74 lines
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74 lines
3.4 KiB
// This example shows how to tell the bot to place an end crystal
// Example commands:
// "place crystal near bot" - find a block near the bot that has a block empty above it, then place a crystal on it
// "place crystal near ExplodeMe" - find a block near the player with username "ExplodeMe" that has an empty block above it, then place a crystal on it
const mineflayer = require('mineflayer')
const pathfinder = require('mineflayer-pathfinder')
const { Vec3 } = require('vec3')
const AABB = require('prismarine-physics/lib/aabb')
if (process.argv.length < 4 || process.argv.length > 6) {
console.log('Usage : node ansi.js <host> <port> [<name>] [<password>]')
const bot = mineflayer.createBot({
host: process.argv[2],
port: parseInt(process.argv[3]),
username: process.argv[4] ? process.argv[4] : 'crystal_bot',
password: process.argv[5],
plugins: [pathfinder.pathfinder]
bot.on('chat', async (ign, msg) => {
// solve where the bot will place the crystal near
let findBlocksNearPoint = null
if (msg === 'place crystal near bot') {
findBlocksNearPoint = bot.entity.position
} else if (msg.startsWith('place crystal near ')) {
const playerUsername = msg.split(' ').pop()
const player = bot.players[playerUsername]
if (!player) return bot.chat(`Couldn't find player with the username: "${playerUsername}"`)
findBlocksNearPoint = player.entity.position
} else {
return // don't do anything
// find end crystal(s) in inventory
const item = bot.inventory.findInventoryItem(bot.registry.itemsByName.end_crystal.id)
if (!item) bot.chat("I don't have any ender crystals")
// find the crystal
const block = bot.findBlock({
point: findBlocksNearPoint,
matching: ['bedrock', 'obsidian'].map(blockName => bot.registry.blocksByName[blockName].id),
useExtraInfo: block => {
const hasAirAbove = bot.blockAt(block.position.offset(0, 1, 0)).name === 'air'
const botNotStandingOnBlock = block.position.xzDistanceTo(bot.entity.position) > 2
// do no intersecting entity check
const { x: aboveX, y: aboveY, z: aboveZ } = block.position.offset(0, 1, 0)
const blockBoundingBox = new AABB(aboveX, aboveY, aboveZ, aboveX + 1, aboveY + 2, aboveZ + 1)
const entityAABBs = Object.values(bot.entities).map(entity => {
// taken from taken from https://github.com/PrismarineJS/prismarine-physics/blob/d145e54a4bb8604300258badd7563f59f2101922/index.js#L92
const w = entity.height / 2
const { x, y, z } = entity.position
return new AABB(-w, 0, -w, w, entity.height, w).offset(x, y, z)
const hasIntersectingEntities = entityAABBs.filter(aabb => aabb.intersects(blockBoundingBox)).length === 0
return hasAirAbove && botNotStandingOnBlock && !hasIntersectingEntities
if (!block) return bot.chat("Couldn't find bedrock or obsidian block that has air above it near myself.")
// get to the crystal
if (block.position.xzDistanceTo(bot.entity.position) > MAX_DIST_FROM_BLOCK_TO_PLACE) await bot.pathfinder.goto(new pathfinder.goals.GoalNear(block.position.x, block.position.y, block.position.z, MAX_DIST_FROM_BLOCK_TO_PLACE))
// get ready to place crystal
await bot.equip(item, 'hand')
await bot.lookAt(block.position, true)
// place crystal
await bot.placeEntity(block, new Vec3(0, 1, 0))
bot.chat('I placed an end crystal!')