66 lines
2.6 KiB
66 lines
2.6 KiB
/* eslint-env mocha */
const expect = require('expect').default
const assert = require('assert')
const testedVersions = require('..').testedVersions
describe('Block From Properties', () => {
it('spruce half slab: waterlogged, upper (pc_1.16.4)', () => {
const registry = require('prismarine-registry')('1.16.4')
const Block = require('prismarine-block')(registry)
const spruceSlabId = registry.blocksByName.spruce_slab.id
const properties = { type: 'top', waterlogged: true }
const block = Block.fromProperties(spruceSlabId, properties, 0)
it('spruce half slab: waterlogged, upper (bedrock_1.17.10)', () => {
const registry = require('prismarine-registry')('bedrock_1.17.10')
const Block = require('prismarine-block')(registry)
const cauldronId = registry.blocksByName.cauldron.id
const properties = { cauldron_liquid: 'water', fill_level: 5 }
const block = Block.fromProperties(cauldronId, properties, 0)
describe('versions should return block state and properties', () => {
for (const ver of testedVersions) {
const e = ver.startsWith('bedrock') ? 'bedrock' : 'pc'
it(ver, () => {
const registry = require('prismarine-registry')(ver)
const Block = require('prismarine-block')(registry)
// Test that .stateId is set on all versions
const blockData = registry.blocksByName.redstone_lamp
const block = Block.fromStateId(blockData.defaultState)
assert(block.stateId >= blockData.minStateId && block.stateId <= blockData.maxStateId)
// make sure that .fromProperties works
const blockData = registry.blocksByName.light_weighted_pressure_plate
const properties = { pc: { power: 2 }, bedrock: { redstone_signal: 2 } }[e]
const block = Block.fromProperties(blockData.name, properties, 0)
assert(block.stateId >= blockData.minStateId && block.stateId <= blockData.maxStateId)
// Make sure type IDs work
const blockData = registry.blocksByName.dirt
const block = new Block(blockData.id, 0, 2)
assert(block.name === 'dirt')
const block2 = new Block(blockData.id, 0, 99)
assert(block2.name === 'dirt')
const invalid = new Block(9999, 0, 0)
assert(invalid.name === '')