnabled && shouldUsePhysics) { physics.simulatePlayer(new PlayerState(bot, controlState), world).apply(bot) bot.emit('physicsTick') bot.emit('physicTick') // Deprecated, only exists to support old plugins. May be removed in the future } if (shouldUsePhysics) { updatePosition(now) } } // remove this when 'physicTick' is removed bot.on('newListener', (name) => { if (name === 'physicTick') console.warn('Mineflayer detected that you are using a deprecated event (physicTick)! Please use this event (physicsTick) instead.') }) function cleanup () { clearInterval(doPhysicsTimer) doPhysicsTimer = null } function sendPacketPosition (position, onGround) { // sends data, no logic const oldPos = new Vec3(lastSent.x, lastSent.y, lastSent.z) lastSent.x = position.x lastSent.y = position.y lastSent.z = position.z lastSent.onGround = onGround bot._client.write('position', lastSent) bot.emit('move', oldPos) } function sendPacketLook (yaw, pitch, onGround) { // sends data, no logic const oldPos = new Vec3(lastSent.x, lastSent.y, lastSent.z) lastSent.yaw = yaw lastSent.pitch = pitch lastSent.onGround = onGround bot._client.write('look', lastSent) bot.emit('move', oldPos) } function sendPacketPositionAndLook (position, yaw, pitch, onGround) { // sends data, no logic const oldPos = new Vec3(lastSent.x, lastSent.y, lastSent.z) lastSent.x = position.x lastSent.y = position.y lastSent.z = position.z lastSent.yaw = yaw lastSent.pitch = pitch lastSent.onGround = onGround bot._client.write('position_look', lastSent) bot.emit('move', oldPos) } function deltaYaw (yaw1, yaw2) { let dYaw = (yaw1 - yaw2) % PI_2 if (dYaw < -PI) dYaw += PI_2 else if (dYaw > PI) dYaw -= PI_2 return dYaw } // returns false if bot should send position packets function isEntityRemoved () { if (bot.isAlive === true) deadTicks = 0 if (bot.isAlive === false && deadTicks <= 20) deadTicks++ if (deadTicks >= 20) return true return false } function updatePosition (now) { // Only send updates for 20 ticks after death if (isEntityRemoved()) return // Increment the yaw in baby steps so that notchian clients (not the server) can keep up. const dYaw = deltaYaw(bot.entity.yaw, lastSentYaw) const dPitch = bot.entity.pitch - (lastSentPitch || 0) // Vanilla doesn't clamp yaw, so we don't want to do it either const maxDeltaYaw = PHYSICS_TIMESTEP * physics.yawSpeed const maxDeltaPitch = PHYSICS_TIMESTEP * physics.pitchSpeed lastSentYaw += math.clamp(-maxDeltaYaw, dYaw, maxDeltaYaw) lastSentPitch += math.clamp(-maxDeltaPitch, dPitch, maxDeltaPitch) const yaw = Math.fround(conv.toNotchianYaw(lastSentYaw)) const pitch = Math.fround(conv.toNotchianPitch(lastSentPitch)) const position = bot.entity.position const onGround = bot.entity.onGround // Only send a position update if necessary, select the appropriate packet const positionUpdated = lastSent.x !== position.x || lastSent.y !== position.y || lastSent.z !== position.z || // Send a position update every second, even if no other update was made // This function rounds to the nearest 50ms (or PHYSICS_INTERVAL_MS) and checks if a second has passed. (Math.round((now - lastSent.time) / PHYSICS_INTERVAL_MS) * PHYSICS_INTERVAL_MS) >= 1000 const lookUpdated = lastSent.yaw !== yaw || lastSent.pitch !== pitch if (positionUpdated && lookUpdated) { sendPacketPositionAndLook(position, yaw, pitch, onGround) lastSent.time = now // only reset if positionUpdated is true } else if (positionUpdated) { sendPacketPosition(position, onGround) lastSent.time = now // only reset if positionUpdated is true } else if (lookUpdated) { sendPacketLook(yaw, pitch, onGround) } else if (positionUpdateSentEveryTick || onGround !== lastSent.onGround) { // For versions < 1.12, one player packet should be sent every tick // for the server to update health correctly // For versions >= 1.12, onGround !== lastSent.onGround should be used, but it doesn't ever trigger outside of login bot._client.write('flying', { onGround: bot.entity.onGround }) } lastSent.onGround = bot.entity.onGround // onGround is always set } bot.physics = physics function getEffectLevel (mcData, effectName, effects) { const effectDescriptor = mcData.effectsByName[effectName] if (!effectDescriptor) { return 0 } const effectInfo = effects[] if (!effectInfo) { return 0 } return effectInfo.amplifier + 1 } bot.elytraFly = async () => { if (bot.entity.elytraFlying) { throw new Error('Already elytra flying') } else if (bot.entity.onGround) { throw new Error('Unable to fly from ground') } else if (bot.entity.isInWater) { throw new Error('Unable to elytra fly while in water') } const mcData = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version) if (getEffectLevel(mcData, 'Levitation', bot.entity.effects) > 0) { throw new Error('Unable to elytra fly with levitation effect') } const torsoSlot = bot.getEquipmentDestSlot('torso') const item = bot.inventory.slots[torsoSlot] if (item == null || !== 'elytra') { throw new Error('Elytra must be equip to start flying') } bot._client.write('entity_action', { entityId:, actionId: 8, jumpBoost: 0 }) } bot.setControlState = (control, state) => { assert.ok(control in controlState, `invalid control: ${control}`) assert.ok(typeof state === 'boolean', `invalid state: ${state}`) if (controlState[control] === state) return controlState[control] = state if (control === 'jump' && state) { bot.jumpQueued = true } else if (control === 'sprint') { bot._client.write('entity_action', { entityId:, actionId: state ? 3 : 4, jumpBoost: 0 }) } else if (control === 'sneak') { bot._client.write('entity_action', { entityId:, actionId: state ? 0 : 1, jumpBoost: 0 }) } } bot.getControlState = (control) => { assert.ok(control in controlState, `invalid control: ${control}`) return controlState[control] } bot.clearControlStates = () => { for (const control in controlState) { bot.setControlState(control, false) } } bot.controlState = {} for (const control of Object.keys(controlState)) { Object.defineProperty(bot.controlState, control, { get () { return controlState[control] }, set (state) { bot.setControlState(control, state) return state } }) } let lookingTask = createDoneTask() bot.on('move', () => { if (!lookingTask.done && Math.abs(deltaYaw(bot.entity.yaw, lastSentYaw)) < 0.001) { lookingTask.finish() } }) bot._client.on('explosion', explosion => { // TODO: emit an explosion event with more info if (bot.physicsEnabled && !== 'creative') { bot.entity.velocity.x += explosion.playerMotionX bot.entity.velocity.y += explosion.playerMotionY bot.entity.velocity.z += explosion.playerMotionZ } }) bot.look = async (yaw, pitch, force) => { if (!lookingTask.done) { lookingTask.finish() // finish the previous one } lookingTask = createTask() // this is done to bypass certain anticheat checks that detect the player's sensitivity // by calculating the gcd of how much they move the mouse each tick const sensitivity = conv.fromNotchianPitch(0.15) // this is equal to 100% sensitivity in vanilla const yawChange = Math.round((yaw - bot.entity.yaw) / sensitivity) * sensitivity const pitchChange = Math.round((pitch - bot.entity.pitch) / sensitivity) * sensitivity if (yawChange === 0 && pitchChange === 0) { return } bot.entity.yaw += yawChange bot.entity.pitch += pitchChange if (force) { lastSentYaw = yaw lastSentPitch = pitch return } await lookingTask.promise } bot.lookAt = async (point, force) => { const delta = point.minus(bot.entity.position.offset(0, bot.entity.height, 0)) const yaw = Math.atan2(-delta.x, -delta.z) const groundDistance = Math.sqrt(delta.x * delta.x + delta.z * delta.z) const pitch = Math.atan2(delta.y, groundDistance) await bot.look(yaw, pitch, force) } // player position and look (clientbound) bot._client.on('position', (packet) => { bot.entity.height = 1.62 // Velocity is only set to 0 if the flag is not set, otherwise keep current velocity const vel = bot.entity.velocity vel.set( packet.flags & 1 ? vel.x : 0, packet.flags & 2 ? vel.y : 0, packet.flags & 4 ? vel.z : 0 ) // If flag is set, then the corresponding value is relative, else it is absolute const pos = bot.entity.position pos.set( packet.flags & 1 ? (pos.x + packet.x) : packet.x, packet.flags & 2 ? (pos.y + packet.y) : packet.y, packet.flags & 4 ? (pos.z + packet.z) : packet.z ) const newYaw = (packet.flags & 8 ? conv.toNotchianYaw(bot.entity.yaw) : 0) + packet.yaw const newPitch = (packet.flags & 16 ? conv.toNotchianPitch(bot.entity.pitch) : 0) + packet.pitch bot.entity.yaw = conv.fromNotchianYaw(newYaw) bot.entity.pitch = conv.fromNotchianPitch(newPitch) bot.entity.onGround = false if (bot.supportFeature('teleportUsesOwnPacket')) { bot._client.write('teleport_confirm', { teleportId: packet.teleportId }) } sendPacketPositionAndLook(pos, newYaw, newPitch, bot.entity.onGround) shouldUsePhysics = true bot.jumpTicks = 0 lastSentYaw = bot.entity.yaw lastSentPitch = bot.entity.pitch bot.emit('forcedMove') }) bot.waitForTicks = async function (ticks) { if (ticks <= 0) return await new Promise(resolve => { const tickListener = () => { ticks-- if (ticks === 0) { bot.removeListener('physicsTick', tickListener) resolve() } } bot.on('physicsTick', tickListener) }) } bot.on('mount', () => { shouldUsePhysics = false }) bot.on('respawn', () => { shouldUsePhysics = false }) bot.on('login', () => { shouldUsePhysics = false if (doPhysicsTimer === null) { lastPhysicsFrameTime = doPhysicsTimer = setInterval(doPhysics, PHYSICS_INTERVAL_MS) } }) bot.on('end', cleanup) }