129 lines
6.3 KiB
129 lines
6.3 KiB
/* eslint-env mocha */
const expect = require('expect').default
const assert = require('assert')
describe('Parsing chat on 1.16', function () {
const ChatMessage = require('prismarine-chat')('1.16')
it('Parsing a chat message', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({ text: 'Example chat message' })
expect(msg.toString()).toBe('Example chat message')
it('Parsing message that uses language file & numbers', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({
italic: true,
color: 'gray',
translate: 'chat.type.admin',
with: [{
insertion: 'ripwhitescrolls',
clickEvent: {
action: 'suggest_command',
value: '/tell ripwhitescrolls '
hoverEvent: {
action: 'show_entity',
contents: {
type: 'minecraft:player',
id: '9d9e9257-b812-4332-8426-5e9a0d707392',
name: {
text: 'ripwhitescrolls'
text: 'ripwhitescrolls'
}, {
translate: 'commands.clear.success.multiple',
with: [256, 2]
// test as a string
expect(msg.toString()).toBe('[ripwhitescrolls: Removed 256 items from 2 players]')
// test as motd
expect(msg.toMotd()).toBe('§7§o[§7§oripwhitescrolls§r§7§o: §7§oRemoved §7§o256§r§7§o items from §7§o2§r§7§o players§r§7§o]')
// test as ansi
expect(msg.toAnsi()).toBe('\u001b[0m\u001b[37m\u001b[3m[\u001b[37m\u001b[3mripwhitescrolls\u001b[0m\u001b[37m\u001b[3m: \u001b[37m\u001b[3mRemoved \u001b[37m\u001b[3m256\u001b[0m\u001b[37m\u001b[3m items from \u001b[37m\u001b[3m2\u001b[0m\u001b[37m\u001b[3m players\u001b[0m\u001b[37m\u001b[3m]\u001b[0m')
// test clickEvent
expect(msg.with[0].clickEvent.value).toBe('/tell ripwhitescrolls ')
// test numbers
it('Parsing a chat message which is an array', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage([{ text: 'Example chat ' }, { text: 'message' }])
expect(msg.toString()).toBe('Example chat message')
it('Chat Message with a single hex color', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({ text: 'uwu', color: '#FF0000' })
it('Chat Message with multiple hex colors', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage(['', { text: 'uwu ', color: '#FF0000' }, { text: 'owo ', color: '#0000FF' }, { text: 'uwu', color: '#FF0000' }])
expect(msg.toMotd()).toBe('§#FF0000uwu §#0000FFowo §#FF0000uwu')
expect(msg.toAnsi()).toBe('\u001b[0m\u001b[38;2;255;0;0muwu \u001b[38;2;0;0;255mowo \u001b[38;2;255;0;0muwu\u001b[0m')
it('parse1', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({ translate: 'chat.type.text', with: [{ text: 'IM_U9G', color: 'aqua' }, { text: 'yo sup', color: 'green' }] })
expect(msg.toMotd()).toBe('<§bIM_U9G§r> §ayo sup§r')
expect(msg.toAnsi()).toBe('\u001b[0m<\u001b[96mIM_U9G\u001b[0m> \u001b[92myo sup\u001b[0m\u001b[0m')
it('parse2', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({ color: 'blue', translate: 'chat.type.text', with: [{ text: 'IM_U9G', color: 'aqua' }, { text: 'yo sup', color: 'green' }] })
expect(msg.toMotd()).toBe('§9<§bIM_U9G§r§9> §ayo sup§r§9')
expect(msg.toAnsi()).toBe('\u001b[0m\u001b[94m<\u001b[96mIM_U9G\u001b[0m\u001b[94m> \u001b[92myo sup\u001b[0m\u001b[94m\u001b[0m')
it('Parsing a message with a translation key that does not exist in the language', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({ translate: 'Hello, %s!', with: ['world'] })
expect(msg.toString()).toBe('Hello, world!')
it('Parsing a message with an invalid translation', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({ translate: 'translation.test.invalid', with: ['something'] })
expect(msg.toString()).toBe('hi %')
it('Parsing a translate message with missing elements in with', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({ translate: '%2$s %1$s', with: ['a'] })
expect(msg.toString()).toBe(' a')
it('Parsing a translate message without with', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({ translate: '%2$s %1$s' })
expect(msg.toString()).toBe(' ')
it('can format to HTML', () => {
const msg = new ChatMessage({ color: 'blue', translate: 'chat.type.text', with: [{ text: 'IM_U9G', color: 'aqua' }, { text: 'yo sup', color: 'green' }], extra: [{ text: 'test', color: '#ff0000', strikethrough: true }] })
assert.strictEqual(msg.toHTML(), '<span style="color:#5555FF"><<span style="color:#55FFFF">IM_U9G</span>> <span style="color:#55FF55">yo sup</span><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);text-decoration:line-through">test</span></span>')
assert.strictEqual(msg.toHTML(undefined, undefined, ['color']), '<span style="color:#5555FF"><<span style="color:#55FFFF">IM_U9G</span>> <span style="color:#55FF55">yo sup</span><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">test</span></span>')
describe('Client-side chat formatting', function () {
const sender = { insertion: 'Player', clickEvent: { action: 'suggest_command', value: '/tell Player ' }, hoverEvent: { action: 'show_entity', contents: { type: 'minecraft:player', id: '00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000', name: { text: 'Player' } } }, text: 'Player' }
it('loads on 1.19', function () {
const registry = require('prismarine-registry')('1.19')
const ChatMessage = require('prismarine-chat')(registry)
const msg = ChatMessage.fromNetwork(registry.chatFormattingByName['minecraft:emote_command'].id, {
content: { text: 'says hi' }
assert.strictEqual(msg.toString(), '* Player says hi')
it('loads exotic formatting', function () {
const registry = require('prismarine-registry')('1.19')
const ChatMessage = require('prismarine-chat')(registry)
registry.chatFormattingById = {
0: { formatString: '💬 [%s] %s » %s ⏎', parameters: ['rank', 'sender', 'content'] }
const msg = ChatMessage.fromNetwork(0, { sender, content: { text: 'hello world !' }, rank: 'Admin' })
assert.strictEqual(msg.toString(), '💬 [Admin] Player » hello world ! ⏎')