
493 lines
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const { Vec3 } = require('vec3')
const { getShapeFaceCenters } = require('./shapes')
// Goal base class
class Goal {
// Return the distance between node and the goal
heuristic (node) {
return 0
// Return true if the node has reach the goal
isEnd (node) {
return true
// Return true if the goal has changed and the current path
// should be invalidated and computed again
hasChanged () {
return false
// Returns true if the goal is still valid for the goal,
// for the GoalFollow this would be true if the entity is not null
isValid () {
return true
// One specific block that the player should stand inside at foot level
class GoalBlock extends Goal {
constructor (x, y, z) {
this.x = Math.floor(x)
this.y = Math.floor(y)
this.z = Math.floor(z)
heuristic (node) {
const dx = this.x - node.x
const dy = this.y - node.y
const dz = this.z - node.z
return distanceXZ(dx, dz) + Math.abs(dy)
isEnd (node) {
return node.x === this.x && node.y === this.y && node.z === this.z
// A block position that the player should get within a certain radius of, used for following entities
class GoalNear extends Goal {
constructor (x, y, z, range) {
this.x = Math.floor(x)
this.y = Math.floor(y)
this.z = Math.floor(z)
this.rangeSq = range * range
heuristic (node) {
const dx = this.x - node.x
const dy = this.y - node.y
const dz = this.z - node.z
return distanceXZ(dx, dz) + Math.abs(dy)
isEnd (node) {
const dx = this.x - node.x
const dy = this.y - node.y
const dz = this.z - node.z
return (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) <= this.rangeSq
// Useful for long-range goals that don't have a specific Y level
class GoalXZ extends Goal {
constructor (x, z) {
this.x = Math.floor(x)
this.z = Math.floor(z)
heuristic (node) {
const dx = this.x - node.x
const dz = this.z - node.z
return distanceXZ(dx, dz)
isEnd (node) {
return node.x === this.x && node.z === this.z
// Useful for finding builds that you don't have an exact Y level for, just an approximate X and Z level
class GoalNearXZ extends Goal {
constructor (x, z, range) {
this.x = Math.floor(x)
this.z = Math.floor(z)
this.rangeSq = range * range
heuristic (node) {
const dx = this.x - node.x
const dz = this.z - node.z
return distanceXZ(dx, dz)
isEnd (node) {
const dx = this.x - node.x
const dz = this.z - node.z
return (dx * dx + dz * dz) <= this.rangeSq
// Goal is a Y coordinate
class GoalY extends Goal {
constructor (y) {
this.y = Math.floor(y)
heuristic (node) {
const dy = this.y - node.y
return Math.abs(dy)
isEnd (node) {
return node.y === this.y
// Don't get into the block, but get directly adjacent to it. Useful for chests.
class GoalGetToBlock extends Goal {
constructor (x, y, z) {
this.x = Math.floor(x)
this.y = Math.floor(y)
this.z = Math.floor(z)
heuristic (node) {
const dx = node.x - this.x
const dy = node.y - this.y
const dz = node.z - this.z
return distanceXZ(dx, dz) + Math.abs(dy < 0 ? dy + 1 : dy)
isEnd (node) {
const dx = node.x - this.x
const dy = node.y - this.y
const dz = node.z - this.z
return Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy < 0 ? dy + 1 : dy) + Math.abs(dz) === 1
// Path into a position were a blockface of block at x y z is visible.
class GoalLookAtBlock extends Goal {
constructor (pos, world, options = {}) {
this.pos = pos
this.world = world
this.reach = options.reach || 4.5 // default survival: 4.5 creative: 5
this.entityHeight = options.entityHeight || 1.6
heuristic (node) {
const dx = node.x - this.pos.x
const dy = node.y - this.pos.y
const dz = node.z - this.pos.z
return distanceXZ(dx, dz) + Math.abs(dy < 0 ? dy + 1 : dy)
isEnd (node) {
if (node.distanceTo(this.pos.offset(0, this.entityHeight, 0)) > this.reach) return false
// Check faces that could be seen from the current position. If the delta is smaller then 0.5 that means the bot cam most likely not see the face as the block is 1 block thick
// this could be false for blocks that have a smaller bounding box then 1x1x1
const dx = node.x - (this.pos.x + 0.5)
const dy = node.y + this.entityHeight - (this.pos.y + 0.5) // -0.5 because the bot position is calculated from the block position that is inside its feet so 0.5 - 1 = -0.5
const dz = node.z - (this.pos.z + 0.5)
// Check y first then x and z
const visibleFaces = {
y: Math.sign(Math.abs(dy) > 0.5 ? dy : 0),
x: Math.sign(Math.abs(dx) > 0.5 ? dx : 0),
z: Math.sign(Math.abs(dz) > 0.5 ? dz : 0)
const validFaces = []
for (const i in visibleFaces) {
if (!visibleFaces[i]) {
// skip as this face is not visible
const targetPos = new Vec3(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.pos.z).offset(0.5 + (i === 'x' ? visibleFaces[i] * 0.5 : 0), 0.5 + (i === 'y' ? visibleFaces[i] * 0.5 : 0), 0.5 + (i === 'z' ? visibleFaces[i] * 0.5 : 0))
const startPos = new Vec3(node.x + 0.5, node.y + this.entityHeight, node.z + 0.5)
const rayPos = this.world.raycast(startPos, targetPos.clone().subtract(startPos).normalize(), this.reach)?.position
if (rayPos && rayPos.x === this.pos.x && rayPos.y === this.pos.y && rayPos.z === this.pos.z) {
face: rayPos.face,
return validFaces.length !== 0
// Path into a position were a blockface of block at x y z is visible.
// You'll manually need to break the block. THIS WONT BREAK IT
class GoalBreakBlock extends Goal {
constructor (x, y, z, bot, options = {}) {
this.goal = new GoalLookAtBlock(new Vec3(x, y, z), bot, options)
isEnd () {
return this.goal.isEnd()
heuristic (node) {
return this.goal.heuristic(node)
// A composite of many goals, any one of which satisfies the composite.
// For example, a GoalCompositeAny of block goals for every oak log in loaded
// chunks would result in it pathing to the easiest oak log to get to
class GoalCompositeAny extends Goal {
constructor (goals = []) {
this.goals = goals
push (goal) {
heuristic (node) {
let min = Number.MAX_VALUE
for (const i in this.goals) {
min = Math.min(min, this.goals[i].heuristic(node))
return min
isEnd (node) {
for (const i in this.goals) {
if (this.goals[i].isEnd(node)) return true
return false
hasChanged () {
for (const i in this.goals) {
if (this.goals[i].hasChanged()) return true
return false
isValid () {
return this.goals.reduce((pre, curr) => pre && curr.isValid(), true)
// A composite of many goals, all of them needs to be satisfied.
class GoalCompositeAll extends Goal {
constructor (goals = []) {
this.goals = goals
push (goal) {
heuristic (node) {
let max = Number.MIN_VALUE
for (const i in this.goals) {
max = Math.max(max, this.goals[i].heuristic(node))
return max
isEnd (node) {
for (const i in this.goals) {
if (!this.goals[i].isEnd(node)) return false
return true
hasChanged () {
for (const i in this.goals) {
if (this.goals[i].hasChanged()) return true
return false
isValid () {
return this.goals.reduce((pre, curr) => pre && curr.isValid(), true)
class GoalInvert extends Goal {
constructor (goal) {
this.goal = goal
heuristic (node) {
return -this.goal.heuristic(node)
isEnd (node) {
return !this.goal.isEnd(node)
hasChanged () {
return this.goal.hasChanged()
isValid () {
return this.goal.isValid()
class GoalFollow extends Goal {
constructor (entity, range) {
this.entity = entity
this.x = Math.floor(entity.position.x)
this.y = Math.floor(entity.position.y)
this.z = Math.floor(entity.position.z)
this.rangeSq = range * range
heuristic (node) {
const dx = this.x - node.x
const dy = this.y - node.y
const dz = this.z - node.z
return distanceXZ(dx, dz) + Math.abs(dy)
isEnd (node) {
const dx = this.x - node.x
const dy = this.y - node.y
const dz = this.z - node.z
return (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) <= this.rangeSq
hasChanged () {
const p = this.entity.position.floored()
const dx = this.x - p.x
const dy = this.y - p.y
const dz = this.z - p.z
if ((dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) > this.rangeSq) {
this.x = p.x
this.y = p.y
this.z = p.z
return true
return false
isValid () {
return this.entity != null
function distanceXZ (dx, dz) {
dx = Math.abs(dx)
dz = Math.abs(dz)
return Math.abs(dx - dz) + Math.min(dx, dz) * Math.SQRT2
* Options:
* - range - maximum distance from the clicked face
* - faces - the directions of the faces the player can click
* - facing - the direction the player must be facing
* - facing3D - boolean, facing is 3D (true) or 2D (false)
* - half - 'top' or 'bottom', the half that must be clicked
* - LOS - true or false, should the bot have line of sight off the placement face. Default true.
class GoalPlaceBlock extends Goal {
constructor (pos, world, options) {
this.pos = pos.floored()
this.world = world
this.options = options
if (!this.options.range) this.options.range = 5
if (!('LOS' in this.options)) this.options.LOS = true
if (!this.options.faces) {
this.options.faces = [new Vec3(0, -1, 0), new Vec3(0, 1, 0), new Vec3(0, 0, -1), new Vec3(0, 0, 1), new Vec3(-1, 0, 0), new Vec3(1, 0, 0)]
this.options.facing = ['north', 'east', 'south', 'west', 'up', 'down'].indexOf(this.options.facing)
this.facesPos = []
for (const dir of this.options.faces) {
const ref = this.pos.plus(dir)
const refBlock = this.world.getBlock(ref)
if (!refBlock) continue
for (const center of getShapeFaceCenters(refBlock.shapes, dir.scaled(-1), this.options.half)) {
this.facesPos.push([dir, center.add(ref), ref])
heuristic (node) {
const dx = node.x - this.pos.x
const dy = node.y - this.pos.y
const dz = node.z - this.pos.z
return distanceXZ(dx, dz) + Math.abs(dy < 0 ? dy + 1 : dy)
isEnd (node) {
if (this.isStandingIn(node)) return false
const headPos = node.offset(0.5, 1.6, 0.5)
return this.getFaceAndRef(headPos) !== null
getFaceAndRef (headPos) {
for (const [face, to, ref] of this.facesPos) {
const dir = to.minus(headPos)
if (dir.norm() > this.options.range) continue
if (!this.checkFacing(dir)) continue
if (!this.options.LOS) {
return { face, to, ref }
const block = this.world.raycast(headPos, dir.normalize(), this.options.range)
if (block && block.position.equals(ref) && block.face === vectorToDirection(face.scaled(-1))) {
return { face, to, ref }
return null
checkFacing (dir) {
if (this.options.facing < 0) return true
if (this.options.facing3D) {
const dH = Math.sqrt(dir.x * dir.x + dir.z * dir.z)
const vAngle = Math.atan2(dir.y, dH) * 180 / Math.PI
if (vAngle > 45) return this.options.facing === 4
if (vAngle < -45) return this.options.facing === 5
const angle = Math.atan2(dir.x, -dir.z) * 180 / Math.PI + 180 // Convert to [0,360[
const facing = Math.floor(angle / 90 + 0.5) & 0x3
if (this.options.facing === facing) return true
return false
isStandingIn (node) {
const dx = node.x - this.pos.x
const dy = node.y - this.pos.y
const dz = node.z - this.pos.z
return (Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy < 0 ? dy + 1 : dy) + Math.abs(dz)) < 1
function vectorToDirection (v) {
if (v.y < 0) {
return 0
} else if (v.y > 0) {
return 1
} else if (v.z < 0) {
return 2
} else if (v.z > 0) {
return 3
} else if (v.x < 0) {
return 4
} else if (v.x > 0) {
return 5
module.exports = {