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declare namespace MinecraftData {
type Attributes = Attribute[];
interface Attribute {
* The Mojang name of an attribute (usually is generic.[name] or minecraft:generic.[name]
resource: string;
* The name of an attribute
name: string;
* The minimum value of an attribute
min: number;
* The maximum value of an attribute
max: number;
* The default value of an attribute
default: number;
type Biomes = Biome[];
interface Biome {
* The unique identifier for a biome
id: number;
* The name of a biome
name: string;
* The category of a biome
category: string;
* An indicator for the temperature in a biome
temperature: number;
* The type of precipitation: none, rain or snow [before 1.19.4]
precipitation?: string;
* True if a biome has any precipitation (rain or snow) [1.19.4+]
has_precipitation?: boolean;
* The dimension of a biome: overworld, nether or end
dimension: string;
* The display name of a biome
displayName: string;
* The color in a biome
color: number;
* How much rain there is in a biome [before 1.19.4]
rainfall?: number;
[k: string]: unknown;
interface BlockCollisionShapes {
* Each block's collision shape id(s).
blocks: {
[k: string]: number | [number, ...number[]];
* Collision shapes by id, each shape being composed of a list of collision boxes.
shapes: {
* The boxes of this shape.
[k: string]: [number, number, number, number, number, number][];
type BlockLoot = BlockLootEntry[];
interface BlockLootEntry {
* The name of the block
block: string;
* The states of the block (Bedrock Edition)
states?: {
[k: string]: unknown;
* The list of item drops
drops: BlockItemDrop[];
interface BlockItemDrop {
* The name of the item being dropped
item: string;
* The metadata of the item being dropped (Bedrock Edition)
metadata?: number;
* The percent chance of the item drop to occur
dropChance: number;
* The min/max of number of items in this item drop stack
stackSizeRange: (number | null)[];
* The required age of the block for the item drop to occur
blockAge?: number;
* If silk touch is required
silkTouch?: boolean;
* If not having silk touch is required
noSilkTouch?: boolean;
type BlockMappingsSchema =
| []
| [
pc: {
name: string;
states: {
[k: string]: unknown;
[k: string]: unknown;
pe: {
name: string;
states: {
[k: string]: unknown;
[k: string]: unknown;
[k: string]: unknown;
type Blocks = Block[];
interface Block {
* The unique identifier for a block
id: number;
* The display name of a block
displayName: string;
* The name of a block
name: string;
* Hardness of a block
hardness: number | null;
* Stack size for a block
stackSize: number;
* true if a block is diggable
diggable: boolean;
* BoundingBox of a block
boundingBox: "block" | "empty";
* Material of a block
material?: string;
* Using one of these tools is required to harvest a block, without that you get a 3.33x time penalty.
harvestTools?: {
* This interface was referenced by `undefined`'s JSON-Schema definition
* via the `patternProperty` "^[0-9]+$".
[k: string]: boolean;
variations?: {
metadata: number;
displayName: string;
description?: string;
states?: {
* The name of the property
name: string;
* The type of the property
type: "enum" | "bool" | "int" | "direction";
* The possible values of the property
values?: unknown[];
* The number of possible values
num_values: number;
drops: (
| number
| {
* minimum number or chance, default : 1
minCount?: number;
* maximum number or chance, default : minCount
maxCount?: number;
| number
| {
id: number;
metadata: number;
* true if a block is transparent
transparent: boolean;
* Light emitted by that block
emitLight: number;
* Light filtered by that block
filterLight: number;
* Minimum state id
minStateId?: number;
* Maximum state id
maxStateId?: number;
* Default state id
defaultState?: number;
* Blast resistance
resistance?: number | null;
interface HttpsExampleComPersonSchemaJson {
graph?: RootNode;
parsers: ParserInfo[];
[k: string]: unknown;
interface RootNode {
type: "root";
name: string;
executable: boolean;
redirects: string[];
children: (LiteralNode | ArgumentNode)[];
[k: string]: unknown;
interface LiteralNode {
type: "literal";
name: string;
executable: boolean;
redirects: string[];
children: (LiteralNode | ArgumentNode)[];
[k: string]: unknown;
interface ArgumentNode {
type: "argument";
name: string;
executable: boolean;
redirects: string[];
children: (LiteralNode | ArgumentNode)[];
parser?: {
parser?: string;
modifier?: {
[k: string]: unknown;
} | null;
[k: string]: unknown;
[k: string]: unknown;
interface ParserInfo {
parser: string;
modifier: {
[k: string]: unknown;
} | null;
examples: string[];
[k: string]: unknown;
type Effects = Effect[];
interface Effect {
* The unique identifier for an effect
id: number;
* The display name of an effect
displayName: string;
* The name of an effect
name: string;
* Whether an effect is positive or negative
type: "good" | "bad";
type Enchantments = Enchantment[];
interface Enchantment {
* The unique identifier for an enchantment
id: number;
* The name of an enchantment
name: string;
* The display name of an enchantment
displayName: string;
* The maximum level of an enchantment
maxLevel: number;
* Min cost equation's coefficients a * level + b
minCost: {
a?: number;
b?: number;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Max cost equation's coefficients a * level + b
maxCost: {
a?: number;
b?: number;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Can only be found in a treasure, not created
treasureOnly: boolean;
* Is a curse, not an enchantment
curse: boolean;
* List of enchantment not compatibles
exclude: string[];
* The category of enchantable items
category: string;
* Weight of the rarity of the enchantment
weight: number;
* Can this enchantment be traded
tradeable: boolean;
* Can this enchantment be discovered
discoverable: boolean;
[k: string]: unknown;
type Entities = Entity[];
interface Entity {
* The unique identifier for an entity
id: number;
* The internal id of an entity : used in eggs metadata for example
internalId?: number;
* The display name of an entity
displayName: string;
* The name of an entity
name: string;
* The type of an entity
type: string;
* The width of the entity
width: number | null;
* The height of the entity
height: number | null;
* The length of the entity
length?: number | null;
* The offset of the entity
offset?: number | null;
* The category of an entity : a semantic category
category?: string;
* The pc metadata tags of an entity. (Naming is via mc code, with data_ and id_ prefixes stripped)
metadataKeys?: string[];
type EntityLoot = EntityLootEntry[];
interface EntityLootEntry {
* The name of the entity
entity: string;
* The list of item drops
drops: EntityItemDrop[];
interface EntityItemDrop {
* The name of the item being dropped
item: string;
* The metadata of the item being dropped (Bedrock Edition)
metadata?: number;
* The percent chance of the item drop to occur
dropChance: number;
* The min/max of number of items in this item drop stack
stackSizeRange: (number | null)[];
* If a player killer is required
playerKill?: boolean;
type VersionForFeatureIdentification = string;
type Features = FeatureEntry[];
interface FeatureEntry {
* The name of the feature
name?: string;
* The description of the feature
description?: string;
* A tuple that describes the range of versions in the range
versions?: VersionForFeatureIdentification[];
[k: string]: unknown;
type Foods = Food[];
interface Food {
* The unique identifier for an item
id: number;
* The display name of an item
displayName: string;
* Stack size for an item
stackSize: number;
* The name of an item
name: string;
* The amount of food points the food item replenishes
foodPoints: number;
* The amount of saturation points the food restores
saturation: number;
* The effective quality of the food item
effectiveQuality: number;
* The saturation ratio of the food item
saturationRatio: number;
variations?: {
metadata: number;
displayName: string;
type Instruments = Instrument[];
interface Instrument {
* The unique identifier for an instrument
id: number;
* The name of an instrument
name: string;
* The sound ID played by this instrument
sound?: string;
type Items = Item[];
interface Item {
* The unique identifier for an item
id: number;
* The display name of an item
displayName: string;
* Stack size for an item
stackSize: number;
* describes categories of enchants this item can use
enchantCategories?: string[];
* describes what items this item can be fixed with in an anvil
repairWith?: string[];
* the amount of durability an item has before being damaged/used
maxDurability?: number;
* The name of an item
name: string;
variations?: {
metadata: number;
displayName: string;
[k: string]: unknown;
[k: string]: unknown;
interface EnUs {
* This interface was referenced by `EnUs`'s JSON-Schema definition
* via the `patternProperty` "^[a-zA-Z.:0-9_-]+$".
[k: string]: string;
type MapIcons = MapIcon[];
interface MapIcon {
* The unique identifier for a map icon
id: number;
* The name of a map icon
name: string;
* Description of the map icon's appearance
appearance?: string;
* Visibility in item frames
visibleInItemFrame: boolean;
interface Materials {
[k: string]: Material;
* This interface was referenced by `Materials`'s JSON-Schema definition
* via the `patternProperty` "^[a-z;/_]+$".
interface Material {
* This interface was referenced by `Material`'s JSON-Schema definition
* via the `patternProperty` "^[0-9]+$".
[k: string]: number;
type Particles = Particle[];
interface Particle {
* The unique identifier for a particle
id: number;
* The name of a particle
name: string;
type ProtocolVersions = {
* The protocol version
version: number;
dataVersion?: number;
minecraftVersion: string;
majorVersion: string;
usesNetty?: boolean;
releaseType?: string;
type Recipe = ShapedRecipe | ShapelessRecipe;
* An item can be represented different ways.
type RecipeItem = Id | IdMetadata | Id1Metadata1Count1;
* A single numerical ID or null.
type Id = number | null;
* A list of id and metadata. This is preferred if there are many items at once, e.g. in a shape.
type IdMetadata = [] | [Id] | [Id, Metadata];
type Metadata = number;
type Count = number;
* A shape is a list of rows, which are lists of items. There must be at least one row with at least one item in it. All rows must have the same length. Empty rows at the beginning or end of a shape may be omitted. Empty colums at the end may also be omitted. When an item can be crafted in a 2x2 grid, the shape may not be larger than 2x2.
* @minItems 1
* @maxItems 3
type Shape = [ShapeRow] | [ShapeRow, ShapeRow] | [ShapeRow, ShapeRow, ShapeRow];
* @minItems 1
* @maxItems 3
type ShapeRow = [RecipeItem] | [RecipeItem, RecipeItem] | [RecipeItem, RecipeItem, RecipeItem];
* @minItems 1
type Ingredients = [RecipeItem, ...RecipeItem[]];
* A dictionary of quoted numerical item IDs. Each ID maps to a list of recipes. There may be multiple different recipes per item (same ID and metadata). The recipes may not be sorted.
interface Recipes {
* This interface was referenced by `Recipes`'s JSON-Schema definition
* via the `patternProperty` "^[0-9]+$".
[k: string]: Recipe[] | NewRecipe;
* A shaped recipe is a dictionary of result, inShape and optionally outShape
interface ShapedRecipe {
result: RecipeItem;
inShape: Shape;
outShape?: Shape;
* A dictionary of at least id, optionally metadata and count. This is preferred if there are not many items at once, e.g. result in a recipe.
interface Id1Metadata1Count1 {
id: Id;
metadata?: Metadata;
count?: Count;
* A shapeless recipe is a dictionary of result and ingredients
interface ShapelessRecipe {
result: RecipeItem;
ingredients: Ingredients;
* Bedrock recipe schema
interface NewRecipe {
* A unique identifier for this item
name: string | null;
* What type of recipe and block this recipe relates to
| "multi"
| "cartography_table"
| "stonecutter"
| "crafting_table"
| "crafting_table_shapeless"
| "shulker_box"
| "furnace"
| "blast_furnace"
| "smoker"
| "soul_campfire"
| "campfire"
| "smithing_table";
* @minItems 1
ingredients: [unknown, ...unknown[]];
input?: unknown[];
output: unknown[];
* Specific to bedrock edition
priority?: number;
interface Tints {
grass?: {
data?: {
keys?: string[];
color?: number;
default?: number;
foliage?: {
data?: {
keys?: string[];
color?: number;
default?: number;
water?: {
data?: {
keys?: string[];
color?: number;
default?: number;
redstone?: {
data?: {
keys?: number[];
color?: number;
default?: number;
constant?: {
data?: {
keys?: string[];
color?: number;
default?: number;
interface Version {
* The protocol version
version?: number;
minecraftVersion?: string;
majorVersion?: string;
releaseType?: string;
* @minItems 1
type Windows = [Window, ...Window[]];
interface Window {
* The unique identifier for the window
id: string;
* The default displayed name of the window
name: string;
* The slots displayed in the window
* @minItems 1
slots?: [
* The name of the slot or slot range
name: string;
* The position of the slot or begin of the slot range
index: number;
* The size of the slot range
size?: number;
* The name of the slot or slot range
name: string;
* The position of the slot or begin of the slot range
index: number;
* The size of the slot range
size?: number;
* Names of the properties of the window
* @minItems 1
properties?: [string, ...string[]];
openedWith?: {
type: "item" | "entity" | "block";
id: number;
export interface Version {
// Returns true if the current version is greater than or equal to the `other` version's dataVersion
['>='](other: string): boolean
// Returns true if the current version is greater than the `other` version's dataVersion
['>'](other: string): boolean
// Returns true if the current version is less than the `other` version's dataVersion
['<'](other: string): boolean
// Returns true if the current version is less than than or equal to the `other` version's dataVersion
['<='](other: string): boolean
// Returns true if the current version is equal to the `other` version's dataVersion
['=='](other: string): boolean
type: 'pc' | 'bedrock'
export interface VersionSet {
pc: { [version: string]: Version }
bedrock: { [version: string]: Version }
export interface SupportedVersions {
pc: string[]
bedrock: string[]
export interface Schemas {
biomes: object
blocks: object
effects: object
entities: object
instruments: object
items: object
materials: object
protocol: object
protocolVersions: object
recipes: object
version: object
windows: object
foods: object
blockLoot: object
entityLoot: object
export interface LoginPacket {
entityId: number
* introduced in Minecraft 1.16.2
isHardcore?: boolean
gameMode: number
* Introduced in Minecraft 1.17
previousGameMode?: number
* Introduced in Minecraft 1.17
worldNames?: string[]
* Introduced in Minecraft 1.17
dimensionCodec?: object
dimension: object
* Introduced in Minecraft 1.17
worldName?: string
hashedSeed: number
maxPlayers: number
viewDistance: number
* Introduced in Minecraft 1.18
simulationDistance?: number
reducedDebugInfo: boolean
enableRespawnScreen: boolean
* Introduced in Minecraft 1.17
isDebug?: boolean
* Introduced in Minecraft 1.17
isFlat?: boolean
export interface IndexedData {
isOlderThan(version: string): boolean
isNewerOrEqualTo(version: string): boolean
blocks: { [id: number]: Block }
blocksByName: { [name: string]: Block }
blocksByStateId: { [id: number]: Block }
blocksArray: Block[]
blockMappings: {
pc: { name: string, states: Record<string, string | number> },
pe: { name: string, states: Record<string, string | number> }
* Bedrock edition only
blockStates?: { name: string; states: object; version: number }[]
* id is the shape id of the block converted to a string
blockCollisionShapes: { blocks: { [name: string]: number | number[] }; shapes: { [id: string]: [number[]] } }
loginPacket: LoginPacket
items: { [id: number]: Item }
itemsByName: { [name: string]: Item }
itemsArray: Item[]
foods: { [id: number]: Food }
foodsByName: { [name: string]: Food }
foodsArray: Food[]
biomes: { [id: number]: Biome }
biomesArray: Biome[]
biomesByName: { [name: string]: Biome }
recipes: { [id: number]: Recipe[] }
instruments: { [id: number]: Instrument }
instrumentsArray: Instrument[]
materials: { [name: string]: Material }
mobs: { [id: number]: Entity }
objects: { [id: number]: Entity }
entities: { [id: number]: Entity }
entitiesByName: { [name: string]: Entity }
entitiesArray: Entity[]
enchantments: { [id: number]: Enchantment }
enchantmentsByName: { [name: string]: Enchantment }
enchantmentsArray: Enchantment[]
* Bedrock edition only
defaultSkin?: object
protocol: object
protocolComments: object
* Bedrock edition only
protocolYaml?: string[]
windows: { [id: string]: Window }
windowsByName: { [name: string]: Window }
windowsArray: Window[]
effects: { [id: number]: Effect }
effectsByName: { [name: string]: Effect }
effectsArray: Effect[]
particles: { [id: number]: Particle }
particlesByName: { [name: string]: Particle }
particlesArray: Particle[]
attributes: { [resource: string]: string }
attributesByName: { [name: string]: string }
attributesArray: Attribute[]
commands: {}
version: Version
type: 'pc' | 'bedrock'
language: { [key: string]: string }
blockLoot: { [name: string]: BlockLootEntry }
entityLoot: { [name: string]: EntityLootEntry }
mapIcons: { [id: number]: MapIcon }
mapIconsByName: { [name: string]: MapIcon }
mapIconsArray: MapIcon[]
tints: Tints
const versions: {
[key in keyof SupportedVersions]: Version[]
const versionsByMinecraftVersion: VersionSet
const preNettyVersionsByProtocolVersion: VersionSet
const postNettyVersionsByProtocolVersion: VersionSet
const supportedVersions: SupportedVersions
const legacy: { pc: { blocks: { [id: string]: string } } }
const schemas: Schemas
declare function MinecraftData(version: string | number): MinecraftData.IndexedData;
export = MinecraftData