457 lines
15 KiB
457 lines
15 KiB
const mojangson = require('mojangson')
const vsprintf = require('./format')
const debug = require('debug')('minecraft-protocol')
module.exports = loader
const getValueSafely = (obj, key, def) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key) ? obj[key] : def // eslint-disable-line
function loader (registryOrVersion) {
const registry = typeof registryOrVersion === 'string' ? require('prismarine-registry')(registryOrVersion) : registryOrVersion
const defaultLang = registry.language
const defaultAnsiCodes = {
'§0': '\u001b[30m',
'§1': '\u001b[34m',
'§2': '\u001b[32m',
'§3': '\u001b[36m',
'§4': '\u001b[31m',
'§5': '\u001b[35m',
'§6': '\u001b[33m',
'§7': '\u001b[37m',
'§8': '\u001b[90m',
'§9': '\u001b[94m',
'§a': '\u001b[92m',
'§b': '\u001b[96m',
'§c': '\u001b[91m',
'§d': '\u001b[95m',
'§e': '\u001b[93m',
'§f': '\u001b[97m',
'§l': '\u001b[1m',
'§o': '\u001b[3m',
'§n': '\u001b[4m',
'§m': '\u001b[9m',
'§k': '\u001b[6m',
'§r': '\u001b[0m'
const cssDefaultStyles = {
black: 'color:#000000',
dark_blue: 'color:#0000AA',
dark_green: 'color:#00AA00',
dark_aqua: 'color:#00AAAA',
dark_red: 'color:#AA0000',
dark_purple: 'color:#AA00AA',
gold: 'color:#FFAA00',
gray: 'color:#AAAAAA',
dark_gray: 'color:#555555',
blue: 'color:#5555FF',
green: 'color:#55FF55',
aqua: 'color:#55FFFF',
red: 'color:#FF5555',
light_purple: 'color:#FF55FF',
yellow: 'color:#FFFF55',
white: 'color:#FFFFFF',
bold: 'font-weight:900',
strikethrough: 'text-decoration:line-through',
underlined: 'text-decoration:underline',
italic: 'font-style:italic'
const formatMembers = ['color', 'bold', 'strikethrough', 'underlined', 'italic']
const { MessageBuilder } = require('./MessageBuilder')(registry)
* ChatMessage Constructor
* @param {String|Object|Number} message content of ChatMessage
class ChatMessage {
constructor (message, displayWarning = false) {
if (typeof message === 'string') {
if (message === '') {
this.json = { text: '' }
} else {
this.json = MessageBuilder.fromString(message, { colorSeparator: '§' })
} else if (typeof message === 'number') {
this.json = { text: message }
} else if (typeof message === 'object' && Array.isArray(message)) {
this.json = { extra: message }
} else if (typeof message === 'object') {
this.json = message
} else {
throw new Error('Expected String or Object for Message argument')
this.warn = displayWarning ? console.warn : debug
* Parses the this.json property to decorate the properties of the ChatMessage.
* Called by the Constructor
* @return {void}
parse () {
const json = this.json
// Message scope for callback functions
// There is EITHER, a text property or a translate property
// If there is no translate property, there is no with property
// HOWEVER! If there is a translate property, there may not be a with property
if (typeof json.text === 'string' || typeof json.text === 'number') {
this.text = json.text
} else if (typeof json.translate === 'string') {
this.translate = json.translate
if (typeof json.with === 'object') {
if (!Array.isArray(json.with)) {
throw new Error('Expected with property to be an Array in ChatMessage')
this.with = json.with.map(entry => new ChatMessage(entry))
// Parse extra property
// Extras are appended to the initial text
if (typeof json.extra === 'object') {
if (!Array.isArray(json.extra)) {
throw new Error('Expected extra property to be an Array in ChatMessage')
this.extra = json.extra.map(entry => new ChatMessage(entry))
// Text modifiers
this.bold = json.bold
this.italic = json.italic
this.underlined = json.underlined
this.strikethrough = json.strikethrough
this.obfuscated = json.obfuscated
// Supported constants @ 2014-04-21
const supportedColors = [
const supportedClick = [
const supportedHover = [
// Parse color
this.color = json.color
switch (this.color) {
case 'obfuscated':
this.obfuscated = true
this.color = null
case 'bold':
this.bold = true
this.color = null
case 'strikethrough':
this.strikethrough = true
this.color = null
case 'underlined':
this.underlined = true
this.color = null
case 'italic':
this.italic = true
this.color = null
case 'reset':
this.reset = true
this.color = null
// Make sure color is valid
if (this.color && !supportedColors.includes(this.color) && !this.color.match(/#[a-fA-F\d]{6}/)) {
this.warn('ChatMessage parsed with unsupported color', this.color)
this.color = null
// Parse click event
if (typeof json.clickEvent === 'object') {
this.clickEvent = json.clickEvent
if (typeof this.clickEvent.action !== 'string') {
throw new Error('ClickEvent action missing in ChatMessage')
} else if (!supportedClick.includes(this.clickEvent.action)) {
this.warn('ChatMessage parsed with unsupported clickEvent', this.clickEvent.action)
// Parse hover event
if (typeof json.hoverEvent === 'object') {
this.hoverEvent = json.hoverEvent
if (typeof this.hoverEvent.action !== 'string') {
throw new Error('HoverEvent action missing in ChatMessage')
} else if (!supportedHover.includes(this.hoverEvent.action)) {
this.warn('ChatMessage parsed with unsupported hoverEvent', this.hoverEvent.action)
// Special case
if (this.hoverEvent.action === 'show_item') {
let content
if (this.hoverEvent.value instanceof Array) {
if (this.hoverEvent.value[0] instanceof Object) {
content = this.hoverEvent.value[0].text
} else {
content = this.hoverEvent.value[0]
} else {
if (this.hoverEvent.value instanceof Object) {
content = this.hoverEvent.value.text
} else {
content = this.hoverEvent.value
try {
this.hoverEvent.value = mojangson.parse(content)
} catch (err) {
* Append one or more ChatMessages
* @param {...object|string} messages ChatMessage
* @return {void}
append (...messages) {
if (this.extra === undefined) this.extra = []
messages.forEach((message) => {
if (typeof message === 'object' && !Array.isArray(message)) {
} else if (typeof message === 'string') {
this.extra.push(new ChatMessage(message))
* Returns a clone of the ChatMessage
* @return {ChatMessage}
clone () {
return new ChatMessage(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.json)))
* Returns the count of text extras and child ChatMessages
* Does not count recursively in to the children
* @return {Number}
length () {
let count = 0
if (this.text) count++
else if (this.with) count += this.with.length
if (this.extra) count += this.extra.length
return count
* Returns a text part from the message
* @param {Number} idx Index of the part
* @return {String}
getText (idx, lang = defaultLang) {
// If the index is not defined is is invalid, return toString
if (typeof idx !== 'number') return this.toString(lang)
// If we are not a translating message, return the text
if (this.text && idx === 0) return this.text.replace(/§[0-9a-flnmokr]/g, '')
// Else return the with child if it's in range
else if (this.with.length > idx) return this.with[idx].toString(lang)
// Else return the extra if it's in range
if (this.extra && this.extra.length + (this.text ? 1 : this.with.length) > idx) {
return this.extra[idx - (this.text ? 1 : this.with.length)].toString(lang)
// Not sure how you want to default this
// Undefined, an error ?
return ''
* Flattens the message in to plain-text
* @return {String}
toString (lang = defaultLang) {
let message = ''
if (typeof this.text === 'string' || typeof this.text === 'number') message += this.text
else if (this.translate !== undefined) {
const _with = this.with ?? []
const args = _with.map(entry => entry.toString(lang))
const format = getValueSafely(lang, this.translate, this.translate)
message += vsprintf(format, args)
if (this.extra) {
message += this.extra.map((entry) => entry.toString(lang)).join('')
return message.replace(/§[0-9a-flnmokr]/g, '')
valueOf () {
return this.toString()
toMotd (lang = defaultLang, parent = {}) {
const codes = {
color: {
black: '§0',
dark_blue: '§1',
dark_green: '§2',
dark_aqua: '§3',
dark_red: '§4',
dark_purple: '§5',
gold: '§6',
gray: '§7',
dark_gray: '§8',
blue: '§9',
green: '§a',
aqua: '§b',
red: '§c',
light_purple: '§d',
yellow: '§e',
white: '§f',
reset: '§r'
bold: '§l',
italic: '§o',
underlined: '§n',
strikethrough: '§m',
obfuscated: '§k'
let message = Object.keys(codes).map((code) => {
this[code] = this[code] || parent[code]
if (!this[code] || this[code] === 'false'/* || this.text === '' */) return null
if (code === 'color') {
// return hex codes in this format
if (this.color.startsWith('#')) return `§${this.color}`
return codes.color[this.color]
return codes[code]
if ((typeof this.text === 'string') || (typeof this.text === 'number')) message += this.text
else if (this.translate !== undefined) {
const _with = this.with ?? []
const args = _with.map(entry => {
const entryAsMotd = entry.toMotd(lang, this)
return entryAsMotd + (entryAsMotd.includes('§') ? '§r' + message : '')
const format = getValueSafely(lang, this.translate, this.translate)
message += vsprintf(format, args)
if (this.extra) {
message += this.extra.map(entry => entry.toMotd(lang, this)).join('')
return message
toAnsi (lang = defaultLang, codes = defaultAnsiCodes) {
let message = this.toMotd(lang)
for (const k in codes) {
message = message.replace(new RegExp(k, 'g'), codes[k])
const hexRegex = /§#?([a-fA-F\d]{2})([a-fA-F\d]{2})([a-fA-F\d]{2})/
while (message.search(hexRegex) !== -1) {
// Stolen from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5623838/rgb-to-hex-and-hex-to-rgb
const hexCodes = hexRegex.exec(message)
// Iterate over each hexColorCode match (§#69420, §#ABCDEF, §#A1B2C3)
const red = parseInt(hexCodes[1], 16)
const green = parseInt(hexCodes[2], 16)
const blue = parseInt(hexCodes[3], 16)
// ANSI from https://gist.github.com/fnky/458719343aabd01cfb17a3a4f7296797#rgb-colors
message = message.replace(hexRegex, `\u001b[38;2;${red};${green};${blue}m`)
return codes['§r'] + message + codes['§r']
// NOTE : Have to be be mindful here as bad HTML gen may lead to arbitrary code execution from server
toHTML (lang = registry.language, styles = cssDefaultStyles, allowedFormats = formatMembers) {
let str = ''
if (allowedFormats.some(member => this[member])) {
const cssProps = allowedFormats.reduce((acc, cur) => this[cur]
? acc.push(cur === 'color'
? (this.color.startsWith('#') ? escapeRGB(this.color.slice(1)) : styles[this.color])
: styles[cur]) &&
: acc, [])
str += `<span style="${cssProps.join(';')}">`
} else {
str += '<span>'
if (this.text) {
str += escapeHtml(this.text)
} else if (this.translate) {
const params = []
if (this.with) {
for (const param of this.with) {
params.push(param.toHTML(lang, styles, allowedFormats))
const format = getValueSafely(lang, this.translate, this.translate)
str += vsprintf(escapeHtml(format), params)
if (this.extra) {
str += this.extra.map(entry => entry.toHTML(lang, styles, allowedFormats)).join('')
str += '</span>'
return str
static fromNotch (msg) {
let toRet
try {
toRet = new ChatMessage(JSON.parse(msg))
} catch (e) {
toRet = new ChatMessage(msg)
return toRet
// 1.19 applies chat formatting on the client side. A format string is provided like in C printf
// syntax, including positional arguments which we poll from the supplied parameters map.
// For example,
// printf("<%s> %s" /* fmt string */, [sender], [content])
static fromNetwork (type, params) {
const format = getValueSafely(registry.chatFormattingById, type)
if (format == null) throw new Error('unknown chat format code: ' + type) // The server may be attempting to send a chat message before sending a login codec, which is not allowed
return new ChatMessage({ translate: format.formatString, with: format.parameters.map(p => getValueSafely(params, p, '')) })
ChatMessage.MessageBuilder = MessageBuilder
return ChatMessage
const escapeHtml = (unsafe) => unsafe.replaceAll('&', '&').replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>').replaceAll('"', '"').replaceAll("'", ''')
const escapeRGB = (unsafe) => `color:rgb(${unsafe.match(/.{2}/g).map(e => parseInt(e, 16)).join(',')})`