moved operations into their own class for org. might not keep this

Brett 2024-06-24 04:01:29 -04:00
parent 1dc90f9c13
commit cd930419ea
6 changed files with 151 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
project(blt-gp VERSION 0.0.27)
project(blt-gp VERSION 0.0.28)
option(ENABLE_ADDRSAN "Enable the address sanitizer" OFF)
option(ENABLE_UBSAN "Enable the ub sanitizer" OFF)

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
static constexpr long SEED = 41912;
blt::gp::type_system type_system;
std::random_device dev;
blt::gp::gp_program program(type_system, std::mt19937_64{SEED}); // NOLINT
blt::gp::operation_t add([](float a, float b) { return a + b; });
@ -37,11 +36,14 @@ int main()
program.add_operator(lit, true);
blt::gp::gp_operations silly{type_system};
silly.add_operator(lit, true);
return 0;

View File

@ -23,9 +23,66 @@
#include <blt/gp/typesystem.h>
#include <blt/gp/stack.h>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
namespace blt::gp
namespace detail
using callable_t = std::function<void(void*, stack_allocator&)>;
struct empty_t
template<typename Return, typename... Args>
struct call_with
template<blt::u64 index>
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr static blt::size_t getByteOffset()
blt::size_t offset = 0;
blt::size_t current_index = 0;
((offset += (current_index++ > index ? stack_allocator::aligned_size<Args>() : 0)), ...);
return offset;
template<typename Func, blt::u64... indices, typename... ExtraArgs>
inline static constexpr Return exec_sequence_to_indices(Func&& func, stack_allocator& allocator, std::integer_sequence<blt::u64, indices...>,
ExtraArgs&& ... args)
// expands Args and indices, providing each argument with its index calculating the current argument byte offset
return std::forward<Func>(func)(std::forward<ExtraArgs>(args)..., allocator.from<Args>(getByteOffset<indices>())...);
template<typename Func, typename... ExtraArgs>
Return operator()(Func&& func, stack_allocator& allocator, ExtraArgs&& ... args)
constexpr auto seq = std::make_integer_sequence<blt::u64, sizeof...(Args)>();
Return ret = exec_sequence_to_indices(std::forward<Func>(func), allocator, seq, std::forward<ExtraArgs>(args)...);
allocator.pop_bytes((stack_allocator::aligned_size<Args>() + ...));
return ret;
template<typename First, typename... Args>
struct first_arg
using type = First;
struct first_arg<void>
template<typename Return, typename, typename... Args>
struct call_without_first : public call_with<Return, Args...>
using call_with<Return, Args...>::call_with;
class operation_t;
@ -43,22 +100,6 @@ namespace blt::gp
constexpr explicit operation_t(const Functor& functor): func(functor)
template<blt::u64 index>
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr static blt::size_t getByteOffset()
blt::size_t offset = 0;
blt::size_t current_index = 0;
((offset += (current_index++ > index ? stack_allocator::aligned_size<Args>() : 0)), ...);
return offset;
template<blt::u64... indices>
inline constexpr Return exec_sequence_to_indices(stack_allocator& allocator, std::integer_sequence<blt::u64, indices...>) const
// expands Args and indices, providing each argument with its index calculating the current argument byte offset
return func(allocator.from<Args>(getByteOffset<indices>())...);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr inline Return operator()(stack_allocator& allocator) const
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 0)
@ -66,18 +107,47 @@ namespace blt::gp
return func();
} else
constexpr auto seq = std::make_integer_sequence<blt::u64, sizeof...(Args)>();
Return ret = exec_sequence_to_indices(allocator, seq);
allocator.pop_bytes((stack_allocator::aligned_size<Args>() + ...));
return ret;
return call_with<Return, Args...>()(func, allocator);
[[nodiscard]] std::function<void(stack_allocator&)> make_callable() const
[[nodiscard]] constexpr inline Return operator()(void* context, stack_allocator& allocator) const
return [this](stack_allocator& values) {
// should be an impossible state
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 0)
BLT_ABORT("Cannot pass context to function without arguments!");
auto& ctx_ref = *static_cast<typename first_arg<Args...>::type*>(context);
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 1)
return func(ctx_ref);
} else
return call_without_first<Return, Args...>()(func, allocator, ctx_ref);
template<typename Context>
[[nodiscard]] detail::callable_t make_callable() const
return [this](void* context, stack_allocator& values) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 0)
} else
// annoying hack.
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Context, typename first_arg<Args...>::type>)
// first arg is context
values.push(this->operator()(context, values));
} else
// first arg isn't context
@ -101,7 +171,7 @@ namespace blt::gp
operation_t(Lambda) -> operation_t<decltype(&Lambda::operator())>;
template<typename Return, typename... Args>
operation_t(Return (*)(Args...)) -> operation_t<Return(Args...)>;
operation_t(Return(*)(Args...)) -> operation_t<Return(Args...)>;
// templat\e<typename Return, typename Class, typename... Args>
// operation_t<Return(Args...)> make_operator(Return (Class::*)(Args...) const lambda)

View File

@ -46,6 +46,42 @@ namespace blt::gp
static constexpr blt::size_t STATIC_T = 0x1;
static constexpr blt::size_t TERMINAL_T = 0x2;
template<typename Context = detail::empty_t>
class gp_operations
friend class gp_program;
explicit gp_operations(type_system& system): system(system)
template<typename Return, typename... Args>
void add_operator(const operation_t<Return(Args...)>& op, bool is_static = false)
auto return_type_id = system.get_type<Return>().id();
auto operator_id = blt::gp::operator_id(operators.size());
auto& operator_list = op.get_argc() == 0 ? terminals : non_terminals;
(argument_types[operator_id].push_back(system.get_type<Args>()), ...);
operators.push_back(op.template make_callable<Context>());
if (is_static)
type_system& system;
// indexed from return TYPE ID, returns index of operator
blt::expanding_buffer<std::vector<operator_id>> terminals;
blt::expanding_buffer<std::vector<operator_id>> non_terminals;
// indexed from OPERATOR ID (operator number)
blt::expanding_buffer<std::vector<type>> argument_types;
blt::hashset_t<operator_id> static_types;
std::vector<detail::callable_t> operators;
class gp_program
@ -105,19 +141,14 @@ namespace blt::gp
return static_types.contains(static_cast<blt::size_t>(id));
template<typename Return, typename... Args>
void add_operator(const operation_t<Return(Args...)>& op, bool is_static = false)
template<typename Context>
inline void set_operations(gp_operations<Context>&& op)
auto return_type_id = system.get_type<Return>().id();
auto operator_id = blt::gp::operator_id(operators.size());
auto& operator_list = op.get_argc() == 0 ? terminals : non_terminals;
(argument_types[operator_id].push_back(system.get_type<Args>()), ...);
if (is_static)
terminals = std::move(op.terminals);
non_terminals = std::move(op.non_terminals);
argument_types = std::move(op.argument_types);
static_types = std::move(op.static_types);
operators = std::move(op.operators);
@ -131,7 +162,7 @@ namespace blt::gp
// indexed from OPERATOR ID (operator number)
blt::expanding_buffer<std::vector<type>> argument_types;
blt::hashset_t<operator_id> static_types;
std::vector<std::function<void(stack_allocator&)>> operators;
std::vector<detail::callable_t> operators;

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit cc788e98f4a739f450f487f6a7c758990128a698
Subproject commit ac163a34b9d70346df80fcac44054e8dffe9ad43

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@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ namespace blt::gp
base_type = system.select_type(program.get_random());
} while (program.get_type_non_terminals(;
tree_generator.emplace(program.select_non_terminal(, 0);
tree_generator.push(stack{program.select_non_terminal(, 0});
return tree_generator;
template<typename Func>
tree_t create_tree(Func func, gp_program& program, blt::size_t min_depth, blt::size_t max_depth)
tree_t create_tree(Func, gp_program& program, blt::size_t, blt::size_t)
std::stack<stack> tree_generator = get_base_generator(program);
tree_t tree;