/* eslint-env mocha */ const nock = require('nock') const { expect, use } = require('chai') const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised') use(chaiAsPromised) const { World, Join, JavaWorldDownload, Backups } = require('./common/responses.json') const { RealmAPI } = require('prismarine-realms') const { Authflow } = require('prismarine-auth') const Backup = require('../src/structures/Backup') const Download = require('../src/structures/Download') const config = { realmId: '1112223', slotId: '1', backupId: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', uuid: '1111222233334444', name: 'Steve' } const authflow = new Authflow() const api = RealmAPI.from(authflow, 'java', { skipAuth: true }) nock('https://pc.realms.minecraft.net') .get('/worlds') .reply(200, { servers: [World] }) .get(`/worlds/${config.realmId}`) .times(8) .reply(200, World) .get(`/worlds/v1/${config.realmId}/join/pc`) .reply(200, Join) .post(`/invites/${config.realmId}`) .reply(200, (_, body) => ({ ...World, players: [{ uuid: body.uuid, name: body.name }] })) .put(`/worlds/${config.realmId}/open`) .reply(200, true) .put(`/worlds/${config.realmId}/close`) .reply(200, true) .get(`/worlds/${config.realmId}/slot/${config.slotId}/download`) .reply(200, JavaWorldDownload) .get(`/worlds/${config.realmId}/backups`) .times(2) .reply(200, Backups) .put(`/worlds/${config.realmId}/backups?backupId=${config.backupId}&clientSupportsRetries`) .reply(204) describe('Java', () => { describe('getRealms', () => { it('should return an array of Realm objects', async () => { expect(await api.getRealms()).to.deep.equal([World]) }) }) describe('getRealm', () => { it('should return a Realm object', async () => { const realm = await api.getRealm(config.realmId) expect(realm).to.deep.equal(World) }) }) describe('restoreRealmFromBackup', () => { it('should return void', async () => { await api.restoreRealmFromBackup(config.realmId, config.backupId) }) }) describe('Realm getAddress', () => { it('should return an object containing the Realms address', async () => { const realm = await api.getRealm(config.realmId) expect(await realm.getAddress()).to.deep.equal({ host: '', port: 19132 }) }) }) describe('Realm InvitePayer', () => { it('should contain the player uuid, name and realmId included in the request', async () => { const realm = await api.getRealm(config.realmId) expect(await realm.invitePlayer(config.uuid, config.name)).to.deep.equal({ ...World, players: [{ uuid: config.uuid, name: config.name }] }) }) }) describe('Realm Open', () => { it('should return true indicating Realm is now open', async () => { const realm = await api.getRealm(config.realmId) expect(await realm.open()).to.deep.equal(true) }) }) describe('Realm Close', () => { it('should return true indicating Realm is now closed', async () => { const realm = await api.getRealm(config.realmId) expect(await realm.close()).to.deep.equal(true) }) }) describe('Realm getBackups', () => { it('should return an array of backup objects', async () => { const realm = await api.getRealm(config.realmId) const backups = await realm.getBackups() expect(backups).to.deep.equal(Backups.backups.map(e => new Backup(null, null, e))) }) it('should error when trying to download a backup', async () => { const realm = await api.getRealm(config.realmId) const backups = await realm.getBackups() await expect(backups[0].getDownload()).to.be.rejectedWith('Indiviual backup downloads is not a feature of Java Realms API, only getRealmWorldDownload() is available') }) }) describe('Realm getWorldDownload', () => { it('should return a world download object', async () => { const realm = await api.getRealm(config.realmId) expect(await realm.getWorldDownload()).to.deep.equal(new Download({ platform: 'java' }, JavaWorldDownload)) }) }) })