122 lines
3.8 KiB
122 lines
3.8 KiB
const nbt = require('prismarine-nbt')
module.exports = inject
const difficultyNames = ['peaceful', 'easy', 'normal', 'hard']
const gameModes = ['survival', 'creative', 'adventure', 'spectator']
const dimensionNames = {
'-1': 'the_nether',
0: 'overworld',
1: 'the_end'
const parseGameMode = gameModeBits => gameModes[(gameModeBits & 0b11)] // lower two bits
function inject (bot, options) {
function getBrandCustomChannelName () {
if (bot.supportFeature('customChannelMCPrefixed')) {
return 'MC|Brand'
} else if (bot.supportFeature('customChannelIdentifier')) {
return 'minecraft:brand'
throw new Error('Unsupported brand channel name')
function handleRespawnPacketData (packet) {
bot.game.levelType = packet.levelType ?? (packet.isFlat ? 'flat' : 'default')
bot.game.hardcore = packet.isHardcore ?? Boolean(packet.gameMode & 0b100)
bot.game.gameMode = parseGameMode(packet.gameMode)
if (bot.supportFeature('dimensionIsAnInt')) {
bot.game.dimension = dimensionNames[packet.dimension]
} else if (bot.supportFeature('dimensionIsAString')) {
bot.game.dimension = packet.dimension.replace('minecraft:', '')
} else if (bot.supportFeature('dimensionIsAWorld')) {
bot.game.dimension = packet.worldName.replace('minecraft:', '')
} else {
throw new Error('Unsupported dimension type in login packet')
if (packet.dimensionCodec) {
if (bot.supportFeature('dimensionDataInCodec')) { // 1.19+
if (packet.worldType) { // login
bot.game.dimension = packet.worldType.replace('minecraft:', '')
const { minY, height } = bot.registry.dimensionsByName[bot.game.dimension]
bot.game.minY = minY
bot.game.height = height
} else if (packet.dimension) { // respawn
bot.game.dimension = packet.dimension.replace('minecraft:', '')
const { minY, height } = bot.registry.dimensionsByName[bot.game.dimension]
bot.game.minY = minY
bot.game.height = height
} else if (bot.supportFeature('dimensionDataIsAvailable')) { // 1.18
const dimensionData = nbt.simplify(packet.dimension)
bot.game.minY = dimensionData.min_y
bot.game.height = dimensionData.height
} else {
bot.game.minY = 0
bot.game.height = 256
if (packet.difficulty) {
bot.game.difficulty = difficultyNames[packet.difficulty]
bot.game = {}
const brandChannel = getBrandCustomChannelName()
bot._client.registerChannel(brandChannel, ['string', []])
bot._client.on('login', (packet) => {
bot.game.maxPlayers = packet.maxPlayers
if (packet.enableRespawnScreen) {
bot.game.enableRespawnScreen = packet.enableRespawnScreen
if (packet.viewDistance) {
bot.game.serverViewDistance = packet.viewDistance
// varint length-prefixed string as data
bot._client.writeChannel(brandChannel, options.brand)
bot._client.on('respawn', (packet) => {
bot._client.on('game_state_change', (packet) => {
if (packet?.reason === 4 && packet?.gameMode === 1) {
bot._client.write('client_command', { action: 0 })
if (packet.reason === 3) {
bot.game.gameMode = parseGameMode(packet.gameMode)
bot._client.on('difficulty', (packet) => {
bot.game.difficulty = difficultyNames[packet.difficulty]
bot._client.on(brandChannel, (serverBrand) => {
bot.game.serverBrand = serverBrand
// mimic the vanilla 1.17 client to prevent anticheat kicks
bot._client.on('ping', (data) => {
bot._client.write('pong', {
id: data.id