148 lines
4.7 KiB
148 lines
4.7 KiB
/* Pathfinder Chaining Goals example
This example shows how to chain goals together.
Run this example with:
node examples/chaining-goals.js [host] [port] [mail/username] [is online `true`]
If you want to connect to an offline server use a username instead of an email
and no password. If you want to join a online server use your email and follow
the instructions in the command line to authenticated with microsoft auth.
In Game Chat commands:
- Path finds to the chatting player's position when in render distance.
- Follows the chatting player's entity until `stop` is chatted
- Stops the bot from following or path finding
- Set a checkpoint at the chatting player's position
- Walk to all set checkpoints
// Import all the modules we need
const mineflayer = require('mineflayer')
const { pathfinder, Movements } = require('mineflayer-pathfinder')
const {
GoalNear, GoalBlock, GoalFollow
} = require('mineflayer-pathfinder').goals
if (process.argv.length > 6) {
console.log('Usage : node chaining-goals.js [<host>] [<port>] ' +
'[<microsoft email/name>] [<is online `true`>]')
// Create the bot
const bot = mineflayer.createBot({
host: process.argv[2] || 'localhost',
port: parseInt(process.argv[3]) || 25565,
username: process.argv[4] || 'checkpointBot',
// to join offline servers auth type has to be 'mojang' (???)
auth: process.argv[5] === 'true' ? 'microsoft' : 'mojang',
// Skip validation when joining a offline server
skipValidation: process.argv[5] !== 'true'
// Load the pathfinder plugin
// Wait for the bot to spawn in the world
bot.once('spawn', () => {
// We create different movement generators for different type of activity
const defaultMove = new Movements(bot)
// Print debug messages when the path changes
bot.on('path_update', (r) => {
const nodesPerTick = (r.visitedNodes * 50 / r.time).toFixed(2)
console.log(`I can get there in ${r.path.length} moves. ` +
`Computation took ${r.time.toFixed(2)} ms (${r.visitedNodes} nodes` +
`, ${nodesPerTick} nodes/tick)`)
bot.on('goal_reached', (goal) => {
console.log('Here I am !')
bot.on('path_reset', (reason) => {
console.log(`Path was reset for reason: ${reason}`)
let checkpoints = []
// Make pathfinder walk to all checkpoints in order
async function walkCheckpoints () {
if (checkpoints.length === 0) {
bot.chat('There are no checkpoints')
// Remove all checkpoints when starting to walking
const checkPointCopy = [...checkpoints]
checkpoints = []
for (const checkpoint of checkPointCopy) {
// Make a new goal to goto. GoalBlock will make the bot walk to the
// block position off checkpoint.
const goal = new GoalBlock(checkpoint.x, checkpoint.y, checkpoint.z)
try {
// Use await to make sure the bot is at the checkpoint before moving on
await bot.pathfinder.goto(goal)
} catch (error) {
console.log('Got error from goto', error.message)
// If we get an error we quit the loop
// Listen for chat messages chatted by other players
// Note: This may not work on every server as mineflayer uses regex to match
// chat messages. Some servers may use chat messages that do not match the
// regex.
bot.on('chat', (username, message) => {
if (username === bot.username) return // Ignore our own messages
// Get the player entity from the username.
// Note: This might not work on some servers where the players nametag name
// dose not match the chat message name.
const target = bot.players[username] ? bot.players[username].entity : null
if (message === 'come') {
if (!target) {
bot.chat('I don\'t see you !')
const p = target.position
bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalNear(p.x, p.y, p.z, 1))
} else if (message === 'follow') {
bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalFollow(target, 3), true)
// follow is a dynamic goal: setGoal(goal, dynamic=true)
// when reached, the goal will stay active and will not
// emit an event
} else if (message === 'stop') {
bot.pathfinder.stop() // Also resets the current goal
} else if (message === 'point') {
if (!target) {
bot.chat('I don\'t see you !')
const pos = target.position.floored()
bot.chat(`Checkpoint ${pos} set`)
} else if (message === 'walk') {
.then(() => {